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概述了生态伦理并结合与之相关问题的辨析,提出了“生态知识与情感目标”双重实现的基本策略,同时,对教材中与生态学相关的伦理问题进行了具体的分析与归纳,以求教书育人,相得益彰.  相似文献   

“关注鸟类,关注人类,预防禽流感”,加强未成年人生态道德教育,关注鸟类和人类生存健康,增强人们爱鸟护鸟的意识。这是四川省第25届“爱鸟周”的主题。2006年四川省“爱鸟周”启动仪式4月1日在成都北湖公园举行。  相似文献   

The authors' purpose will be here to underline the continuity of the adaptative processes that make Homo sapiens, sometimes a brilliant inventor, sometimes a mere imitator, forging tools already conceived by Nature itself.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between niche construction theory (NCT) and human behavioral ecology (HBE), two branches of evolutionary science that are important sources of theory in archeology. We distinguish between formal models of niche construction as an evolutionary process, and uses of niche construction to refer to a kind of human behavior. Formal models from NCT examine how environmental modification can change the selection pressures that organisms face. In contrast, formal models from HBE predict behavior assuming people behave adaptively in their local setting, and can be used to predict when and why people engage in niche construction. We emphasize that HBE as a field is much broader than foraging theory and can incorporate social and cultural influences on decision‐making. We demonstrate how these approaches can be formally incorporated in a multi‐inheritance framework for evolutionary research, and argue that archeologists can best contribute to evolutionary theory by building and testing models that flexibly incorporate HBE and NCT elements.  相似文献   

A material consisting of 66 species of Cephalodella (Rotifera), from diverse waters in south and central Sweden, was analyzed to reveal their possible relationships to substrate and habitat. Most species preferred periphytic environments. Most species have a broad ecological range, only a few being bog specialists. An artificial substrate, white cotton, was colonized by several species, even some without eyes.  相似文献   

21世纪植物化学生态学前沿领域   总被引:32,自引:10,他引:32  
植物和其它有机体通过次生物质为媒介的化学作用关系近年引入注目,其中植物的诱导化学防御,植物的化学通讯,植物次生物质和进化的关系,植物与人类的化学关系和海洋植物化学生态学是21世纪植物化学生态学值得关注的前沿领域。植物化学生态学前沿领域的进展将为实现21世纪的持续,发展是在生态安全条件下提高农业产量并达到对病虫草害的有效控制方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

区域生态建设与景观生态学的使命   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:37  
区域和景观尺度上的生态建设是指一定地域、跨生态系统、适用于特定景观类型的生态建设,即实行科学的生态系统管理和优化环境的建设工程.近年来国家实施了一系列重大的生态工程项目,如天然林保护工程、部分地区退耕还林还草、内陆河流域的生态调水等,取得了显著的效果.加强区域生态建设,维护国土安全已成为国家的战略需求.依据不同类型区的特点应实行不同的生态建设战略,如生态敏感区、脆弱区和高人口密度的生态压力区,可分别实施以生态安全保障、生态负荷调整和生态秩序重建为重点的生态建设战略,调控人类活动,实行有序开发,统筹人与自然的和谐发展.面对转型期的国家需求,我国景观生态学的发展迎来了挑战与机遇并存的重要契机.研究的关键议题包括:景观生态安全格局;土地利用与生态过程;人类活动胁迫下的景观变化;区域开发人类活动生态影响的定量评价;区域生态安全评价与预警;景观生态建设的模式设计与优化组合.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of dinoflagellate ecology is presented.The model incorporates currently neglected aspects of potentialimportance in the field of plankton research, such as lossesto the cyst seed bank due to predation or microbial degradation.  相似文献   

我国高校生态学专业建设与人才培养方向探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国生态学专业建设与人才培养存在的问题进行了分析,认为当前存在几方面问题:生态学科和生态学新专业快速发展与师资力量相对薄弱之间的矛盾、课程设置和教学内容的“泛与专、深与浅”之间的矛盾、生态学教学的“软”与生态环境建设的“硬”之间的矛盾,以及社会对生态学人才的现实需求与实际供给之间的矛盾.提出了相关的改革思路与对策:制定生态学专业相关的发展建设规划,适度调整招生规模;实现教学内容与教学方式“从课堂到田间”、“从软到硬”的转变;发展与推行参与性、互动式、研究型和创新型等多元化教学方法;加大生态学专业本科教学质量工程以及教学资源库建设力度,实现资源共享;建立生态学“T”型人才培养模式.最后,针对生态学毕业生的就业问题,提出了一系列以就业为导向的生态学专业人才培养方向.  相似文献   

Part of the art of theory building is to construct effective basic concepts, with a large reach and yet powerful as tools for getting at conclusions. The most basic concept of population biology is that of individual. An appropriately reengineered form of this concept has become the basis for the theories of structured populations and adaptive dynamics. By appropriately delimiting individuals, followed by defining their states as well as their environment, it become possible to construct the general population equations that were introduced and studied by Odo Diekmann and his collaborators. In this essay I argue for taking the properties that led to these successes as the defining characteristics of the concept of individual, delegating the properties classically invoked by philosophers to the secondary role of possible empirical indicators for the presence of those characteristics. The essay starts with putting in place as rule for effective concept engineering that one should go for relations that can be used as basis for deductive structure building rather than for perceived ontological essence. By analysing how we want to use it in the mathematical arguments I then build up a concept of individual, first for use in population dynamical considerations and then for use in evolutionary ones. These two concepts do not coincide, and neither do they on all occasions agree with common intuition-based usage.  相似文献   

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