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The ultrastructure of embryo cells of the loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) at the stage of first division of blastomers in control and under the conditions of fluoroquinole borocin treatment has been investigated. The influence of this antibiotic at concentrations 5 and 25 mkg/ml has resulted in significant ultrastructural changes of embryo cells, such as hypertrophy of channels of the smoth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, disorganization of Golgy complex and mitochondrias, destruction of cytoplasm and mitochondrial membranes, rarefaction of cytoplasm and cell oedema. Such changes confirm the toxic influence of borocin on the embryo during early development.  相似文献   

The level of cAMP and the effects of the regulatory and catalytic subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase of type II on protein, RNA and DNA synthesis in loach embryos were analysed. It was found that the injections of the catalytic subunit cause a sharp decrease in the rate of macromolecular synthesis while an increase in the concentration of this protein leads to the death of the embryo. Injections of the regulatory subunit result in marked stimulation of protein, RNA and DNA synthesis. The effect of the regulatory subunit on these processes is rather complex. Experiments on the transplantation of the nuclei from the embryos treated with the protein kinase subunits into normal embryos were carried out.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of glandular cells are present in the pars intermedia of the loach, Misgurnus fossilis. Basophils are characterized by the presence in their cytoplasm of numerous secretory granules containing electron-dense and homogeneous material and by scarce endoplasmic reticulum. Weak acidophils contain in their cytoplasm abundant endoplasmic reticulum and numerous granules of different electron densities.The distal part of the neurohypophysis is composed of several types of neurosecretory axons, strongly branched pituicytes, numerous capillaries, and connective tissue elements. The axon terminals form the neuroglandular, neurovascular and neurointerstitial contacts. Some axon terminals are closely apposed to the basement membrane separating neurohypophysis from meta-adenohypophysis. At points of absence of continuity of this membrane, some neurosecretory axons become directly contiguous with cytoplasmic membranes of the intermedia cells.The investigation was partly supported by a research grant from the Zoological Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA of the teleost fish--loach has been isolated from sperm DNA by CsCl density gradient centrifugation. The rDNA sediments on density gradients by two heavy satellites beta = 1.715 and greater than 1.720. The DNA of the first satellite (1.715) was separated and treated by restrictases EcoRI and BamHI. It was shown that there are two EcoRI-sites in rDNA of loach, locating in 18S and 28S rRNA coding sequences. From tandem of repeating ribosomal genes EcoRI cuts out the fragment with homogeneous length-3 megadaltons (constant fragment) and heterogeneous population of fragments 11-13 megadaltons (major) and 7-8 megadaltons (minor fraction). The constant fragment contains mostly 28S coding sequence, and the heterogeneous fragment--18S coding sequence. The data indicate that the ribosomal genes of the loach as well as other higher eucaryotes were organized in genome as tandem of repeating units with heterogeneous length (10-16 megadaltons, 14.5-24 kb) due to heterogeneity of the length of nontranscribed spacer.  相似文献   

The qualitative composition of lipid fractions in loach oocytes and embryos at different developmental stages is investigated by TLCh on silica gel. The variability in density of minor phospholipid fractions (lyzophosphatidyl choline, phosphatidylglycerine and cholesterol) is established in the period of synchronous divisions of blastomeres. The constant composition of major fraction of phospholipids in early embryogenesis of loach is registered.  相似文献   

Groups of loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) embryos of different ages were kept in different quartz cuvettes for 20-24 h so that only optic contact between the groups was possible. Subsequent observations showed that parameters of their development deviated from those in the control groups. Wave-mediated biocorrection proved to have both positive and negative effects, depending on the developmental stages of the interacting groups. Changes in spectral characteristics and polarization of biological radiation affected the results of the experiments. Various developmental abnormalities caused by distant wave-mediated interactions of embryos and specific to each combination of developmental stages and conditions of optic communication are described.  相似文献   

Two esterases splitting -naphthylacetate have been found in the tissues of adult loaches and in embryos. These were identified as arylesterase (E-1) (arylester hydrolase, E.C. and carboxylesterase (E-2) (carboxylic ester hydrolase, E.C. In unfertilized loach eggs E-1 and E-2 synthesized during oogenesis were found. Active E-2 synthesized under the control of E-2 genes of the embryo appeared in embryos from the stage of 40–50 h of development. Maternal E-2 molecules synthesized in oogenesis or on the stored templates in embryogenesis persisted in larvae up to days 5–6 of development. Two genes controlling the synthesis of two forms of E-2 differing in electric mobility were found in the loach population from the delta of the Danube. The genes for fast and slow E-2 were shown to segregate in meiosis and to be allelic.  相似文献   

The fate of pAT153 DNA microinjected into the embryos of loach was examined. At the earliest stages of development (2 h) the high molecular weight transgenome consisting of pAT153 sequences is formed. The transgenome replicates intensively during the course of early development (until the blastula--early gastrula stages), but later the replication slows down which results in the elimination of the transgenome from the majority of embryos at more advanced stages. The analyses of the transgenome structure with the help of restriction endonucleases have shown that, after microinjection of linear DNA, the high molecular weight transgenome is formed by stochastic ligation of the sticky ends of injected molecules. Our data suggest that the transgenome formation from circular or supercoil DNA occurs after its linearization by host endonuclease.  相似文献   

The concentration of dry substance (protein) and the dry weight of nuclei, cytoplasm and cells from different blastoderm regions at the early blastula and midgastrula stages were determined by interferentional microscopy. It was shown that at the early blastula stage the dry weight of cells in the basal layer is higher than that in the outer layer. Although the protein concentration in the basal layer cells appears to be somewhat higher, differences in their dry weight are due primarily to the big volume of cytoplasm of the basal layer cells. By the midgastrula stage, the total (nucleus + cytoplasm) protein concentration increases (by 17% in the basal layer cells and by 9% in the outer layer cells) due to the increase of nuclear protein concentration. At the same time dry weight of these cells markedly decreases due to the decrease of their volumes in the process of cell divisions. At the midgastrula stage the epiblast cells have the highest dry weight due to the highest protein concentration in the cytoplasm and the biggest cell volume. The results obtained are discussed with respect to the data on the pattern of accumulation of newly synthesized protein in nuclei and cytoplasm with special reference to the duration of individual cell cycle phases.  相似文献   

Summary Cessation of gluconeogenesis during oocyte maturation inMisgurnus fossilis L. is accompanied by an increase of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity (EC The activity of other enzymes of citrate and pyruvate metabolism (citrate synthetase, EC, pyruvate carboxylase, EC, malate dehydrogenase, EC remains constant during oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis.In the course of oocyte maturation the levels of acetyl-CoA, pyruvate and citrate remained unchanged, but the level of malate and oxaloacetate underwent drastic increase. The level of phosphoenolpyruvate increased about two-fold. The mitochondrial (NAD+)/(NADH) ratio was calculated by measurement of intermediates of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction and it was found to increase six-fold during oocyte maturation. The lower mitochondrial (NAD+)/(NADH) ratio in oocytes compared to that in the embryos is likely to be responsible for the transfer of reducing equivalents from mitochondria to cytoplasm, while in embryos transfer in the opposite direction takes place.  相似文献   

Injections of cytochalasin D (CD) or DNase I under the surface of fertilized loach egg result in local disorganization of microfilamentous cortex (MC) as revealed by transmission electron microscopy. This effect correlates with the loss of the cortex ability to contract in vitro. The disorganization of MC in the vegetal hemisphere of the egg does not affect the ooplasm segregation or blastodisk cleavage. Injection under the animal pole suppresses blastodisk formation and results in the autonomous separation of ooplasm in the central part of the egg. The experiments suggest that (1) autonomous separation of ooplasm from the yolk granules can proceed in the central part of the egg without the participation of MC; (2) normal segregation of ooplasm at the animal pole requires that the structures of microfilaments in the animal hemisphere (but not in the vegetal one) be preserved.  相似文献   

Actions of environmental impacts on mud loach spermatozoa were studied using various model systems: a) temperature stress, b) X-ray irradiation in vivo only of the animal head (a condition to trigger stress reaction), c) X-ray irradiation in vivo only of the animal body (a condition to exclude a direct activation of principal stress-realizing organism systems), d) gamma-irradiation in vitro of the cell suspension. It has been demonstrated that the temperature stress or X-ray irradiation of the mud loach head induced three lines of effects: 1) significant decrease in DNA superhelical density, 2) activity redistribution (functional activation) of DNase II between chromatin subfractions (with the increase of its association to chromatin), and 3) intracellular acidification up to pH value to satisfy the DNase II initiation. The obtained facts allow to suggest that, first, DNase II participates in the presented temperature- and radio-induced supercoiled DNA relaxation in spermatozoa, and, second, DNase II is involved in physiological (season elimination of spermatozoa that remained within male gonads after fertilization) or environmentally-induced DNA degradation.  相似文献   

The activity of membrane Na+, K+ -ATPase of embryos of loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) at early stages of development in the normal conditions and under the influence of heavy metal cations has been investigated. It was established, that the influence of such heavy metal cations as Ni2+, Co2+, Sn2+, Zn2+, Mn2+ and Cd2+ in concentrations 10(-6) - 10(-4) M results in reduction of activity of membrane Na+, K+ -ATPase of loach embryos. It was shown, that the inhibition effect is more expressed with the increase of concentrations of heavy metal cations in the incubation medium. The definition of inhibition constants Io.5 has allowed to analyze the sensitivity of Na+, K+ -ATPase to influence of various cations of heavy metals at different stages of blastomer division. Possible mechanisms of influence of heavy metal cations on the activity of membrane Na+, K+ -ATPase of loach embryos have been considered.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen synthetase (EC from oocytes and embryos of the loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) has been found only in the D-form. The intensive glycogen accumulation during oogenesis did not correspond with the glycogen synthetase interconversion in the I-form.In isolated oocytes and embryos of the loach insulin transforms glycogen synthetase into the form which is desensitized for ATP inhibition. Insulin treatment enhancesV max without affecting theK m (UDP-glucose) only with an excess of activator—glucose-6-P. Simultaneously insulin treatment converts the phosphorylase (EC into the latent form.
Zusammenfassung Eine intensive Anreicherung des Glykogens bei der Oogenese des Schlammpeitzgers (Misgurnus fossilis L.) fällt mit der Umwandlung der Glykogensynthetase (EC in die I-form (aktive) Form des Fermentes nicht zusammen. In den isolierten Oocyten und Embryonen des Schlammpeitzgers wandelt das Insulin die Glykogensynthetase in die Form um, die der Inhibition von ATP gegenüber desensibilisiert worden ist. Das Insulin erhöhtV max nur bei Überschuß des Aktivators Glu-6-P, bleibt aber ohne Wirkung auf denK m-Weit für UDP-glucose. Das Insulin wandelt jedoch die Phosphorylase (EC in die latente Form um.

A study was made of the effect of alpha-radiation of 238U solutions and enriched uranium (9.9 X 10(7) Bq/g) on developing Misgurnus fossilis eggs. The incidence of abnormal larvae and the death rate of eggs increased when the latter were incubated in 138 mg/l solution of uranium 238: this was not accompanied by the increase in the yield of the aberrant ana- and telophases in the epithelium cells of 1-day larvae.  相似文献   

Somatic and oocyte 5S rRNAs from the liver and unfertilized eggs of the loach (Misgurnus fossilis have been sequenced and found to differ in six nucleotides. All the substitutions are confined to the 5'-half of the molecules; 4 of them are pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions, and 2 are purine-pyrimidine ones. Considerable differences, both in the position and the character of substitutions, have been established when these 5S rRNAs were compared with somatic and oocyte 5S rRNAs from Xenopus borealis and Xenopus laevis. Among the known primary structures, somatic 5S rRNA of M. fossilis is most similar to trout 5S rRNA.  相似文献   

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