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唐巍  欧阳藩  郭仲琛   《广西植物》1998,18(1):65-69
马铃薯3个品种虎头,克4和Favorita的茎叶外植体在MS+1mg/LNAA+1mg/LBA培养基上形成愈伤组织。在MS+02mg/LNAA+1mg/LBA培养基上,愈伤组织分化产生不定芽。在MS+005mg/LNAA培养基上,不定芽生根形成再生完整植株。02~03cm大小的不定芽反复继代可持续增殖。有3个以上叶片的不定芽在MS+5mg/LBA+005mg/LIBA培养基上和黑暗条件下,在侧芽或顶芽部位形成微型薯。用4%海藻酸钠和2%氯化钙溶液包裹02~03cm大小的不定芽或直径为02~03cm的微型薯制成微芽人工种子和微薯人工种子。在4℃下贮存2个月后,微芽人工种子和微薯人工种子在有菌腐殖土壤中播种21d的萌发率分别是157%和962%。  相似文献   

研究了麦芽糖、蔗糖和乳糖等不同碳源和KNO3,(NH42)2SO4和谷氨酰胺等不同氮源对3个马铃薯品种虎头、克4(K)和Favorita(F)的微型薯形砀影响及培养液中蔗糖浓度和电导率等生长参数的动力学变化。  相似文献   

植物人工种子的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了人工种子研究的进展及人工种子的包埋方法和有关从体细胞胚转变为小植株的问题。  相似文献   

人工种子的研究现况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

建立并发展人工种子技术,是为了快速地繁殖优良品种或杂种,可适用于采用三系法或二系法生产的杂种一代种子。对一些难以用种子繁殖的品种或遗传性状不稳定、育性欠佳的植物种,也可用人工种子技术进行大量繁殖。尤其是一些通过遗传工程创造出的新型植物种如体细胞杂种或转基因植物,都可用人工种子技术进行繁殖或保持。另外,人工种子技术还可用于脱毒苗的保持和快速繁殖。与普通试管苗相比,人工种子成  相似文献   

本文进行了芫荽愈伤组织、胚状体诱导条件的研究和体细胞胚的包埋、萌发以及幼苗移栽等过程的初步试验。在无菌条件下。人工种子的成苗率这82%,移栽到土壤中的成活率达83%以上。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了人工种子的研究历史,总结了人工种子的制作技术,并对人工种子的生产意义进行了阐述.  相似文献   

人工种子种皮的研究现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

安祖花人工种子的研制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

在农业快速发展过程中,基因工程作为改造马铃薯性状的重要手段,一直备受关注。优化马铃薯组织培养体系及外源基因转化条件是进行马铃薯转基因工作的基础。以三种熟性不同的马铃薯栽培品种(东农303、早大白、大西洋)的试管苗为试验材料,采用正交实验,对茎段和试管薯的分化体系进行筛选、优化,建立不同品种茎段的愈伤再生体系及试管薯直接分化再生体系。将以LYCB为目的基因,以NPTII为筛选标记的载体,利用农杆菌转化法,分别对三种材料试管苗的茎段及试管薯进行转基因操作,并对转化条件进行优化,以建立适合于不同品种马铃薯茎段及试管薯的遗传转化体系。以研究中得到的最佳离体再生体系及最优遗传转化体系为基础,利用PCR方法,进行阳性植株检测并统计。研究发现,在东农303、早大白、大西洋三种品种中,经由茎段愈伤组织转化,获得的阳性植株转化率分别为36%、35%、28%;经由试管薯直接分化,获得的阳性植株转化率分别为43%、45%、17%。在后期转基因操作中,东农303/早大白转化时可采用试管薯作为试验组织,大西洋则适合用茎段。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病抗病基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯晚疫病是马铃薯和番茄等茄科植物中最主要的病害之一,每年都引起巨大的经济损失。基因工程技术的发展为马铃薯晚疫病的防治工作提出了新的契机,从晚疫病抗性品种中筛选出具有高持久抗性的抗病基因,并将其转化到栽培品种中去,无疑是我们开发持久性晚疫病抗性的最快捷的手段。到目前为至,已经有十几个晚疫病抗性基因从S.demissum,S. bulbocastanum,S.berthauhii,S.mochiquense和S.pinnatisectum等抗性马铃薯品种中鉴定出来并已定位在马铃薯染色体基因组上,并有4个被克隆出来(R1,R3a,Rpi—blb1/RB和Rpi—blb2)。主要概述了马铃薯晚疫病抗病基因的研究现状和发展前景。  相似文献   

测定云南马铃薯主栽品种‘合作88’不同生理年龄种薯芽中内源激素含量的结果表明,随着马铃薯种薯生理年龄的增加,各种内源激素含量均呈下降趋势,生理年龄30d以后的种薯中,IAA、GA_3,玉米素(ZR)和双氢玉米素(DHZR)下降显著,ABA下降相对缓慢;生理年龄30d的种薯,主茎长出的叶片数多,单株薯重高。  相似文献   

The role of potassium nutrition in microtuber production was investigated in two potato cultivars belonging to different maturity groups. Alterations were made in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium to obtain seven concentrations of potassium (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mM), and their effects were studied on microtuber number, microtuber mass and harvest index. In late cultivar Kufri Sindhuri, an increase in potassium concentration beyond 25 mM decreased the number of microtubers. Whereas, potassium did not show any inhibitory effect on microtuber number in early cultivar Kufri Ashoka. Potassium showed promoting effect on microtuber mass in both the cultivars. Maximum microtuber mass and harvest index were observed when the medium was supplemented with 40 mM potassium. Therefore, large size potato microtubers amenable to direct field planting can be induced in MS medium containing 40 mM potassium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of stem canker and black scurf on potato, survives as sclerotia on tubers, in soil and in plant residues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the importance of inoculum source on disease development. Disease‐free minitubers and seed tubers contaminated with low levels of R. solani were planted in fumigated or artificially inoculated growth mixture in greenhouse experiments. Black scurf incidence and severity were significantly higher when the inoculum was present in both seed tubers and soil, compared with either of them separately. The severity of disease symptoms on the subterranean parts of the plant also were significantly higher in plots where both seed tubers and soil were contaminated, compared with plots where the inoculum source was either the seed tubers or the soil. Thus, both major sources of inoculum, seed tubers and soil, are important in disease development. However, when both sources are present, black scurf incidence and severity are increased, leading to economical damage to tuber yield and quality. Additional results from field trials support these findings. Disease incidence and severity on daughter tubers were correlated with levels of contamination in seed tubers and soil. When seed tubers and soil were heavily infested, the levels of black scurf incidence and severity on daughter tubers were very high; when seed tuber and soil infestation were very low, black scurf incidence and severity on progeny were also lower. Disease levels were reduced by in‐furrow fungicide treatment, but were less effective when the initial levels of the fungus on the seed tubers and in the soil were high.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from potato mesophyll of two strains (Solannum tuberosum L. cv. Xiao Yie Zi x Duo Zi Bia and Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Wu Meng 601) were induced to callus in culture medium of protoplasts. The callus derived from mesophyll protoplasts were transferred to MS medium with 2 mg/l ZT+0.1 mg/L IAA. Shoots regenerated from the callus were detected after 70 days of culture.The shoots which had grown to a height of 2–3 cm were transferred to MS medium with 0.05 mg/L NAA. Roots were coming out in a few days.Complete plantlets were achieved. Stern segments with 1–2 leaves were then transferred to a mixture of sterilized soil and grown, and produced tuber.  相似文献   

在马铃薯切片陈化过程中,总呼吸速率(Vt)和交替途径容量(Valt)分别升高了5倍和28倍,但交替途径在无KCN存在下几乎不运行。用20μmol/L的水杨酸处理陈化切片可引起总呼吸速率和交替途径容量的少量增加,但交替途径的运行却明显加强。水杨酸的这种促进作用在Percoll纯化的线粒体中也有出现。马铃薯切片中交替途径运行的增加导致了线粒体呼吸控制比及ADP/O的下降。这些都表明水杨酸对马铃薯切片陈化过程中抗氰交替途径的活性具有诱导作用。  相似文献   

The activity of a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein was determined in growing potato plants and in stored potato tubers. The activity in leaves was higher than in stems, and it decreased by the end of the vegetative season. During the dormancy period, the inhibitory activity in tubers also changed. In the sprouting tubers, it was somewhat lower than in the nonsprouting ones, and, in sprouts, it was usually higher than in tubers. Both the plant polygalacturonase and the polygalacturonase secreted by phytopathogenic fungi after their penetration in plant tissues can serve as inhibitor's targets. Therefore, the inhibitor seems to control the resistance of plants to infection by particular pathogens, and this resistance is characteristic of definite developmental stages.  相似文献   

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