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The immunological relationship of the hydrogenase in Frankia KB5 to hydrogenases in other microorganisms was investigated using antisera raised against holo-[NiFe]-hydrogenases isolated from Alcaligenes latus, Azotobacter vinelandii, Ralstonia eutropha, and the small and large hydrogenase subunits from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The antisera raised against the A. latus, R. eutropha, and B. japonicum (large subunit) polypeptides were found to recognize two polypeptides, corresponding to the unprocessed and processed forms of the hydrogenase subunit in Frankia KB5. None of the antisera, including the antibodies produced against the small hydrogenase subunit isolated from B. japonicum, recognized any polypeptide related to the small hydrogenase subunit in Frankia KB5. An immunogold localization study of the intracellular distribution of hydrogenase in Frankia KB5, with the cryo-section technique, showed that labeling in the membrane of both hyphae and vesicles was positively correlated with hydrogenase activity. Received: 6 November 2000 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

Hydrogenase and nitrogenase in Azotobacter   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The kinetics of asymbiotic nitrogenase activity in three strains of the actinomycete Frankia were studied. Decay rates for enzyme activity were determined by adding chloramphenicol to active acetylene-reducing cells and measuring the time required for all activity to cease. Synthesis rates were measured by bubbling oxygen through actively-reducing cells (which totally destroyed all activity) and then measuring the time required for activity to return to normal. Decay rates (t 1/2) for these three strains were approximately 30 to 40 min. Synthesis rates were slower and initial nitrogenase activities were recorded about 110 min (DDB 011610) or 210 min (DDB 020210 and WgCc1.17) after return to air-equilibrated cultures. Frankia strain WgCc1.17 showed a greater sensitivity to oxygen and nitrogenase activity was totally lost when cells were bubbled only with atmospheric concentrations of oxygen. The results presented here indicate that nitrogenase activity turnover time is relatively rapid, on the order of minutes rather than hours or days. However, regulation of nitrogenase activity will differ from one strain to another and asmmbiotic characterization will be useful for understanding nitrogenase regulation in the bacterial-plant symbiosis.Contribution no. 879 from the Battelle-Kettering Laboratory  相似文献   

Hydrogenase activity was found in cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata strain B10 cultured under a variety of growth conditions either anaerobically in the light or aerobically in the dark. The highest activities were found routinely in cells grown in the presence of H2. The hydrogenase of R. capsulata was localized in the particulate fraction of the cells. High hydrogenase activities were usually observed in cells possessing an active nitrogenase. The hydrogen produced by the nitrogenase stimulated the activity of hydrogenase in growing cells. However, the synthesis of hydrogenase was not closely linked to the synthesis of nitrogenase. Hydrogenase was present in dark-grown cultures, whereas nitrogenase synthesis was not significant in the absence of light. Unlike nitrogenase, hydrogenase was present in cultures grown on NH4+. Conditions were established which allowed the synthesis of either nitrogenase or hydrogenase by resting cells. We concluded that hydrogenase can be synthesized independently of nitrogenase.  相似文献   

The NifH protein contains an iron-sulfur cluster performing different functions during nitrogen fixation. Frankia is an actinomycete, entering into symbiotic association with a number of dicotyledonous plants and fixing nitrogen. The structure of the Frankia NifH protein was determined using homology modelling technique. Metal binding sites and functionally important regions of the protein were analyzed. Thiol ligands and active sites help in protein functioning and conformations. Structurally important nests were recognized. Clefts and cavities contain biologically important residues. Site-directed mutagenesis results reveal that mutations in functional residues hamper nitrogen fixation. The structure is rigid with an accessible surface for solvents. The structure is reliable offering insights into the 3D structural framework as well as structure-function relation of NifH protein.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted on the effect of NH4Cl on growth, vesicle formation and formation of nitrogenase of Frankia strains Cc1.17 and Cp1.2, derived from root nodules of Colletia cruciata and Comptonia peregrina, respectively. On a medium without combined nitrogen (P-N), both strains formed spherical cells, called vesicles, like many other Frankia strains. Data are presented on the number of vesicles per mg protein, after cultivation in media with sodium propionate as C-source without combined nitrogen (P-N) or with 0.2 g NH4Cl/l (P+N). Strain Cp1.2 as may other Frankia strains, showed on P+N medium a very strong reduction of vesicle formation of 99% relative to the number of vesicles formed on P-N medium, after 11 days growth. However, in strain Cc11.17 this reduction was only 70%. The occurence of relatively large numbers of vesicles in P+N media has not yet been reported for other Frankia strains. No acetylene reduction activity was found in NH 4 + -grown cells. The regulation of induction of nitrogenase in Frankia by NH4Cl was tested by immuno-gelectrophoresis using antisera against nitrogenase of Rhizobium leguminosarum PRE. The component I of the enzyme showed crossreactivity while the component II had only a weak crossreaction. The experiments indicated that no nitrogenase was detectable in the NH 4 + -grown cells. For the localization of nitrogenase, relative amounts of the enzyme were compared in whole cells and vesicle-enriched fractions. Western blots showed a significant enrichment of nitrogenase in the vesicle fractions, which indicated that most of the nitrogenase was localized in the vesicle.  相似文献   

The actinorhizal bacterium Frankia expresses nitrogenase and can therefore convert molecular nitrogen into ammonia and the by-product hydrogen. However, nitrogenase is inhibited by oxygen. Consequently, Frankia and its actinorhizal hosts have developed various mechanisms for excluding oxygen from their nitrogen-containing compartments. These include the expression of oxygen-scavenging uptake hydrogenases, the formation of hopanoid-rich vesicles, enclosed by multi-layered hopanoid structures, the lignification of hyphal cell walls, and the production of haemoglobins in the symbiotic nodule. In this work, we analysed the expression and structure of the so-called uptake hydrogenase (Hup), which catalyses the in vivo dissociation of hydrogen to recycle the energy locked up in this ‘waste’ product. Two uptake hydrogenase syntons have been identified in Frankia: synton 1 is expressed under free-living conditions while synton 2 is expressed during symbiosis. We used qPCR to determine synton 1 hup gene expression in two Frankia strains under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We also predicted the 3D structures of the Hup protein subunits based on multiple sequence alignments and remote homology modelling. Finally, we performed BLAST searches of genome and protein databases to identify genes that may contribute to the protection of nitrogenase against oxygen in the two Frankia strains. Our results show that in Frankia strain ACN14a, the expression patterns of the large (HupL1) and small (HupS1) uptake hydrogenase subunits depend on the abundance of oxygen in the external environment. Structural models of the membrane-bound hydrogenase subunits of ACN14a showed that both subunits resemble the structures of known [NiFe] hydrogenases (Volbeda et al. 1995), but contain fewer cysteine residues than the uptake hydrogenase of the Frankia DC12 and Eu1c strains. Moreover, we show that all of the investigated Frankia strains have two squalene hopane cyclase genes (shc1 and shc2). The only exceptions were CcI3 and the symbiont of Datisca glomerata, which possess shc1 but not shc2. Four truncated haemoglobin genes were identified in Frankia ACN14a and Eu1f, three in CcI3, two in EANpec1 and one in the Datisca glomerata symbiont (Dg).  相似文献   

Oxygen protection of nitrogenase in Frankia sp. HFPArI3   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
O2 protection of nitrogenase in a cultured Frankia isolate from Alnus rubra (HFPArI3) was studied in vivo. Evidence for a passive gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles was obtained by kinetic analysis of in vivo O2 uptake and acetylene reduction rates in response to substrate concentration. O2 of NH 4 + -grown cells showed an apparent K m O2 of approximately 1M O2. In N2-fixing cultures a second K m O2 of about 215 M O2 was observed. Thus, respiration remained unsaturated by O2 at air-saturation levels. In vivo, the apparent K m for acetylene was more than 10-fold greater than reported in vitro values. These data were inter oreted as evidence for a gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles but not vegetative filaments of Frankia sp. HFPArI3.  相似文献   

When Frankia HFPCcI3 was grown in culture at oxygen O2 levels ranging from 2 to 70 kilopascals O2, under nitrogen fixing conditions, nitrogenase activity adapted to ambient pO2 and showed a marked optimum close to growth pO2. Vesicles were thin walled at low pO2 and very thick walled at high pO2. Freeze fracture transmission electron microscopy confirmed that Frankia produces vesicles with outer walls thickened by multiple lipid-like monolayers, in proportion to ambient pO2.  相似文献   

Some strains of rhizobia possess a hydrogenase system which catalyzes the oxidation of the H2 that is evolved from nitrogenase during N2 fixation. Oxidation of H2 by a hydrogen uptake positive strain of Rhizobium japonicum provides energy for support of the N2 fixation reactions and protects nitrogenase from O2 damage  相似文献   

Vesicles, specialized cell structures thought to be the site of nitrogen fixation in the actinorhizal bacteria, were isolated from Frankia sp. strain EAN1pec by using French pressure disruption of mycelia followed by differential and isopycnic gradient centrifugation. The isolated vesicles reduced acetylene when incubated anaerobically with Mg2+ ions, ATP, and dithionite. No nitrogenase activity was detected in the disrupted mycelial fractions. Vesicles permeabilized by freeze-thaw or detergents showed increased rates of acetylene reduction due to increased permeability of dithionite. The effect on nitrogenase activity of different ATP concentrations was the same in normal and permeabilized vesicles. The endogenous respiratory rate of vesicles was significantly lower than that of mycelia, and the respiration rate of vesicles did not increase following the addition of succinate. The low respiratory activity of vesicles and their apparent dependence on externally supplied ATP for acetylene reduction suggest that the energy and reducing power for nitrogen fixation may be supplied from the mycelia to which they are attached.  相似文献   

Presence and activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase were studied in Frankia in symbiosis with Alnus incana (L.) Moench. Analysis on native PAGE gels indicated that symbiotic Frankia contained an FeSOD and catalase. The activity of the enzymes was in the same range as reported for cultured Frankia . Attempts to characterize SOD by western blots with antisera from Escherichia coli and Azotobacter vinelandii did not give clear-cut results with the antibodies used. Alnus incana plants were grown with the root system in 5, 10, 21 or 40% O2 for up to 6 days. Nitrogenase activity, measured as ARA (acetylene reducing activity) dropped within 3 h when roots were exposed to low or high oxygen. At 40% O2 ARA was almost completely lost while at 5 and 10% O2 ARA decreased to 69 and 74% of the inital value, respectively, Nitrogenase activity recovered at ail oxygen tensions. Recovery rates resembled the continuous increase in ARA in plants continuosly kept at 21% O2, and suggests that new vesicles with envelopes of appropriate thickness were formed. The ARA measurements confirm results from an earlier study where nitrogenase activity was measured as H2 evolution. There was a tendency for increased SOD and catalase activities in Frankia from root systems exposed to 40% O2 for 24 h but not earlier or later than this. When data from all experimental times were pooled. SOD activity increased significantly with increased oxygen tension whereas catalase activity decreased. Although ARA per plant varied with oxygen tension, there was no statistically significant correlation between ARA and SOD or between ARA and catalase. It seems that being linked to nitrogenase activity is only one role of SOD and catalase in this symbiotic Frankia .  相似文献   

H2 uptake and H2-supported O2 uptake were measured in N2-fixing cultures of Frankia strain ArI3 isolated from root nodules of Alnus rubra. H2 uptake by intact cells was O2 dependent and maximum rates were observed at ambient O2 concentrations. No hydrogenase activity could be detected in NH4+-grown, undifferentiated filaments cultured aerobically indicating that uptake hydrogenase activity was associated with the vesicles, the cellular site of nitrogen fixation in Frankia. Hydrogenase activity was inhibited by acetylene but inhibition could be alleviated by pretreatment with H2. H2 stimulated acetylene reduction at supraoptimal but not suboptimal O2 concentrations. These results suggest that uptake hydrogenase activity in ArI3 may play a role in O2 protection of nitrogenase, especially under conditions of carbon limitation.  相似文献   

An insertion sequence unique to Frankia strain ArI5   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
John  Theodore R.  Wiggington  James  Bock  Joyce V.  Klemt  Ryan  Johnson  Jerry D. 《Plant and Soil》2003,254(1):107-113
At the genetic level, understanding of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Frankia is limited to nif functions that are highly conserved among all organisms. The genetics and biochemistry of nodulation are largely unexplored because of a complete lack of genetic tools. In other bacteria, mobile genetic elements such as insertion sequences (IS) and transposons are commonly used to create mutations and insert new genetic material. We have characterized a 4 kbp segment of DNA from Frankia strain ArI5 that has the hallmarks of a mobile genetic element, inverted repeats flanking a gene encoding a transposase. There are at least six copies of this element in strain ArI5 but none in either strain CcI3 or CpI1. The inverted repeats are 17 nt long and separated by 2156 bp. Within that region are two, overlapping ORFs that each encode a transposase. RT-PCR analysis of RNA from Frankia ArI5 cells conclusively demonstrates the expression of one transposase gene and suggests that both may be transcribed. Numerous attempts to clone the intact IS in E. coli were unsuccessful suggesting that the element may be unstable in this context. A clone containing the complete IS was constructed in E. coli then modified by insertion of the kanamycin (KAN) resistance gene from Tn5. A fragment of DNA including the inverted repeats, transposase genes and KAN gene, was transferred to the suicide vector pJBSD1. The construct, pFRISK, was transformed into E. coli to search for transposition events.  相似文献   

Immunogoldlabelling on ultrathin cryosections of Frankia sp. Cc1.17 showed specific labelling of nitrogenase in the spherical cells called vesicles. No label was found in the hyphae in any cells grown on a medium with combined nitrogen, nor in those to which no specific antiserum was added. Similar results were obtained with cultures grown under high (20%) and low (2%) oxygen tension in the gas phase.Abbreviations BSA Bovine serum albumin fraction V (Sigma) - PBS phosphate buffered saline. Phosphate buffer 0.1 M, 8 g NaCl/1, 0.2 g KCl/1 - PIPES Piperazine-1,4-bis(ethane sulphonic acid)  相似文献   

Vesicle formation and acetylene reduction (nitrogenase activity) were observed when washed hyphae from cultures of Frankia sp. CpI1 were transferred to a nitrogen-free medium containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and succinate. Succinate could be replaced by malate or fumarate, but not other carbon sources. Maximum acetylene reduction and vesicle numbers were observed at a pH of 6.0-6.5, at 25-30 degrees Centigrade, and at atmos pheric Po2 or somewhat less (5-20 kPa). Addition of 1 mM NH4Cl almost completely inhibited vesicle formation and acetylene-reducing activity, but did not immediately inhibit such reducing activity by cultures with preexisting vesicles. Acetylene-reducing activity was never observed in the absence of vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Regeneration in urodele amphibians such as the newt reflects the local plasticity of differentiated cells. Newt myotubes and myofibres undergo S phase re-entry and cellularisation in the limb blastema, and we have analysed the regulation of Myf5 in relation to these events. Surprisingly, Myf5 was expressed after fusion in cultured newt myotubes and in myofibers of the adult limb, in contrast to its familiar expression in myoblasts in other vertebrates. Its expression was markedly down regulated in cultured newt myotubes after S phase re-entry induced by serum stimulation, as well as by exposure to the trisubstituted purine called myoseverin which induces cellularisation. We have attempted to relate this striking difference from other vertebrates to the requirement for multinucleate urodele muscle cells to contribute to the regeneration blastema.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative distribution of Frankia strains infective on Elaeagnus angustifolia L. from different depths in the same soil (10–20 cm; 30–40 cm; 50–60 cm) were compared. The soil samples collected from a natural stand devoid of Elaeagnaceae were planted with Elaeagnus angustifolia L. seedlings. All plants became nodulated, demonstrating that Frankia strains were present at least down to 60 cm in the soil. The decreased density of Frankia strains was correlated to the decline of soil organic matter content with soil depth. DNA extracted from nodules produced on Elaeagnus angustifolia L. seedlings were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) characterized by amplifying the nif D-K intergenic spacer (IGS), using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. This showed the presence of seven nif-Hae III profiles within this Frankia community. Diversity of Frankia strains was maintained throughout the soil column, but the relative distribution of strains varied. Some nif-Hae III profiles were only found in the deeper soil, suggesting different selective advantages to withstand the constraints of soil depth. 15N2 experiments indicated that all the strains tested had N2-fixing activity. However, efficiency was not significantly different among nodules of different nif-Hae III profiles. Therefore, N2-fixing activity does not seem to be the main factor responsible for the different distribution of Frankia strains at different soil depths.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase is an enzyme which reversibly activates molecular hydrogen and has potential applications in the production of hydrogen by solar energy. This review describes methods employed for assay of the enzyme, the biological role of hydrogenase in normal cellular metabolism and growth, and the properties of the enzyme. Although hydrogenases isolated from different organisms differ in molecular weight, subunit composition, iron and sulphur content, thermal and oxygen stability, they are all iron-sulphur proteins which cleave hydrogen heterolytically to form a hydride and a proton. The review also describes various systems being developed for the biophotolysis of water to produce hydrogen, and the role of hydrogenase in these systems.  相似文献   

The effect of different carbon sources on the growth of Frankia isolates for Casuarina sp. was studied. In addition, regulation of nitrogenase and uptake hydrogenase activity by carbon sources was investigated. For each of the three isolates, JCT287, KB5 and HFPCcI3, growth was greatest on the carbon sources pyruvate and propionate. In general the carbon sources which gave the greatest growth gave the highest levels of nitrogenase activity, but repressed the activity of uptake hydrogenase. The regulation of growth, uptake hydrogenase activity and nitrogenase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

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