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Feeding of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana, a brachionid rotifer isolated from the Loosdrecht Lakes (The Netherlands), was examined in the laboratory using 14C-labelled food. The gut-filling time at a food concentration of 9.6 µg C ml–1 was about 15 minutes. Animals which were fed on 3 size fractions of the lake seston (< 7 µm, 7–15 µm, and 15–33 µm) showed a clear preference (Jacobs' selectivity index) for the largest size fraction. This fraction was composed predominantly of filamentous cyanobacteria. For animals weighing 0.37–0.49 µm C ind.–1 the daily ration (daily food consumption per unit body weight × 100) ranged from 50 to 100% at food levels of 2 mg C l–1 and below, but increased to 150–250% at food concentrations of 5 mg C l–1 and above. The assimilation efficiency was 100% up to 5 mg C l–1 of food, but decreased to about 80% at higher food levels.  相似文献   

The biomanipulation study in Lake Zwemlust (area 1.5 ha; mean depth 1.5 m) is among the series of such investigations initiated recently in The Netherlands. The effects of the lake's reffilling (after it was first completely drained empty) almost entirely the nutrient-rich seepage water from the River Vecht flowing nearby and of removal of the planktivorous bream (Abramis brama), on zooplankton community structure and feeding activities of crustaceans were monitored for two successive years (1987, 1988). In these years a classical pattern of succession occurred, with the rotifer spring maximum preceding the crustacean maximum by about 3 weeks. Among the fiveDaphnia species, which appeared in quick succession during May–July, two were large-bodied forms (D. magna; D. pulex). OnlyD. pulex persisted and was the important grazer species in the second year, especially in spring. In the first year the crustacean grazing, with several values >100%.d–1, contributed significantly to the lake's improved water clarity, with Secchi-disc transparencies of 1.5 m and more almost throughout the summer, compared with 0.3 m before the biomanipulation. Even though the water clarity climate in the second year was quite similar to that in the first, the causal factor was high macrophytic vegetation, rather than zooplankton grazing. The lake developed a rich littoral flora and fauna in the second year in response to the optimal light and nutrient conditions. Apparently, the predation by the introduced planktivorous rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) on zooplankton was an important factor in the changes in zooplankton structure, and in the reduced role of zooplankton in seston elimination during the second year. There is some evidence from bioassay work that, simultaneously with the littoral development, nitrogen limitation of the phytoplankton also contributed to the improved light situation in the second year.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal changes in the number and feeding activity of Shovelers wintering in Lake Teganuma in connection with temporal and horizontal fluctuations of zooplankton, and analyzed esophageal contents of a captured Shoveler. Zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers followed by copepods during the study period. Horizontal distribution of both invertebrate taxa differed; rotifers most abundant in the western and eastern parts of the lake in February–March, and cyclopoid copepodids and nauplii more common in the northeast area of the eastern portion of the lake. The number and feeding activity of Shovelers increased from January to March in the northeast area of Lake Teganuma. A Shoveler captured in the area had mostly consumed cyclopoid copepodids despite the fact that rotifers dominated in the zooplankton community at that location. These results suggest that the horizontal distribution and feeding activity of the Shovelers were correlated with the distribution of the cyclopoid copepodids.  相似文献   

Following the introduction of blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis), we examined herring food habits and the crustacean zooplankton community in Lake Theo, a 30-hectare reservoir located on a tributary of the Red River in north Texas. Prior to the introduction in spring, 1982, the reservoir contained an established fish community dominated by centrarchids. Blueback herring stomachs and zooplankton were sampled quarterly from summer, 1982 through winter, 1985. Cladocerans accounted for 89.4% of the zooplankton consumed by herring. Median lengths of cladocerans and copepods in the herring diet were significantly greater than those in the reservoir. No appreciable changes in lengths of cladocerans and copepods in the reservoir were observed after blueback herring introduction, but the zooplankton community shifted from cladoceran to copepod domination.  相似文献   

赵帅营  韩博平 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2646-2654
星湖是一个位于热带北缘的浅水湖泊。于2002年和2003年对该湖的后生浮游动物进行了采样,并以体重作为个体大小变量研究了浮游动物的个体大小组成结构。星湖后生浮游动物的体长范围为50—1300μm,所有优势种的体长均小于1mm。轮虫优势种中,体长最小的是剪形臂尾轮虫、角突臂尾轮虫和广布多肢轮虫等,它们的平均体长均小于100μm。前节晶囊轮虫是个体最长的轮虫。枝角类的优势种及次优势种为长额象鼻潘、颈沟基合潘、短尾秀体潘和微型裸腹潘等中小型种类,平均体长介于220.430μm之间。桡足类优势种为台湾温剑水蚤和温中剑水蚤,平均体长介于680~730μm之间,此外,无节幼体和剑水蚤幼体在数量和生物量上也比较高。后生浮游动物的个体体重范围为0.034.70.24μg,绝大部分种类都分布在3个体重等级以上,其中前节晶囊轮虫的分布范围最宽,为0.548~70.24μg。后生浮游动物的种类和数量均是以小个体为主,并且随着体重增大逐渐减少,而生物量则在4.39—8.78μg这一中等个体体重的位置上出现峰值。根据对两个子湖——波海湖和青莲湖2002年和2003年生物量分布的分析与比较,2003年生物量均有所下降,在生物量分布的每个体重等级上轮虫基本上都是第一优势类群,其次是桡足类。星湖后生浮游动物的个体大小范围和出现生物量峰值的位置均小于温带湖泊,其个体大小结构特征与位于赤道附近的热带湖泊相似。除了与营养水平较高有关外,鱼类的下行效应和水温可能是影响该湖后生浮游动物的大小结构而产生与温带湖泊差异的重要因素。因此,进一步研究该湖中浮游动物和鱼类的关系将有助于在热带湖泊中利用生物操纵来改善水质。  相似文献   

引水和疏浚工程支配下杭州西湖浮游动物的群落变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李共国  吴芝瑛  虞左明 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3508-3515
研究了引水和疏浚工程支配下浅水、富营养化杭州西湖浮游动物群落的长期变化,包括浮游动物的优势种类组成、密度及生物量与水环境因子的相关分析.疏浚后的2003年调查中,西湖3个采样站的定量样品中共发现69种浮游动物,其中原生动物26种,轮虫27种,枝角类和桡足类各8种.Ⅰ站浮游动物年平均生物量从1990年的0.186mg/L上升到2003年的0.705mg/L,Ⅱ站和Ⅲ站分别从0.665mg/L和0.740mg/L上升到1.399mg/L和1.195mg/L.浮游动物数量组成中原生动物和轮虫平均占99%,并占78%的生物量.在1980~2003年期间,一些优势种类如砂壳纤毛虫(Tintinnoinea)、针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)和长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)等显著增加了它们的丰度和优势度;暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)的优势度在引水后的1990~1995年增加了,但在疏浚后的2003年下降了;而20世纪80年代的一些优势种如毛板壳虫(Coleps hirtus)、螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochelearis)和短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)等在3个采样站中失去优势种地位或消失.原生动物和轮虫生物量在营养水平较高的Ⅱ~Ⅲ站明显高于营养水平较低的Ⅰ站;长肢秀体溞(Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum)、长额象鼻溞、颈沟基合溞(Bosminopsis deitersi)和汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)在营养水平较低的Ⅰ站具有较大的密度和生物量,而微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)和粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii)则在营养水平较高的Ⅱ~Ⅲ站具有较大的密度和生物量.西湖各类浮游动物在不同湖区形成不同的分布格局主要由引水水流和水体营养状态差异造成.1990~2003年期间,在采样站变异下,浮游动物中轮虫年平均生物量与水体年平均pH值和叶绿素a含量之间分别有极显著和显著的正相关关系,与水体透明度之间有极显著的负相关关系.引水后的1995年,与轮虫生物量最密切的生态因子是叶绿素a含量,而疏浚后水体碱性环境是影响轮虫生物量最密切的生态因子.  相似文献   

长江河口浮游动物的种类组成、群落结构及多样性   总被引:71,自引:10,他引:71  
于1999年枯水期(2—3月份)、丰水期(8月份)、2000年枯水期(2—3月份)对长江河口浮游动物采样调查,研究了长江河口浮游动物的种类组成、群落结构及多样性并初步探讨了三峡工程对长江河口浮游动物的影响及长江河口水环境的生物监测。调查共发现浮游动物87种,甲壳动物占绝对优势,共59种。在所有浮游动物中挠足类31种。其次为水母类,有9种,此外,枝角类、毛颚类各8种。3次采样浮游动物的优势种主要有河口半咸水种和近岸低盐种类如华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus sinensis)、火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia)、虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus),真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)等,还有长江径流带到河口的淡水种如近领剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus vicinus)、英勇剑水蚤(Cyclops strenuus)、透明溞(Daphnia hyalina)等。一些浮游动物可作为水系指示种,其分布、数量反映了不同水系分布变化,长江河口浮游动物有;类水系指示种。通过对长江河口浮游动物群落聚类分析发现。1999、2000年枯水期浮游动物群落结构相似。可分为河口类群、近岸类群和近外海类群。1999年丰水期只形成近岸和近外海类群。浮游动物种类数由口门内向口门外方向有逐渐增加的趋势。浮游动物种类数由北向南变化趋势一致。大潮与小潮、涨憩与落强等潮汐作用对浮游动物影响往往因采样时间与区域等的不同而不同。对长江河口3次采样的物种多样性指数和均匀度指数进行了计算,结果表明:浮游动物多样性指数1999年枯水期最低,1999年丰水期最高。  相似文献   

Bag-type enclosures (75 m3) with bottom sheets and tube-type enclosures (105 m3) open to the bottom sediment were stocked with exotic whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena) to study their predation effects on the plankton community. The fish fed mainly on adult chironomids during the period of their emergence (earlier part of the experimental period). Thereafter, the food preference was shifted to larvae of chironomids and crustacean zooplankters. The predation effects on the plankton community were not evident in the bag-type enclosures where zooplankton densities were consistently low. The fish reduced the crustacean populations composed ofBosmina fatalis, B. longirostris andCyclops vicinus in the tube-type enclosures where the prey density was high (above ca. 50 individuals 1−1). The results suggested that the intensity of predation depended on the prey density. Rotifers increased in the fish enclosure, probably becauseCoregonus reduced the predation pressure byCyclops vicinus on rotifers and allowed the latter to increase. In the fish enclosures, no marked changes in species composition were observed. Zooplankton predated by the fish seemed to be distributed near the walls of the enclosures. Problems of enclosure experiments for examining the effects of fish predation on pelagic zooplankton communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The fish community in the Loosdrecht lakes is dominated by bream, pikeperch and smelt and is characteristic of shallow eutrophic lakes in The Netherlands. The biomasses of the respective fish species amount to ca. 250, 25 and 10 kg ha–1 and correspond to those in Tjeukemeer, another lake in The Netherlands. The average size of bream, however, is much smaller in the Loosdrecht lakes as a consequence of poorer feeding conditions. The zooplankton community in the Loosdrecht lakes is predominantly composed of relatively small species such as Daphnia cucullata, Bosmina coregoni and cyclopoid copepods, whereas in Tjeukemeer, Daphnia hyalina is permanently present in relatively high densities and the other species show a larger mean length. In the Loosdrecht lakes, the absence of D. hyalina and the smaller sizes of the other zooplankton species could be the consequence of a higher predation pressure, in combination with unfavourable feeding conditions for the zooplankton including the low density of green algae and the high density of filamentous cyanobacteria. A biomanipulation experiment in Lake Breukeleveen, one of the Loosdrecht lakes, indicated that feeding conditions were too unfavourable for large zooplankton to develop in spring, when the reduced fish biomass was not yet supplemented by natural recruitment and immigration.  相似文献   

Wetland environments can preserve organic archaeological remains because of their anaerobic nature. The ongoing discovery of archaeological sites in wetlands is associated with a lack of funds for excavation and preservation. This situation has led to the consideration of preservation in situ the preferred option for dealing with the majority of waterlogged archaeological remains in England. To expand our understanding of the burial environment, we studied changes in environmental variables along with counts of total bacteria and microbial 14C-leucine assimilation down the soil profile at two wetlands in the North of England. Soil cores were sampled at five depth intervals between 10 and 100 cm. To test whether the addition of nutrients induces bacterial activity in the soil, inorganic phosphate and combined nitrogen were added to soil samples and the rate of 14C-leucine assimilation was recorded. Redox potential readings were positive above the water table and negative below. The total number of bacteria and the 14C-leucine assimilation rates differed among sites, but always decreased with increasing soil depth. Nutrient availability was limiting for the microbial communities in the upper soil horizons, but did not appear to limit those in the lower soil. These results allow a better understanding of the physico-chemical and microbiological conditions that potentially favour or inhibit the decomposition of organic archaeological remains at the studied wetlands.  相似文献   

Studies on the food and feeding habits of Eutropius niloticus in Lake Kainji, Nigeria revealed that the fish is omnivorous but fed more on insects than on any other food. The most important insects were Povilla adusta Navas nymphs and imagos and adults of the common grasshoppers. Fish, particularly the clupeids Sierrathrissa leonensis Thys Van den Audernaerde and Pellonula afzeliusi Johnels, also formed an important part of the diet. There was seasonal variation of organisms selected for food and there were variations in the dietary items selected by different age groups. Accumulation of fat was found to correlate with seasonal feeding intensity. E. niloticus serves as food for other fishes.  相似文献   

Composition density and filtering rates of crustacean zooplankton were studied in the open water and among the macrophytes of the oligo-mesotrophic part of Lake Balaton from 1981 to 1983. From the individual filtering rates of the different populations and the densities community grazing rates were derived.Copepoda made up 79–90% of crustacean plankton community in the open lake and 95–97% of it in littoral zone. Among them the nauplii dominated. At the end of summer 1982, when Anabaenopsis was in bloom, the filter-feeding species (Eudiaptomus, Daphnia) practically disappeared, being replaced by cyclopoids. Daphnia had the highest filtering rates followed by those of Eudiaptomus and Diaphanosoma. Among copepods, the filtering rates in decreasing order were: ovigerous > all adults > copepodites > nauplii. > . The filtering rates of the different species varied both seasonally as well as from year to year. In 1983, when the concentration of organic seston decreased, filtering rate increased compared with those in the earlier years. During the water bloom in 1982, the rates decreased by 70% on the average.The community grazing rate was very low (3% per day) in the open lake and among macrophytes, both in 1981 and 1982; also the share of crustacean zooplankton in grazing was very low. In 1983, together with the improving of water quality, the community grazing rate increased 4-fold. In 1981 and 1983 the rates were influenced by water temperature but in 1982 by seston concentration.  相似文献   

Leon Blaustein 《Hydrobiologia》1990,199(3):179-191
I present evidence from two field studies and one laboratory experiment that the predatory flatworm, tentatively indentified as Mesostoma nr. lingua, can be important in organizing invertebrate communities in rice fields. In the first field study, I assessed the importance of various predators including two fishes, in explaining among-plot variation in mosquito abundance during a five week interval. Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) abundance was not significantly associated with densities of either mosquito, Culex tarsalis or Anopheles freeborni, except for the final week. Associations between green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) juveniles and mosquitoes were demonstrated for only A. freeborni — a positive association. Densities of Mesostoma were negatively associated with C. tarsalis and A. freeborni densities. C. tarsalis, protected from flatworms in small-mesh cages, had a much greater survival rate than those that were exposed in large-mesh cages. C. tarsalis survival, when left unprotected in large-mesh cages, was negatively correlated with field densities of flatworms and with the number of flatworms found inside the cages. Survival was also positively correlated with field densities of mosquitoes.In the second field study, Mesostoma densities were negatively correlated with C. tarsalis, A. freeborni, Cladocera and Ostracoda in rice field enclosures early in the season. Cyclopoid copepod densities were not significantly associated with this predator.In a laboratory experiment, predation by Mesostoma on C. tarsalis larvae was reduced when presented with an alternative prey, Moina micrura (a cladoceran).These results suggest that flatworms, via predation, can have large effects on the structure of mosquito and zooplankton communities in rice fields.  相似文献   

Jamet  Jean-Louis  Bogé  Gérard  Richard  Simone  Geneys  Claude  Jamet  Dominique 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):155-165
The abundance and the diversity of the zooplankton community were studied during an annual cycle in three shallow bays differently affected by anthropogenic inputs of Toulon area in the northwest Mediterranean Sea (France). Environmental variables of water quality were also considered. Our results discriminated Little Bay from the La Garonne and Niel Bay. Little Bay, heavely perturbed by anthropogenic inputs, had high chlorophyll a levels, abundant zooplankton, a low diversity index, a high dominance Index and a single dominant species (Oithona nana). La Garonne Bay and Niel Bay, much less polluted, had low chlorophyll a levels, low zooplankton abundance, low dominance Index and high diversity index and eveness. In addition, O. nana occurred rarely in the latter bays. Zooplankton successions were also different between Little Bay and the two other bays.  相似文献   

To elucidate the possibilities of using zooplankton remains in the surface sediment to describe present-days community structure and population dynamics of zooplankton, fish abundance and temperature, we compared contemporary data sampled in the pelagial during summer with the sediment record from the upper 1 cm of the sediment in 135 lakes covering a latitude gradient from Greenland in the north to New Zealand in the south. The abundance of three genera Bosmina, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia of the total pool of ephippia was significantly related to the total abundance of the same taxa in the pelagic zone. However, in most lakes the abundance of Ceriodaphnia was higher in the sediment than in the water, which may be attributed to the overall preference by this genus for the littoral habitat. Using contemporary data from 27 Danish lakes sampled fortnightly during summer for 10 years, we found substantial inter-annual variations in the abundance of Daphnia spp., Ceriodaphnia spp., B. longirostris and B. coregoni. Yet, the sediment record mimicked the medium level well for most of the lakes, which suggests that the sediment record provides an integrated picture of the pelagic cladoceran community, which otherwise can be obtained only by long-term frequent contemporary sampling for several years. The contribution of Daphnia to the sum of Daphnia and Bosmina ephippia was negatively correlated with the abundance of fish expressed as catch per night in multi-mesh sized gill nets (CPUE). Yet, region-specific differences occurred, which partly could be eliminated by including nutrient state expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in a multiple regression. The average ratio of ephippia to the sum of ephippia and carapaces of Bosmina varied 40-fold between the sampling regions and was significantly negatively related to summer mean air temperature, and for Danish lakes also, albeit weakly, to fish CPUE but not to chlorophyll a. Apparently, temperature is the most important factor determining the ratio of parthenogenetic to ephippia producing specimens of Bosmina. We conclude that the sediment record of cladocerans is a useful indicator of community structure of pelagic cladocerans and the abundance of fish and temperature.  相似文献   

Carbon incorporation rates of Simocephalus vetulus were measured to study the effects of the physical state of the animals, size of the animal, varying temperature and light conditions. Physical state of the animal showed little effect on incorporation rates after the first hour. Incorporation rates increased in proportion to the third power of animal size. Experimental animals collected at temperatures of 12, 20 or 25°C fed maximally at 10, 15 and 25°C respectively, when subjected to a feeding temperature range of 5 to 30°C. We have interpreted this as an indication that S. vetulus is able to acclimate and incorporate maximally at various temperatures after prolonged exposure to that temperature. When fed over an irradiation range of 0 to 4.68 × 10–3 cal cm–2 s–1 incorporation rates were indirectly proportional to irradiance. This suggests a response to decreased irradiance in the weedy, littoral habitat of these animals.  相似文献   

In laboratory feeding trials, we analyzed the feeding behavior and selectivity of the cichlid, Sarotherodon galilaeum, for zooplankton prey from Lake Kinneret, Israel. The feeding behavior was dependent on fish size. Fish less than 20 mm SL fed on zooplankton as obligate particulate feeders. Fish from 20 to 42 mm SL fed either as particulate feeders or as filter feeders. Fish larger than 62 mm SL fed as obligate filter feeders. Particulate-feeding fish were size selective and had highest feeding electivities for large-sized zooplankton species. Filter-feeding fish had highest feeding electivities for zooplankton species with poor escape ability. In general, S. galilaeum predation pressure would be greatest on Ceriodaphnia reticulata, a large-bodied and easily captured species which is selected by both particulate-feeding and filter-feeding fish.  相似文献   

The content of phosphorus in individual Daphnia pulex and the rates at which the element turns over are functions of the P contents of algal cells fed to the zooplankton. Chlamydomonas and Ankistrodesmus were grown in semi-continuous cultures containing 2 µM and 10 µM PO4 to produce differences in cellular P of the algae. Animals reared on the cultures high in P contained 60 percent more P than did animals of equal size that were fed low P cells. Daphnia with high body contents of P turned over that P faster than did the animals fed low P algae. Measured turnover rates imply that large differences exists between rates of gross P assimilation and P excretion for animals fed high and low P sources.  相似文献   

Measurements of body mass, carbon content, respiration, growth, and egestion are combined in a model of secondary production by the tropical freshwater shrimp Caridina. The model is developed to permit its direct application to empirical data for abundances and size frequency distributions of field populations. Model calculations combined with population data for offshore Lake Victoria over a period of two years indicate that Caridina consume the equivalent of 2.2% of annual lake primary production. Present net annual secondary production by the shrimp is an order of magnitude greater than the present fishery yield of the lake. Detritus-fed experimental organisms evidently had assimilation efficiencies as low as 10% by model calculation.  相似文献   

Leptodora kindti is a very efficient invertebrate predator. Its searching mode of preying is tactile. The setae of the first thoracic limb act as mechanoreceptors, the other thoracic limbs, thorax and head together form the shape of an open basket in which after encounter the prey is pushed in by the aid of the first thoracic limbs and the furca. In Neusiedler See, small individuals of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (0.6–0.9 mm) are the preferred prey, rarely copepods are taken. The predation rate is influenced by temperature, prey density and predator size and varies between less than one and 12 prey items per predator per day. At high predator densities, Leptodora will have a substantial effect on the Diaphanosoma population of Neusiedler See.  相似文献   

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