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Linkage studies have identified many chromosomal regions containing obesity genes in mice. However, only a few of these quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been used to guide the production of congenic mouse strains that retain obesity phenotypes. We seek to identify chromosomal regions containing obesity genes in the BSB model of spontaneous obesity because the BSB model is a multigenic obesity model. Previous studies identified QTLs on Chromosomes (Chrs) 2, 6, 7,12, and 15. BSB mice are made by backcross of lean C57BL/6J × Mus spretus. F1s were backcrossed to C57BL/6J mice to produce BSB progeny. We have constructed a new BSB cross and produced congenic mice with obesity phenotypes by marker-directed selection called B6.S–D2Mit194D2Mit311. We found a highly significant QTL for percentage body lipid on Chr 2 just proximal to the Agouti locus. Chr 2 congenics were constructed to determine whether the main effects would be detectable. We observed highly significant linkage of the Chr 2 congenic containing Agouti and containing markers distal to D2Mit311 and proximal to D2Mit194. Thus, this congenic contains approximately 14.6 cM or 30 Mb (about 1.1% of the spretus mouse genome) and several hundred genes. The obesity phenotype of the QTL is retained in the congenic. The congenic can now be used to model the genetic and physiological basis for a relatively simple, perhaps monogenic, obesity.  相似文献   

Gastroschisis (abdominal wall defects) occurs with a high frequency in the mouse inbred strain HLG compared with C57BL/6J mice. The risk of gastroschisis increases significantly after exposure to irradiation with X-rays during preimplantation development and follows a recessive mode of inheritance for the HLG susceptibility alleles. We have used a backcross strategy and genome-wide microsatellite typing to chromosomally map this trait. A suggestive linkage for a locus responsible for radiation-induced gastroschisis (Rigs1) was found in a region of mouse Chromosome 7. Received: 13 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

Previously, we identified two significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) specifying the peak relative bone mass (bone mass corrected for bone size) on chromosomes (Chrs) 11 and 13 by interval mapping in two mouse strains, SAMP2 and SAMP6. The latter strain is an established murine model of senile osteoporosis and exhibits a significantly lower peak relative bone mass than SAMP2 mice. We recently designated the Chr 13 locus as Pbd2 (Peak bone density 2) and constructed a congenic strain, P6.P2-Pbd2(b), which carried a single genomic interval from the Chr 13 of SAMP2 on a SAMP6-derived osteoporotic background. In this study, we have constructed a congenic strain, P2.P6-Pbd2(a), carrying a SAMP6-derived susceptible interval on a SAMP2-derived resistance background. This congenic strain had a lower bone density than the background strain, SAMP2, based on three measurement methods, each utilizing a different principle for evaluating bone density: MD, DXA, and pQCT. Next, a candidate gene approach was used to find polymorphisms of Bmp6 (bone morphogenetic protein 6). The CAG trinucleotide repeat numbers in exon 1 of this gene differ among SAM strains. We found an association of CAG repeat length with relative peak bone mass in mice.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that there is a blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) on rat Chromosome (Chr) 7 seen when comparing Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rats and Dahl salt-resistant (R) rats. Evidence was also presented that this QTL was due to genetic variants in the adrenal steroidogenic enzyme 11beta-hydroxylase ( Cyp11b1). A series of congenic strains supported this contention. In the present work we have constructed a final congenic substrain that retains a blood pressure effect and that has an introgressed congenic segment which includes Cyp11b1 and is < 177 kb in size. None of the other genes in the congenic region (eight known genes) have known biological functions for influencing blood pressure. We believe that we have reached the limit of resolution for congenic analysis of a QTL in a rodent animal model, and we conclude that Cyp11b1 causes the observed QTL on rat Chr 7 in Dahl rats.  相似文献   

Previous quantitative trait locus mapping (QTL) identified multigenic obesity (MOB) loci on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 2 that influence the interrelated phenotypes of obesity, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. To better localize and characterize the MOB locus, three congenic mouse strains were created. Overlapping genomic intervals from the lean CAST/Ei (CAST) strain were introgressed onto an obesity-susceptible C57BL/6 (BL6) background to create proximal (15 Mb–73 Mb), middle (63 Mb–165 Mb), and distal (83 Mb–182 Mb) congenic strains. The congenic strains showed differences in obesity, insulin, and lipid traits consistent with the original QTL analysis for the locus. Importantly, characterization of the MOB congenics localized the effects of genes that underlie obesity-related traits to an introgressed interval (73–83 Mb) unique to the middle MOB congenic. Conversely, significant differences between the lipid and insulin profiles of the middle and distal MOB congenics implicated the presence of at least two genes that underlie these traits. When fed an atherogenic diet, several traits associated with metabolic syndrome were observed in the distal MOB congenic, while alterations in plasma lipoproteins were observed in the middle MOB congenic strain.  相似文献   

Our primary objective was to discover simplified mouse models corresponding to human obesity linkages. We used the B10.UW– H3b we Pax1un at/Sn (B10.UW) congenic strain, a subcongenic strain with a reduced UW strain donor region, and their C57BL/10SnJ background strain. The congenic and subcongenic UW strain donor regions are on mouse Chr 2. We measured body length [anal-nasal (AN) length], summed fat depot weights normalized for body weight (Adiposity Index, AI), and percentage of body weight that is lipid. The B10.UW congenic and subcongenic strains have significantly smaller AN lengths (p < 0.0001) and have a significantly lower AI and percentage of body weight as fat than the background strain (p < 0.0001). In an F2 intercross of the congenic and background strains, AN and AI were both linked to the distal half of the donor region with LOD scores greater than 19 and 5, respectively. F2 haplotypes identified a minimal region for AN linkage of 0.8 megabases (Mb) that is estimated to express four genes in the current Celera mouse genome assembly. We narrowed the most likely location of the obesity gene to 15 Mb whose homologous genes are all located on human Chr 20 in the region surrounding the centromere. Since a previous study identified human obesity linkage peaking near the centromere, then the B10.UW mice may exhibit obesity due to the homologous gene.  相似文献   

We have established a high-resolution genetic map of the region surrounding the Fused locus as a first step towards the molecular identification and analysis of this gene. The candidate region has been covered to a large extent by YAC and P1 contigs, and has been partly characterized by pulsed-field gel analysis.  相似文献   

11β-hydroxylase (Cyp11b1) mutations were previously linked to altered steroid biosynthesis and blood pressure in Dahl salt-resistant (R) and Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rats. In the present work, interval mapping identified a putative blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) near Cyp11b1 in an F1(S×R)×S population (LOD = 2.0). Congenic rats (designated S.R-Cyp11b) were constructed by introgressing the R-rat Cyp11b1 allele into the S strain. S.R-Cyp11b rats had significantly lower blood pressure and heart weight compared with S rats, proving the existence of a blood pressure QTL on Chromosome (Chr) 7 despite the fact that QTL linkage analysis of blood pressure never achieved stringent statistical criteria for significance. To test the effects of the introgressed region on blood pressure and survival, S.R.-Cyp11b and S rats were maintained on a 4% NaCl diet until they died or became moribund. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant strain differences in blood pressure and days survived (P < 0.0001 for both) as well as gender differences in days survived (P = 0.0003). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis also found significant strain (P < 0.0001) and gender (P = 0.007) differences in days survived. However, when the effects of blood pressure were removed, significant strain differences in survival essentially disappeared. This suggests that the increased survival of S.R-Cyp11b rats was largely due to their decreased blood pressure and thus strongly corroborates the existence of a blood pressure QTL on Chr 7 near or at Cyp11b1. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 August 1997  相似文献   

Host genetic variants are known to confer resistance to Plasmodium blood stage infection and to control malaria severity both in humans and mice. This work describes the genetic mapping of a locus for resistance to liver stage parasite in the mouse. First, we show that decreased susceptibility to the liver stage of Plasmodium berghei in the BALB/c mouse strain is attributable to intra-hepatic factors and impacts on the initial phase of blood stage infection. We used QTL mapping techniques to identify a locus controlling this susceptibility phenotype (LOD score 4.2) on mouse chromosome 17 (belr1 locus). Furthermore, analysis of congenic mouse strains delimited the belr1 locus boundaries distally to the H2 region. Quantification of parasites in the liver of infected congenic mice strongly suggested that the belr1 locus represents a genetic factor controlling the expansion of P. berghei in the hepatic tissue. The mapping of belr1 locus raises the hypothesis that host gene variation is able to control the progression of Plasmodium liver stage infection and opens the possibility that the human genomic region orthologue to belr1 may contain genes that confer resistance to the human malaria liver stage.  相似文献   

Myodystrophy (myd), an autosomal recessive mutation of the mouse characterized by progressive weakness and dystrophic muscle histology, maps to the central portion of Chromosome (Chr) 8 (Lane et al. J. Hered 67, 135, 1976). This portion of Chr 8 contains the genes for a mitochondrial uncoupling protein (Ucp) and kallikrein (Kal3), which map to distal 4q in the human, providing evidence for a segment of homology. Characteristics of the myd phenotype coupled with this homology suggest that myd may be a mouse homolog of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), which maps to human 4q35. We have confirmed and expanded the region of mouse 8-human 4 homology by generating a map of Chr 8 in an interspecific backcross of C57BL/6J and a partially inbred strain derived from M. spretus. The map is comprised of the genes for Ucp, coagulation factor XI (Cf11), and chloride channel 5 (Clc5), all of which have homologs on distal human 4q, 15 microsatellite loci, and the membrane cofactor protein pseudogene (Mcp-ps). To place myd in the genetic map, 75 affected progeny from an intersubspecific backcross of animals heterozygous for myd with Mus musculus castaneus were genotyped with Chr 8 microsatellite loci. The mutation maps between D8Mit30 and D8Mit75, an interval that is flanked by genes with human homologs at distal 4q. These results are consistent with the possibility that myd is the mouse homolog of FSHD.  相似文献   

A new method for typing the Mod-1 locus on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 9 was developed, based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) within a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified fragment. The new method led us to revise the strain distribution pattern (SDP) of Mod-1 in the BXD (C57BL/6JxDBA/2J) and AKXD (AKR/J x DBA/2J) recombinant inbred (RI) strains. The new SDP eliminates several previously reported examples of double recombination events between Mod-1 and the closest flanking loci in the BXD and AKXD strains. In the BXD strains, the revised SDP of Mod-1 was identical to that of the Mod-1-related D9Rtil locus. Thus, the identity of D9Rtil as a Mod-1-related locus rather than Mod-1 itself is in question. The method was also applied to an interspecific backcross panel between an inbred strain of Mus musculus molossinus (MSM/Ms) and C57BL/6J to map Mod-1 with respect to surrounding microsatellite loci, defining the proximal localization of Mod-1 with respect to D9Mit10 with a genetic distance of 0.6±0.6 cM.  相似文献   

Legare ME  Frankel WN 《Genomics》2000,70(1):62-65
The SWXL-4 recombinant inbred mouse strain is unusually sensitive to recurrent tonic-clonic seizures upon routine handling and to seizures induced by chemoconvulsants. In a conventional intercross with the ABP/Le strain, we previously mapped a SWXL-4-derived quantitative trait locus called Szf1 (seizure frequency 1) to Chromosome 7. In the present study, we confirm the existence of Szf1 in both an independent cross and a congenic strain. However, derivative congenic recombinant strains show that an interaction between at least two genes on Chromosome 7-each of which has a very small effect on its own-account for Szf1.  相似文献   

We previously reported a quantitative trait locus for body weight, non-insulin-dependent diabetes 5 (Nidd5), on Chromosome 2 in the TSOD (Tsumura, Suzuki, Obese Diabetes) mouse, a model of polygenic obese type 2 diabetes. To find the gene responsible for a specific component of the pathogenesis, we used a marker-assisted selection protocol to produce congenic strains. These mice are designed to carry a control BALB/cA-derived genomic interval and a TSOD background to look for loss of phenotype. One of the strains with the widest congenic interval, D2Mit297-D2Mit304, showed reductions in both body weight and adiposity compared with TSOD mice. The phenotypic analyses of other congenic strains further narrowed the locus in a 9.4-Mb interval between D2Mit433 and D2Mit91, around which numerous loci for body weight and adiposity have been mapped previously. Although the locus showed a relatively modest effect on body weight, it had a major influence on fat mass that explains approximately 60% of the difference in the adipose index between parental TSOD and BALB/cA mice. Furthermore, the congenic strain with a minimal BALB/cA-derived region showed significantly smaller cell sizes of white and brown adipocytes compared with the control littermates. However, the locus did not primarily affect food consumption, general activity, or rectal temperature after cold exposure, although there are clear differences in these traits between the parental strains. The present work physically delineates the major locus for adiposity in the TSOD mouse.  相似文献   

The locus Om (ovum mutant) identified in the mouse strain DDK affects the viability of (DDK |m~ non-DDK)F1 preimplantation embryos. We previously located this locus on Chromosome (Chr) 11 close to Scya2 (Baldacci et al. Mamm. Genome 2, 100–105, 1992). Here we report a high-resolution map of the region around Om based on a large number of backcross individuals. The same region has been analyzed on the EUCIB backcross, and the two maps have been compared. The results define the proximal and distal boundaries for the Om mutation as Scya2 and D11Mit36 respectively. The distance between these two markers is about 2 cM. These data should facilitate the positional cloning and molecular characterization of Om. Received: 10 July 1995 / Accepted: 11 September 1995  相似文献   

Mouse strain differences in susceptibility to audiogenic seizures (AGS) are due to allelic differences at multiple genetic loci. Three loci that influence susceptibility to AGS have been mapped on Chromosomes (Chr) 12, 4, and 7 (Asp-1, Asp-2, and Asp-3, respectively). Here we report evidence that confirms linkage of Asp-3 to c on Chr 7 and parental effects on AGS susceptibility, but not genomic imprinting of Asp-3.  相似文献   

Rat Chromosome 10 (RNO10) harbors Cia5, a non-MHC quantitative trait locus (QTL) that regulates the severity of type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in DAxF344 and DAxBN F2 rats. CIA is an animal model with many features that resemble rheumatoid arthritis. To facilitate analysis of Cia5 independently of the other CIA regulatory loci on other chromosomes, DA recombinant QTL speed congenic rats, DA.F344(Cia5), were generated. These QTL congenic rats have a large chromosomal segment containing Cia5 (interval size < or =80.1 cM) from CIA-resistant F344 rats introgressed into their genome. Phenotypic analyses of these rats for susceptibility and severity of CIA confirmed that Cia5 is an important disease-modifying locus. CIA severity was significantly lower in the Cia5 congenic rats than in DA controls. We also generated DA Cia5 speed sub-congenic rats, DA.F344(Cia5a), which had a smaller segment of the F344 genome, Cia5a, comprising only the distal q-telomeric end (interval size < or = 22.5 cM) of Cia5, introgressed into their genome. DA.F344(Cia5a) sub-congenic rats also exhibited reduced CIA disease severity compared with the parental DA rats. The regulatory effects in both congenic strains were sex influenced. The disease-ameliorating effect of the larger fragment, Cia5, was greater in males than in females, but the effect of the smaller fragment, Cia5a, was greater in females. We also present an improved genetic linkage map covering the Cia5/Cia5a region, which we have integrated with two rat radiation hybrid maps. Comparative homology analysis of this genomic region with mouse and human chromosomes was also undertaken. Regulatory loci for multiple autoimmune/inflammatory diseases in rats (RNO10), mice (MMU11), and humans (HSA17 and HSA5q23-q31) map to chromosomal segments homologous to Cia5 and Cia5a.  相似文献   

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