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5-Iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) covalently labels dog kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase with approximately 2 moles incorporated per mole of enzyme. ATPase and K+-phosphatase activities are fully retained after reaction, and the kinetic parameters for Na+, K+, Mg2+, ATP and p-nitrophenyl phosphate are likewise not significantly affected. The fluorescence of the bound 5-IAF is increased by ATP, Na+, and Mg2+, and decreased by K+. These fluorescence changes likely reflect ligand-induced stabilization of the E1 or E2 states of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The efficiency of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (i.e. the amount of K+ pumped per ATP hydrolyzed) in intact tumorigenic cells was estimated in this study. This was accomplished by simultaneously measuring the rate of ouabain-sensitive K+ uptake and oxygen consumption in tumorigenic cell suspensions during the reintroduction of K+ to K+-depleted cells. The ATP turnover was then estimated by assuming 5.6–6 ATP/O2 as the stoichiometry of NADH-linked respiration in these cells. In the three cell lines tested (hamster and chick embryo cells transformed with Rous sarcoma virus and Ehrlich ascites cells), the K+/ATP ratio was approximately 2, the same value as that found in normal tissues. Furthermore, only 20% of the total ATP production of these cells was used by (Na+ + K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive fluorimetric assay using 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate as substrate was used in the determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity in preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle was chosen because of mixed fibre composition. Crude, detergent treated homogenate was used so as to avoid loss of activity during purification. K+-dependent phosphatase activities in the range 0.19–0.37 μmol · (g wet weight)−1 · min−1 were obtained, the value decreasing with age and K+-deficiency. Complete inhibition of the K+-dependent phosphatase was obtained with 10−3 M ouabain. Using a KSCN-extracted muscle enzyme the intimate relation between K+-dependent phosphatase activity and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATP hydrolysis could be demonstrated. A molecular activity of 620 min−1 was estimated from simultaneous determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity and [3H]ouabain binding capacity using the partially purified enzyme preparation. The corresponding enzyme concentration in the crude homogenates was calculated and corresponded well with the number of [3H]ouabain binding sites measured in intact muscles or biopsies hereof.  相似文献   

(1) The neutral lipids and the free and bound fatty acids of a highly purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase preparation from rabbit kidney outer medulla have been analysed. (2) On a dry weight basis, the total lipid content is nearly the same as the total protein content, and consists for 66% of phospholipids and for 34% of neutral lipids and free fatty acids. In the latter category cholesterol is the main component (71%). (3) On a molar basis the enzyme preparation contains 382 mol phospholipids, 67 mol free fatty acids, 9, 16 and 12 mol mono-, di- and triacylglycerols, 249 and 19 mol free and esterified cholesterol per mol enzyme. (4) The fatty acid composition of each lipid and of the free fatty acid fraction, present in the enzyme preparation, is reported. (5) All cholesterol and part of the phospholipids can be removed by hexane extraction, leaving 66% of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity. Oxidation of all cholesterol to cholest-4-en-3-one by cholesterol oxidase leaves 85% of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity. These results indicate that cholesterol is not essential for (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The phospholipid requirement of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase present in a membrane fraction from human platelets was studied using various purified phospholipases. Only those phospholipases, which hydrolyse the negatively charged phospholipids, inhibited the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity. The ATPase activity could be restored by adding mixed micelles of Triton X-100 and phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylinositol. Micelles with phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine or sphingomyelin could not be used for reconstitution and inhibited the activity of the native enzyme.  相似文献   

The controlling effect of ATP, K+ and Na+ on the rate of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase inactivation by 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) is used for the mathematical modelling of the interaction of the effectors with the enzyme under equilibrium conditions.
1. 1. Of a series of conceivable interaction models, designed without conceptual restrictions to describe the effector control of inactivation kinetics, only one fits the experimental data described in a preceding paper.
2. 2. The model is characterized by the coexistence of two binding sites for ATP and the coexistence of two separate binding sites for K+ and Na+ on the enzyme-ATP complex. On the basis of this model, the effector parameters fitting the experimental data most closely are estimated by means of nonlinear least-squares fits.
3. 3. The apparent dissociation constants for ATP of the enzyme-ATP complex or of the enzyme-(ATP)2 complex are computed to lie near 0.0024 mM and 0.34 mM, respectively, irrespective of whether K+ and Na+ were absent or K+ and K+ plus Na+, respectively, were present in the experiments.
4. 4. The origin of the high and the low affinity site for binding of ATP to the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase molecule is traced back to the coexistence of two catalytic centres which, although primarily equivalent as to the reactivity of their thiol groups with NBD-Cl, are induced into anticooperative communication by ATP binding and thus show an induced geometric asymmetry.
Keywords: (Na+ + K+)-ATPase; SH-group alkylation; Inactivation kinetics; Mathematical modelling; Substrate affinity  相似文献   

Quenching of the fluorescence of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase purified from muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum can be used to measure relative binding constants of hydrophobic compounds to the phospholipid-protein interface. We show that the binding constant for cholesterol is considerably less than that for phosphatidylcholine, so that cholesterol is effectively excluded from the phospholipid annulus around the ATPase. However, dibromocholestan-3β-ol causes quenching of the fluorescence of the ATPase, and so has access to other, non-annular sites. We suggest that these non-annular sites could be at protein/protein interfaces in ATPase oligomers. Oleic acid can bind at the phospholipid/protein interface, although its binding constant is less than that for a phosphatidylcholine, and it can also bind at the postulated non-annular sites. The effects of these compounds on the activity of the ATPase depend on the structure of the phospholipid present in the systems.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterisation of N-cyclohexyl-N′-(4-dimethylamino-α-naphthyl)carbodiimide (NCD-4) is described. Only the N-acetylurea and urea corresponding to NCD-4 are appreciably fluorescent: the O-phenylisourea and S-ethylisothiourea derivatives have negligible fluorescence. NCD-4 inhibits the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum irreversibly: Ca2+ protects against inhibition. Covalent incorporation of NCD-4 occurs into the Ca2+-protected sites, with a stoichiometry of approximately 1 mole/mole of ATPase. The modified enzyme has fluorescence emission properties similar to those of NCD-4 N-acetylurea in a relatively hydrophobic environment: it is concluded that NCD-4 has modified a carboxylate group (s) located in or near the Ca2+-binding sites of the ATPase.  相似文献   

Direct evidence for the occurrence of an ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme of (K+ + H+)-ATPase, the proton-pumping system of the gastric parietal cell is presented. The enzyme is phosphorylated with 5 μM [γ-32P]ATP in 50 mM imidazole-HCl (pH 7.0) and in the presence of 7–15 μM Mg2+. Addition of 5 mM ADP to this preparation greatly accelerates its hydrolysis. We have been able to establish this by stopping the phosphorylation with radioactive ATP, by adding 1 mM non-radioactive ATP, which leads to a slow monoexponential process of dephosphorylation of 32P-labeled enzyme. The relative proportion of the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme is 22% of the total phosphoenzyme. Values for the rate constants of breakdown and interconversion of the two phosphoenzyme forms have been determined.  相似文献   

(1) A (K+ + H+)-ATPase preparation from porcine gastric mucosa is solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate, and is subjected to gel filtration. (2) A main subunit fraction is obtained, which is a protein carbohydrate lipid complex, containing 88% protein, 7% carbohydrate and 5% phospholipid. The detailed composition of the protein and carbohydrate moieties are reported. (3) Sedimentation analysis of the subunit preparation, after detergent removal, reveals no heterogeneity, but the subunits readily undergo aggregation. (4) Acylation of the subunit preparation with citraconic anhydride causes a clear shift of the band obtained after SDS gel electrophoresis, but the absence of broadening and splitting of the band pleads against subunit heterogeneity. (5) Treatment of the subunit preparation with dansyl chloride indicates that the NH2 terminus is blocked, which favors the assumption of homogeneity of the protein. (6) Binding studies with concanavalin A indicate that at least 86% of the subunit preparation is composed of glycoprotein. (7) These findings, taken together, strongly suggest that there is a single subunit which is a glycoprotein and which represents the catalytic subunit of the enzyme. From sedimentation equilibrium analysis a molecular mass value of 119 kDa (S.E. 3, n = 6) is calculated for protein + carbohydrate and of 110 kDa (S.E. 3, n = 6) for protein only. (8) In combination with the molecular mass of 444 kDa (S.E. 10, n = 4) obtained for the intact enzyme by radiation inactivation we conclude that the enzyme appears to be composed of a homo-tetramer of catalytic subunits.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for the separation of intrinsic proteins of plasma membranes from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and acetylcholinesterase remained active after solubilization with the nonionic detergent dodecyl octaethylene glycol monoether (C12E8). These components could be separated by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-25. Fractions enriched in ouabain-sensitive K+-phosphatase or (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity showed two bands in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis corresponding to the α- and β-subunits. The (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was shown to have immunological determinants in common with a 93 kDa polypeptide which copurified with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, also after solubilization in Triton X-100 and chromatography on Naja naja siamensis α-toxin-Sepharose columns. The data suggest that the α-subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase associates with the acetylcholine receptor in the membranes of the electric organ.  相似文献   

Palytoxin (PTX) inhibits the (Na(+) + K+)-driven pump and simultaneously opens channels that are equally permeable to Na+ and K+ in red cells and other cell membranes. In an effort to understand the mechanism by which PTX induces these fluxes, we have studied the effects of PTX on: 1) K+ and Na+ occlusion by the pump protein; 2) phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the enzyme when a phosphoenzyme is formed from ATP and from P(i); and 3) p-nitro phenyl phosphatase (p-NPPase) activity associated with the (Na+, K+)-ATPase. We have found that palytoxin 1) increases the rate of deocclusion of K+(Rb+) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, whereas Na+ occluded in the presence of oligomycin is unaffected by the toxin; 2) makes phosphorylation from P(i) insensitive to K+, and 3) stimulates the p-NPPase activity. The results are consistent with the notion that PTX produces a conformation of the Na+, K(+)-pump that resembles the one observed when ATP is bound to its low-affinity binding site. Further, they suggest that the channels that are formed by PTX might arise as a consequence of a perturbation in the ATPase structure, leading to the loss of control of the outside "gate" of the enzyme and hence to an uncoupling of the ion transport from the catalytic function of the ATPase.  相似文献   

(Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activator protein associated with human erythrocyte membranes could be extracted with EDTA under isotonic condition at pH 7.6. No activator was released, however, using isotonic buffer alone. Like calmodulin, the activator in the EDTA extract migrated as a fast moving band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was also heat-stable, was capable of stimulating active calcium transport and could stimulate (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase to the same extent. When chromatographed on a Sephacryl S-200 column, it was eluted in the same position as calmodulin and a membrane associated (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activator prepared according to Mauldin and Roufogalis (Mauldin, D. and Roufogalis, B.D. (1980) Biochem. J. 187, 507–513). Furthermore, both Mauldin and Roufogalis protein and the activator in the EDTA extract exhibited calcium-dependent binding to a fluphenazine-Sepharose affinity column. On the basis of these data, it is concluded that the activator protein released from erythrocyte membranes by EDTA is calmodulin. A further pool of the ATPase activator could be released by boiling but not by Triton X-100 treatment of the EDTA-extracted membranes. This pool amounted to 8.9% of the EDTA-extractable pool.  相似文献   

Goat antisera against (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its isolated subunits and against (K+ + H+)-ATPase have been prepared in order to test for immune cross-reactivity between the two enzymes, whose catalytic subunits show great chemical similarity. None of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase antisera cross-reacted with (K+ + H+)-ATPase or inhibited its enzyme activity. The same was true for the (K+ + H+)-ATPase antiserum with regard to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its subunits and its enzyme activity. So not withstanding the chemical similarity of their subunits, there is no immunological cross-reactivity between these two plasma membrane ATPases.Number LIII in the series Studies on (Na+ + K+)-Activated ATPase.  相似文献   

To quantitatively understand intracellular Na+ and Cl homeostasis as well as roles of Na+/K+ pump and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl channel (ICFTR) during the β1-adrenergic stimulation in cardiac myocyte, we constructed a computer model of β1-adrenergic signaling and implemented it into an excitation-contraction coupling model of the guinea-pig ventricular cell, which can reproduce membrane excitation, intracellular ion changes (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl), contraction, cell volume, and oxidative phosphorylation. An application of isoproterenol to the model cell resulted in the shortening of action potential duration (APD) after a transient prolongation, the increases in both Ca2+ transient and cell shortening, and the decreases in both Cl concentration and cell volume. These results are consistent with experimental data. Increasing the density of ICFTR shortened APD and augmented the peak amplitudes of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) and the Ca2+ transient during the β1-adrenergic stimulation. This indirect inotropic effect was elucidated by the increase in the driving force of ICaL via a decrease in plateau potential. Our model reproduced the experimental data demonstrating the decrease in intracellular Na+ during the β-adrenergic stimulation at 0 or 0.5 Hz electrical stimulation. The decrease is attributable to the increase in Na+ affinity of Na+/K+ pump by protein kinase A. However it was predicted that Na+ increases at higher beating rate because of larger Na+ influx through forward Na+/Ca2+ exchange. It was demonstrated that dynamic changes in Na+ and Cl fluxes remarkably affect the inotropic action of isoproterenol in the ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

赵宏亮  倪细炉  侯晖  谢沁宓  程昊 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1150-1159
为揭示长苞香蒲(Typha domingensis)对盐生湿地生态系统中Na+和K+的吸收与转运特征,探讨长苞香蒲对盐生湿地的生态修复效果,该研究采用人工模拟盐生湿地的方法,设置CK(对照)、T1(浇灌100 mmol·L-1盐水)、T2(浇灌200 mmol·L-1盐水)及T3(浇灌300 mmol·L-1盐水)4种不同盐浓度的人工湿地生态系统,并分别于5月5日(开始盐胁迫处理,S0)、5月30日(S1)、6月30日(S2)和7月30日(S3)测量其株高和干重、植株地上与地下部分Na+和K+的含量以及底泥和水体中Na+和K+的含量以分析长苞香蒲对盐碱湿地的脱盐作用。结果表明:(1)各处理的长苞香蒲的株高和干重随着处理时间的延长呈增加趋势,但与CK相比,各处理生长量随盐浓度升高出现下降趋势。(2)高浓度盐处理(T3)使长苞香蒲的地上部分和地下部分的Na+分别增加了2.5...  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of a microsomal gill (Na+,K+)-ATPase from the freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium olfersii, acclimated to 21‰ salinity for 10 days were investigated using the substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate. The enzyme hydrolyzed this substrate obeying cooperative kinetics at a rate of 123.6 ± 4.9 U mg− 1 and K0.5 = 1.31 ± 0.05 mmol L− 1. Stimulation of K+-phosphatase activity by magnesium (Vmax = 125.3 ± 7.5 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 2.09 ± 0.06 mmol L− 1), potassium (Vmax = 134.2 ± 6.7 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 1.33 ± 0.06 mmol L− 1) and ammonium ions (Vmax = 130.1 ± 5.9 U mg− 1; K0.5 = 11.4 ± 0.5 mmol L− 1) was also cooperative. While orthovanadate abolished p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity, ouabain inhibition reached 80% (KI = 304.9 ± 18.3 μmol L− 1). The kinetic parameters estimated differ significantly from those for freshwater-acclimated shrimps, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes during salinity adaptation. Despite the ≈2-fold reduction in K+-phosphatase specific activity, Western blotting analysis revealed similar α-subunit expression in gill tissue from shrimps acclimated to 21‰ salinity or fresh water, although expression of phosphate-hydrolyzing enzymes other than (Na+,K+)-ATPase was stimulated by high salinity acclimation.  相似文献   

王晓冬  王成  马智宏  侯瑞锋  高权  陈泉 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2822-2830
为研究盐胁迫下小麦幼苗生长及Na+、K+的吸收和积累规律,以中国春、洲元9369和长武134等3种耐盐性不同小麦品种为材料,采用非损伤微测技术检测盐胁迫2 d后的根系K+离子流变化,并对植株体内的Na+、K+含量进行测定。结果表明:短期(2d)盐胁迫对小麦生长有抑制作用,且对根系的抑制大于地上部,耐盐品种下降幅度小于盐敏感品种。盐胁迫下,小麦根际的 K+大量外流,盐敏感品种中国春K+流速显著高于耐盐品种长武134,最高可达15倍。小麦幼苗地上部分和根系均表现为Na+积累增加,K+积累减少,Na+/K+比随盐浓度增加而上升。中国春限Na+能力显著低于长武134,Na+/K+则显著高于长武134。综上所述,盐胁迫下造成小麦组织器官中Na+/K+比上升的主要原因是根系K+大量外流和Na+的过量积累,耐盐性不同的小麦品种间差异显著,并认为根系对K+的保有能力可能是作物耐盐性评价的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

With 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate (3-OMFP) as substrate for the phosphatase reaction catalyzed by the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, a number of properties of that reaction differ from those with the common substratep-nitrophenyl phosphate (NPP): theK m is 2 orders of magnitude less and the Vmax is two times greater, and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) inhibits rather than stimulates. In addition, reducing the incubation pH decreases both theK m and Vmax for K+-activated 3-OMFP hydrolysis as well as theK 0.5 for K+ activation. However, reducing the incubation pH increases inhibition by Pi and the Vmax for 3-OMFP hydrolysis in the absence of K+. When choline chloride is varied reciprocally with NaCl to maintain the ionic strength constant, NaCl inhibits K+-activated 3-OMFP hydrolysis modestly with 10 mM KCl, but stimulates (in the range 5–30 mM NaCl) with suboptimal (0.35 mM) KCl. In the absence of K+, however, NaCl stimulates increasingly over the range 5–100 mM when the ionic strength is held constant. These observations are interpreted in terms of (a) differential effects of the ligands on enzyme conformations; (b) alternative reaction pathways in the absence of Na+, with a faster, phosphorylating pathway more readily available to 3-OMFP than to NPP; and (c) a (Na+ + K+)-phosphatase pathway, most apparent at suboptimal K+ concentrations, that is also more readily available to 3-OMFP.Abbreviations Et3N triethyl amine - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonate - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate - Me2SO dimethyl sulfoxide - NPP p-nitrophenyl phosphate - 3-OMFP 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate - TNP-ATP 2, (or 3)-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP  相似文献   

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