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Since mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are maternally inherited without recombination, geographic distribution of mtDNA in semiterrestrial cercopithecines is considered to be influenced by female philopatry. I examined the effect of sex difference in migration patterns on geographic distribution in a habitat whose environment has changed frequently. I investigated ten groups (n = 77) of grivets (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) along a 600-km stretch of the Awash River, Ethiopia. I examined the mtDNA distribution among natural local populations whose nuclear variation was already shown to have a widely homogeneous distribution. RFLP analysis of whole mtDNA genome using 17 enzymes identified ten haplotypes in five clusters (haplogroups). Sequence divergence within haplogroups ranged from 0.17%–0.38%, while divergence between haplogroups ranged between 1.0%–2.5%. Haplogroups were distributed in blocks which ranged from 120–250 km along the Awash River. The haplotype distribution pattern of males indicated that they migrate between the boundaries of these blocks. Moreover, a clumped distribution pattern suggests the history of matrilineal distribution by group fission and geographic expansion.  相似文献   

To test whether the male could contribute to the birth peak seen in both wild and captive vervets, testicular volume and peripheral testosterone concentration were measured monthly in nine adults throughout a 14-month period. Volume was an average of 15% greater during the months of June to September, the period of natural breeding activity in the wild, than at other times of the year. Testosterone concentration rose throughout the time period but did not correlate with testicular volume. Quarterly biopsies of the right testis in animals either used for or withheld from breeding revealed the presence of spermatozoa and the existence of spermatogenesis throughout the year. There was no correlation of testicular volume with breeding status or biopsy. If these results from individually caged animals are representative of group-caged and wild animals, then such small seasonal changes are unlikely to affect year-round breeding. Therefore, a physiological contribution by the male to natural birth peaks seen in the wild and captivity is not readily apparent.  相似文献   

Abstract: The incidence of SIVagm seropositivity in a natural population of Ethiopian grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) is investigated using plasma samples collected in 1973, and shown to be similar to that reported from the same population in 1990–91. Results tend to support our previous conclusions: endemic SIVagm has little or no impact on the survival of wild grivet monkeys, and the virus is transmitted almost always by sexual contact, occasionally by trauma, and rarely if ever maternally. Small differences between 1973 and 1990–93 suggest that the stress of drought years may raise the incidence of traumatic transmission, and temporarily depress transmission by sexual activity, in this population.  相似文献   

Members of a single group of green monkeys spent, on average, 44.8% of their waking time foraging, 46.7% resting, and 8.5% in social activities, over 1 year. There was significant variation in activity budgets over months (ranging from 35 to 55% of the time spent feeding). Diurnal rhythms of feeding and ranging were influenced by the daily cycle of temperature in predictable ways in different seasons: in the dry season, activity was reduced if it was too hot or too cold, while the temperature in the wet season did not affect activities. Feeding was also synchronized among individuals on a finer time scale, irrespective of the time of day. There was closer synchrony when feeding on less common foods. An ecological model of foraging time and energetics was tested, using estimates of the costs and benefits of foraging and predicting how these are optimally balanced in relation to the food density. Both feeding time and distance traveled increased as food availability increased. Costs and benefits were balanced over several days. Comparisons between populations of Cercopithecus aethiopswere made; differences in time budgets were compared with differences in the availability and quality of food. Insufficient comparative data are available for firm conclusions about the role of different energetic and nutritive strategies in population differences.  相似文献   

Body weight and ten body segment measurements were collected from 367 wild-trapped vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) in central and southern Kenya. The animals represent between 70 and 95% of the animals in each of 30 troops at four geographical locations separated by 80 to 380 km. The capture sites differed in altitude, mean annual rainfall and temperature. Two questions are addressed: (1) what are the differences in male and female growth patterns, and (2) what is the relationship between size, climate, and availability of food? Each animal was assigned to an age class based on dental examination. Means for all variables do not diverge for males and females from birth to age class 4 (15–18 months). After this, male and female growth rates diverge. This sexual dimorphism in growth pattern may reflect timing of entry into the reproductive community. A nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare sites, groups within sites and individuals within groups. Statistically significant differences between sites in body weight and body segment measurements are found for adult females. Except for tail length, these differences do not follow Bergmann's or Allen's Rules correlating size differences and temperature, but rather may reflect proximity to cultivated areas or tourist lodges with greater access to human food. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:19–35, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From 1975 through 1991, three sets of twins were born from a total of 693 live and stillborn births (0.43%) at the UCLA/Sepulveda Veterans Administration Medical Center Nonhuman Primate Research Laboratory, CA. None of the twin's mothers were related. Positive patrilineal relationships have not been established; however, a brother (not a twin) of the first set of twins may have fathered the third set. All twins were born to multiparous females and, in each case, only one infant survived beyond 4 days. One set of twins was dizygotic; the genetic status of the others is unknown. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of one group of green monkeys (Cercopithecus sabaeus)was observed between October 1978 and December 1979 in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, Senegal. Details of the vegetational composition of the habitat and seasonal variation in food availability were also recorded. The green monkeys’ diet was omnivorous and diverse, including over 65 species of plants, many invertebrates, and some eggs and meat. Preference was given to fruits and flowers, although particular species were not selected; rather, these foods were eaten in proportion to their availability. Leaves, gum, seeds, and fungi were secondarily preferred foods, their consumption depending mostly on the availability of fruit or flowers. There was little overlap in the composition of the diet from month to month, reflecting the strong seasonality of the environment, although there was a consistent intake of invertebrates each month. Differences in diet between populations of the superspecies C. aethiopsare related to the floristic composition of the vegetation. Data on seasonal variation in the diet and changing patterns of resource availability are drawn together within the framework of optimal foraging theory to examine the adaptive strategies underlying the monkeys’ behavior. Their choice of diet was optimal in that they were more selective when profitable food items were common: higher proportions of the diet were given over to fruit and flowers when food availability was high. In parallel with this strategy, a nutritive balance was maintained by consistent inclusion of invertebrates and at least some foliage in the diet, regardless of the amount of fruit or flowers available.  相似文献   

The absence of appropriate animal models is a challenge for those designing anti-schistosome vaccines. In order to observe the development of hepatic granulomata, 20 Krad irradiated cercaria vaccinated grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) were experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Most human clinical manifestations of schistosomiasis were noted in the infected monkeys. Intraperitonial immunization with 20 Krad irradiated cercaria resulted in a relatively less granulomatous reaction and lower egg mass (P<0.05) than in the controls. The mean total adult worms and egg production was also lower in the vaccinated group. This study underlines the significant role of irradiated cercariae vaccination on the establishment of female adults and consequent reduction of pathology in the grivet Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops.  相似文献   

I investigated the feeding ecology of lHoests monkeys (Cercopithecus lhoesti) and blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. Although forest guenons are generally thought to be frugivores or folivores, these two guenons spent a large proportion of their time feeding on invertebrates. The lHoests monkey and the blue monkey spent as much as 66 and 50% of their time on insectivory, respectively. These proportions of time spent on invertebrate feeding are higher than those reported elsewhere for forest guenons. LHoests monkeys mainly utilized the area near the ground for invertebrate feeding, while blue monkeys utilized the area around 20 m above the ground. It seemed that guenons have an ability to change their diet according to the environment.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken of a unique sample of 63 wild vervet monkeys Cercopithecus aethiops from a single population in Uganda collected over 35 days in 1947. Twenty-five were immature (12 females and 13 males) and 38 were adults (16 females and 22 males). Body mass, external measurements, masticatory and other masses were recorded for each individual at the time of collection, and for a few specimens, the development of the reproductive organs. Each individual was evaluated for cranial capacity, limb length and dental eruption. The comparison of immature and adult animals illustrates the mosaic nature of growth in the different body systems, as well as female–male differences. An ancestral model is proposed for catarrhine growth and development, with particular reference to sex differences. This model provides a framework for assessment of immatures and for the reconstruction of socio-ecological effects on life-history stages in populations of fossil monkeys, apes and early hominids.  相似文献   

Indirect measurements of arterial blood pressure were made in African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) employing a Doppler ultrasound stethoscope and standard cuff and an Infrasonde automatic blood pressure recorder. Measurements were obtained from anesthetized (10 mg/kg ketamine (HCI) and unanesthetized (1.5 mg/kg ketamine HCI) animals. Ketamine had no significant effect on blood pressure. Indirect measurements from the brachial artery were compared with direct femoral artery measurements and with each other. Systolic blood pressures measured by the Doppler (r = .948) and Infrasonde (r = .920) methods correlated closely with direct measurements but were significantly lower than systolic blood pressures measured by the direct method. Diastolic blood pressures measured by the Infrasonde method agreed closely with direct measurements (r = .947). Systolic blood pressures measured by the indirect methods correlated closely in both anesthetized (r = .973) and unanesthetized (r = .834) animals and were not significantly different. Mean blood pressures calculated from direct and Infrasonde measurements also correlated closely (r = .963), with direct measurements being 4 mmHg higher on the average. Mean blood pressures are less influenced by methodology and are more reproducible than other pressures. These noninvasive methods can be used to obtain simple and accurate measurements of blood pressure from anesthetized and unanesthetized monkeys and are of value in long-term studies in monkeys.  相似文献   

Summary Eyes of vervets were fixed by several methods, and the iris capillaries were studied by electron microscopy. The capillaries have a continuous endothelium without fenestrae. Tight junctions are always present in intercellular clefts of the endothelium, and marginal folds are frequent. A rather thick basement membrane is present, similar to what is found in the human iris. Pericytes are frequent, and specialized areas of membrane contact between endothelium and pericytes are described. Peculiar marginal vacuoles are found in the endothelium after perfusion with hypertonic fixative.  相似文献   

Summary Sectors of anterior segments of vervet eyes were exposed to solutions of different osmolarities (Cercopithecus aethiops). After hypertonic incubation followed by isotonic fixation, as well as after fixation directly in hypertonic fixative, the ciliary epithelium showed constant changes. These changes consisted of a shrinkage pattern with dilations of intercellular clefts in the superficial region of the epithelium, whereas no dilations occurred in the basal layer. The basal junctional complex of the superficial cell layer was always intact. The detailed structure of this complex is described. The conclusion is drawn that it functions as a barrier to the molecules of the solutes in question, and that it may also have this function in vivo with regard to molecules of similar size.  相似文献   

Serum IgG, IgA, and IgM levels were measured in domestically bred African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) ranging in age from 0 day to 49 months as well as in adult (5 years or older) animals of wild origin. Transplacental transfer of IgG was observed. IgG, IgA, and IgM levels increased with increasing age except for a temporal decrease of IgG level in the first month of life.  相似文献   

Based on long-term, although intermittent, observations (2 years 4 months of 14 years), we present data on birth seasonality, age at first birth, interbirth intervals, mortality rates, age at first emigration, and population change of a wild population of West African patas monkeys (Etythrocebus patas patas) in northern Cameroon. Birth season was from the end of December until the middle of February, corresponding to the mid-dry season. In spite of large body size, the patas females had the earliest age at first birth (36.5 monthsold) and the shortest interbirth intervals (12 months) compared to the closely related wild forest guenons. Age at first emigration of the males was considered to occur between 2.5 and 4.5 years. The group size of the focal group drastically decreased between 1984 and 1987, and steadily increased until 1994, then decreased again in 1997. The neighboring group also showed a similar trend in group size. The population decreases were likely to be caused by drought over 3 years. Annual crude adult mortality rate was 4% during population increase periods (PIP) between 1987 and 1994. It rose to 22% during all the periods (AP), including drought over 3 years. Despite their smaller body size, the rate of the wild forest guenons (Cercopithecus mitis) (4%) was the same and much lower than those of the patas during PIP and AP, respectively. The annual average juvenile mortality rate was 13% during PIP and it also rose to 37% during AP. That of wild forest guenons (C. ascanius) (10–12%) was a little lower and much lower than those of the patas during PIP and AP, respectively. These findings were consistent with Charnov's theoretical model of mammalian life-history evolution in that patas with high adult and juvenile mortality showed early and frequent reproduction in spite of large body size. Charnov also considered high adult mortality as a selective force and high juvenile mortality as a density-dependent consequence of high fecundity. Our results support the former but not the latter research findings.  相似文献   

Summary Antisera against oLH1, oLH and hFSH were used to localize gonadotropic cells in the pars distalis of Cercopithecus aethiops and Papio hamadryas. Three separate cell types were observed for FSH and LH: 85% of immunohistochemically identified gonadotropic cells reacted to all the various antisera; 10% reacted with the anti-LH antibody only; and 5% with the anti-hFSH antibody only. Comparisons between adjacent serial sections treated with various antisera, other than anti-gonadotropic hormones, demonstrated that the gonadotropic cells of these monkeys did not respond to these antisera.
Résumé Des anticorps anti-LH ovine, anti-LH ovine et anti-FSH humaine ont été utilisés pour localiser les cellules gonadotropes dans la pars distalis de l'hypophyse des Singes Cercopithecus aethiops et Papio hamadryas. Trois catégories cellulaires distinctes, réagissant avec des anticorps anti-hormones gonadotropes, ont été observées. 85% des cellules immunoréactives identifiées en tant que cellules gonadotropes réagissent simultanément avec les différents anticorps mentionnés; 10% des cellules gonadotropes réagissent seulement avec l'anticorps anti-oLH et 5% de ces cellules seulement avec l'anticorps anti-hFSH. La comparaison avec des coupes adjacentes traitées par divers anticorps autres que les anticorps anti-gonadotropines prouve que les cellules gonadotropes de ces Singes ne réagissent jamais simultanément avec l'un ou l'autre de ces anticorps.

Abbreviations used in this Article oLH ovine luteinizing hormone - hFSH human follicle stimulating hormone - ACTH corticotropin - GH growth hormone - LPH lipotropin - TSH thyrotropin  相似文献   

Summary Anesthetized vervets were given intravenous injections of horseradish peroxidase. Subsequent studies of iris capillaries with the electron microscope showed peroxidase reaction product within the lumen of the vessels and in endothelial vesicles, but no peroxidase had penetrated the vascular endothelium. The normal ultrastructure of the vascular wall was retained.  相似文献   

I examined seasonal, sex, and interspecific differences in activity time budgest and diets of patas (Erythrocebus patas) and sympatric tantalus monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) on the basis of 5-day data sets collected in three and two different seasons, respectively, by the method of focal animal sampling. The seasons included species-specific mating and birth seasons. As compared with not only the birth season but also conspecific females, both patas resident male and tantalus male spent less time feeding and more time resting, day and night, in their respective mating seasons. Given that day-resting time includes time for vigilance for non-resident males and receptive females, this may reflect that males should minimize time spent feeding to allow maximum participation in other fitness-increasing activities such as mating-relating activities asSchoener (1971) predicted. In both species, the males consumed fruits containing less protein but more calories and showed a high feeding rate to compensate for the shorter time spent feeding in the mating season. In contrast, females consumed protein-rich food types (i.e. animals, protein-rich seeds, leaves, and flowers) in the birth season to meet the high demand for protein due to pregnancy and lactation. Given that the season for males was considered to be not a calendar but a reproductive “season” (i.e. mating or birth season), both sexes of patas spent more time moving and less time day- and night-resting than did the tantalus counterparts irrespective of the “season”. Patas subsisted on fruits, gums, and supplementarily lipid-rich seeds as an energy source and animal matters and protein-rich seeds as a protein source. In contrast, tantalus subsisted on fruits and lipid-rich seeds as energy and flowers and leaves as protein.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models are invaluable tools in biogeographical, ecological and applied biological research, but specific concerns have been raised in relation to different modelling techniques in terms of their validity. Here we compare two fundamentally different approaches to species distribution modelling, one based on simple occurrence data where the lack of an ecological framework has been criticized, and the other firmly based in socio‐ecological theory but requiring highly detailed behavioural information that is often limited in availability. Location (Sub‐Saharan) Africa. Methods We used two distinct techniques to predict the realized distribution of a model species, the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops Linnaeus, 1758). A maximum entropy model was produced taking 13 environmental variables and presence‐only data from 174 sites throughout Africa as input, with an additional 58 sites retained to test the model. A time‐budget model considering the same environmental variables was constructed from detailed behavioural data on 20 groups representing 14 populations, with presence‐only data from the remaining 218 sites reserved to test model predictions on vervet monkey occurrence. Both models were further validated against a reference species distribution map as drawn up by the African Mammals Databank. Results Both models performed well, with the time budget and maximum entropy algorithms correctly predicting vervet monkey presence at 78.4% and 91.4% of their respective test sites. Similarly, the time‐budget model correctly predicted presence and absence at 87.4% of map pixels against the reference distribution map, and the maximum entropy model achieved a success rate of 81.8%. Finally, there was a high level of agreement (81.6%) between the presence–absence maps produced by the two models, and the environmental variables identified as most strongly driving vervet monkey distribution were the same in both models. Main conclusions The time‐budget and maximum entropy models produced accurate and remarkably similar species distribution maps, despite fundamental differences in their conceptual and methodological approaches. Such strong convergence not only provides support for the credibility of current results, but also relieves concerns about the validity of the two modelling approaches.  相似文献   

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