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Gümen A  Seguin B 《Theriogenology》2003,60(2):341-348
The objectives of this study evaluating induction of ovulation in early postpartum dairy cows were to: compare two methods of GnRH (100 mcg) administration (i.m. route and s.c. implant), and determine if prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) causes release of LH or ovulation similar to that reported for GnRH. In trial #1, serum LH peaked at 2h after i.m. administration of GnRH and was declining at 4h. The s.c. GnRH implant also caused an elevation in serum LH at 2 and 4h after treatment, with LH declining at 6h. Serum LH was unchanged in control cows. Experimental treatment caused ovulation in 4 of 14 GnRH i.m. treated cows, 4 of 12 GnRH implanted cows and 0 of 13 control cows. Parity had no effect on LH response but did affect resulting ovulation rate as multiparous cows were more likely to ovulate than were primiparous cows in response to either GnRH treatment. All cows that ovulated had a follicle larger than 12 mm at the time of treatment. In trial #2, serum LH increased as before after i.m. administration of GnRH, however, serum LH was unchanged in cows treated with PGF or saline. Gonadotropin releasing hormone caused more cows to ovulate than did PGF or saline treatments, and GnRH shortened the interval from treatment to the onset of CL function over the PGF treatment; 13.9+/-2.6, 28.2+/-4.1 and 22.3+/-4.1 days for GnRH, PGF and saline, respectively. In summary, there was no difference in the ability of s.c. implantation and i.m. administration of GnRH to cause ovulation. Prostaglandin F(2alpha) did not cause release of LH or ovulation. In 22 early postpartum dairy cows treated with 100 mcg GnRH i.m. in these two trials, nearly all cows (95%) responded with a release of LH but only 45% (10/22) responded with an ovulation and subsequent formation of a CL.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of presence of clinical or subclinical endometritis at the initiation of Presynch-Ovsynch estrous synchronization program on the first service pregnancy rate in dairy cows. Lactating Holstein cows (N=275) were given a thorough reproductive examination at 32-38 days in milk, 3 days prior to the scheduled start of Presynch-Ovsynch program. Based on the reproductive exam findings the cows were diagnosed and classified into three groups as clinical endometritis, subclinical endometritis and normal. All cows received two set-up injections of 25mg PGF(2alpha) (Lutalyse((R)), Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY, USA) i.m., 14 days apart starting at 35-42 days in milk (DIM). All cows received 75microg of GnRH (Cystorelin, Merial, Iselin, NJ, USA) i.m. 14 days after the second pre-synchronization injection of PGF(2alpha), followed by a third injection of 25mg PGF(2alpha) i.m. 7 days later. Cows received a second injection of 75microg of GnRH i.m. 54h after the third PGF(2alpha), and received timed artificial insemination at the time of the second GnRH injection or 24h later. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the odds of pregnancy at the first service. Variables included in the model were endometritis status (clinical endometritis, subclinical endometritis and normal), farm (two), presence of corpus luteum (CL, yes or no), timing of second GnRH in relation to AI (0 or 24h), sire fertility (bulls with greater compared with lesser estimated relative conception rates), parity (primiparous and multiparous) and their interactions. Of all variable included in the model, cows with corpus letuem (OR=1.83 versus OR=1.00; P=0.05) 3 days prior to the scheduled start of Presynch-Ovsynch program and primiparous cows (OR=1.00 versus OR=0.55; P=0.04) had increased odds of becoming pregnant at the first service. No differences were found in the odds of first service pregnancy among clinical, subclinical endometritis and normal cows (P>0.1). In summary, presence of clinical or subclinical endometritis at the initiation of Presynch-Ovsynch estrous synchronization program does not harm the first service pregnancy rate in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Seasonal effects on luteal activity during post partum were evaluated in two consecutive studies in 253 dairy cows in Northern Italy. In study 1, plasma progesterone concentrations were determined on days 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 post partum and in study 2 cows were synchronized and inseminated at a fixed time using two regimes based on the 'Ovsynch' protocol. Study 1: Animals were classified as luteal (progesterone >1.5 ng/ml in at least two consecutive samples) or non-luteal (progesterone <1.5 ng/ml in all samples). The proportion of cows without luteal activity from calving to day 56 post partum was 47/253 (18.5%). Of the 47 cows without luteal activity, 42 (89%) were detected during the warm months of the year and five were detected during the cold months of the year, and the effect of season was highly significant (P < 0.001). Study 2: Three study groups were established; control (CONT, untreated cows, n = 92), GPG (cows receiving gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on day 0, PGF2α on day 7 followed by a second dose of GnRH 24 h later, n = 80); and HPH (the same as the GPG group, but with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) substituted for GnRH, n = 81). In the GPG and HPH groups, cows were inseminated 16 to 22 h after the second GnRH or hCG injection. Untreated cows were inseminated at first estrus after a voluntary weaning period. Because the effects of the GPG and HPH regimes on pregnancy rate were not significantly different, data were pooled into a single treatment group (TREAT). Pregnancy rates during the warm months of the year were 16% and 15% at first service and 65% and 66% at day 135 post partum for CONT and TREAT groups, respectively. Pregnancy rates during the cold months of the year were 36% and 38% at first service and 72% and 76% at day 135 post partum for CONT and TREAT groups, respectively. There was an effect of season (P < 0.05) but not of treatment on pregnancy rate. Treatment reduced the number of days from calving to conception during both the cold (101 ± 3.2 v. 121 ± 3.1 days; P < 0.001) and warm seasons (122 ± 3.2 v. 145 ± 3.1 days; P < 0.001). In conclusion, the present study shows that (i) heat stress during the warm season can compromise luteal activity and (ii) that regimes based on the Ovsynch protocol did not improve pregnancy rate at first service or by 135 post partum, but they had a positive effect on the calving-to-conception interval.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of lactating cows in seasonal dairy herds after estrus synchronization with PGF2alpha (PG) with or without supplementation with progesterone (P4). In Trial 1, synchronized cows (S1; n = 521) were compared with untreated control cows (C; n = 518) in 5 herds. Estrus of cows in the S1 group was synchronized with 2 treatments of PG (Lutalyse) 13 d apart. The breeding season started 2 d after the second PG. Cows were first bred by AI for 7 wk and then herd sires were used. Compared with C cows, estrus synchronization in the treated cows reduced the conception rate to first AI (61.1 vs 70.5%; P < 0.01) and the intervals from start of the breeding season to conception for cows conceiving to AI (11.0 vs 14.6 d; P < 0.05) or to both AI and natural mating (16.5 vs 18.4 d; P < 0.05). There was no effect on conception rate to second AI (68.8%), on pregnancy rate by Day 24 (72.3%) or Day 49 (86.3%) of the breeding season, or on the percentage of cows not pregnant at end of the breeding season (5.0%). In Trial 2, effects of P4 supplementation before the second PG on reproductive performance were evaluated in 4 herds. Estrus of each cyclic cow was synchronized with PG as in Trial 1. Half of the cows in each herd were treated with an intravaginal P4 device (CIDR) for 5 d before the second PG (S2+P4, n = 608), whereas the remaining half received no CIDR treatment (S2, n = 593). Compared with S2 cows, P4 treatment increased the estrous response rate to the second PG (89.6 vs 82.9%; P < 0.01), the conception rate to first AI (65.1 vs 59.7%; P = 0.07), the pregnancy rate by Day 6 of the breeding season (59.3 vs 49.0%; P < 0.001), and reduced the intervals from start of the breeding season to conception for cows conceiving to AI (8.6 vs 10.4 d; P < 0.10) or to both AI and natural mating (12.7 vs 16.4 d; P < 0.01). Treatment with a used CIDR from Days 16 to 21 after start of breeding to re-synchronize returns to service had no effect on conception rate to first or second AI but may decrease the conception rate to second AI in cows previously treated with CIDR. In conclusion, estrus synchronization with the double PG system can reduce fertility, while P4 supplementation for 5 d before the second PG can improve estrous response and overall reproductive performance. Stage of the estrous cycle at the time of the second PG can affect fertility following synchronization.  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein dairy cows (n=1,533) were allocated to one of three treatment groups, with Group I (n=514) receiving 10 mug of a GnRH analogue (buserelin) at artificial insemination (AI) and Group II (n=503) receiving 10 mug of the same analogue at both the time of AI and at 12 days post AI. Herdmates in Group III (n=516) were inseminated on the same day and served as contemporary AI controls. The trial was conducted on five large dairy farms during the spring and summer months in Saudi Arabia. Pregnancy rates were determined by palpation per rectum between 33 and 50 days following AI. The first service pregnancy rate for the control cows (42.4%) was lower (P<0.05) than that for cows treated with the GnRH analogue at AI (48.8%) or for the combined treatment at AI and at Day 12 post AI (51.5%). No additive effect on the pregnancy rate was noted from the combined analog treatment. The overall increase in pregnancy rate from the analogue treatment at AI resulted from an 11% increase in pregnancy rate in first parity cows over that of contemporary controls (P<0.05) and a 14.7% increase in pregnancy for cows mated at 40 to 59 days post partum and treated with the analogue at AI over that of the corresponding controls (P<0.05). The pregnancy rates from repeat AI (interval 相似文献   

A total of 226 out of 245 postpartum lactating dairy cows in a commercial dairy farm were allocated to two groups of oestrous synchronisation protocols in order to evaluate reproductive performance. One group was treated with oestradiol benzoate (ODB) and PGF2alpha on day 10 of the oestrous cycle with insemination at the detected oestrus, the second group underwent the Ovsynch (OVS) protocol (GnRH + PGF2alpha + GnRH) with timed AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography on day 28 after AI and confirmed by rectal palpation on day 45. A higher (P < 0.001) proportion of cows in OVS (100%) were inseminated within (19.2 +/- 3.8 h) following the second GnRH injection than those of cows in EPE (ODB + PGF2alpha + ODB) (70.6%) inseminated at the detected oestrus within (35.6 +/- 5.2 h) following the second ODB injection. Pregnancy rates for the first AI at day 28 (64.0 +/- 4.6, 62.4 +/- 5.5%) and at day 45 post-insemination (40.4 +/- 4.7, 40.0 +/- 5.6%) for OVS and EPE cows respectively, did not differ between the two treatments, whereas, the overall pregnancy rates tended to be higher (P < 0.08) for the OVS (85.1 +/- 3.8%) cows than the EPE cows (74.1 +/- 4.5%). No differences were observed in pregnancy rates for first AI and overall up to fourth AI between primiparous (34.7 +/- 5.8 and 85.3 +/- 4.7%) and multiparous cows (43.5 +/- 4.5 and 77.4 +/- 3.6%). Days open for pregnant cows tended to be lower (P < 0.08) for OVS (76.2 +/- 3) than for EPE cows (84.7 +/- 4), while days open were higher (P < 0.05) in primiparous cows (85.3 +/- 4) than in multiparous cows (75.6 +/- 3). The results indicate that pregnancy rates for first AI were similar, but overall pregnancy rates up to the fourth AI tended to be higher for OVS than EPE cows, while days open was tended to be lower for OVS than EPE cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine the effects of resynchronization with GnRH on Day 21 after artificial insemination (AI) on pregnancy rate and losses of pregnancy in lactating dairy cows. Holstein cows (n=585) on two dairy farms were assigned to one of two treatments in a randomized complete block design. On Day 21 after a pre-enrollment AI, animals assigned to the resynchronization (RES) group received 100 microg of GnRH i.m., whereas animals in the control (CON) group received no treatment. All animals were examined ultrasonographically on Days 21 and 28 after AI, and blood samples were taken for progesterone measurement on Day 21. Pregnancy was diagnosed on Day 28 and reconfirmed 14 days later. Nonpregnant cows on Day 28 were inseminated using timed AI after the completion of the Ovsynch protocol 10 and 17 days after enrollment in the study for RES and CON groups, respectively. Progesterone concentration > or =2.35 ng/ml was used as an indicator of pregnancy on Day 21. For RES and CON cows, pregnancy rate at Days 21 (70.9% versus 73.0%, P<0.56), 28 (33.1% versus 33.6%; P<0.80) and 42 (27.0% versus 26.8%; P<0.98) after the pre-enrollment AI did not differ. Administration of GnRH on Day 21 after AI had no effect on pregnancy loss in RES and CON groups from days 21 to 28 (53.2% versus 53.5%; P<0.94) and days 28 to 42 (17.9%; P<0.74) after AI. Pregnancy rate after the resynchronization period was similar for both treatment groups. Resynchronization with GnRH given on Day 21 after AI for initiation of a timed AI protocol prior to pregnancy diagnosis does not affect pregnancy rate and pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Xu ZZ  Burton LJ 《Theriogenology》1998,50(6):905-915
In a previous study we showed that estrus synchronization with 2 treatments of PGF2 alpha 13 d apart reduced conception rate at the synchronized estrus and that this reduction occurred mainly in cows in the early luteal phase at the second PGF2 alpha treatment. The objective of the present study was to determine the efficacy of a synchronization regimen in which PGF2 alpha was administered during the mid- to late-luteal phase to cows that had previously been synchronized with progesterone. Spring-calving cows from 6 dairy herds were used in this study. On Day -32 (Day 1 = the start of the breeding season), cows that had calved 2 or more weeks ago were randomly assigned to a synchronization (S, n = 732) or control (C, n = 731) group. Cows in Group S were treated with an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR) for 12 d from Day -32 to Day -20, while those in Group C were left untreated. Similar percentages of cows in Group S (80.6%) and C (82.9%) had cycled by Day -7. The CIDR treatment synchronized the onset of estrus, resulting in 92.9% of cows in estrus being detected within 7 d after CIDR removal. Cows in Group S that had cycled by Day -7 were treated with PGF2 alpha (25 mg, i.m., Lutalyse) on Day -2. Cows in both groups that were anestrous on Day -7 were treated with a combination of progesterone and estradiol benzoate (EB) to induce estrus and ovulation (CIDR and a 10 mg EB capsule on Day -7, CIDR removal on Day -2, and injection of 1 mg EB 48 h after CIDR removal). The PGF2 alpha treatment synchronized the onset of estrus in 87.5% of the cows. Group S and C cows had similar conception rates to first (61.0 vs 58.3%) and second (58.4 vs 60.9%) AI; similar pregnancy rates over the AI period (82.8 vs 79.2%) and over the whole breeding season (91.9 vs 90.6%); and required a similar number of services per pregnancy to AI (1.7 vs 1.8). The interval from the start of the breeding season to conception for cows conceiving to AI or to combined AI and natural mating was shorter (P < 0.001) by 5.7 and 6.2 d, respectively, for the Group S cows. It is concluded that the treatment regimen tested in the present study achieved satisfactory estrus synchronization, had no detrimental effect on fertility at the synchronized estrus, and shortened the interval from start of the breeding season to conception.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the intrafollicular environment to which the preovulatory oocyte is exposed may be one of the major factors determining subsequent fertility. The aim of our study was to examine to what extent metabolic changes that occur in early post partum high-yielding dairy cows are reflected in the follicular fluid (FF) of the dominant follicle (>8 mm). Nine blood samples were taken per cow from nine high-yielding dairy cows between 7 days before and 46 days after parturition. From Day 14 post partum on and together with blood sampling, FF samples of the largest follicle were collected from the same cows by means of transvaginal follicle aspiration. Serum and FF samples were analyzed using commercial clinical and photometric chemistry assays for glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-OHB), urea, total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total cholesterol (TC). All cows lost body condition during the experimental period (0.94+/-0.09 points) illustrating a negative energy balance during the experimental period. In FF, glucose concentrations were significantly higher and the TP, TG, NEFA and TC concentrations were significantly lower than in serum (P<0.05). The concentrations of glucose, beta-OHB, urea and TC in serum and in FF changed significantly over time (P<0.05). Throughout the study, changes of all metabolites in serum were reflected by similar changes in FF. Especially for glucose, beta-OHB and urea the correlations were remarkably high. The results from the present study confirm that the typical metabolic adaptations which can be found in serum of high-yielding dairy cows shortly post partum, are reflected in follicular fluid and, therefore, may affect the quality of both the oocyte and the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of presynchronization with or without the detection of estrus on first service pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) and on Ovsynch outcome in lactating dairy cows. A total of 511 cows were divided randomly but unevenly into 3 treatment groups at 44 to 50 days in milk (DIM). Ovsynch was started at the same time (69 to 75 DIM) in all three groups. Cows in the Ovsynch group (CON, N = 126) received no presynchronization before Ovsynch, and all cows were bred by timed AI (TAI). Cows in the presynchronization with estrus detection (PED) and the presynchronization with only TAI (PTAI) groups received two doses of prostaglandin F (PGF) 14 days apart, starting at 44 to 50 DIM. Ovsynch was initiated 11 days after the second PGF treatment. Cows in the PED group (N = 267) received AI if estrus was detected after either PGF injection. Cows that were not determined to be in estrus after PGF injection received Ovsynch and TAI. Cows in the PTAI group (N = 118) were not inseminated to estrus, with all cows receiving TAI after Ovsynch. The ovulatory response to the first GnRH injection administered as part of Ovsynch differed (P = 0.002) among treatment groups (83.1% in PTAI, 72.6% in PED, and 62.7% in CON). However, the ovulatory response to the second injection of GnRH during Ovsynch did not differ among treatment groups. Of the 267 PED cows, a total of 132 (49.4%) exhibited estrus and were inseminated. The P/AI at the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis was similar between the cows in the PED group with AI after estrus detection (37.9%; 50/132) and those bred with TAI (34.1%; 46/135). The P/AI in the CON group (46.8%; 59/126) was greater (P < 0.05) than that in the PED group (36.0%; 96/267). In addition, the P/AI in the CON group was greater (P = 0.04) than that in the PED cows receiving TAI (34.1%; 46/135) but less than that in the PED cows bred to estrus (37.9%; 50/132) (P = 0.16). At the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis, the cows in the PTAI group had greater P/AI (55.9%; 66/118) than both those in the PED group (P < 0.01; either estrus or TAI) and those in the CON group (P = 0.08). Thus, presynchronization with PGF (PTAI) increased the ovulatory response to Ovsynch and improved P/AI in dairy cows. Interestingly, the breeding of cows to estrus during presynchronization reduced fertility to the TAI and overall fertility, including cows bred to estrus and TAI. These results indicate that maximal fertility is obtained when all cows receive TAI after the presynchronization protocol.  相似文献   

Lactating dairy cows (n = 157) designated for slaughter under the 1986 U.S. Dairy Termination Program were utilized in two trials to determine the effects of a second insemination on fertility. Cows that had been previously inseminated at estrus were inseminated again at 12-24 d later, when not in estrus. Cows that were reinseminated into the uterine body had significantly lower pregnancy rates (4% vs 40.6% for controls). Differences in pregnancy rates when the reinsemination was performed in the mid-cervical region were not significant (34.8% vs 50% for controls). Based upon these studies, intrauterine insemination of cows displaying questionable signs of estrus should be avoided in previously inseminated cows.  相似文献   

Synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows using PGF2alpha and GnRH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a new method for synchronizing the time of ovulation in cattle using GnRH and PGF(2alpha). In Experiments 1 and 2, lactating dairy cows (n=20) ranging from 36 to 280 d postpartum and dairy heifers (n=24) 14 to 16 mo old were treated with an intramuscular injection of 100 mug GnRH at a random stage of the estrous cycle. Seven d later the cattle received PGF(2alpha) to regress corpora lutea (CL). Lactating cows and heifers received a second injection of 100 mug GnRH 48 and 24 h later, respectively. Lactating cows were artificially inseminated 24 h after the second GnRH injection. Ovarian morphology was monitored daily by trans-rectal ultrasonography from 5 d prior to treatment until ovulation. In Experiment 3, the flexibility in the timing of hormonal injections with this synchronization protocol was evaluated by randomly assigning 66 lactating dairy cows to 3 different treatment groups. Lactating cows received the injection of PGF(2alpha) 48 (Group 1), 24 (Group 2), and 0 h (Group 3) prior to the second injection of GnRH, which was administered at the same time in each group to ensure the second injection of GnRH was given when follicles were at a similar stage of growth. In Experiments 1 and 2, the first injection of GnRH caused ovulation and formation of a new or accessory CL in 18 20 cows and 13 24 heifers. In addition, this injection of GnRH initiated or was coincident with initiation of a new follicular wave in 20 20 lactating cows and 18 24 heifers. Corpora lutea regressed after PGF(2alpha) in 20 20 cows and in 18 24 heifers. All cows and 18 24 heifers ovulated a newly formed dominant follicle between 24 and 32 h after the second injection of GnRH. Ten of 20 cows conceived to the timed artificial insemination. In Experiment 3, the conception rate in Groups 1 and 2 were greater than in Group 3, (55 and 46 % vs 11%, respectively). In summary, this protocol could have a major impact on managing reproduction in lactating dairy cows, because it allows for AI to occur at a known time of ovulation and eliminates the need for detection of estrus.  相似文献   

The effect of intravenous cloprostenol treatment at the time of insemination on reproductive performance was consecutively evaluated in three different subpopulations of high producing lactating dairy cows: Study (1) early postpartum synchronized and fixed-time inseminated (about 50 days in milk) cows (n = 379: 187 control and 192 treated cows); Study (2) presumed high fertility cows first inseminated between 90 and 120 days postpartum (n = 248: 124 control and 124 treated cows); and Study (3) heat stressed repeat breeder cows (n = 183: 93 control and 90 treated cows). Data were analyzed using multiple regression methods. Study 1: Parity (primiparous versus multiparous), milk production, body condition score at AI, insemination season (cool versus warm period) and treatment were included in the analysis as potential factors affecting ovulation, double ovulation, return to estrus, and pregnancy to first AI and to second AI (first AI plus return AI) rates. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the final model for ovulation rate only included the interaction (P = 0.002) between insemination season and treatment. Cloprostenol treatment at insemination led to a 4.2-fold increase in the ovulation rate in cows inseminated during the warm period. There were no significant effects of treatment, parity, milk production, body score or the insemination season on the return to estrus rate. The only variables included in the final logistic model for double ovulation and pregnancy to first AI rates were treatment and season, respectively. Treatment led to a 2.6-fold increase (P = 0.001) in the double ovulation rate, whereas cows inseminated in the warm period were 2.1 times less likely (P = 0.007) to become pregnant at first AI compared to those inseminated in the cool season. The variables included in the final logistic model for the pregnancy rate to second AI were treatment and season. Cloprostenol given at AI increased the risk of pregnancy 1.9 times (P = 0.002), and cows inseminated during the warm season were two times less likely to become pregnant (P = 0.003). No significant interactions were found among these three dependent variables (double ovulation and pregnancy to first and to second AI rates). Study 2: Logistic regression analysis of all the dependent variables: return to estrus, and pregnancy to first and to second AI (first AI plus return to AI) rates indicated no significant effects of treatment, parity, days in milk, milk production or body score at AI. No significant interactions were found. Study 3: The final model for the pregnancy rate only included the interaction between parity (primiparous versus multiparous) and treatment. Days in milk, milk production and insemination number showed no significant effect on pregnancy rate. Cloprostenol treatment at insemination increased the pregnancy rate in primiparous repeat breeder cows (odds ratio: 3.6). The treatment group and parity showed significant (P < 0.0001) interaction. This interaction suggests that cloprostenol treatment of primiparous cows at insemination might enhance pregnancy yet have no effect in multiparous cows. Our findings indicate that cloprostenol administered at insemination promotes ovulation and double ovulation in lactating dairy cows. Cloprostenol treatment showed no benefit in cows with acceptable reproductive performance, suggesting that cloprostenol treatment at AI may only be useful in cows in which stress factors affect ovulation and in repeat breeder cows.  相似文献   

The numbers of spermatozoa per insemination and the site of semen deposition in the uterine horn appear to interact to influence pregnancy rate. In two experiments, the effect of a single low dose (2 x 10(6) spermatozoa) intracornual insemination (LD-ICI) on bovine pregnancy rate was compared with that of intracornual (SD-ICI) and conventional (SD-AI) inseminations of 40 x 10(6) spermatozoa. In Experiment 1, 157 cows were treated twice with PGF(2)alpha at a 14-day interval and inseminated at a fixed time (80-82 h) after the second PGF(2)alpha injection using LD-ICI (n=44), SD-ICI (n=61) or SD-AI (n=52). In LD-ICI and SD-ICI groups, semen was deposited in the horn ipsilateral to the ovulatory follicle close to the utero-tubal junction (LD-ICI-UTJ, n=33 and SD-ICI-UTJ, n=41) or in the middle part of the horn (LD-ICI-MH, n=11 and SD-ICI-MH, n=20). Pregnancy rates after LD-ICI-UTJ, LD-ICI-MH, SD-ICI-UTJ and SD-ICI-MH were 27%, 27%, 39% and 35%, respectively (P>0.05). The total pregnancy rate after LD-ICI (27%) did not differ (P>0.05) from that after SD-ICI (37%) or SD-AI (34%). In Experiment 2 (field trial), 362 cows were allotted, at spontaneous estrus, to LD-ICI-UTJ (n=86), LD-ICI-MH (n=97) or SD-AI (n=179). Pregnancy rates after LD-ICI and SD-AI were 47% and 45%, respectively (P>0.05). After LD-ICI-UTJ, the pregnancy rate (54%) did not differ significantly (P>0.05) to that obtained after LD-ICI-MH (41%) and after SD-AI (45%). The results of the study show that the single intracornual insemination of cows with 2 x 10(6) spermatozoa at fixed time, 80-82 h after the second PGF(2)alpha injection or at spontaneous estrus resulted in similar pregnancy percentage as intracornual and conventional inseminations with 40 x 10(6) spermatozoa per semen dose. With intracornual insemination using low or standard dose of spermatozoa, the pregnancy rates were not significantly affected by the exact site of semen deposition in the uterine horn, near the utero-tubal junction or in the middle part.  相似文献   

Body condition may influence pregnancy rates to a timed insemination (Ovsynch/TAI) protocol and affect the economical performance of dairy farms. The objectives were to compare pregnancy rates using the Ovsynch/TAI protocol for the first service of lactating dairy cows with body condition scores < 2.5 (scale: 1 to 5, low BCS group) versus > or = 2.5 (control group) and to estimate the economic impact of the effect of body condition on reproductive performance. At 63 +/- 3 d post partum, cows were assigned to 2 experimental groups (low BCS = 81; control = 126), and were treated with GnRH at d 0 and with PGF2alpha 7 d later. At 48 h after PGF2alpha, cows received an injection of GnRH and were inseminated 16 h later. Pregnancy rates to the Ovsynch/TAI protocol were lower for the low BCS group than for the control group at 27 d (18.1 +/- 6.1% < 33.8 +/- 4.5%; P<0.02) and at 45 d (11.1 +/- 5.4% < 25.6 +/- 4.1%; P<0.02) after insemination. Economic analysis indicated that reducing the percentage of the herd in low body condition increases net revenues per cow per year. Body condition influenced pregnancy rates to the Ovsynch/TAI protocol.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to characterize luteal blood flow in pregnant and non-pregnant cows and to determine its value for early pregnancy diagnosis. Lactating dairy cows (n = 54), 5.2 ± 0.2 y old (mean ± SEM), average parity 2.4 ± 0.2, and ≥ 6 wk postpartum at the start of the study, were used. The corpus luteum (CL) was examined with transrectal color Doppler ultrasonography (10.0-MHz linear-array transducer) on Days 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, and 21 of the estrus cycle (estrus = Day 0). Artificially inseminated cows (n = 40) were retrospectively classified as pregnant (embryonic heartbeat on Day 25; n = 18), nonpregnant (interestrus interval 15 to 21 d, n = 18), or having an apparent early embryonic loss (interestrus interval >25 d, n = 4). There was a group by time interaction (P < 0.001) for luteal blood flow from Days 3 to 18; it was approximately 1.10 ± 0.08 cm2 (mean ± SEM) on Day 3, and increased to approximately 2.00 ± 0.08 cm2 on Day 13 (similar among groups). Thereafter, luteal blood flow was numerically (albeit not significantly) greater in pregnant cows, remained constant in those with apparent embryonic loss, and declined (not significantly) between Days 15 and 18 in nonpregnant cows. Luteal blood flow was greater in pregnant than in nonpregnant (P < 0.05) and nonbred cows (P < 0.05, n = 14) on Day 15 (2.50 ± 0.16, 2.01 ± 0.16, and 2.00 ± 0.18 cm2, respectively) and on Day 18 (2.40 ± 0.19, 1.45 ± 0.19, and 0.95 ± 0.21 cm2). In cows with apparent early embryonic loss, luteal blood flow was 2.00 ± 0.34 and 2.05 ± 0.39 cm2 on Days 15 and 18, which was less (not significantly) than in pregnant cows, but greater (P < 0.05) than in nonbred cows on Day 18. Although mean luteal blood flow was significantly greater in pregnant than nonpregnant (and nonbred) cows on Days 15 and 18, due to substantial variation among cows, it was not an appropriate diagnostic tool for pregnancy status.  相似文献   

A controlled trial investigating the effect on conception of administration of 250 μg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows in seasonal or split calving herds was conducted. Time of detection of estrus, body condition, extent of estrous expression, treatment, breed, age and milk production from the most recent herd test of the current lactation was recorded. Cows were tested for pregnancy with fetal aging between 35 and 135 days after AI. Sixteen herds provided 2344 spring-calved cows and 3007 inseminations. Logistic regression adjusting for clustering at herd level was used to examine the effect of treatment for first (2344) and second (579) inseminations separately. For first AI, treatment significantly improved conception rate in cows with milk protein concentrations of 3.75% or greater and for cows with milk protein concentrations between 3.00% and 3.50% and less than 40 days calved; increased conception rate from 41.2% to 53.4%. Treatment reduced conception rates in cows with milk protein concentrations of 2.75% or less. Treating only cows identified as responding positively to treatment (11% of all study cows) was estimated to increase first service conception rate in herds from 48.1% to 49.4%. There was no significant effect of treatment on conception to second AI, nor any significant interactions. These findings indicate that GnRH at AI should be limited to the sub-group cows most likely to respond. The positive effect of GnRH at AI may be mediated through improved oocyte maturation and/or improved luteal function, rather than by reducing AI-to-ovulation intervals.  相似文献   

A total of 335 lactating dairy cows was used to determine the effect of oxytocin or PGF2a given 8 h after treatment with a luteolytic dosage of PGF2a on the percentage of cows exhibiting estrus within 7 d after treatment, and the pregnancy rate to a single insemination at this time. On the initial day of treatment (Day 0), cows with a palpable corpus luteum on the ovary were treated with 25 mg, im of PGF2a. At 8 h later, the cows were divided into 3 groups. Cows in Group 1 (n = 112) were treated with oxytocin (0.33 IU/kg bwt im); cows in Group 2 (n = 112) were treated with 25 mg, im of PGF2a; and cows in Group 3 (n = 111) served as the untreated controls. Cows in all 3 groups were continuously observed for estrus visually or by way of an activated heatmount detector within 7 d after treatment, and were inseminated within 12 h of the observed estrus.Plasma progesterone (P4) concentration was determined using radioimmunoassay on Day 0 and Day 2. Of the cows with P4 greater than 1 ng/ml on Day 0, the percentage of cows observed in estrus within 7 d after treatment was 75, 89 and 72% for cows in Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3, respectively. When all cows were evaluated, the percentage of cows observed in estrus within 7 d after treatment was 60, 70 and 55% for cows in Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3, respectively. In both instances, the value for cows in Group 2 was significantly higher than that for either cows in Group 1 or Group 3. The pregnancy rate for cows inseminated within 7 d was similar for cows in all 3 groups. The results of this study demonstrated that treatment of dairy cows with 2 luteolytic dosages of PGF2a at an 8-h interval resulted in more cows being observed in estrus within 7 d than with 1 treatment with PGF2a, or with oxytocin given at an 8-h interval after a luteolytic dosage of PGF2a.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze the effect of a spontaneous estrus cycle after synchronization of estrus with prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) in dairy cows on the degree of synchronization and reproductive performance. We assigned 557 Holstein cows to two treatment groups. In Group 1 estrus was synchronized by two treatments with 25 mg of Dinoprost-Trometamol in 14-day intervals. Cows were treated 27 to 33 days postpartum (dpp) and 41 to 47 dpp, respectively. Cows in Group 2 were treated with 25 mg of Dinoprost-Trometamol three times in 14-day intervals, starting at 34 to 40 dpp. The second and third injections were administered at 48 to 54 dpp and 62 to 68 dpp, respectively. All cows were inseminated on observed estrus after a voluntary waiting period of 65 days post partum. Thus cows in Group 1 were inseminated on spontaneous estrus and cows in Group 2 on induced estrus. Cows not inseminated at 80 days post partum were palpated per rectum and treated according to a predefined protocol. Herd reproductive performance measures did not differ significantly between groups. The proportion of cows with low serum progesterone levels was significantly higher 3 days after synchronization than 24 days after synchronization (97% vs 39%). The first-service conception rate was 34.8% in Group 1 and 30.7% in Group 2 (P > 0.05). Days open were 113.5 in Group 1 and 110.9 in Group 2 (P > 0.05). It is concluded that postponing artificial insemination for one spontaneous estrus cycle after synchronization decreased the degree of synchronization. This procedure, however, had no effect on herd reproductive performance compared to insemination on first observed estrus after synchronization.  相似文献   

The objectives were to compare: (1) preovulatory serum LH concentrations, and (2) synchronization of ovulation, after im or iu administration of the second GnRH treatment of Ovsynch in lactating dairy cows. Lactating cows (N = 23) were presynchronized with two injections of PGF given 14 days apart (starting at 34 ± 3 days in milk), followed by Ovsynch (GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH) 12 days later. At the time of the second GnRH of Ovsynch (Hour 0), cows were blocked by parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: (1) control group (CON; N = 7) were given 2 mL sterile water im; (2) intramuscular group (IM; N = 8) received 100 μg of GnRH im; and (3) intrauterine group (IU; N = 8) had 100 μg GnRH infused in the uterus (2 mL). Blood samples for serum LH concentrations were collected at Hours 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4. Furthermore, ultrasonography was performed twice daily (12-h intervals) from Hours 0 to 60 to confirm ovulation. The LH concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in the IM than IU and CON groups at Hours 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4. Although LH concentrations were numerically higher in the IU group, LH concentrations within the IU and CON groups did not change over time. More cows ovulated in the IM (8/8) and IU (7/8) groups within 60 h after the second GnRH administration compared with the CON (2/7) group. In summary, serum LH concentrations were lower in the IU versus IM group, but the proportion of cows that ovulated within 60 h was similar between these two groups. Therefore, iu administration of GnRH may be an alternative route of delivery to synchronize ovulation in beef and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

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