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利用飞秒泵探测技术研究了紫细菌光合反应中心RS601中的超快能量传递过程,通过选择激反应中心中的不同色素,观察到了以不同色素为起点发生在飞秒时域的超快能量传递过程,从细菌去镁叶绿素H到辅助细胞叶绿素B的能量传递发生在约130fs时间尺度,而通过激发色素B则观察到了从B到原始电子供体P的约240fs的超快能量传递,另外,P激发态的超快弛豫过程则说明其上、下激子能级间存在超快的内转换过程,通过对不同色素激发态的能量弛豫过程的分析,说明由原初电子供体H的电子传递过在几个皮秒时间内完成,其中辅助细菌叶绿素B为该电子传递过程中间态。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome bc 1 complex is a multifunctional membrane protein complex. Itcatalyzes electron transfer, proton translocation, peptide processing, and superoxide generation.Crystal structure data at 2.9 Å resolution not only establishes the location of the redox centersand inhibitor binding sites, but also suggests a movement of the head domain of the iron–sulfurprotein (ISP) during bc 1 catalysis and inhibition of peptide-processing activity during complexmaturation. The functional importance of the movement of extramembrane (head) domain ofISP in the bc 1 complex is confirmed by analysis of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides bc 1 complexmutants with increased rigidity in the ISP neck and by the determination of rate constants foracid/base-induced intramolecular electron transfer between [2Fe–2S] and heme c 1 in nativeand inhibitor-loaded beef complexes. The peptide-processing activity is activated in bovineheart mitochondrial bc 1 complex by nonionic detergent at concentrations that inactivate electrontransfer activity. This peptide-processing activity is shown to be associated with subunits Iand II by cloning, overexpression and in vitro reconstitution. The superoxide-generation siteof the cytochrome bc 1 complex is located at reduced b L and Q. The reaction is membranepotential-, and cytochrome c-dependent.  相似文献   

In green sulfur photosynthetic bacteria, the cytochrome cz (cyt cz) subunit in the reaction center complex mediates electron transfer mainly from menaquinol/cytochrome c oxidoreductase to the special pair (P840) of the reaction center. The cyt cz subunit consists of an N-terminal transmembrane domain and a C-terminal soluble domain that binds a single heme group. The periplasmic soluble domain has been proposed to be highly mobile and to fluctuate between oxidoreductase and P840 during photosynthetic electron transfer. We have determined the crystal structure of the oxidized form of the C-terminal functional domain of the cyt cz subunit (C-cyt cz) from thermophilic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum at 1.3-Å resolution. The overall fold of C-cyt cz consists of four α-helices and is similar to that of class I cytochrome c proteins despite the low similarity in their amino acid sequences. The N-terminal structure of C-cyt cz supports the swinging mechanism previously proposed in relation with electron transfer, and the surface properties provide useful information on possible interaction sites with its electron transfer partners. Several characteristic features are observed for the heme environment: These include orientation of the axial ligands with respect to the heme plane, surface-exposed area of the heme, positions of water molecules, and hydrogen-bond network involving heme propionate groups. These structural features are essential for elucidating the mechanism for regulating the redox state of cyt cz.  相似文献   

There are now four structures of vertebrate mitochondrial bc 1 complexes available in theprotein databases and structures from yeast and bacterial sources are expected soon. Thisreview summarizes the new information with emphasis on the avian cytochrome bc 1 complex(PDB entries 1BCC and 3BCC). The Rieske iron–sulfur protein is mobile and this has beenproposed to be important for catalysis. The binding sites for quinone have been located basedon structures containing inhibitors and, in the case of the quinone reduction site Qi, thequinone itself.  相似文献   

We first describe the history and methods of membrane protein crystallization, and show how the structure of the photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis was solved. The structure of this membrane protein complex is correlated with its function as a light-driven electron pump across the photosynthetic membrane. Finally we draw conclusions on the structure of the photosystem II reaction centre from plants and discuss the aspects of membrane protein structure.Published in Les Prix NobelThe Nobel Prizes 1988 (Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, 1989) and republished here with the permission of the Nobel Foundation the copyright holders.  相似文献   

A non-adiabatic theory of Electron Transfer (ET), which improves the standard theory near the inversion point and becomes equivalent to it far from the inversion point, is presented. The complex amplitudes of the electronic wavefunctions at different sites are used as Kramers variables for describing the quantum tunneling of the electron in the deformable potential generated by its environment (nonadiabaticity) which is modeled as a harmonic classical thermal bath. After exact elimination of the bath, the effective electron dynamics is described by a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with norm preserving dissipative terms and a Langevin random force, with a frequency cut-off, due to the thermalized phonons. This theory reveals the existence of a specially interesting marginal case when the linear and nonlinear coefficients of a two electronic states system are appropriately tuned for forming a Coherent Electron-Phonon Oscillator (CEPO). An electron injected on one of the electronic states of a CEPO generates large amplitude charge oscillations (even at zero temperature) associated with coherent phonon oscillations and electronic level oscillations. This fluctuating electronic level may resonate with a third site which captures the electron so that Ultrafast Electron Transfer (UFET) becomes possible. Numerical results are shown where two weakly interacting sites, a donor and a catalyst, form a CEPO that triggers an UFET to an acceptor. Without a catalytic site, a very large energy barrier prevents any direct ET. This UFET is shown to have many qualitative features similar to those observed in the primary charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers. We suggest that more generally, CEPO could be a paradigm for understanding many selective chemical reactions involving electron transfer in biosystems.  相似文献   

采用新型表面活性剂LDAO,结合DEAE纤维素层析法,我们提纯了紫细菌Rhodobactersphaeroides601的光合反应中心。在一定温度和丙酮的协同作用下,外加的植物脱镁叶绿素a可取代反应中心细菌脱镁叶绿素,形成含有脱镁叶绿素a的紫细菌光合反应中心(PheaRC)。当协同作用15min和60min时,反应中心中的细菌脱镁叶绿素分别被替代了50%和71%。在PheaRC中,细菌脱镁叶绿素的QX(537nm)和QY(758nm)特征峰显著下降,而出现高等植物脱镁叶绿素的QX(509/542nm)和QY(674nm)特征峰。排除温度和丙酮的影响,替代时间为15min或60min的PheaRC的光化学活性分别为对照的78%或71%。  相似文献   

Possible interactions between photosynthetic reaction center (RC) proteins that protect these membrane proteins from proteolytic digestion in RC complex assembly were evaluated by use of translationally in-frame (nonpolar) RC gene-specific deletions. The RC H, RC M and RC L proteins were produced from plasmids, either alone or in concert with one or both of the others, in a strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides that contained chromosomal deletions of all three RC genes. The steady-state amounts of these proteins in cell membrane and soluble fractions were assessed in western blots. The data are used to propose a model of RC assembly in which the RC M protein accumulates in the cell membrane regardless of the presence of the RC H and RC L proteins, and the RC M protein is a nucleus for addition of RC L followed by RC H in assembly of the RC holocomplex.  相似文献   

The ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (also called complex III, or bc (1) complex), is a multi subunit enzyme encountered in a very broad variety of organisms including uni- and multi-cellular eukaryotes, plants (in their mitochondria) and bacteria. Most bacteria and mitochondria harbor various forms of the bc (1) complex, while plant and algal chloroplasts as well as cyanobacteria contain a homologous protein complex called plastohydroquinone:plastocyanin oxidoreductase or b (6) f complex. Together, these enzyme complexes constitute the superfamily of the bc complexes. Depending on the physiology of the organisms, they often play critical roles in respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer events, and always contribute to the generation of the proton motive force subsequently used by the ATP synthase. Primarily, this review is focused on comparing the 'mitochondrial-type' bc (1) complex and the 'chloroplast-type' b (6) f complex both in terms of structure and function. Specifically, subunit composition, cofactor content and assembly, inhibitor sensitivity, proton pumping, concerted electron transfer and Fe-S subunit large-scale domain movement of these complexes are discussed. This is a timely undertaking in light of the structural information that is emerging for the b (6) f complex.  相似文献   

In this minireview an overview is presented of the kinetics of electron transfer within the cytochrome bc (1) complex, as well as from cytochrome bc (1) to cytochrome c. The cytochrome bc (1) complex (ubiquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase) is an integral membrane protein found in the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as the electron transfer chains of many respiratory and photosynthetic bacteria. Experiments on both mitochondrial and bacterial cyatochrome bc (1) have provided detailed kinetic information supporting a Q-cycle mechanism for electron transfer within the complex. On the basis of X-ray crystallographic studies of cytochrome bc (1), it has been proposed that the Rieske iron-sulfur protein undergoes large conformational changes as it transports electrons from ubiquinol to cytochrome c (1). A new method was developed to study electron transfer within cytochrome bc (1) using a binuclear ruthenium complex to rapidly photooxidize cytochrome c (1). The rate constant for electron transfer from the iron-sulfur center to cytochrome c (1) was found to be 80,000 s(-1), and is controlled by the dynamics of conformational changes in the iron-sulfur protein. Moreover, a linkage between the conformation of the ubiquinol binding site and the conformational dynamics of the iron-sulfur protein has been discovered which could play a role in the bifurcated oxidation of ubiquinol. A ruthenium photoexcitation method has also been developed to measure electron transfer from cytochrome c (1) to cytochrome c. The kinetics of electron transfer are interpreted in light of a new X-ray crystal structure for the complex between cytochrome bc (1) and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Soluble cytochrome c-554 (M r 10 kDa) is purified from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Its midpoint redox potential is determined to be +148 mV from redox titration at pH 7.0. The kinetics of cytochrome c-554 oxidation by a purified reaction center complex from the same organism were studied by flash absorption spectroscopy at room temperature, and the results indicate that the reaction partner of cytochrome c-554 is cytochrome c-551 bound to the reaction center rather than the primary donor P840. The second-order rate constant for the electron donation from cytochrome c-554 to cytochrome c-551 was estimated to be 1.7×107 M–1 s–1. The reaction rate was not significantly influenced by the ionic strength of the reaction medium.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The reaction between membrane-bound cytochrome c and the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll g dimer P798 was studied in the whole cells and isolated membranes of Heliobacterium gestii. In the whole cells, the flash-oxidized P798+ was rereduced in multiple exponential phases with half times (t 1/2s) of 10 s, 300 s and 4 ms in relative amplitudes of 40, 35 and 25%, respectively. The faster two phases were in parallel with the oxidation of cytochrome c. In isolated membranes, a significantly slow oxidation of the membrane-bound cytochrome c was detected with t 1/2 = 3 ms. This slow rate, however, again became faster with the addition of Mg2+. The rate showed a high temperature dependency giving apparent activation energies of 88.2 and 58.9 kJ/mol in the whole cells and isolated membranes, respectively. Therefore, membrane-bound cytochrome c donates electrons to the P798+ in a collisional reaction mode like the reaction of water-soluble proteins. The rereduction of the oxidized cytochrome c was suppressed by the addition of stigmatellin both in the whole cells and isolated membranes. This indicates that the electron transfer from the cytochrome bc complex to the photooxidized P798+ is mediated by the membrane-bound cytochrome c. The multiple flash excitation study showed that 2–3 hemes c were connected to the P798. By the heme staining after the SDS-PAGE analysis of the membraneous proteins, two cytochromes c were detected on the gel indicating apparent molecular masses of 17 and 30 kDa, respectively. The situation resembles the case in green sulfur bacteria, that is, the membrane-bound cyotochrome c z couples electron transfer between the cytochrome bc complex and the P840 reaction center complex.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Flash-induced optical kinetics at room temperature of cytochrome (Cyt) c551 and an Fe-S center (CFA/CFB) bound to a purified reaction center (RC) complex from the green sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium tepidum were studied. At 551 nm, the flash-induced absorbance change decayed with a t1/2 of several hundred ms, and the decay was accelerated by 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate (mPMS). In the blue region, the absorbance change was composed of mPMS-dependent (Cyt) and mPMS-independent component (CFA/CFB) which decayed with a t1/2 of 400–650 ms. Decay of the latter was effectively accelerated by benzyl viologen (Em –360 mV) and methyl viologen (–440 mV), and less effectively by triquat (–540 mV). The difference spectrum of Cyt c had negative peaks at 551, 520 and 420 nm, with a positive rise at 440 to 500 nm. The difference spectrum of CFA/CFB resembled P430 of PSI, and had a broad negative peak at 430435 nm.Abbreviations (B)Chl (bacterio)chlorophyll - Cyt cytochrome - FA, FB and FX iron-sulfur center A, B and X of Photosystem I - CFA, CFB and CFX FA-,FB- and FX-like Fe-S center of Chlorobium - mPMS 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate - PSI Photosystem I - RC reaction center  相似文献   

There are currently 25 recognized species of the chipmunk genus Tamias. In this study we sequenced the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 23 Tamias species. We analyzed the cyt b sequence and then analyzed a combined data set of cyt b along with a previous data set of cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) sequence. Maximum-likelihood was used to further test the fit of models of evolution to the cyt b data. Other sciurid cyt b sequence was added to examine the evolution of Tamias in the context of other sciurids. Relationships among Tamias species are discussed, particularly the possibility of a current sorting event among taxa of the southwestern United States and the extreme divergences among the three subgenera (Neotamias, Eutamias, and Tamias).  相似文献   

Membrane-bound ATP synthases (F1F0) catalyze the synthesis of ATP via a rotary catalyticmechanism utilizing the energy of an electrochemical ion gradient. The transmembrane potentialis supposed to propel rotation of a subunit c ring of F0 together with subunits and of F1,hereby forming the rotor part of the enzyme, whereas the remainder of the F1F0 complexfunctions as a stator for compensation of the torque generated during rotation. This reviewfocuses on our recent work on the stator part of the F0 complex, e.g., subunits a and b. Usingepitope insertion and antibody binding, subunit a was shown to comprise six transmembranehelixes with both the N- and C-terminus oriented toward the cytoplasm. By use of circulardichroism (CD) spectroscopy, the secondary structure of subunit b incorporated intoproteoliposomes was determined to be 80% -helical together with 14% turn conformation, providingflexibility to the second stalk. Reconstituted subunit b together with isolated ac subcomplexwas shown to be active in proton translocation and functional F1 binding revealing the nativeconformation of the polypeptide chain. Chemical crosslinking in everted membrane vesiclesled to the formation of subunit b homodimers around residues bQ37 to bL65, whereas bA32Ccould be crosslinked to subunit a, indicating a close proximity of subunits a and b near themembrane. Further evidence for the proposed direct interaction between subunits a and b wasobtained by purification of a stable ab 2 subcomplex via affinity chromatography using Histags fused to subunit a or b. This ab 2 subcomplex was shown to be active in proton translocationand F1 binding, when coreconstituted with subunit c. Consequences of crosslink formationand subunit interaction within the F1F0 complex are discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the genes coding for the M and cytochrome subunits of the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus, a purple bacterium in the subdivision, were determined. The deduced amino acid sequences of these proteins were compared with those of other photosynthetic bacteria. Based on the homology of these two photosynthetic proteins, Rc. gelatinosus was placed in the subdivision of purple bacteria, which disagrees with the phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA and soluble cytochrome c 2. Horizontal transfer of the genes which code for the photosynthetic apparatus in purple bacteria can be postulated if the phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA and soluble cytochrome c 2 reflect the real history of purple bacteria.Abbreviations LH I light harvesting complex I - RC reaction center  相似文献   

The cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 gene (COII) encodes a highly conserved protein that is directly responsible for the initial transfer of electrons from cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase (COX) crucial to the production of ATP during cellular respiration. Despite its integral role in electron transport, we have observed extensive intraspecific nucleotide and amino acid variation among 26 full-length COII sequences sampled from seven populations of the marine copepod, Tigriopus californicus. Although intrapopulation divergence was virtually nonexistent, interpopulation divergence at the COII locus was nearly 20% at the nucleotide level, including 38 nonsynonymous substitutions. Given the high degree of interaction between the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 protein (COX2) and the nuclear-encoded subunits of COX and cytochrome c (CYC), we hypothesized that some codons in the COII gene are likely to be under positive selection in order to compensate for amino acid substitutions in other subunits. Estimates of the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution (ω), obtained using a series of maximum likelihood models of codon substitution, indicated that the majority of codons in T. californicus COII are under strong purifying selection (ω << 1), while approximately 4% of the sites in this gene appear to evolve under relaxed selective constraint (ω = 1). A branch-site maximum likelihood model identified three sites that may have experienced positive selection within the central California sequence clade in our COII phylogeny; these results are consistent with previous studies showing functional and fitness consequences among interpopulation hybrids between central and northern California populations. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie Swanson]  相似文献   

Chow  W.S.  Hope  A.B. 《Photosynthesis research》2004,81(2):153-163
Electron transfers in the photosynthetic electron transport chain including the cytochrome (cyt) bf and Photosystem (PS) I complexes were studied in leaves of several plant species by measuring flash-induced absorbancy changes at specific wavelengths. The electrochromic signal (ECS), indicative of a trans-thylakoid membrane electric field, consisted of a fast phase arising from charge separation in both photosystems, and a slow rise usually interpreted as charge transfer in the cyt bf complex (part of the Q-cycle). The amplitude of the slow phase of the ECS was frequently greater than could be accounted for by the withdrawal of an electron from cyt bf via plastocyanin (PC) by oxidised P700 in PS I. The extra slow ECS, variable depending on the number of turnovers and plant species, can be attributed to a variable operation of proton-pumping activity of the cyt bf complex. The redox kinetics of cyt f and b were obtained by deconvolution of the signals at three or four wavelengths. Rates of cyt b reduction were very high, and never the same as the onset kinetics of the slow ECS. The cyt f signal suggests that a fraction of the oxidised cyt f was re-reduced only slowly in the time of 5 s between consecutive flashes. Leaf discs in far-red light were given single-turnover flashes to measure the rates of P700ox reduction and reoxidation. To simulate the redox kinetics of the ECS, cyt f, cyt b and P700 it was assumed that a Q-cycle normally operated in bf complexes; reasonable values for the appropriate rate coefficients, and for the equilibrium constants for the cyt f/PC and P700/PC reactions were chosen. Close similarity of the observed data with those predicted from the simulation was obtained for cyt b, P700 (far-red light experiments) and the ECS, but not for cyt f. The results contribute to an understanding of photosynthetic electron transfers in vivo.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Controversy over the taxonomic designations within the genus Potorous has highlighted problems associated with using only morphological data. The recent rediscovery of Gilbert's Potoroo has allowed us to reexamine the relationship of this species to other extant potoroos. Phylogenetic relationships and estimated divergence times are presented, based on electrophoretic and cytochrome b sequence data. There was considerable concordance between the data sets. We conclude that Gilbert's Potoroo is a separate species and should be referred to by its original name, Potorous gilbertii (Gould 1841). Estimates for potoroid divergences are in line with those of Flannery (1989).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among South American sigmodontine rodents were examined based on the complete sequence for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene [1140 base pairs (bp)] for 66 species and between 759 and 1140 bp for an additional 19 species. Thirty-eight South American genera were represented, coming from eight of nine tribes. Outgroups included the North American murid rodents Peromyscus, Reithrodontomys, Scotinomys, and Neotoma, the Old World murine rodents Mus and Rattus, and the geomyoid genera Thomomys, Geomys, Dipodomys, and Perognathus as the most distant outgroup. The South American sigmodontines were supported as a monophyletic lineage. Within this radiation several clear-cut suprageneric groupings were identified. Many of the currently recognized tribal groupings of genera were found fairly consistently, although not always with high levels of bootstrap support. The various tribes could not be linked hierarchically with any confidence. In addition, several genera stand out as unique entities, without any apparent close relatives. The overall pattern suggests a rapid radiation of the sigmodontines in South America, followed by differentiation at the tribal and generic levels.  相似文献   

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