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农田节肢动物多样性具有病虫害控制、传粉等价值, 选择一种或多种适宜、准确且高效的取样方法和指示类群来衡量农田节肢动物多样性是一项基础性工作。本文通过地表陷阱法、挂盆陷阱法、扫网法、目测计数法和吸虫器法在有机管理和常规管理农田区的不同农业生境类型中取样, 比较不同方法对不同生物类群的捕获效率、经济成本、响应敏感性等。研究发现在捕获效率方面, 地陷法和挂盆法最高, 其次是扫网法, 而吸虫器法和目测计数法较差。挂盆法对步甲、蜘蛛、蜂类和瓢虫类群的捕获效率较佳。陷阱法主要适用于蜘蛛和步甲的取样, 扫网法也可用于蜘蛛和瓢虫的取样。在经济成本方面, 地陷法的成本最低, 扫网法的总成本最高。每种取样方法下仅有个别类群个体数量具有较好的响应敏感性, 如地陷法的蜘蛛目个体数和步甲科个体数、挂盆法的总个体数、蜂类个体数和瓢虫科个体数、扫网法的直翅目个体数和半翅目个体数等。在此基础上, 综合类群经济价值, 操作难易, 类群鉴定难度, 被动取样程度, 是否受取样人影响等比较发现: 地陷法对步甲和蜘蛛的取样的综合效果最佳, 而不同取样方法下多种类群的组合能更好地监测和评价农田节肢动物多样性的整体情况。地陷法捕获步甲或/和蜘蛛以及挂盆法调查蜂类的组合是基于本研究得出的调查农田节肢动物多样性的最佳组合。 相似文献
格局和过程一直是生态学的核心问题,该文应用“非布朗运动随机分形”模型,在北京东灵山远离人为干扰地区的阴坡设置了两条宽2 m的样带,描述和比较了暖温带落叶阔叶林区乔木、灌木、草本以及总的植物物种丰富度在不同尺度上沿海拔梯度变异特征,以及相关的生态过程。研究结果表明:1)直接梯度法刻画了植物物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的总体变化趋势,并不能从中获得更多的信息。“非布朗运动随机分形”模型揭示了不同尺度上物种丰富度的空间变化并能和生态过程相联系,研究表明该模型适合对乔木、灌木和草本植物物种丰富度的垂直梯度格局特征进行描述,但对总的植物物种丰富度有一定的局限性。2)乔木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受两种生态过程的控制,小尺度上分形维数接近于2,主要受独立的不具有长程相关的生态过程控制,呈近随机分布;大尺度上分形维数接近于1,主要受自相关范围大、具有长程关联特性的生态过程控制,随海拔上升呈近似单调下降的趋势。灌木和草本物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受3种生态过程的控制,小尺度和大尺度上的特征与乔木相似;但在中等尺度上,分形维数接近于1.5,它们以近似布朗运动的形式变化。虽然乔木和灌木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上变化的尺度范围相似,但决定它们的主要生态过程完全不同,或相同的生态过程以截然不同的方式作用于两种不同的植物类群。总的植物物种丰富度在整个尺度范围内呈现标度不变性,这可能是由于决定其变化的生态过程作用尺度紧密相关,也可能因为该文研究范围的局限性。 相似文献
生物多样性是连接景观异质性与生态系统服务的桥梁。在区域尺度上,以指示类群代替地表节肢动物类群,可以有效的开展生物多样性的保护工作。但是,在黄河下游农业景观中,关于地表节肢动物指示类群的研究报道较少。以黄河下游农业景观中4种生境类型(农田、林地、树篱和沟渠)为研究样地,且在农田生境中划分不同尺度(尺度1,3.6 hm2、尺度2,14 hm2和尺度3,28 hm2),通过调查不同生境中地表节肢动物分布及其多样性,结合地表节肢动物优势类群的辨识,分析了优势类群和地表节肢动物多样性的相关性,确定了研究区内地表节肢动物多样性的指示类群。结果发现:研究区内地表节肢动物优势类群为膜翅目、鞘翅目和蜘蛛目。树篱和林地生境的地表节肢动物多样性指示类群是膜翅目,农田生境中地表节肢动物多样性指示类群是鞘翅目,沟渠生境中地表节肢动物多样性指示类群是蜘蛛目。农田生境中优势类群间无相关性(P0.05);林地、沟渠和树篱生境中鞘翅目与蜘蛛目之间存在显著正相关(P0.01);林地和沟渠生境中,鞘翅目与膜翅目之间存在正相关(P0.05)。在农田生境中优势类群之间的相关性存在尺度依赖性,随着空间尺度的增大,相关性有一定的增强。在尺度2和尺度3上膜翅目和鞘翅目均存在正相关(P0.05),并且随着尺度增加而呈上升趋势。研究表明,黄河下游农业景观中不同生境类型地表节肢动物多样性的指示类群差别较大,其中树篱和林地生境具有较高的相似性,而农田生境地表节肢动物优势类群相关性存在尺度依赖性。在黄河下游农业景观中,以优势类群多样性代替地表节肢动物类群的多样性,可以在条件不足、时间紧迫的情况下更加有效的开展生物多样性的保护工作。 相似文献
次生林不同类型森林边缘的鸟类物种丰富度及个体多度比较 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
边缘效应对动物的分布及行为会产生一定的影响,在鸟类生态学研究中已证实某些鸟类在森林内部和森林边缘区域存在着物种丰富度和个体多度的差异。于1999至2001年的春夏季,在吉林省左家自然保护区对阔叶林/农田边缘、阔叶林/灌丛边缘及阔叶林/针叶林边缘3种不同类型边缘地带的鸟类物种丰富度及个体多度进行了比较研究。结果表明,不同年间鸟类物种丰富度无显著变化,但个体多度存在着一定的波动。不同类型森林边缘的鸟类物种丰富度存在着一定的差异,阔叶林/灌丛边缘的鸟类物种丰富度最高,而阔叶林/针叶林边缘的鸟类物种丰富度最低。鸟类个体多度的总体趋势在3种不同类型的边缘差异不显著,但存在种间差异,灰椋鸟、灰头啄木鸟和喜鹊在阔叶林/农田边缘的个体多度最高,斑啄木鸟、黄胸、三道眉草和日本树莺在阔叶林/灌丛边缘的个体多度最高,而沼泽山雀、冕柳莺和山在阔叶林/针叶林边缘的个体多度最高。 相似文献
地面节肢动物营养类群对土地覆被变化和管理扰动的响应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
近几十年来,黑河中游荒漠绿洲过渡带大面积天然沙质草地被转变为农田和防风固沙人工林,然而目前尚缺乏土地利用/覆被变化和管理措施对地面节肢动物多样性形成和维持影响的系统研究。以天然沙质草地转变为的人工梭梭灌木林、人工杨树林、人工樟子松林和农田为研究对象,以天然草地为对照,通过对5种样地地面节肢动物群落的调查及非生物环境因子的测定,采用典范对应分析(CCA)等方法,系统探讨了土地覆被和管理强度(天然草地和人工梭梭林实施零管理、杨树和樟子松人工林实施灌溉管理、农田实施灌溉和施肥管理)变化对地面节肢动物营养类群组成、数量和物种丰富度的影响。主要结果是:(1) 在干旱环境下,单纯改变土地覆被并不会导致土壤环境的显著变化,而高强度的管理扰动加速了土壤环境的演变过程。(2)不同土地覆被和管理措施对营养类群组成及其数量和丰富度的调控作用不同,将天然草地转变为杨树和樟子松人工林和农田后,显著提高了捕食性和植食性类群的比例,降低了'腐食性+杂食性’类群的比例;转变为人工梭梭林后显著降低了3种营养类群的数量;转变为人工杨树林后显著降低了'腐食性+杂食性’类群数量;转变为人工樟子松林后显著增加了植食性类群数量而降低了其它类群的数量;转变为农田后显著增加了植食性类群数量而降低了'腐食性+杂食性’类群数量。(3)影响捕食性动物分布的关键环境因子是地面温度、土壤硝态氮和田间持水量,影响植食性动物分布的关键因子是土壤粘粉粒、土壤硝态氮、土壤容重和pH值,影响'腐食性+杂食性’动物分布的关键因子是地面温度和田间持水量。主要结论是:土地覆被变化与管理措施相互作用对地面节肢动物群落组装过程及其多样性形成具有重要调控作用,尽管其相对重要性不同。 相似文献
荒漠草原区柠条林平茬和牧草补播对地面节肢动物群落的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以荒漠草原区25年龄柠条林为研究对象,通过调查未平茬未补播、补播、平茬和既平茬又补播牧草的柠条林地中地面节肢动物群落特征,分析了补播和平茬及其交互作用对柠条林间和林下地面节肢动物个体数和类群数分布的影响.结果表明:在未平茬未补播牧草的林地中,林间地面节肢动物个体数和类群数均显著低于林下.与未平茬未补播牧草林地相比,补播、平茬和既平茬又补播牧草均显著增加柠条林间地面节肢动物个体数和类群数,而对柠条林下地面节肢动物个体数和类群数分布无显著影响,经过不同管理措施处理后,柠条林下与林间的地面节肢动物分布无显著差异.平茬和补播对柠条灌丛内外地面节肢动物分布影响具有类同效应,而且相互之间存在缓冲作用,补播与平茬处理、平茬与既平茬又补播处理、补播与既平茬又补播处理之间,林间和林下地面节肢动物的分布均无显著差异.在荒漠草原区柠条人工林中,平茬、补播和既平茬又补播牧草均可以显著提高柠条林地特别是林间地面节肢动物多样性,有利于退化草地生物多样性保护、生态系统恢复和柠条人工林的有效管理. 相似文献
为了评估新型转基因棉花的育种价值, 评价其对棉田生态环境安全性的影响, 2012-2013年连续2年以新型转RRM2基因棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)为材料, 以其亲本‘中棉所12’为对照, 系统研究了棉田节肢动物群落的结构与组成、群落特征参数及其季节性动态变化, 同时结合气候条件分析比较了转基因棉花和非转基因棉花的生长势和产量构成因素。结果表明: 相同年份新型转RRM2基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的结构与组成、多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势集中性指数及棉花生长期相对丰度动态变化均与对照无显著差异; 与2012年相比, 2013年转基因棉田和非转基因棉田节肢动物群落、棉花生长及产量构成因素的各项指标总体上呈下降趋势; 转基因棉田和非转基因棉田优势天敌功能团动态均滞后于优势害虫功能团, 因此棉花生长前期应适时防治棉花害虫。 相似文献
中国种子植物特有属的生物多样性和特征 总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50
生物多样性是当今世界生物环境研究中的重要课题,植物区系研究可为之做出贡献。本文根据文献和调查资料,运用统计和比较分析法,以属的丰富度和相似性系数为指标,研究全国及各省区中国种子植物特有属的多样性,得出6点结论,找到8个分布多度中心。中国种子植物特有属计有269属,含551种60变种,占全国同类属数8.9%。归78科,以热带科居多,中国特有8科。云南省的丰富度最大,有130属190多种,朝各方向递减,至秦岭─江下游以北显著降低。陕-甘和浙-赣的相似性系数最高,达80%─90%,南方各省间一般较高至极高(30%-80%),北方各省间一般较低至很低(30%─1%),新疆、海南等与若干省无联系。还说明它们的区系特征及多样性变化的地理原因。为进一步研究中国植物区系和保护物种资源提供了依据。 相似文献
Depin Li Myung‐Bok Lee Wen Xiao Jia Tang Zhengwang Zhang 《Ecology and evolution》2020,10(12):5815-5828
Farmland birds are of conservation concerns around the world. In China, conservation management has focused primarily on natural habitats, whereas little attention has been given to agricultural landscapes. Although agricultural land use is intensive in China, environmental heterogeneity can be highly variable in some regions due to variations in crop and noncrop elements within a landscape. We examined how noncrop heterogeneity, crop heterogeneity, and noncrop features (noncrop vegetation and water body such as open water) influenced species richness and abundance of all birds as well as three functional groups (woodland species, agricultural land species, and agricultural wetland species) in the paddy‐dominated landscapes of Erhai water basin situated in northwest Yunnan, China. Birds, crop, and noncrop vegetation surveys in twenty 1 km × 1 km landscape plots were conducted during the winter season (from 2014 to 2015). The results revealed that bird community compositions were best explained by amounts of noncrop vegetation and compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat (Shannon–Wiener index). Both variables also had a positive effect on richness and abundance of woodland species. Richness of agricultural wetland species increased with increasing areas of water bodies within the landscape plot. Richness of total species was also greater in the landscapes characterized by larger areas of water bodies, high proportion of noncrop vegetation, high compositional heterogeneity of noncrop habitat, or small field patches (high crop configurational heterogeneity). Crop compositional heterogeneity did not show significant effects neither on the whole community (all birds) nor on any of the three functional groups considered. These findings suggest that total bird diversity and some functional groups, especially woodland species, would benefit from increases in the proportion of noncrop features such as woody vegetation and water bodies as well as compositional heterogeneity of noncrop features within landscape. 相似文献
节肢动物是湿地生物多样性的重要组分,在维持湿地生态功能,指示湿地环境变化中发挥重要作用。在2020年7月对黑龙江三江国家级自然保护区沼泽湿地的23个采样点进行节肢动物样品采集,运用统计方法分析人类活动干扰对湿地节肢动物数量、群落组成、多样性的影响以及节肢动物对人类活动干扰的指示作用。共采集到节肢动物10目47科1825只,主要以双翅目和半翅目昆虫为主。自然湿地节肢动物的多度是干扰湿地的4.27倍;生物多样性指数在不同湿地类型之间存在一定差异,节肢动物的物种丰富度在自然湿地显著高于干扰湿地(P<0.05),而Pielou均匀度指数在干扰湿地显著高于自然湿地(P<0.05)。人类活动干扰对湿地节肢动物群落组成影响显著,聚类和非度量多纬尺度排序(NMDS)显示,两种湿地类型节肢动物群落结构相似性较低。指示值法分析显示,自然湿地的指示类群为叶甲科、蚁形甲科、叶蝉科、蚜科、盲蝽科、摇蚊科以及姬蜂总科,干扰湿地未发现指示类群。综上所述,湿地节肢动物对人类活动干扰响应十分敏感,可以作为指示湿地健康状况的关键生物类群。 相似文献
Anete P. Lourenço Ana Paula M. Santos Hélio H. Checon Mayra R. Costa Sebastião L. Assis Júnior 《Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment》2020,55(2):116-128
ABSTRACT The reasons for the decline of bee diversity and abundance include the destruction and loss of natural habitats. Protected areas are created for biodiversity conservation, but these areas vary strongly in their level of vegetation disturbance. Using trap-nests, we assessed changes in solitary bee abundance, richness, and composition in areas ranging from naturally conserved to degraded. Solitary bees were sampled during an 18-month period in three areas of southeastern Brazil: a preserved area in Rio Preto State Park – PERP; a restored/altered area with exotic plants at the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys – JK Campus; and a degraded area in Biribiri State Park – PEBi. A total of seven species of bees built 115 nests. In the degraded area, only two nests were built. Abundance of built nests was higher in the preserved area (PERP), but diversity was higher in the restored area (JK Campus). Our results show that the solitary bee population responds positively to habitat complexity (local scale). The presence of a diverse solitary bee fauna in the restored area indicates that altered areas should also be protected as suitable areas for re-colonization of cavity-nesting bees. 相似文献
《African Journal of Aquatic Science》2013,38(3):289-297
The effect of variations in the density of a submerged macrophyte, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius, on epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure in the shallow waters of a sheltered bay of Lake Kariba were investigated. The body size class distributions of a mayfly, Cloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), and the damselfly family, Coenagrionidae, were also assessed with respect to variation in vegetation density. Macroinvertebrates were sampled from low-, moderate- and high-density beds of L. ilicifolius. There were no significant differences in individual taxon and total macroinvertebrate abundances, macroinvertebrate richness and diversity with respect to vegetation density. In all three density categories the functional feeding group (FFG) composition was dominated by collector-gatherers and collector-filterers. The abundance of the two FFGs did not change significantly within each, as well as among, the three vegetation-density categories (ANOVA, p > 0.05). The largest size class of Cloeon occurred only in high-density beds, whereas the largest coenagrionid individuals were obtained from low- and moderate-density beds and were absent from high-density beds. The results suggest that variation in the density of Lagarosiphon does not affect epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure, but does affect body-size distributions of macroinvertebrate taxa, probably by affecting predator-prey interactions. 相似文献
Shan Huang Patrick R. Stephens John L. Gittleman 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2012,279(1749):4997-5003
Measures of biodiversity encompass variation along several dimensions such as species richness (SR), phylogenetic diversity (PD) and functional/trait diversity (TD). At the global scale, it is widely recognized that SR and PD are strongly correlated, but the extent to which either tends to capture variation in TD is unclear. Here, we assess relationships among PD, SR and TD for a number of traits both across clades and regional assemblages of mammals. We also contrast results using two different measures of TD, trait variance and a new measure we refer to as trait bin filling (the number of orders of magnitude of variation that contain at least one species). When TD is defined as trait variance, PD is a much stronger correlate of TD than SR across clades, consistent with hypotheses about the conservation value of PD. However, when TD is defined as bin filling, PD and SR show similar correlations with TD across clades and space. We also investigate potential losses of SR, PD and TD if species that are currently threatened were to go extinct, and find that threatened PD is often a similar predictor of threatened TD as SR. 相似文献
农田土壤线虫多样性研究现状及展望 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
目前土壤生物多样性已成为土壤生态学研究的热点问题之一。土壤生物以不同的方式改变着土壤的物理、化学和生物学特性。在农田生态系统中, 土壤动物是分解作用和养分矿化作用等生态过程的主要调节者。线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物, 其生活史和取食类型多样, 在生态系统中发挥着重要作用。本文介绍了农田生态系统中影响线虫多样性的主要因素; 回顾了土壤线虫的物种多样性、营养类群多样性、生活史多样性和功能多样性的研究现状; 并提出了今后农田生态系统线虫多样性研究的重点。建议通过综合土壤线虫的生活史策略和营养类群等信息, 深入了解其生物多样性和土壤生态系统功能, 从而更好地发挥土壤线虫对农田生态系统变化的生物指示作用。 相似文献
Body size is correlated with many species traits such as morphology, physiology, life history and abundance as well; it is one of the most discussed topics in macroecological studies. The aim of this paper was to analyze the body size distribution of Chrysomelidae, caught with Malaise traps during two years in four areas with different levels of conservation in the Araucaria Forest, Paraná, Brazil, determining if body size is a good predictor of abundance, and if body size could be used to indicate environmental quality. Body size was considered the total length of the specimen from the anterior region of head to the apex of abdomen/elytron. Measurements were taken for up to ten specimens of each species for each area and for all specimens of those species represented by fewer than ten individuals. The highest abundance and richness of Chrysomelidae were obtained in the lowest body size classes. This herbivorous group showed a trend toward a decrease in body size with increasing abundance, but body size was not a good predictor of its abundance. There was a trend toward a decrease in body size from the less to the most conserved areas; however, the definition of a pattern in successional areas not seems to be entirely clear. 相似文献
Emma S. Gaudreault Ilona Naujokaititis-Lewis David R. Lapen Risa D. Sargent 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》2023,25(1):53-65
- Neonicotinoid-coated corn and soybean seeds are a common crop in Canada and the US. A growing body of research is demonstrating that, through various exposure routes, neonicotinoids can impact a suite of nontarget organisms including beneficial insects such as bees. However, to date, only a few studies have examined the effects of neonicotinoids in field settings.
- We assessed the relationship between agricultural crop soil neonicotinoid levels and wild bee abundance and diversity at 16 agricultural sites representing different soil neonicotinoid levels. We detected clothianidin at 11 sites, thiamethoxam at three sites; imidacloprid was not detected.
- Hedgerow and crop soils were consistent in terms of where clothianidin was detected; thiamethoxan was not detected in hedgerow soils. Based on model outcomes, fields with higher levels of soil neonicotinoids exhibited significantly lower wild bee abundance and diversity than those with low or no neonicotinoids detected.
- Crop soil neonicotinoid level, hedgerow floral resource abundance and crop type were consistent predictors of bee abundance across models; only neonicotinoid level and crop type were significant predictors of diversity.
- Our results are consistent with recent findings in the midwestern US, and underscore the potential risk of soil neonicotinoids to wild bee populations across regions and crop systems.