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Two effects of blue light on the development of Onoclea sensibilis spores are demonstrated. Brief irradiation promotes the protonemal or filamentous type of growth, and the rate of filament elongation is greater than in darkness. Longer periods of irradiation induce the formation of 2-dimensional prothallia. Blue-light treatments which promote filament elongation interact with elongation-promoting far-red light. Far-red irradiation alone promotes filament elongation to a greater extent than blue light, but a blue-light irradiation, either following or preceding far-red treatment, strongly inhibits the far-red promotion. In darkness, a slow recovery from the blue-light-induced loss of sensitivity to far-red takes place. The recovery may be greatly accelerated by interposing a red-light treatment between blue and far-red irradiation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of early stages in embryogenesis in barley was examined. Post-fertilization shrinkage does not occur. Plasmodesmata were not observed in cell walls of the zygote and outer cell walls of embryos. There is little evidence of cellular specialization in earliest embryonic stages, and planes of cell division tend to be irregular although a pattern of cell disposition characteristic of some grass embryos can be discerned. The embryo appears polarized after 2–3 division cycles, but no evolving of dorsiventrality occurs during this period. A basal supensor cell “anchors” the embryo during early embryogenesis, but by about five division cycles the embryo loses its attachment to the nucellus and is completely surrounded by endosperm. An increase in number of ribosomes and mitochondria takes place during early embryogenesis, and mitochondrial dimensions are reduced. A shift in vacuole distribution occurs.  相似文献   

This investigation begins with the late zygote and traces ultrastructural development to the late globular stage of the embryo. Two nucleoli and satellite nucleoli sometimes occur in the zygote nucleus. Mitochondria, dictyosomes, cytoplasmic ribosomes, rough ER, and lipid bodies are numerous in the zygote. Microbodies are occasionally seen. The cell wall becomes well developed before the first division. No plasmodesmata occur in the zygote wall. The basal cell of the proembryo and the suspensor cells of the later embryo have very dense cytoplasm with a high concentration of cytoplasmic ribosomes. The nuclei are very electron opaque. The terminal cell and the cells of the embryo proper have a fine structure similar to that of the zygote. Plastids increase in number, size, starch content, and amount of thylakoid lamellae as the embryo develops. Mitochondria are numerous and appear active at all stages. Dictyosome activity, ribosomal aggregation, and the amount of ER are highest during the late globular stage. Lipid bodies are present up to the early globular stage, then disappear. The inner cell walls of the embryo are thin and have many plasmodesmata. These walls begin to thicken at the late globular stage, and at this time the size of the embryo begins to show an increase over that of the zygote. The results show a corresponding increase in the amount and activity of the metabolic machinery as the development of the embryo progresses. Lipids are probably more important as a nutrient source in the zygote and early embryo; starch becomes more important in the late stages. Absorption of nutrient material into the embryo sac and developing embryo appears to be from the chalazal end.  相似文献   

荒漠藻壳的精细结构与发育   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
以宁夏沙坡头不同时期围栏形成的固沙地为样点,将土壤学研究手段与土壤微生物学研究方法相结合,首次在微米层次揭示了荒漠藻壳中藻类植物的自然群落结构和空间分布规律,同时结合矿物物相分析,藻类生物量、土壤理化性质,从生物学、土壤学、矿物学交叉结合的角度深入地揭示了荒漠藻壳的结构和发育,为荒漠拓殖生物群落的发育和人工调控荒漠藻壳固沙培肥技术的应用提供了最直接的依据。另外研究中所采用的多学科交叉结合的实验手段  相似文献   

The fine structure of the exoerythrocytic cycle of an avian malarial parasite, Plasmodium fallax, has been analyzed using preparations grown in a tissue culture system derived from embryonic turkey brain cells which were fixed in glutaraldehyde-OsO4. The mature merozoite, an elongated cell 3- to 4-µ long and 1- to 2-µ wide, is ensheathed in a complex double-layered pellicle. The anterior end consists of a conoid, from which emanate two lobed paired organelles and several closely associated dense bodies. A nucleus is situated in the mid portion of the cell, while a single mitochondrion wrapped around a spherical body is found in the posterior end. On the pellicle of the merozoite near the nucleus a cytostomal cavity, 80 to 100 mµ in diameter, is located. Based on changes in fine structure, the subsequent sequence of development is divided into three phases: first, the dedifferentiation phase, in which the merozoite loses many complex structures, i.e. the conoid, paired organelles, dense bodies, spherical body, and the thick inner layers of the pellicle, and transforms into a trophozoite; second, the growth phase, which consists of many nuclear divisions as well as parallel increases in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes; and third, the redifferentiation and cytoplasmic schizogony phase, in which the specialized organelles reappear as the new merozoites bud off from the mother schizont.  相似文献   

Plasmodium elongatum, an avian malarial parasite, differs from other such parasites by infecting both the circulating red blood cells and the hematopoietic cells. The exoerythrocytic development of P. elongatum occurs mainly in these red cell precursors. The fine structure of the asexual stages of P. elongatum has been studied in the bone marrow and peripheral blood of canaries and compared with that of the asexual stages of other avian malarial parasites. With minor differences, the merozoites of P. elongatum possess the same organelles as those in the exoerythrocytic merozoites of P. fallax and the erythrocytic stages of P. cathemerium, P. lophurae, P. fallax, and P. gallinaceum. The developmental sequence is also essentially similar to that of other avian malarial parasites, in that upon entry into a new host cell, the dedifferentiation, growth, and redifferentiation phases take place. However, we have found some important differences in the feeding mechanism of P. elongatum. The cytostome is involved in the ingestion of host cell cytoplasm in both exoerythrocytic and erythrocytic stages, in contrast to P. fallax, in which the cytostome is inactive in the exoerythrocytic stages. In P. elongatum, host cell cytoplasm is ingested through the cytostome, and "boluses" are formed and incorporated into a large digestive vacuole. Subsequently, the digestion of the boluses takes place in this digestive vacuole. Thus, in regard to the function of the cytostome, the exoerythrocytic stages of P. elongatum appear to be closely related to the erythrocytic stage which has a feeding mechanism similar to that of the erythrocytic stage of other avian malarial parasites.  相似文献   

The steady-state levels of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium were estimated in the green alga Ulva rigida C. Agardh in darkness after addition of 0.5 mM KNO3 and irradiation with red (R) and blue (B) light pulses of different duration (5 and 30 min). The net uptake of nitrate was very rapid. Seventy-five percent of the nitrate added was consumed after 60 min in darkness. Although uptake was stable after R or B, efflux of nitrate occurred within 3 h in the dark control and when R or B were followed by far-red (FR) irradiation. The internal nitrate concentration after 3 h in darkness was similar after R and B light pulses; however, the intracellular ammonium was higher after R than after B. The intracellular nitrate and ammonium decreased when FR tight pulses were applied immediately after R or B. Thus, the involvement of phytochrome in the transport of nitrate and ammonium is proposed. Nitrate reductase activity, measured by the in situ method, was increased by both R and B light pulses. The effect was partially reversed by FR light. Nitrate reductase activity was higher after 5 min of R light than after 5 min of B. However, after 30-min light pulses, the relative increase in activity was reversed for R and B. We propose that phytochrome and a blue-light photoreceptor are involved in regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Nitrate uptake and reduction correlates with previously detected light-regulated accumulation of protein in Ulva rigida under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

红光(R)和远红光(Fr)都抑制水稻胚芽的生长,但对胚芽鞘来说,红光抑制其生长,远红光表现出部分逆转效应。一定浓度单一生长素(IAA)促进水稻胚芽鞘的生长,而赤霉素(GA_3)与生长素作用相反。对于水稻的过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POX),红光促进两种酶的活性,远红光则表现出逆转效应。单一10~(-2)ppmIAA、10~(-2)ppmGA_3都促进其活性。照光时,在10~(-2)ppm IAA存在的条件下,红光表现为促进,远红光则表现为抑制;但在10~(-2)ppm GA_3存在的条件下,红光反而对两种酶的活性有抑制作用,远红光则表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

Fertilization events following coalescence of the gamete plasma membranes and culminating in the formation of the zygote nucleus were investigated by light and electron microscopy in the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata. Shortly after the spermatozoon passes through the fertilization cone, it rotates approximately 180° and comes to rest lateral to its point of entrance. Concomitantly, the nonperforated nuclear envelope of the sperm nucleus undergoes degeneration followed by dispersal of the sperm chromatin and development of the pronuclear envelope. During this reorganization of the sperm nucleus, the sperm aster is formed. The latter is composed of ooplasmic lamellar structures and fasciles of microtubules. The male pronucleus, sperm mitochondrion, and flagellum accompany the sperm aster during its migration. As the pronuclei encounter one another, the surface of the female pronucleus proximal to the advancing male pronucleus becomes highly convoluted. Subsequently, the formation of the zygote nucleus commences with the fusion of the outer and the inner membranes of the pronuclear envelopes, thereby producing a small internuclear bridge and one continuous, perforated zygote nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

CMU inhibits oxygen evolution in greening etiolated bean leaves.In the presence of this compound chlorophyll content is reducedand fine structure development of the chloroplasts is markedlyaffected. The number of grana per chloroplast is reduced butthe grana are larger and contain more thylakoids than the granain chloroplasts of the greening control leaves. Sucrose reversesthe effect of CMU on pigment content and fine structure developmentof chloroplasts. (Received September 14, 1965; )  相似文献   

Changes in the fine structure of proplastids of etiolated leaves exposed to various conditions of light and darkness for 24 and 48 hours were investigated, and the chlorophyll content of the leaves so treated was determined in vivo. The light treatments were given while the leaves were floated on tap water or on a 0.2 M sucrose solution. Leaves floated on water under low light intensity (2 foot-candles) were low in chlorophyll and contained plastids with concentric rows of vesicles. Transferring the leaves back to darkness resulted in the disappearance of the concentric rigs and re-formation of vesicular centers together with straight rows of vesicles and tubules, evenly spaced throughout the stroma. Chloroplasts of leaves floated on a sucrose solution under low light showed large vesicular centers together with stacks of rows of elongated tubules. The same chloroplast structure was found in leaves floated on a sucrose solution in the dark, after having been exposed to weak light for 24 hours. Chlorophyll content in these leaves was the same as in leaves floated on water under high light intensity, where the chloroplasts had normal grana and lamellae. The effect of the investigated factors on plastid development is discussed.  相似文献   

At maturity the companion cell of the phloem of the sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus has a large nucleus, simple plastids closely sheathed with rough endoplasmic reticulum, and numerous mitochondria. The cytoplasm contains numerous ribosomes, resulting in a very electron-opaque cytoplasm after permanganate fixation. Bodies similar to the spherosomes of Frey-Wyssling et al. (4) are collected in clusters and these also contain bodies of an unidentified nature similar to those found by Buttrose (1) in the aleurone cells of the wheat grain. The pores through the wall between the companion cell and sieve tube are complex and develop from a single plasmodesma. Eight to fifteen plasmodesmata on the companion cell side communicate individually with a cavity in the centre of the wall which is linked to the sieve tube by a single pore about twice the diameter of an individual plasmodesma. This pore is lined with material of an electron opacity equivalent to that of material bounding the sieve plate pores. The development of the cell organelles, the possible role played in the phloem tissue by the companion cell, and the function of the complex pores contained in its wall are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic studies provide an important framework for investigating the mechanisms operating during the earliest stages of speciation, as reproductive barriers can be examined among divergent lineages in a geographic context. We investigated the evolution of early stages of intrinsic postmating isolation among different populations and lineages of Epidendrum denticulatum, a Neotropical orchid distributed across different biomes in South America. We estimated genetic diversity and structure for both nuclear and plastid markers, using a haplotype network, differentiation tests, Bayesian assignment analysis, and divergence time estimates of the main lineages. Reproductive barriers among divergent lineages were examined by analyzing seed viability following reciprocal crossing experiments. Strong plastid phylogeographic structure was found, indicating that E. denticulatum was restricted to multiple refuges during South American forest expansion events. In contrast, significant phylogeographic structure was not found for nuclear markers, suggesting higher gene flow by pollen than by seeds. Large asymmetries in seed set were observed among different plastid genetic groups, suggesting the presence of polymorphic genic incompatibilities associated with cytonuclear interactions. Our results confirm the importance of phylogeographic studies associated with reproductive isolation experiments and suggest an important role for outbreeding depression during the early stages of lineage diversification.  相似文献   

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