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Methanobactin (mb) is a novel chromopeptide that appears to function as the extracellular component of a copper acquisition system in methanotrophic bacteria. To examine this potential physiological role, and to distinguish it from iron binding siderophores, the spectral (UV–visible absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, and X-ray photoelectron) and thermodynamic properties of metal binding by mb were examined. In the absence of Cu(II) or Cu(I), mb will bind Ag(I), Au(III), Co(II), Cd(II), Fe(III), Hg(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), U(VI), or Zn(II), but not Ba(II), Ca(II), La(II), Mg(II), and Sr(II). The results suggest metals such as Ag(I), Au(III), Hg(II), Pb(II) and possibly U(VI) are bound by a mechanism similar to Cu, whereas the coordination of Co(II), Cd(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) by mb differs from Cu(II). Consistent with its role as a copper-binding compound or chalkophore, the binding constants of all the metals examined were less than those observed with Cu(II) and copper displaced other metals except Ag(I) and Au(III) bound to mb. However, the binding of different metals by mb suggests that methanotrophic activity also may play a role in either the solubilization or immobilization of many metals in situ.  相似文献   

The particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b was partiallypurified and characterized by measuring the effects of reducing agents and additives, and the stability ofpMMO was studied. Duroquinol was a suitable reducing agent, and pMMO was stabilized by bovine serumalbumin (BSA). Among the additivies, the copper (II) ion stimulated pMMO at low concentration andinhibited at high concentration. The optimum conditions for pMMO activity were as follows: 45 ° C, pH 6.5and 55 mM 3-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid (MOPS) buffer, and the rate of propene epoxide formationwas 13.6 nmol min mg protein. ESR spectra indicate that the copper cluster in the membrane fraction isreduced by duroquinol and oxidized by dioxygen. The result suggests that the copper cluster is containedin the active site of pMMO.  相似文献   

The redox properties of the copper in particulate methane monooxygenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b were investigated. The ESR spectrum of the pMMO-containing membranes from M. trichosporium OB3b indicated a typical type II copper (II) signal (g = 2.24, A = 18.4 mT, g = 2.06, 2= 0.84). By anaerobic addition of excess amounts of duroquinol, an optimum reductant of pMMO, the ESR spectra indicated that the copper cluster in membranes was reduced and successively oxidized by dioxygen, a substrate of pMMO. The result suggests that the copper is the active site of pMMO or an electron carrier. During the titration, the intensity of the type II copper signal decreased with decreasing potential and the multiple hyperfine structure at g = 2.06 appeared clearly. Although the copper signal did not change by treatment of the EDTA-treated membranes with duroquinol and dioxygen, the copper signal intensity decreased with decreasing potential in the redox titration. These results suggest that some redox mediators play a role as an electron carrier between the active site and a reductant, and the presence of at least two types of copper sites in pMMO- containing membranes. On the basis of the ESR spectra of the EDTA-treated membranes and the as-isolated membranes, it is concluded that one type of the copper sites functions as the active site of pMMO (A-site), and the other type of copper sites plays a role as an electron carrier (E-site)  相似文献   

The effect of iron ions on particulate methane monooxygenase was studied by using the EDTA-treated membranes from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. When the membrane was treated with EDTA the activity remained 82% of the as-isolated membranes, and the activity of the EDTA-treated membranes was strongly influenced by the addition of metal ions. Among the metal ions, ferric, ferrous and cupric ions stimulated the activity, indicating those ions were needed for the activity. When propargylamine was added, pMMO activity decreased and also the iron ESR signal decreased. As the ESR signal involves the ferrous nitrosyl complex in EDTA-treated membranes, the active site of pMMO may contain a mononuclear non-heme iron.  相似文献   

Soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) expression and activity were monitored under conditions that either promoted or suppressed the expression of nitrogenase in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b wild-type (WT) and in its sMMO-constitutive mutant, PP319. Both WT and mutant cultures had reduced sMMO activity and protein levels under elevated O2 conditions (188 microM) compared with low O2 conditions (24 microM). Simultaneous N2 fixation also reduced sMMO activity in both cultures when O2 was low. However, when O2 levels were increased, nitrogenase expression ceased and sMMO activity was reduced by approximately 77% in the WT, whereas sMMO and nitrogenase expression and activity in PP319 were relatively unaffected by the higher O2 levels. Western immunoblot analysis showed that the nitrogenase Fe protein resolved as two components (apparent molecular mass of 30.5 and 32 kDa) in both the WT and PP319 when O2 levels were low. When O2 levels were high, only the 32-kDa form of the Fe protein was present in PP319, whereas neither form was detectable in the WT. Aerotolerant N2 fixation appears to be associated with the 32-kDa Fe protein in M. trichosporium OB3b.  相似文献   

The purification method of particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b was improved, and purified pMMO retained its activity with duroquinol as a reductant. n-Dodecyl-,d-maltoside was used for the solubilization of pMMO and Brij 58 was used for the purification for anion exchange chromatography. Compared to the original pMMO activity in the membrane fraction, 88% of the activity was now retained in the purified material. The purified pMMO monomer (94 kDa) contained only two copper atoms and did not contain iron. Both copper ions showed only a typical type II copper EPR signal with a superhyperfine structure at the g region, indicating that the type II copper ions play an important role as the active site of methane hydroxylation in pMMO.  相似文献   

Methanobactin (mb) is a copper-binding chromopeptide that appears to be involved in oxidation of methane by the membrane-associated or particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). To examine this potential physiological role, the redox and catalytic properties of mb from three different methanotrophs were examined in the absence and presence of O2. Metal free mb from the type II methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, but not from the type I methanotrophs Methylococcus capsulatus Bath or Methylomicrobium album BG8, were reduced by a variety of reductants, including NADH and duroquinol, and catalyzed the reduction of O2 to . Copper-containing mb (Cu-mb) from all three methanotrophs showed several interesting properties, including reductase dependent oxidase activity, dismutation of to H2O2, and the reductant dependent reduction of H2O2 to H2O. The superoxide dismutase-like and hydrogen peroxide reductase activities of Cu-mb were 4 and 1 order(s) of magnitude higher, respectively, than the observed oxidase activity. The results demonstrate that Cu-mb from all three methanotrophs are redox-active molecules and oxygen radical scavengers, with the capacity to detoxify both superoxide and hydrogen peroxide without the formation of the hydroxyl radicals associated with Fenton reactions. As previously observed with Cu-mb from Ms. trichosporium OB3b, Cu-mb from both type I methanotrophs stimulated pMMO activity. However, in contrast to previous studies using mb from Ms. trichosporium OB3b, pMMO activity was not inhibited by mb from the two type I methanotrophs at low copper to mb ratios.  相似文献   

To examine the potential role of methanobactin (mb) as the extracellular component of a copper acquisition system in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, the metal binding properties of mb were examined. Spectral (UV-visible, fluorescence, and circular dichroism), kinetic, and thermodynamic data suggested copper coordination changes at different Cu(II):mb ratios. Mb appeared to initially bind Cu(II) as a homodimer with a comparatively high copper affinity at Cu(II):mb ratios below 0.2, with a binding constant (K) greater than that of EDTA (log K = 18.8) and an approximate DeltaG degrees of -47 kcal/mol. At Cu(II):mb ratios between 0.2 and 0.45, the K dropped to (2.6 +/- 0.46) x 10(8) with a DeltaG degrees of -11.46 kcal/mol followed by another K of (1.40 +/- 0.21) x 10(6) and a DeltaG degrees of -8.38 kcal/mol at Cu(II):mb ratios of 0.45-0.85. The kinetic and spectral changes also suggested Cu(II) was initially coordinated to the 4-thiocarbonyl-5-hydroxy imidazolate (THI) and possibly Tyr, followed by reduction to Cu(I), and then coordination of Cu(I) to 4-hydroxy-5-thiocarbonyl imidazolate (HTI) resulting in the final coordination of Cu(I) by THI and HTI. The rate constant (k(obsI)) of binding of Cu(II) to THI exceeded that of the stopped flow apparatus that was used, i.e., >640 s(-)(1), whereas the coordination of copper to HTI showed a 6-8 ms lag time followed by a k(obsII) of 121 +/- 9 s(-)(1). Mb also solubilized and bound Cu(I) with a k(obsI) to THI of >640 s(-)(1), but with a slower rate constant to HTI (k(obsII) = 8.27 +/- 0.16 s(-)(1)), and appeared to initially bind Cu(I) as a monomer.  相似文献   

Methanobactin (mb) is a low molecular mass copper-binding molecule analogous to iron-binding siderophores. The molecule is produced by many methanotrophic or methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB), but has only been characterized to date in one MOB, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. To explore the potential molecular diversity in this novel class of metal binding compound, the spectral (UV-visible, fluorescent, and electron paramagnetic resonance) and thermodynamic properties of mb from two γ-proteobacterial MOB, Methylococcus capsulatus Bath and Methylomicrobium album BG8, were determined and compared to the mb from the α-proteobacterial MOB, M. trichosporium OB3b. The mb from both γ-proteobacterial MOB differed from the mb from M. trichosporium OB3b in molecular mass and spectral properties. Compared to mb from M. trichosporium OB3b, the extracellular concentrations were low, as were copper-binding constants of mb from both γ-proteobacterial MOB. In addition, the mb from M. trichosporium OB3b removed Cu(I) from the mb of both γ-proteobacterial MOB. Taken together the results suggest mb may be a factor in regulating methanotrophic community structure in copper-limited environments.  相似文献   

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