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Phenotypic and functional characterization of human T cell clones   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The capacity of human peripheral blood-derived T cell clones to carry out a variety of functions was examined. T cell clones were generated by stimulating individual peripheral blood T cells with PHA by a procedure that yielded a growing clone from a mean of greater than 92% of the cultured cells. A total of 65 T cell clones (44 CD4+ and 21 CD8+) generated from two individual donors were examined for their functional capabilities. All T cell clones examined secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/tumor necrosis factor like activity when stimulated with immobilized mAb to the CD3 complex (64.1). When 54 additional T cell clones from a third donor were analyzed, all were found to produce IL-2. Upon activation with immobilized 64.1, all CD4+ clones and 91% of the CD8+ clones induced the generation of Ig-secreting cells from purified B cells. The CD8+ clones that did not serve as Th cells alone were able to augment the capacity of fresh CD4+ cells to generate Ig-secreting cells. Each of these clones was also found to effect MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity upon activation with immobilized 64.1. The CD8+ clones were somewhat more effective killers than CD4+ clones, although there was considerable overlap. A total of 18 clones was analyzed for TCR beta-chain gene rearrangement. Of the clones exhibiting rearrangements of the beta-chain gene, 94% were found to have a single rearrangement pattern. Finally, the detailed phenotype of 15 (11 CD4+ and 4 CD8+) of these clones was examined. Variable numbers of cells of each of the clones expressed Ag identified by mAb 4B4 (CD29), Leu 8, Leu 15 (CD11b), and NKH1. Moreover, cells of 6 of 11 CD4+ clones and 4 of 4 CD8+ clones also expressed CD45R in addition to CD29; expression of CD45R and CD29 varied with the activation status of the clone. The current data demonstrate that nearly all of the T cell clones were able to accomplish each of the functions examined regardless of the surface phenotype. Inasmuch as the clones were generated using a technique that expanded more than 92% of the circulating T cells, the data imply that the progeny of the vast majority of T cells may have the inherent capacity to exert a wide array of functional activities.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) is known to trigger suicidal death of nucleated cells (apoptosis) and enucleated erythrocytes (eryptosis). In erythrocytes PGE2 induced suicidal cell death involves activation of nonselective cation channels leading to Ca2+ entry followed by cell shrinkage and triggering of Ca2+ sensitive cell membrane scrambling with phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure at the cell surface. The present study was performed to explore whether PGE2 induces apoptosis of nucleated cells similarly through cation channel activation and to possibly disclose the molecular identity of the cation channels involved. To this end, Ca2+ activity was estimated from Fluo3 fluorescence, mitochondrial potential from DePsipher fluorescence, phosphatidylserine exposure from annexin binding, caspase activation from caspAce fluorescence, cell volume from FACS forward scatter, and DNA fragmentation utilizing a photometric enzyme immunoassay. Stimulation of K562 human leukaemia cells with PGE2 (50 microM) increased cytosolic Ca2+ activity, decreased forward scatter, depolarized the mitochondrial potential, increased annexin binding, led to caspase activation and resulted in DNA fragmentation. Gene silencing of the Ca2+-permeable transient receptor potential cation channel TRPC7 significantly blunted PGE2-induced triggering of PS exposure and DNA fragmentation. In conclusion, K562 cells express Ca2+-permeable TRPC7 channels, which are activated by PGE2 and participate in the triggering of apoptosis.  相似文献   

An alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase (ST8), the enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of polysialic acid chains, has been purified and partly characterized from undifferentiated human erythroleukemia K562 cells. Purification, based on a key step of affinity chromatography utilizing immobilized colominic acid, was greater than 1000-fold. The enzyme molecular weight determined by SDS-PAGE was estimated to be about 40 kDa, in good agreement with literature data. For the determination of the main kinetic parameters (Vmax and K(M)), fetuin turned out to be the unique substrate acceptor. In fact, other compounds such as asialofetuin, transferrin, alpha1-acid glycoprotein, and G(M3), routinely used to explore the different ST8 isoforms' activities, did not serve as substrate acceptors. In all cases, contrary to the routinely adopted protocol where a radioactive substrate donor is employed, for our purpose a non-radioactive, fluorescent substrate donor such as cytidine-5'-monophospho-9-(3-fluoresceinylthioureido)-9-deoxy-N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (CMP-9-fluoresceinyl-NeuAc) was used. Thus, under our experimental conditions, by using fetuin, data reported in a typical Lineweaver-Burk plot gave a Vmax value of about 4 nkatal/mg of protein and a K(M) value around 0.61 mM. Just as with the estimated molecular weight, these kinetic data were also in good agreement with those already reported for the ST8 purified from human neuroblastoma CHP-134 cells. In particular, in both cases, Vmax values were almost similar (4 nkatal/mg of protein for our ST8 purified from K562 cells and 4.35 nkatal/mg of protein for ST8 purified from CHP-134 cells); conversely, the K(M) value we found was about 3.25-fold lower than that found by Stoykova and Glick (0.61 mM vs. 2 mM). Then, although our purification was lower than that obtained by Stoykova and Glick (1080-fold vs. 2910-fold), the enzyme we purified showed a greater apparent affinity.  相似文献   

The major ribonuclease H from K562 human erythroleukemia cells has been purified more than 4,000-fold. This RNase H, now termed RNase H1, is an endoribonuclease whose products contain 5'-phosphoryl and 3'-hydroxyl termini. The enzyme has a native molecular weight of 89,000 based on its sedimentation and diffusion coefficients. Human RNase H1 has an absolute requirement for a divalent cation. Maximal activity is obtained with either 10 mM Mg2+, 5 mM Co2+, or 0.5 mM Mn2+. The pH optimum is between 8.0 and 8.5 in the presence of 10 mM Mg2+. The isoelectric point is 6.4. RNase H1 lacks double-stranded and single-stranded RNase and DNase activities, and it will not hydrolyze the DNA moiety of an RNA.DNA heteroduplex. Unlike the Escherichia coli enzyme, which requires a heteroduplex that contains at least four consecutive ribonucleotides for activity, human RNase H1 can hydrolyze a DNA.RNA.DNA/DNA heteroduplex that contains a single ribonucleotide. Cleavage occurs at the 5' phosphodiester of this residue. This substrate specificity suggests that human RNase H1 could play a role in ribonucleotide excision from genomic DNA during replication.  相似文献   

We have developed a single cell-cloning technique to isolate pure cell populations from human adult skeletal muscle. The procedure is based on plating single cells derived from dissociated muscle biopsies on glass shards. With this technique we have prepared four cell clones derived from the same biopsy which each yielded between 106 and 2 × 107 cells. Two of these clones proved to be myogenic and two nonmyogenic, by using morphological and biochemical criteria. These clones maintained their phenotype for up to 50 days in culture even after freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

Membrane expression of Fc receptors (FcR) was studied in clones of human K562 cells during short- and long-term culture. Using a manual cloning method, well-defined clones were generated either from FcR-positive or FcR-negative cells. The fourth day after cloning, the majority of cloned cells manifested shifts in FcR expression without evidence of an orderly pattern. After long-term culture (about 34 passages), most clones expressed FcR values close to those found in the cell line. In addition, the selection of six clones expressing a stable FcR phenotype suggested that the presence of FcR is correlated to a low hemoglobinization of the multipotential K562 cells.  相似文献   

Cepharanthine (CEP) is a known membrane stabilizer that has been widely used in Japan for the treatment of several disorders such as anticancer therapy-provoked leukopenia. We here report that apoptosis was induced by low concentrations (1-5 microM) of CEP in a human leukemia T cell line, Jurkat, and by slightly higher concentrations (5-10 microM) in a human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell line K562, which expresses a p210 antiapoptotic Bcr-Abl fusion protein. Induction of apoptosis was confirmed in both Jurkat and K562 cells by DNA fragmentation and typical apoptotic nuclear change, which were preceded by disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and were induced through a Fas-independent pathway. CEP treatment induced activation of caspase-9 and -3 accompanied by cleavage of PARP, Bid, lamin B1, and DFF45/ICAD in both Jurkat and K562 cells, whereas caspase-8 activation and Akt cleavage were observed only in Jurkat cells. The CEP-induced apoptosis was completely blocked by zVAD-fmk, a broad caspase inhibitor. Interestingly, CEP treatment induced remarkable degradation of the Bcr-Abl protein in K562 cells, and this degradation was prevented partially by zVAD-fmk. When used in combination with a nontoxic concentration of herbimycin A, lower concentrations (2-5 microM) of CEP induced obvious apoptosis in K562 cells with rapid degradation or decrease in the amount of Bcr-Abl and Akt proteins. Our results suggest that CEP, which does not have bone marrow toxicity, may possess therapeutic potential against human leukemias, including CML, which is resistant to anticancer drugs and radiotherapy.  相似文献   

To analyze the relationship between differentiation and DNA replication, the effect of aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor for DNA polymerase alpha, was measured with respect to erythroid differentiation and activities of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and gamma. Five micromolar aphidicolin completely blocked the growth of K562 cells and caused 80% of cells to become hemoglobin positive after 5 days exposure. The cessation of K562 cell growth induced by aphidicolin was irreversible, whereas the inhibition of HeLa cell growth was completely reversible. The enzyme activity of DNA polymerase alpha of K562 cells showed a 50-110% increase with aphidicolin treatment as compared to control K562 cells; activities of DNA polymerases beta and gamma were not affected. These features sharply contrasted with the erythroid induction of the same cells by hemin, where cell growth was not suppressed and DNA polymerase alpha was not increased but rather decreased. The enzyme activity of DNA polymerase alpha remained high even after removal of aphidicolin from the culture medium. These results suggest that treatment with aphidicolin might induce an accumulation of protein factors for replication and/or differentiation, causing rapid cell differentiation of cells without cell division.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequences for tissue transglutaminases from human endothelial cells and mouse macrophages have been derived from cloned cDNAs. Northern blot analysis of both tissue transglutaminases shows a message size of approximately 3.6-3.7 kilobases. The molecular weights calculated from the deduced amino acid sequences were 77,253 for human endothelial tissue transglutaminase and 76,699 for mouse macrophage tissue transglutaminase. The deduced amino acid sequence for the human endothelial transglutaminase was confirmed by comparison with the amino acid sequence obtained by cyanogen bromide digestion of the human erythrocyte transglutaminase. The amino acid sequences of both human endothelial and mouse macrophage tissue transglutaminases were compared to other transglutaminases. A very high degree of homology was found between human endothelial, mouse macrophage, and guinea pig liver tissue transglutaminase (greater than 80%). Moreover, human endothelial tissue transglutaminase was compared with human Factor XIIIa and a very high degree of homology (75% identity) was found in the active site region.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can self-renew indefinitely and differentiate into all cell types in the human body. Therefore, they are valuable in regenerative medicine, human developmental biology and drug discovery. A number of hESC lines have been derived from the Chinese population,but limited of them are available for research purposes. Here we report the derivation and characterization of two hESC lines derived from human blastocysts of Chinese origin. These hESCs express alkaline phosphatase and hESC-specific markers, including Oct4, Nanog, SSEA-3, SSEA-4,TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81. They also have high levels of telomerase activity and normal karyotypes. These cells can form embryoid body in vitro and can be differentiated into all three germ layers in vivo by teratoma formation. The newly established hESCs will be distributed for research purposes.The availability of hESC lines from the Chinese population will facilitate studies on the differences in hESCs from different ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines can be established from the preimplantation embryos. Due to their ability to differentiate into all three embryonic layers, hESC are of significant interest as a renewable source of cell material for different applications, especially for cell replacement therapy. Since the establishment of the first hESC lines in 1998, several studies have described the derivation and culture of new hESC lines using various derivation methods and culture conditions. Our group has currently established eight new hESC lines of which three of the latest ones are described in a more detailed way in this report. The described lines have been established using mechanical derivation methods for surplus bad quality embryos and culture conditions containing human foreskin fibroblast feeder cells and serum-free culture medium. All the new lines have a normal karyotype and typical hESC characteristics analyzed in vitro. The described hESC lines are available for research purposes upon request (www.regea.fi).  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells(hESCs) can self-renew indefinitely and differentiate into all cell types in the human body.Therefore,they are valuable in regenerative medicine,human developmental biology and drug discovery.A number of hESC lines have been derived from the Chinese population, but limited of them are available for research purposes.Here we report the derivation and characterization of two hESC lines derived from human blastocysts of Chinese origin.These hESCs express alkaline phosphatase and hE...  相似文献   

Poor quality embryos discarded from in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories are good sources for deriving human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines. In this study, 166 poor quality embryos donated from IVF centers on day 3 were cultured in a blastocyst medium for 2 days, and 32 early blastocysts were further cultured in a blastocyst optimum culture medium for additional 2 days so that the inner cell masses (ICMs) could be identified and isolated easily. The ICMs of 17 blastocysts were isolated by a mechanical method, while those of the other 15 blastocysts were isolated by immunosurgery. All isolated ICMs were inoculated onto a feeder layer for subcultivation. The rates of ICM attachment, primary ICM colony formation and the efficiency of hESC derivation were similar between the ICMs isolated by the two methods (P〉0.05). As a result, four new hESC lines were established. Three cell lines had normal karyotypes and one had an unbalanced Robertsonian translocation. All cell lines showed normal hESC characteristics and had the differentiation ability. In conclusion, we established a stable and effective method for hESC isolation and culture, and it was confirmed that the mechanical isolation was an effective method to isolate ICMs from poor embryos. These results further indicate that hESC lines can be derived from poor quality embryos discarded by IVF laboratories.  相似文献   

Glycophorins of human erythroleukemic K562 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycophorins related to alpha glycophorin, of the human erythrocyte membrane, were isolated from human erythroleukemic K562 cells. The glycophorins were purified using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/trichloroacetic acid fractionation and Folch and hot phenol extractions. 0.1-0.2 micrograms was obtained/10(8) cells, or approximately a 15% yield. SDS-gel electrophoresis revealed a pattern similar to erythrocyte alpha glycophorin except for the slower mobility of the glycophorin monomer. Two populations of K562 glycophorins, present in nearly equivalent amounts, were distinguished by their binding to Lens culinaris lectin agarose. The two populations exhibited similar gel electrophoretic patterns except for the presence of delta-like glycophorin exclusively in the population that did not bind to L. culinaris lectin. Immunoblotting revealed a lack of reaction of the major alpha and delta-like glycophorin bands in all K562 glycophorins with M or N erythrocyte glycophorin-specific monoclonal antibodies. Only minor species of intermediate electrophoretic mobility in glycophorins not binding to L. culinaris showed a reaction with these antibodies. Both populations of glycophorins incorporated radiolabeled glucosamine, mannose, and fucose and contained O-glycosidically linked tri- and tetrasaccharides, present in a ratio of approximately 1:1 indicating a significant degree of hyposialylation when compared to erythrocyte alpha glycophorin. No precursor/product relationship was demonstrated between the major forms of two populations. K562 cell surface labeling with lactoperoxidase revealed that only the glycophorins that exhibited binding to L. culinaris were accessible to iodination and could be the only species expressed at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cells of the human erythroleukemic line K562 can be induced by manipulation of culture conditions to arrest within the G1 phase of the cell cycle, and subsequently to enter S phase synchronously after release from G1. Cell cultures subjected to serum deprivation and hydroxyurea (HU) treatment demonstrated less than 5% of the cells to be in S phase. Four hours after release from HU, 63% of the cells were in S phase, as detected by immunofluorescent staining. This protocol offers a method for synchronization of K562 cells at the G1/S border and a technique for detection of S-phase cells without the use of radioisotopes or flow cytometry instrumentation.  相似文献   

The effects of hypotonic shock on cell volume, taurine influx and efflux were examined in the human erythroleukemic cell line K562. Cells exposed to hypotonic solutions exhibited a regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following rapid increases in cell volume. Cell swelling was associated with a increased taurine influx and efflux. The volume-activated taurine pathway was Na+-independent, and increased in parallel with increasing cell volume. The chloride channel blocker, 2,5-dichlorodiphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DCDPC), completely blocked the volume-activated taurine influx and efflux, while [dihydroin-denyl]oxy]alkanoic acids (DIOA) and 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB), an anion exchanger and anion channel blocker, respectively, also inhibited significantly. These results suggest that taurine transport is increased in response to hypotonic stress, which may be mediated via a volume-activated, DCDPC-sensitive anion channel. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cells of the human erythroleukemia cell line K562 constitutively secrete a factor that inhibits human T lymphocyte proliferation induced via CD3/Ti. The factor, termed K-TIF (K562-derived T cell inhibitory factor) is produced in either the presence or absence of fetal calf serum in cultures of K562 cells and can be precipitated by 70% NH4SO4. Gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 resin by FPLC showed that the inhibitory factor has a molecular weight of approximately 30-35 kDa. A protein of this size, metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine, specifically bound human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Chromatofocusing with Mono P by FPLC (pH gradient 7.2-5) indicates that the inhibitory factor has an isoelectric point of 6.0-6.4.  相似文献   

Over 80 human T helper cell (Th) clones reactive with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) were generated using purified whole Towne strain HCMV as the in vitro antigen. These cloned T cells are CD3+, CD4+, CD8- and proliferate specifically to HCMV. All of the clones tested produce interleukin 2 and gamma-interferon and failed to show HCMV-specific cytotoxicity or natural killer (NK) activity. Most of the Th clones recognize multiple laboratory-adapted and wild-type strains of HCMV. The Th clones were also tested for their reactivity to a major envelope glycoprotein complex (gcI) and a 64,000 dalton internal matrix protein. Our results show that both proteins as well as other unidentified protein(s) are involved in Th responses to HCMV.  相似文献   

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