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The present work is part of a continuing study to revise the old names in Musa and aims to clarify the taxonomy in the sections Rhodoclamys and Callimusa. Lectotypes are designated here for Musa sect. Callimusa and M. sect. Rhodochlamys . These sections were first erected without the indication of a type species.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses for the elementary compositions of the ashes of the fruit peels and trunks of the tropical plantain Musa paradisiaca have been undertaken. The elements, categorized as trace elements, generally are found to have higher mean concentrations in the fruit peels than in the trunks (except in the case of Zn). Their peel-trunk uptake ratios have been calculated and range between 1 and 4, showing normal levels of accumulations in the fruit peels over the trunks.  相似文献   

Musa aurantiaca Baker (Musaceae) is distributed from northeast India, Tibet to northern Myanmar. In the present study its intraspecific taxa are thoroughly investigated. Two new varieties are described and illustrated based on live plants in the field: M. aurantiaca Baker var. homenborgohainiana Gogoi and M. aurantiaca Baker var. jengingensis Gogoi. A key to the varieties of Musa aurantiaca Baker and closely related taxa is also provided.  相似文献   

Mn-peroxidase (MnP), a biotechnologically important enzyme was purified for the first time from a plant source Musa paradisiaca (banana) stem, which is an agro-waste easily available after harvest of banana fruits. MnP was earlier purified only from the fungal sources. The enzyme was purified from stem juice by ultrafiltration and anion-exchange column chromatography on diethylamino ethylcellulose with 8-fold purification and purification yield of 65%. The enzyme gave a single protein band in SDS-PAGE corresponding to molecular mass 43 kDa. The Native-PAGE of the enzyme also gave a single protein band, confirming the purity of the enzyme. The UV/VIS spectrum of the purified enzyme differed from the other heme peroxidases, as the Soret band was shifted towards lower wavelength and the enzyme had an intense absorption band around 250 nm. The K(m) values using MnSO4 and H2O2 as the substrates of the purified enzyme were 21.0 and 9.5 microM, respectively. The calculated k(cat) value of the purified enzyme using Mn(II) as the substrate in 50 mM lactate buffer (pH 4.5) at 25 degrees C was 6.7s(-1), giving a k(cat)/K(m) value of 0.32 microM(-1)s(-1). The k(cat) value for the MnP-catalyzed reaction was found to be dependent of the Mn(III) chelator molecules malonate, lactate and oxalate, indicating that the enzyme oxidized chelated Mn(II) to Mn(III). The pH and temperature optima of the enzyme were 4.5 and 25 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme in combination with H2O2 liberated bromine and iodine in presence of KBr and KI respectively. All these enzymatic characteristics were similar to those of fungal MnP. The enzyme has the potential as a green brominating and iodinating agent in combination with KBr/KI and H2O2.  相似文献   

Starch obtained from yellow and white plantain varieties were subjected to proximate analysis, physicochemical and rheological characterization in order to evaluate their properties. Yellow plantain variety gave higher yield of starch than the white variety. The two varieties differed in the purity of starch extract; white plantain starch contained: ash (1.09%), protein (0.640%) and fat (0.276%) while yellow plantain starch contained: ash (0.95%), protein (0.325%) and fat (0.403%). The amylose content of yellow plantain starch (24.36% (apparent), 26.13% (total)) was similar to that of white plantain starch (24.24% (apparent), 26.01% (total)). Scanning electron microscopy revealed bimodal irregular shaped granules (3.74–7.00 and 10.00–33.00 μm) in white plantain starch and elliptical granules (11.22–41.00 μm) in yellow plantain starch. Both starches differed markedly in their physicochemical properties. Their differences in gelatinization temperature (yellow plantain, 64.99–73.90 °C; white plantain, 68.08–77.15 °C), swelling and solubility patterns, and pasting characteristics indicated that yellow plantain starch had weaker granule architecture compared with white plantain starch. Further evidence of differences in properties was obtained from flow and viscoelastic properties of the starch gels, paste clarity and freeze–thaw stability.  相似文献   

The center of diversity of the genus Musa (Musaceae) is in Southeast Asia, a region not studied in detail and where new species and varieties continue to be reported. A new wild banana species, M. chunii Hakki-nen from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated based on observed morphological characteristics in the field. This extremely rare new species was only found in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong District, West Yunnan. A key to M. chunii and related taxa is provided. In addition, critical notes regarding M. rubra Kurz identity are given.  相似文献   

The wild banana Musa ornata is an inhabitant of the tropical regions of Mexico characterized by patches of tropical rainforest. The overexploitation of its habitat has caused the extinction of several populations affecting diversity and population genetic structure of remaining ones. We used microsatellite markers to determine the genetic diversity and the population’s genetic structure of all extant populations. The thirty-two microsatellite loci previously characterized for M. acuminata and M. balbisiana were tested in M. ornata. Only twelve amplified. From these seven were polymorphic and were used for genetic analyses. The Nei’s diversity estimator shows low levels of genetic diversity (H e = 0.263) with a mean of 4.40 alleles per locus. Excess homozygosity was evident in all populations indicating high levels of inbreeding. F ST pairwise analyses and AMOVA indicated low genetic differentiation. However, 28 % of private alleles were registered, suggesting limited gene flow. Genetic distances, Jaccard’s coefficient and principal component analysis showed a good correspondence to geographical locations. The Mantel test performed was not significant. The results support the hypothesis of recent fragmentation events; therefore, not enough time has passed to detect differences between populations. However, it is also likely that results are caused by factors such as bottleneck, decline in pollinator populations, self-pollination and/or a tendency towards clonal reproduction. It is proposed that the preservation strategy focuses on maintaining all the remaining populations and ensuring their connectivity, so as to maintain gene flow and increase the genetic diversity of this species.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Sixty-six accessions of Musa genus with different genomic groups that consisted of wild relatives and cultivated lines were obtained from the International...  相似文献   

The involvement of alternative respiration in thermogenesisduring the ripening of banana {Musa paradisiaca var. MysoreKadali) fruits, attached to a bunch, has been examined. Thetemperature of the youngest (unripened) banana fruit increasedfrom 27·0 ± 0·2°C to 30·8±0·1°C and the total respiration (in nmo1 oxygen min1 g1 drywt.) increased from 1·39·6 ± 5·5to 167·3 ± 7·0 at the fully ripened stage.Although the capacity for alternative respiration showed littlechange, the actual operation of this pathway increased from38 to 73% (p= 0·38 to 0·73) during ripening. Similarresults were obtained in fruits along the central axis at differentstages of ripening. It is suggested that alternative respirationmay contribute to the temperature rise observed in ripeningbanana fruit. Key words: Alternative respiration, tehrmogenesis, fruit ripening  相似文献   

Bananas contain large quantities of neurochemicals. Extracts from the peel and pulp of bananas in increasing stages of ripening were prepared and evaluated for their ability to modulate the growth of non-pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria. Extracts from the peel, and to a much lesser degree the pulp, increased the growth of Gram-negative bacterial strains Escherichia coli O157:H7, Shigella flexneri, Enterobacter cloacae and Salmonella typhimurium, as well as two non-pathogenic E. coli strains, in direct relation to the content of norepinephrine and dopamine, but not serotonin. The growth of Gram-positive bacteria was not altered by any of the extracts. Supplementation of vehicle and pulp cultures with norepinephrine or dopamine yielded growth equivalent to peel cultures. Total organic analysis of extracts further demonstrated that the differential effects of peel and pulp on bacterial growth was not nutritionally based, but due to norepinephrine and dopamine. These results suggest that neurochemicals contained within foodstuffs may influence the growth of pathogenic and indigenous bacteria through direct neurochemical-bacterial interactions.  相似文献   

Perception of microbial signal molecules is part of the strategy evolved by plants to survive attacks by potential pathogens. To gain a more complete understanding of the early signaling events involved in these responses, we used fungal components of Fusarium under in vitro condition and checked the rise in signal molecule, salicylic acid (SA), and marker enzymes in defense reactions against the pathogen. SA level increased by 21 folds in elicitor treated plantlets as compared to that of control plantlets and there was marked increase in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL), peroxidase(POX), polyphenol oxidase(PPO) along with higher total phenolic content. Present results indicated that use of fungal components had successfully induced systemic resistance in in vitro cultured banana plantlets.  相似文献   

The center of diversity of the genus Musa (Musaceae) is in Southeast Asia, a region not studied in detail and where new species and varieties continue to be reported. A new wild banana species, M. chunii Häkkinen from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated based on observed morphological characteristics in the field. This extremely rare new species was only found in Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Dehong District, West Yunnan. A key to M. chunii and related taxa is provided. In addition, critical notes regarding M. rubra Kurz identity are given.  相似文献   

A new species of wild banana, Musa bauensis Häkkinen & Meekiong, is described and illustrated. It is from the Bau limestone area, Sarawak, East Malaysia.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA content and genomic distributions of 5S and 45S rDNA were examined in nineteen diploid accessions of the genus Musa representing its four sections Eumusa, Rhodochlamys, Callimusa and Australimusa, and in Ensete gilletii, which was the outgroup in this study. In the Eumusa (x = 11), 2C DNA content ranged from 1.130 to 1.377 pg, M. balbisiana having the lowest DNA content of all sections. M. beccarii (x = 9), a representative of Callimusa, had the highest 2C nuclear DNA content (1.561 pg). Species belonging to Rhodochlamys (x = 11) and Australimusa (x = 10) had 2C DNA contents ranging from 1.191 to 1.299 pg and from 1.435 to 1.547 pg, respectively. E. gilletii (x = 9) had 2C DNA content of 1.210 pg. The number of 5S rDNA loci in Musa varied from 4 to 8 per diploid cell. While different numbers of 5S rDNA loci were observed within Eumusa and Rhodochlamys, four 5S rDNA loci were observed in all accessions of Australimusa. M. beccarii (Callimusa) and E. gilletii contained 5S rRNA gene clusters on five and six chromosomes, respectively. The number of 45S rDNA loci was conserved within individual sections. Hierarchical cluster analysis of genome size, number of chromosomes and 45S rDNA sites suggested a close relationship between Rhodochlamys and Eumusa; Australimusa was clearly separated as were M. beccarii and E. gilletii. Within the Eumusa-Rhodochlamys group, M. balbisiana, M. schizocarpa and M. ornata formed distinct subgroups, clearly separated from the accessions of M. acuminata, M. mannii, M. laterita and M. velutina, which formed a tight subgroup. The results expand the knowledge of genome size and genomic distribution of ribosomal DNA in Musa and Ensete. They aid in clarification of the taxonomical classification of Musa and show a need to supplement the analyses on the DNA sequence level with cytogenetic studies.  相似文献   

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