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The relationship between plants and the environment is a core area of research in ecology. Owing to differences in plant sensitivity to the environment at different life history stages, the adaptive strategies of plants are a cumulative result of both their life history and environment. Previous research on plant adaptation strategies has focused on adult plants, neglecting saplings or seedlings, which are more sensitive to the environment and largely affect the growth strategy of subsequent life stages. We compared leaf N and P stoichiometric traits of the seedlings, saplings, and adult trees of Acer mono Maxim and different altitudes and found significant linear trends for both life history stages and altitude. Leaf N and P content by unit mass were greatly affected by environmental change, and the leaf N and P content by unit area varied greatly by life history stage. Acer mono leaf N‐P utilization showed a significant allometric growth trend in all life history stages and at low altitudes. The adult stage had higher N‐use efficiency than the seedling stage and exhibited an isometric growth trend at high altitudes. The N‐P utilization strategies of A. mono leaves are affected by changing environmental conditions, but their response is further dependent upon the life history stage of the plant. Thus, this study provides novel insights into the nutrient use strategies of A. mono and how they respond to the environmental temperature, soil moisture content along altitude and how these changes differ among different life history stages, which further provide the scientific basis for the study of plant nutrient utilization strategy on regional scale.  相似文献   

Multi-infections may result in either competitive exclusion or coexistence on the same host of pathogen genotypes belonging to the same or different species. Epidemiological consequences of multiple infections, particularly how the development and transmission of a pathogen can be modified by the presence of another pathogen, are well documented. However, understanding how life history strategies of each pathogen modulate co-infection outcomes remains quite elusive. To analyze how co-infection drives changes in life history traits and affects co-existence in epidemic pathogens, we infected detached pea stipules with two fungal species, Peyronellaea pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella (considering two strains per species), part of the ascochyta blight complex but presenting different life history strategies. All pairwise combinations (including self-pairs) between two strains of each species were tested. Strains were inoculated simultaneously, but apart from one another on the stipule. For each strain, four life history traits were measured: incubation period, necrosis area six days after inoculation, latent period and offspring production. Results show that, in co-infection, when resources are highly allocated to lesion development, the time between inoculation and the appearance of reproduction structures (latent period) and offspring production decreased, and vice-versa relative to single infections. The direction and/or magnitude of these responses to co-infection depend on the co-infecting strains. Moreover, these changes were always higher in self-pairs than in mixed co-infections. These results suggest facilitation between co-infecting strains, resulting in the selection of an intermediate level of virulence (here measured as the lesion development) at the expense of pathogen offspring production. This strategy allows the development and reproduction of each co-infecting strain when sharing limited resources. However, the direction and strength of these life history traits variations in co-infection depend on the life history strategy of the co-infecting strains, with a clear difference between ‘opportunists', ‘scavengers' and ‘pioneer colonisers'.  相似文献   

According to regular reports, one of the most serious diseases of winter cereal and grass varieties in moderate and cold climatic areas is pink snow mould caused by Microdochium nivale. Currently, the resistance of the economically important cereal species as triticale is not satisfactory. Moreover, there is no efficient strategy of protection against this pathogen and the understanding of plant resistance mechanisms is rather poor. Presented paper for the first time shows the cytological analysis of M. nivale infection in model triticale varieties by the use of fluorescent and light microscopy in combination with fluorescent dyes and hydrogen peroxide staining. Both, the infection level and the dynamic of the process varied for tested genotypes confirming the field and laboratory data of their different resistance to this pathogen. Moreover, our analysis showed that in both cultivars cold-hardening of seedlings delayed the mycelium growth. In both cultivars, hyphal walls and fungal penetration sites were visualized in crowns, leaf sheaths and leaves of hardened and non-hardened inoculated seedlings. For the first time the presence of the haustoria produced by M. nivale was confirmed in those tissues. Single infection hyphae usually penetrated into the host tissues via stomatal apparatuses were accompanied by the efflux of hydrogen peroxide. The data show a great potential of fluorescence techniques in studying the host plant–pathogen interactions providing a better insight into plant defence reactions that may allow elaboration of the efficient breeding strategies aimed at increasing resistance to this pathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Parasites and pathogens can follow different patterns of infection depending on the host developmental stage or sex. In fact, immune function is energetically costly for hosts and trade‐offs exist between immune defenses and life history traits as growth, development and reproduction and organisms should thus optimize immune defense through their life cycle according to their developmental stage. Identifying the most susceptible target and the most virulent pathogen is particularly important in the case of insect pests, in order to develop effective control strategies targeting the most vulnerable individuals with the most effective control agent. Here, we carried out laboratory tests to identify the most susceptible target of infection by infecting different stages of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (larvae, pupae, male, and female adults) with both a generic pathogen, antibiotic‐resistant Gram‐negative bacteria Escherichia coli XL1‐Blue, and two specific strains of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), Steinernema carpocapsae ItS‐CAO1 and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora ItH‐LU1. By evaluating bacterial clearance, host mortality and parasite progeny release, we demonstrate that larvae are more resistant than adults to bacterial challenge and they release less EPNs progeny after infection despite a higher mortality compared to adults. Considering the two EPN strains, S. carpocapsae was more virulent than H. bacteriophora both in terms of host mortality and more abundant progeny released by hosts after death. The outcomes attained with unspecific and specific pathogens provide useful information for a more efficient and sustainable management of this invasive pest.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is the primary defence against the versatile pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus. How this organism is able to avoid immune killing and cause infections is poorly understood. Using an established larval zebrafish infection model, we have shown that overwhelming infection is due to subversion of phagocytes by staphylococci, allowing bacteria to evade killing and found foci of disease. Larval zebrafish coinfected with two S. aureus strains carrying different fluorescent reporter gene fusions (but otherwise isogenic) had bacterial lesions, at the time of host death, containing predominantly one strain. Quantitative data using two marked strains revealed that the strain ratios, during overwhelming infection, were often skewed towards the extremes, with one strain predominating. Infection with passaged bacterial clones revealed the phenomenon not to bedue to adventitious mutations acquired by the pathogen. After infection of the host, all bacteria are internalized by phagocytes and the skewing of population ratios is absolutely dependent on the presence of phagocytes. Mathematical modelling of pathogen population dynamics revealed the data patterns are consistent with the hypothesis that a small number of infected phagocytes serve as an intracellular reservoir for S. aureus, which upon release leads to disseminated infection. Strategies to specifically alter neutrophil/macrophage numbers were used to map the potential subpopulation of phagocytes acting as a pathogen reservoir, revealing neutrophils as the likely ‘niche’. Subsequently in a murine sepsis model, S. aureus abscesses in kidneys were also found to be predominantly clonal, therefore likely founded by an individual cell, suggesting a potential mechanism analogous to the zebrafish model with few protected niches. These findings add credence to the argument that S. aureus control regimes should recognize both the intracellular as well as extracellular facets of the S. aureus life cycle.  相似文献   

The amount of energy allocated to growth versus other functions is a fundamental feature of an organism's life history. Constraints on energy availability result in characteristic trade‐offs among life‐history traits and reflect strategies by which organisms adapt to their environments. Freshwater mussels are a diverse and imperiled component of aquatic ecosystems but little is known about their growth and longevity. Generalized depictions of freshwater mussels as ‘long‐lived and slow‐growing’ may give an unrealistically narrow view of life‐history diversity which is incongruent with the taxonomic diversity of the group and can result in development of inappropriate conservation strategies. We investigated relationships among growth, longevity, and size in 57 species and 146 populations of freshwater mussels using original data and literature sources. In contrast to generalized depictions, longevity spanned nearly two orders of magnitude, ranging from 4 to 190 years, and the von Bertalanffy growth constant, K, spanned a similar range (0.02–1.01). Median longevity and K differed among phylogenetic groups but groups overlapped widely in these traits. Longevity, K, and size also varied among populations; in some cases, longevity and K differed between populations by a factor of two or more. Growth differed between sexes in some species and males typically reached larger sizes than females. In addition, a population of Quadrula asperata exhibited two distinctly different growth trajectories. Most individuals in this population had a low‐to‐moderate value of K (0.15) and intermediate longevity (27 years) but other individuals showed extremely slow growth (K = 0.05) and reached advanced ages (72 years). Overall, longevity was related negatively to the growth rate, K, and K explained a high percentage of variation in longevity. By contrast, size and relative shell mass (g mm?1 shell length) explained little variation in longevity. These patterns remained when data were corrected for phylogenetic relationships among species. Path analysis supported the conclusion that K was the most important factor influencing longevity both directly and indirectly through its effect on shell mass. The great variability in age and growth among and within species shows that allocation to growth is highly plastic in freshwater mussels. The strong negative relationship between growth and longevity suggests this is an important trade‐off describing widely divergent life‐history strategies. Although life‐history strategies may be constrained somewhat by phylogeny, plasticity in growth among populations indicates that growth characteristics cannot be generalized within a species and management and conservation efforts should be based on data specific to a population of interest.  相似文献   

The Basidiomycete fungus Ustilago maydis is the common agent of corn smut and is capable of inducing gall growth on infected tissue of the C4 plant maize (Zea mays). While U. maydis is very well characterized on the genetic level, the physiological changes in the host plant in response to U. maydis infection have not been studied in detail, yet.Therefore, we examined the influence of U. maydis infection on photosynthetic performance and carbon metabolism in maize leaf galls.At all stages of development, U. maydis-induced leaf galls exhibited carbon dioxide response curves, CO2 compensation points and enzymatic activities that are characteristic of C3 photosynthesis, demonstrating that the establishment of C4 metabolism is prevented in infected tissue. Hexose contents and hexose/sucrose ratio of leaf galls remained high at 6 days post infection, while a shift in free sugar metabolism was observed in the uninfected controls at that time point. Concomitantly, transitory starch production and sucrose accumulation during the light period remained low in leaf galls. Given that U. maydis is infectious on young developing tissue, the observed changes in carbohydrate metabolism suggest that the pathogen manipulates the developing leaf tissue to arrest sink-to-source transition in favor of maintaining sink metabolism in the host cells.Furthermore, evidence is presented that carbohydrate supply during the biotrophic phase of the pathogen is assured by a fungal invertase.  相似文献   

Combined infection of cowpea seedlings (c. v. ‘California Blackeye”) by cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) and Fusarium oxysporum induced greater losses in leaf area, fresh and dry weights than infection by either pathogen alone. The growth of seedlings infected by F. oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum was less than that of comparable seedlings infected by F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. The virus infectivity of extracts of the trifoliate leaves of dual-infected plants was significantly higher than that of comparable extracts from the leaves of plants singly infected with CPMV. The nature of the effects of multiple infection in cowpea is discussed.  相似文献   

Goss's bacterial wilt and leaf blight of maize (Zea mays) caused by the gram-positive coryneform bacterium Clavibacter nebraskensis is an economically important disease in North America. C. nebraskensis is included within the high-risk list of quarantine pathogens by several plant protection organizations (EPPO code: CORBMI), hence it is under strict quarantine control around the world. The causal agent was reported for the first time on maize in Nebraska (USA) in 1969. After an outbreak during the 1970s, prevalence of the disease decreased in the 1980s to the early 2000s, before the disease resurged causing a serious threat to maize production in North America. The re-emergence of Goss's wilt in the corn belt of the United States led to several novel achievements in understanding the pathogen biology and disease control. In this review, we provide an updated overview of the pathogen taxonomy, biology, and epidemiology as well as management strategies of Goss's wilt disease. First, a taxonomic history of the pathogen is provided followed by symptomology and host range, genetic diversity, and pathogenicity mechanisms of the bacterium. Then, utility of high-throughput molecular approaches in the precise detection and identification of the pathogen and the management strategies of the disease are explained. Finally, we highlight the role of integrated pest management strategies to combat the risk of Goss's wilt in the 21st century maize industry.

Disease symptoms

Large (2–15 cm) tan to grey elongated oval lesions with wavy, irregular water-soaked margins on the leaves. The lesions often start at the leaf tip or are associated with wounding caused by hail or wind damage. Small (1 mm in diameter), dark, discontinuous water-soaked spots, known as “freckles”, can be observed in the periphery of lesions. When backlit, the freckles appear translucent. Early infection (prior to growth stage V6) may become systemic and cause seedlings to wilt, wither, and die. Coalescence of lesions results in leaf blighting.

Host range

Maize (Zea mays) is the only economic host of the pathogen. A number of Poaceae species are reported to act as secondary hosts for C. nebraskensis.

Taxonomic status of the pathogen

Class: Actinobacteria; Order: Micrococcales; Family: Microbacteriaceae; Genus: Clavibacter; Species: Clavibacter nebraskensis.


Corynebacterium nebraskense (Schuster, 1970) Vidaver & Mandel 1974; Corynebacterium michiganense pv. nebraskense (Vidaver & Mandel 1974) Dye & Kemp 1977; Corynebacterium michiganense subsp. nebraskense (Vidaver & Mandel 1974) Carlson & Vidaver 1982; Clavibacter michiganense subsp. nebraskense (Vidaver & Mandel 1974) Davis et al. 1984; Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis (Vidaver & Mandel 1974) Davis et al. 1984.

Type materials

ATCC 27794T; CFBP 2405T; ICMP 3298T; LMG 3700T; NCPPB 2581T.

Microbiological properties

Cells are gram-positive, orange-pigmented, pleomorphic club- or rod-shaped, nonspore-forming, nonmotile, and without flagella, approximately 0.5 × 1–2.0 μm.


The pathogen is restricted to Canada and the United States.

Phytosanitary categorization

EPPO code CORBNE.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in life‐history traits is a central tenet in evolutionary biology, yet their ubiquity and relevance to realized fitness in natural populations remains questioned. Trade‐offs in pathogens are of particular interest because they may constrain the evolution and epidemiology of diseases. Here, we studied life‐history traits determining transmission in the obligate fungal pathogen, Podosphaera plantaginis, infecting Plantago lanceolata. We find that although traits are positively associated on sympatric host genotypes, on allopatric host genotypes relationships between infectivity and subsequent transmission traits change shape, becoming even negative. The epidemiological prediction of this change in life‐history relationships in allopatry is lower disease prevalence in newly established pathogen populations. An analysis of the natural pathogen metapopulation confirms that disease prevalence is lower in newly established pathogen populations and they are more prone to go extinct during winter than older pathogen populations. Hence, life‐history trade‐offs mediated by pathogen local adaptation may influence epidemiological dynamics at both population and metapopulation levels.  相似文献   

The seasonal availability of food resources is an important factor shaping the life‐history strategies of organisms. During times of nutritional restriction, physiological trade‐offs can induce periods of immune suppression, thereby increasing susceptibility to infectious disease. Our goal was to provide a conceptual framework describing how the endemic level bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) may be maintained in Yellowstone bison based on the seasonality of food resources and the life‐history strategies of the host and pathogen. Our analysis was based on active B. abortus infection (measured via bacterial culture), nutritional indicators (measured as metabolites and hormones in plasma), and carcass measurements of 402 slaughtered bison. Data from Yellowstone bison were used to investigate (1) whether seasonal changes in diet quality affect nutritional condition and coincide with the reproductive needs of female bison; (2) whether active B. abortus infection and infection intensities vary with host nutrition and nutritional condition; and (3) the evidence for seasonal changes in immune responses, which may offer protection against B. abortus, in relation to nutritional condition. Female bison experienced a decline in nutritional condition during winter as reproductive demands of late gestation increased while forage quality and availability declined. Active B. abortus infection was negatively associated with bison age and nutritional condition, with the intensity of infection negatively associated with indicators of nutrition (e.g., dietary protein and energy) and body weight. Data suggest that protective cell‐mediated immune responses may be reduced during the B. abortus transmission period, which coincides with nutritional insufficiencies and elevated reproductive demands during spring. Our results illustrate how seasonal food restriction can drive physiological trade‐offs that suppress immune function and create infection and transmission opportunities for pathogens.  相似文献   

Despite its importance as a model organism very little is known about the interaction between Drosophila and its microsporidian pathogens. Here we report on the relative susceptibility of Drosophila melanogaster life history stages to infection by Tubulinosema kingi, and on patterns of pathogen proliferation. We find that only larvae can be infected, and that this susceptibility decreases with larval age. Following infection, the pathogen shows little subsequent proliferation in larvae, a limited amount in pupae while it replicates greatly in adults. We present evidence that the host launches a cellular immune response after infection with the pathogen, although its effectiveness remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Root colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhances plant resistance particularly against soil‐borne pathogenic fungi. In this study, mycorrhizal inoculation with Glomus mosseae (Gm) significantly alleviated tomato mould disease caused by the air‐borne fungal pathogen, Cladosporium fulvum (Cf). The disease index (DI) in local leaves (receiving pathogen inoculation) and systemic leaves (just above the local leaf without pathogen inoculation) was 36.4% and 11.7% in mycorrhizal plants, respectively, whereas DI was 59.6% and 36.4% in the corresponding leaves of AMF non‐inoculated plants, after 50 days of Gm inoculation, corresponding to 15 days after Cf inoculation by leaf infiltration. Foliar spray inoculation with Cf also revealed that AMF pre‐inoculated plants had a higher resistance against subsequent pathogen infection, where the DI was 41.3% in mycorrhizal plants vs. 64.4% in AMF non‐inoculated plants. AMF‐inoculated plants showed significantly higher fresh and dry weight than non‐inoculated plants under both control (without pathogen) and pathogen treatments. AMF‐inoculated plants exhibited significant increases in activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, along with decreases in levels of H2O2 and malondialdehyde, compared with non‐inoculated plants after pathogen inoculation. AMF inoculation led to increases in total chlorophyll contents and net photosynthesis rate as compared with non‐inoculated plants under control and pathogen infection. Pathogen infection on AMF non‐inoculated plants led to decreases in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. However, pathogen infection did not affect these parameters in mycorrhizal plants. Taken together, these results indicate that AMF colonization may play an important role in plant resistance against air‐borne pathogen infection by maintaining redox poise and photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Brown rust epidemics in sugarcane, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, vary in severity between seasons. To improve the understanding of disease epidemiology, the effects of leaf wetness, temperature and their interaction on infection of sugarcane by the pathogen were studied under controlled conditions. Disease severity was low at 15 and 31°C regardless of leaf wetness duration. No infection occurred with a 4‐h leaf wetness period. Increasing leaf wetness duration from 7 to 13 h lowered the temperature required for disease onset from 21 to 17°C. More infection occurred with 13 compared to 10 h of leaf wetness at 17°C, and severity decreased for all leaf wetness periods at 29 compared to 27°C. Postinfection suboptimal low and high temperatures increased the time required for lesion development and high temperatures decreased maximum disease severity. The observed effects of leaf wetness and temperature on infection by P. melanocephala could help explain the initiation, rate of increase and decline of brown rust epidemics in the field.  相似文献   



Evolution of parasite traits is inextricably linked to their hosts. For instance one common definition of parasite virulence is the reduction in host fitness due to infection. Thus, traits of infection must be viewed in both protagonists and may be under shared genetic and physiological control. We investigated these questions on the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsis (= parasitica), a natural pathogen of the Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Pathogen infection is typically costly to hosts, resulting in reduced fitness. However, pathogen exposure may also come at a cost even if the host does not become infected. These fitness reductions, referred to as “resistance costs”, are inducible physiological costs expressed as a result of a trade‐off between resistance to a pathogen and aspects of host fitness (e.g., reproduction). Here, we examine resistance and infection costs of a generalist fungal pathogen (Metschnikowia bicuspidata) capable of infecting a number of host species. Costs were quantified as reductions in host lifespan, total reproduction, and mean clutch size as a function of pathogen exposure (resistance cost) or infection (infection cost). We provide empirical support for infection costs and modest support for resistance costs for five Daphnia host species. Specifically, only one host species examined incurred a significant cost of resistance. This species was the least susceptible to infection, suggesting the possibility that host susceptibility to infection is associated with the detectability and size of resistance cost. Host age at the time of pathogen exposure did not influence the magnitude of resistance or infection cost. Lastly, resistant hosts had fitness values intermediate between unexposed control hosts and infected hosts. Although not statistically significant, this could suggest that pathogen exposure does come at some marginal cost. Taken together, our findings suggest that infection is costly, resistance costs may simply be difficult to detect, and the magnitude of resistance cost may vary among host species as a result of host life history or susceptibility.  相似文献   

Auto-infection (infection arising from inoculum produced on the same host unit) is common in polycyclic plant pathogens, but often neglected in experimental and theoretical studies, which focus instead on infection of new hosts (allo-infection). Here we test the hypothesis that high auto-infection, as observed for leaf infecting fungal pathogens, could select for short latent periods. An individual-based simulation model keeps track of lesions, resulting from the spread of spores, between and within individual leaves. Linked to a trade-off between latent period and spore production capacity, as observed for Puccinia triticina on wheat, the adaptation of the latent period is analysed for different levels of auto-infection using the methods of pairwise invasibility plots. Results suggest that increased auto-infection selects for reduced latent periods. A reduction in leaf longevity also selects for reduced latent periods, which is most obvious for a relatively low ratio of auto- to allo-infection. This study is the first to consider the effect of auto-infection on the evolution of pathogen life history traits. The fact that auto-infection could drastically reduce pathogen latent periods highlights the need for more research in this area.  相似文献   

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