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cis-acting sequences of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) RNA involved in control of the incomplete splicing that is part of the retroviral life cycle have been studied. The 5' and two alternative 3' splice sites, as well as negative regulator of splicing element in the intron, have been introduced into chimeric constructs, and their responsive roles in splicing inhibition have been evaluated by transient transfection experiments. Although the RSV 5' splice site was used efficiently in these assays, substrates containing either the RSV env or the RSV src 3' splice site were not spliced completely, resulting in 40 to 50% unspliced RNA. Addition of the negative regulator of splicing element to substrates containing RSV 3' splice sites resulted in greater inhibition of splicing (70 to 80% unspliced RNA), suggesting that the two elements function independently and additively. Deletion of sequences more than 70 nucleotides upstream of the src 3' splice site resulted in efficient splicing at this site, suggesting that inefficient usage is not inherent in this splice site but is instead due to to sequences upstream of it. Insertion of these upstream sequences into the intron of a heterologous pre-mRNA resulted in partial inhibition of its splicing. In addition, secondary structure interactions were predicted to occur between the src 3' splice site and the inhibitory sequences upstream of it. Thus, RSV splicing control involves both intronic sequences and 3' splice sites, with different mechanisms involved in the underutilization of the env and src splice acceptor sites.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationship of Rous sarcoma virus leader RNA.   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
J L Darlix  M Zuker    P F Spahr 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(17):5183-5196
Cells infected by RSV synthesize viral 35S RNA as well as subgenomic 28S and 22S RNAs coding for the Env and Src genes respectively. In addition, at least the 5' 101 nucleotides of the leader are also conserved and we have shown previously that this sequence contains a strong ribosome binding site (J.-L. Darlix et al., J. Virol. 29, 597). We now report the RNA sequence of Rous Sarcoma virus (RSV) leader RNA and propose a folding of this 5' untranslated region which brings the Cap, the initiation codon for Gag and the strong ribosome binding site close to each other. We also show that ribosomes protect a sequence just upstream from initiator Aug of Gag in vitro, and believed to interact with part of the strong ribosome binding site according to the folding proposed for the leader RNA.  相似文献   

Rous sarcoma virus pre-mRNA contains an element known as the negative regulator of splicing (NRS) that acts to inhibit viral RNA splicing. The NRS binds serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins, hnRNP H and the U1/U11 snRNPs, and appears to inhibit splicing by acting as a decoy 5 splice site. Deletions within the gag gene that encompass the NRS also lead to increased read-through past the viral polyadenylation site, suggesting a role for the NRS in promoting polyadenylation. Using NRS-specific deletions and mutations, we show here that a polyadenylation stimulatory activity maps directly to the NRS and is most likely dependent upon SR proteins and U1 and/or U11 snRNP. hnRNP H does not appear to mediate splicing control or stimulate RSV polyadenylation, since viral RNAs containing hnRNP H-specific mutations were spliced and polyadenylated normally. However, the ability of hnRNP H mutations to suppress the read-through caused by an SR protein mutation suggests the potential for hnRNP H to antagonize polyadenylation. Interestingly, disruption of splicing control closely correlated with increased read-through, indicating that a functional NRS is necessary for efficient RSV polyadenylation rather than binding of an individual factor. We propose a model in which the NRS serves to enhance polyadenylation of RSV unspliced RNA in a process analogous to the stimulation of cellular pre-mRNA polyadenylation by splicing complexes.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Rous sarcoma virus replication by antisense RNA.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Previous results have indicated that Rous sarcoma virus env gene expression is specifically inhibited by antisense RNA (L.-J. Chang and C. M. Stoltzfus, Mol. Cell. Biol. 5:2341-2348, 1985). In this study, we compare the extents of inhibition by antisense RNA derived from different parts of the Rous sarcoma virus genome, and we show that antisense constructs containing the 3'-end noncoding region inhibit env expression to a similar extent as those containing the 5'-end noncoding region or coding region. Furthermore, we show that antisense RNA inhibits virus replication at other levels in addition to translation.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization in chicken Rous sarcoma of nucleotide sequence, complementary to Rous sarcoma virus RNA was examined by RNA/RNA molecular hybridization. The preparations of radioiodinated virion RNA were annealed with RNAs from different fractions (nuclei, mitochondria, free and membrane-bound polyribosomes) isolated from chicken Rous sarcoma. Formation of RNA-ase resistant hybrids between the viral 125I-RNA and RNA from the mitochondria and membrane-bound polyribosomes was revealed. The latter were characterized by a higher relative redundancy of nucleotide sequences complementary to virion RNA than that in the former, by factor 446. The role of complementary ribonucleotide sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

We determined the sites at which ribosomes form initiation complexes on Rous sarcoma virus RNA in order to determine how initiation of Pr76gag synthesis at the fourth AUG codon from the 5' end of Rous sarcoma virus strain SR-A RNA occurs. Ribosomes bind almost exclusively at the 5'-proximal AUG codon when chloride is present as the major anion added to the translational system. However, when chloride is replaced with acetate, ribosomes bind at the two 5'-proximal AUG codons, as well as at the initiation site for Pr76gag. We confirmed that the 5'-proximal AUG codon is part of a functional initiation site by identifying the seven-amino acid peptide encoded there. Our results suggest that (i) translation in vitro of Rous sarcoma virus virion RNA results in the synthesis of at least two polypeptides; (ii) the pattern of ribosome binding observed for Rous sarcoma virus RNA can be accounted for by the modified scanning hypothesis; and (iii) the interaction between 40S ribosomal subunits or 80S ribosomal complexes is stronger at the 5'-proximal AUG codon than at sites farther downstream, including the initiation site for the major viral proteins.  相似文献   

The interactions between Rous Sarcoma virus (RSV) RNA and the viral proteins in the virus have been analysed by Sen & Todaro (1977) using ultraviolet light irradiation; they showed that the major protein ultraviolet light cross-linked to the viral RNA was P19 as identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We report here that it is not viral protein P19 but P12 that binds tightly to RSV RNA upon ultraviolet light irradiation of the virus. Therefore, the binding sites of the viral protein along RSV RNA that we have characterized previously should be correctly attributed now to P12 and not P19.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis has shown that the nucleocapsid (NC) protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is required for packaging and dimerization of viral RNA. However, it has not been possible to demonstrate, in vivo or in vitro, specific binding of viral RNA sequences by NC. To determine whether specific packaging of viral RNA is mediated by NC in vivo, we have constructed RSV mutants carrying sequences of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV). Either the NC coding region alone, the psi RNA packaging sequence, or both the NC and psi sequences of MoMuLV were substituted for the corresponding regions of a full-length RSV clone to yield chimeric plasmid pAPrcMNC, pAPrc psi M, or pAPrcM psi M, respectively. In addition, a mutant of RSV in which the NC is completely deleted was tested as a control. Upon transfection, each of the chimeric mutants produced viral particles containing processed core proteins but were noninfectious. Thus, MoMuLV NC can replace RSV NC functionally in the assembly and release of mature virions but not in infectivity. Surprisingly, the full-deletion mutant showed a strong block in virus release, suggesting that NC is involved in virus assembly. Mutant PrcMNC packaged 50- to 100-fold less RSV RNA than did the wild type; in cotransfection experiments, MoMuLV RNA was preferentially packaged. This result suggests that the specific recognition of viral RNA during virus assembly involves, at least in part, the NC protein.  相似文献   

M Sakalian  J W Wills    V M Vogt 《Journal of virology》1994,68(9):5969-5981
In all retrovirus systems studied, the leader region of the RNA contains a cis-acting sequence called psi that is required for packaging the viral RNA genome. Since the pol and env genes are dispensable for formation of RNA-containing particles, the gag gene product must have an RNA binding domain(s) capable of recognizing psi. To gain information about which portion(s) of Gag is required for RNA packaging in the avian sarcoma and leukemia virus system, we utilized a series of gag deletion mutants that retain the ability to assemble virus-like particles. COS cells were cotransfected with these mutant DNAs plus a tester DNA containing psi, and incorporation of RNA into particles were measured by RNase protection. The efficiency of packaging was determined by normalization of the amount of psi+ RNA to the amount of Gag protein released in virus-like particles. Specificity of packaging was determined by comparisons of psi+ and psi- RNA in particles and in cells. The results indicate that much of the MA domain, much of the p10 domain, half of the CA domain, and the entire PR domain of Gag are unnecessary for efficient packaging. In addition, none of these deleted regions is needed for specific selection of the psi RNA. Deletions within the NC domain, as expected, reduce or eliminate both the efficiency and the specificity of packaging. Among mutants that retain the ability to package, a deletion within the CA domain (which includes the major homology region) is the least efficient. We also examined particles of the well-known packaging mutant SE21Q1b. The data suggest that the random RNA packaging behavior of this mutant is not due to a specific defect but rather is the result of the cumulative effect of many point mutations throughout the gag gene.  相似文献   

The secondary and tertiary structures of the 35S RNA of Rous Sarcoma virus have been investigated. T1 RNase partial digests have been first resolved into their components by gel electrophoresis under non denaturing conditions and then each component analyzed further by various techniques. More than one hundred structured fragments have thus been isolated and shown to consist of several individual nucleotide sequences located far apart on the genome. On the basis of the results, a cloverleaf model for the structure of RSV 35S RNA is proposed that has implications for the various biological functions of this RNA.  相似文献   

SE21Q1b, a Rous sarcoma virus mutant which packages cellular rather than viral RNA, is competent for infection of quail cells and can transmit defective transforming retrovirus genes. Stably transformed recipient clones have been obtained by using this mutant.  相似文献   

Secondary cultures of chicken embryo fibroblasts were infected with the Schmidt Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). Five days after infection, the medium was replaced at 2-h intervals with phosphate-free Eagle medium containing 50 muCi of [32P]orthophosphate per ml. Virus was collected by centrifugation, and the RNA was extracted and denatured with dimethyl sulfoxide, and the 33S subunit RNA was isolated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The molecular weight of the RSV subunit RNA was determined by length measurement in the electron microscope, by using bacteriophage MS2 RNA as a length marker. Molecules of between 2.5 and 3.3 mum in length made up over 50% of the subunit RNA preparation. In this paper, we define RSV RNA subunits as that RNA released from the 70S RNA complex by dimethyl sulfoxide treatment, which sediments as a peak at 33S. Assuming the molecular weight of MS2 RNA to be 1.2 times 10-6, we calculate the molecular weight of RSV subunit RNA to be 3.12 times 10-6 plus or minus 0.25 times 10-6.  相似文献   

The copper complex of the antituberculous drug, insonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), inhibits the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of Rous sarcoma virus and inactivates its ability to malignantly transform chick embryo cells. The INH-copper complex binds to the 70S genome RNA of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), which may account for its ability to inhibit the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The complex binds RNA more effectively than DNA in contrast to M-IBT-copper complexes, which bind both types of nucleic acids equally. The homopolymers, poly rA and poly rU, are bound by the INH-copper complex to a greater extent than poly rC. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide alone and CuSO4 alone bind neither DNA, RNA, poly (rA), poly (rU), nor poly (rC). However, CuSO4 alone binds poly (rI); INH alone does not. In addition to viral DNA synthesis, chick-embryo cell DNA synthesis is inhibited by the INH-copper complex. The extent of inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis is greater than that of cellular RNA and protein synthesis. No selective inhibition of transformation in cells previously infected with Rous sarcoma virus is observed.  相似文献   

Unspliced cytoplasmic retroviral RNA in chronically infected cells either is encapsidated by Gag proteins in the manufacture of virus or is used to direct synthesis of Gag proteins. Several models have been suggested to explain the sorting of viral RNA for these two purposes. Here we present evidence supporting a simple biochemical mechanism that accounts for the routing of retroviral RNA. Our results indicate that ribosomes compete with the Gag proteins to determine the fate of nascent retroviral RNA. Although the integrity of the entire Rous sarcoma virus leader sequence is important for retroviral packaging and translation, the RNA structure around the third small open reading frame, which neighbors the psi site required for packaging of the RNA, is particularly critical for maintenance of the balance between translation and packaging. These results support the hypothesis that Gag proteins autogenously regulate their synthesis and encapsidation of retroviral RNA and that an equilibrium exists between RNA destined for translation and packaging that is based on the intracellular levels of Gag proteins and ribosomes. To test the model, mRNAs with natural or mutated 5' leader sequences from Rous sarcoma virus were expressed in avian cells in the presence and absence of Pr76gag. We demonstrate that Pr76gag acts as a translational repressor of these mRNAs in a dose-dependent manner, supporting the hypothesis that Pr76gag can sort retroviral RNA for translation and encapsidation.  相似文献   

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