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Peter Raven, in 1963, included two fern taxa of the genus Botrychium in his list of plant species exhibiting American amphitropical bipolar disjunctions. He attributed the southern hemisphere occurrences to post‐Pleistocene long‐distance dispersal from counterparts in the northern hemisphere, probably assisted by annual bird migrations between the disjunct areas. Using genetic evidence gathered through worldwide analyses of phylogenetic relationship in Botrychium, we now review and reconsider Raven's conclusions. Genetic similarities indicate that South American Botrychium dusenii is an allotetraploid taxon closely related to B. spathulatum, a North American endemic, and that B. lunaria in New Zealand possesses a genotype identical to that of a taxon in North America derived through introgressive hybridization between B. lunaria and an endemic North American species, B. neolunaria. Both North American counterparts exhibit Raven's characteristics of bipolar disjuncts in their occurrence in mountain and coastal meadows, copious production of small propagules (spores in Botrychium), occurrence in habitats frequented by transpolar bird migrants, and ability to found new colonies through inbreeding. We discuss these characteristics in Botrychium and relative to other ferns and suggest further studies on Botrychium and related taxa to address questions of time, number, and mode of bipolar dispersals.  相似文献   

Aim The flowering plant genus Hoffmannseggia consists of 21 species distributed amphitropically between the arid regions of the south‐western United States and adjacent Mexico, and west‐central South America. This pattern of geographical disjunction is shared by numerous other angiosperm genera and has been the subject of discussions for more than a century with various authors advocating a northern origin for particular taxa and others advocating a southern origin. This study uses a well‐supported phylogeny of a genus with numerous species in each area to address the issues of a northern or southern origin and the facility with which organisms move between the two continents. Location South‐western United States and northern Mexico, northern Chile and Argentina, southern Bolivia, and western Peru. Methods Using DNA sequence data from the nuclear and chloroplast genomes, we generated a phylogenetic hypothesis for all species of Hoffmannseggia rooted with Zuccagnia and Balsamocarpon. Geographical data were optimized on the resultant tree to assess the probable continent of origin for the genus, the pattern of disjunctions between North and South America, and species radiations within the genus. Main conclusions Hoffmannseggia arose in South America and initially split into a suffrutescent (somewhat woody) and an herbaceous clade. Within each of these major clades, there have been at least two exchanges between North and South America. There are no data to support an ancestral pan‐American range for Hoffmannseggia and we therefore ascribe the amphitropical disjunctions to long‐distance dispersal. The phylogeny clearly shows that all dispersals were from South to North America and they occurred at different times and thus the pattern is not the result of a single simultaneous set of dispersals.  相似文献   

The species composition of the subgenus Exopalpiger Schulze, 1935 (genus Ixodes Latreille, 1795) and species ranges are considered. Altitude and biotopic preferences and host-parasite relations of species are analyzed. A hypothesis explaining the palaeogenesis of the disjunctive distribution (Europe; South Africa; north and east of South America; New Guinea, southern Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania) of the subgenus Exopalpiger is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long‐distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long‐distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean- Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long-distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long-distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   

Aim The cosmopolitan genus Herbertus is notorious for having a difficult taxonomy and for the fact that there is limited knowledge of species ranges and relationships. Topologies generated from variable molecular markers are used to discuss biogeographical patterns in Herbertus and to compare them with the geological history of continents and outcomes reported for other land plants. Location Africa, Asia, Azores, Europe, southern South America, northern South America, North America, New Zealand. Methods Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and chloroplast (cp) trnL–trnF sequences of 66 accessions of Herbertus and the outgroup species Triandrophyllum subtrifidum and Mastigophora diclados were used to investigate biogeographical patterns in Herbertus. Areas of putative endemism were defined based on the distribution of species included in the analyses. Maximum parsimony analyses were undertaken to reconstruct ancestral areas and intraspecies migration routes. Results The analyses reveal species‐level cladograms with a correlation between genetic variation and the geographical distribution of the related accessions. The southern South American Herbertus runcinatus is sister to the remainder of the genus, which is split into two main clades. One contains the Neotropical–African Herbertus juniperoideus and the New Zealand/Tasmanian Herbertus oldfieldianus. An African accession of H. juniperoideus is nested within Neotropical accessions. The second main clade includes species that inhabit Asia, the Holarctic, Africa, and northern South America. Maximum parsimony analyses indicate that this clade arose in Asia. Herbertus sendtneri originated in Asia and subsequently colonized the Holarctic and northern South America. An Asian origin and colonization into Africa is indicated for H. dicranus. Main conclusions The current distribution of Herbertus cannot be explained by Gondwanan vicariance. A more feasible explanation of the range is a combination of short‐distance dispersal, rare long‐distance dispersal events (especially into regions that faced floral displacements as a result of climatic changes) extinction, recolonization, and diversification. The African Herbertus flora is a mixture of Asian and Neotropical elements. Southern South America harbours an isolated species. The molecular data indicate partial decoupling of molecular and morphological variation in Herbertus. Biogeographical patterns in Herbertus are not dissimilar to those of other groups of bryophytes, but elucidation of the geographical ranges requires a molecular approach. Some patterns could be the result of maintenance of Herbertus in the inner Tropics during glacial maxima, and dispersal into temperate regions in warm phases.  相似文献   

The biogeography of Gunnera L.: vicariance and dispersal   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Aim The genus Gunnera is distributed in South America, Africa and the Australasian region, a few species reaching Hawaii and southern Mexico in the North. A cladogram was used to (1) discuss the biogeography of Gunnera and (2) subsequently compare this biogeographical pattern with the geological history of continents and the patterns reported for other Southern Hemisphere organisms. Location Africa, northern South America, southern South America, Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea/Malaya, Hawaii, North America, Antarctica. Methods A phylogenetic analysis of twenty‐six species of Gunnera combining morphological characters and new as well as published sequences of the ITS region, rbcL and the rps16 intron, was used to interpret the biogeographical patterns in Gunnera. Vicariance was applied in the first place and dispersal was only assumed as a second best explanation. Results The Uruguayan/Brazilian Gunnera herteri Osten (subgenus Ostenigunnera Mattfeld) is sister to the rest of the genus, followed sequentially upwards by the African G. perpensa L. (subgenus Gunnera), in turn sister to all other, American and Australasian, species. These are divided into two clades, one containing American/Hawaiian species, the other containing all Australasian species. Within the Australasian clade, G. macrophylla Blume (subgenus Pseudogunnera Schindler), occurring in New Guinea and Malaya, is sister to a clade including the species from New Zealand and Tasmania (subgenus Milligania Schindler). The southern South American subgenus Misandra Schindler is sister to a clade containing the remaining American, as well as the Hawaiian species (subgenus Panke Schindler). Within subgenus Panke, G. mexicana Brandegee, the only North American species in the genus, is sister to a clade wherein the Hawaiian species are basal to all south and central American taxa. Main conclusions According to the cladogram, South America appears in two places, suggesting an historical explanation for northern South America to be separate from southern South America. Following a well‐known biogeographical pattern of vicariance, Africa is the sister area to the combined southern South America/Australasian clade. Within the Australasian clade, New Zealand is more closely related to New Guinea/Malaya than to southern South America, a pattern found in other plant cladograms, contradictory to some of the patterns supported by animal clades and by the geological hypothesis, respectively. The position of the Tasmanian G. cordifolia, nested within the New Zealand clade indicates dispersal of this species to Tasmania. The position of G. mexicana, the only North American species, as sister to the remaining species of subgenus Panke together with the subsequent sister relation between Hawaii and southern South America, may reflect a North American origin of Panke and a recolonization of South America from the north. This is in agreement with the early North American fossil record of Gunnera and the apparent young age of the South American clade.  相似文献   

The leafy liverwort genus Herbertus exhibits considerably variable morphology and widely disjunct distributions in both hemispheres. Here, the biogeographic history of the genus and its phylogenetic relationships with the focus on the taxonomically difficult, northern hemispheric disjunct species, were investigated. We conducted a time-calibrated, molecular-based phylogenetic analysis using psbA, trnL-F, and ITS1-2 loci and different approaches for ancestral range inference of the genus. Herbertus is inferred to have originated in the Cenozoic era about 51 million years ago, in an ancestral area including southern South America, the Neotropics, Oceania, and South-east Asia. The current distribution of the genus is supported to have resulted from long-term in situ persistence, short and long distance dispersals, extinctions and recolonizations. Postglacial range shifts between the southern and northern hemisphere in the genus show distinct patterns. In the southern hemisphere, Herbertus is characterized by in situ persistence, not showing further dispersal until the uplift of the Andean Cordillera. Species of the northern hemisphere showed wide range expansions and repeated recolonizations, including north- and southward dispersals, recolonizations and extinctions. Our results support that the ancestor of South-east Asiatic Herbertus had a Gondwanan origin and arrived in Asia via Indian Plate migration. The uplift of high mountains must have had a strong influence in the diversification and dispersal of the genus. Our results further suggest that climate changes must have had a profound effect on the evolution and biogeography of the species of Herbertus in the northern hemisphere, and might also have influenced the reproductive strategies of the genus. Few genetic differentiations amongst currently recognized species H. aduncus, H. dicranus, H. hutchinsiae, H. stramineus, H. delavayi, and H. kurzii, and amongst H. sendtneri, H. armitanus, and H. circinatus were shown, suggesting that the morphological characters that are currently used for delimiting species should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Aim The Alstroemeriaceae is among 28 angiosperm families shared between South America, New Zealand and/or Australia; here, we examine the biogeography of Alstroemeriaceae to better understand the climatic and geological settings for its diversification in the Neotropics. We also compare Alstroemeriaceae with the four other Southern Hemisphere families that expanded from Patagonia to the equator, to infer what factors may have permitted such expansions across biomes. Location South America, Central America, Australia and New Zealand. Methods Three chloroplast genes, one mitochondrial gene and one nuclear DNA region were sequenced for 153 accessions representing 125 of the 200 species of Alstroemeriaceae from throughout the distribution range; 25 outgroup taxa were included to securely infer evolutionary directions and be able to use both ingroup and outgroup fossil constraints. A relaxed‐clock model relied on up to three fossil calibrations, and ancestral ranges were inferred using statistical dispersal–vicariance analysis (S‐DIVA). Southern Hemisphere disjunctions in the flowering plants were reviewed for key biological traits, divergence times, migration directions and habitats occupied. Results The obtained chronogram and ancestral area reconstruction imply that the most recent common ancestor of Colchicaceae and Alstroemeriaceae lived in the Late Cretaceous in southern South America/Australasia, the ancestral region of Alstroemeriaceae may have been South America/Antarctica, and a single New Zealand species is due to recent dispersal from South America. Chilean Alstroemeria diversified with the uplift of the Patagonian Andes c. 18 Ma, and a hummingbird‐pollinated clade (Bomarea) reached the northern Andes at 11–13 Ma. The South American Arid Diagonal (SAAD), a belt of arid vegetation caused by the onset of the Andean rain shadow 14–15 Ma, isolated a Brazilian clade of Alstroemeria from a basal Chilean/Argentinean grade. Main conclusions Only Alstroemeriaceae, Calceolariaceae, Cunoniaceae, Escalloniaceae and Proteaceae have expanded and diversified from Patagonia far into tropical latitudes. All migrated northwards along the Andes, but also reached south‐eastern Brazil, in most cases after the origin of the SAAD. Our results from Alstroemeria now suggest that the SAAD may have been a major ecological barrier in southern South America.  相似文献   

The Southern Hemisphere has traditionally been considered as having a fundamentally vicariant history. The common trans-Pacific disjunctions are usually explained by the sequential breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana during the last 165 million years, causing successive division of an ancestral biota. However, recent biogeographic studies, based on molecular estimates and more accurate paleogeographic reconstructions, indicate that dispersal may have been more important than traditionally assumed. We examined the relative roles played by vicariance and dispersal in shaping Southern Hemisphere biotas by analyzing a large data set of 54 animal and 19 plant phylogenies, including marsupials, ratites, and southern beeches (1,393 terminals). Parsimony-based tree fitting in conjunction with permutation tests was used to examine to what extent Southern Hemisphere biogeographic patterns fit the breakup sequence of Gondwana and to identify concordant dispersal patterns. Consistent with other studies, the animal data are congruent with the geological sequence of Gondwana breakup: (Africa(New Zealand(southern South America, Australia))). Trans-Antarctic dispersal (Australia <--> southern South America) is also significantly more frequent than any other dispersal event in animals, which may be explained by the long period of geological contact between Australia and South America via Antarctica. In contrast, the dominant pattern in plants, (southern South America(Australia, New Zealand)), is better explained by dispersal, particularly the prevalence of trans-Tasman dispersal between New Zealand and Australia. Our results also confirm the hybrid origin of the South American biota: there has been surprisingly little biotic exchange between the northern tropical and the southern temperate regions of South America, especially for animals.  相似文献   

Abstract Ephedra comprises approximately 50 species, which are roughly equally distributed between the Old and New World deserts, but not in the intervening regions (amphitropical range). Great heterogeneity in the substitution rates of Gnetales (Ephedra, Gnetum, and Welwitschia) has made it difficult to infer the ages of the major divergence events in Ephedra, such as the timing of the Beringian disjunction in the genus and the entry into South America. Here, we use data from as many Gnetales species and genes as available from GenBank and from a recent study to investigate the timing of the major divergence events. Because of the tradeoff between the amount of missing data and taxon/gene sampling, we reduced the initial matrix of 265 accessions and 12 loci to 95 accessions and 10 loci, and further to 42 species (and 7736 aligned nucleotides) to achieve stationary distributions in the Bayesian molecular clock runs. Results from a relaxed clock with an uncorrelated rates model and fossil‐based calibration reveal that New World species are monophyletic and diverged from their mostly Asian sister clade some 30 mya, fitting with many other Beringian disjunctions. The split between the single North American and the single South American clade occurred approximately 25 mya, well before the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus. Overall, the biogeographic history of Ephedra appears dominated by long‐distance dispersal, but finer‐scale studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Located approximately 4000 km from the nearest continent, the Hawaiian Islands comprise the most isolated archipelago on Earth. This isolation has resulted in a unique flora that includes nearly 200 native ferns and lycophytes, 77% of which are endemic to the islands. Because the Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin, all abiotically dispersed organisms must have arrived there via the wind or the water. Fern spores are most likely dispersed through the air, and thus patterns of air movement have undoubtedly played a significant role in determining the geographic origins of the ancestors of the Hawaiian ferns. We have identified four possible climate-based or weather-based spore dispersal hypotheses that could have resulted in the movement of ancestral spores to the Hawaiian Islands: (1) the northern subtropical jetstream, moving spores from Indo-Pacific regions; (2) the trade winds, dispersing spores from Central and North America; (3) storms carrying spores from southern Mexico and/or Central America; and (4) a dispersal mechanism carrying spores from the South Pacific across the equator resulting from the combined influence of a seasonal southern shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), Hadley Cell air movement, and the trade winds. Utilizing recently published molecular phylogenetic studies of three fern genera (Dryopteris, Polystichum, andHymenophyllum) and new analyses of three additional genera (Adenophorus, Grammitis, andLellingeria), each of which is represented in the Hawaiian Islands by at least one endemic lineage, we reviewed the biogeographical implications for the Hawaiian taxa in light of the possible common dispersal patterns and pathways. We hypothesize that three of the five endemicDryopteris lineages, both of the endemicPolystichum lineages, at least one endemicHymenophyllum lineage in the Hawaiian Islands, and, perhaps, one endemicGrammitis lineage resulted from ancestral spores of each lineage dispersing to the Hawaiian Islands via the northern subtropical jetstream.Adenophorus is sister to a mostly neotropical clade, therefore, it is likely that the ancestor of the Hawaiian clade dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands via the trade winds or a storm system. The ancestor of the endemicLellingeria lineage may have dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands from the neotropics via the trade winds or a storm system, or from the South Pacific across the equator through the combination of a seasonal southern shift of the ITCZ, Hadley Cells, and the trade winds.  相似文献   

Following a taxonomic revision of Nectandra, a genus of about 114 species of neotropical trees, character gradients are compared against geographical distribution, habitat preferences, and reproductive phenology of individual species, with the aim of reconstructing the spatial and temporal diversification of the genus. It is shown that Nectandra, together with Ocotea, Persea, and other genera of the Lauraceae, originated from a northern hemisphere matrix that immigrated into South America, perhaps as late as after the closure of the Central American land bridge in the Pliocene. The dramatic diversification of the genus within South America was facilitated by its ornithochorous dispersal system, implying ample processes of allopatric speciation. At present, speciation seems to take place preferably by processes of ecotypic (mostly edaphic) specialization, by which widely distributed, ecologically polymorphic species give rise to swarms of ecologically narrowly specialized satellite species.  相似文献   

Aim The biogeography of the tropical plant family Monimiaceae has long been thought to reflect the break‐up of West and East Gondwana, followed by limited transoceanic dispersal. Location Southern Hemisphere, with fossils in East and West Gondwana. Methods We use phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences from 67 of the c. 200 species, representing 26 of the 28 genera of Monimiaceae, and a Bayesian relaxed clock model with fossil prior constraints to estimate species relationships and divergence times. Likelihood optimization is used to infer switches between biogeographical regions on the highest likelihood tree. Results Peumus from Chile, Monimia from the Mascarenes and Palmeria from eastern Australia/New Guinea form a clade that is sister to all other Monimiaceae. The next‐deepest split is between the Sri Lankan Hortonia and the remaining genera. The African Monimiaceae, Xymalos monospora, then forms the sister clade to a polytomy of five clades: (I) Mollinedia and allies from South America; (II) Tambourissa and allies from Madagascar and the Mascarenes; (III) Hedycarya, Kibariopsis and Leviera from New Zealand, New Caledonia and Australia; (IV) Wilkiea, Kibara, Kairoa; and (V) Steganthera and allies, all from tropical Australasia. Main conclusions Tree topology, fossils, inferred divergence times and ances‐tral area reconstruction fit with the break‐up of East Gondwana having left a still discernible signature consisting of sister clades in Chile and Australia. There is no support for previous hypotheses that the break‐up of West Gondwana (Africa/South America) explains disjunctions in the Monimiaceae. The South American Mollinedia clade is only 28–16 Myr old, and appears to have arrived via trans‐Pacific dispersal from Australasia. The clade apparently spread in southern South America prior to the Andean orogeny, fitting with its first‐diverging lineage (Hennecartia) having a southern‐temperate range. The crown ages of the other major clades (II–V) range from 20 to 29 Ma, implying over‐water dispersal between Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, and across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and the Mascarenes. The endemic genus Monimia on the Mascarenes provides an interesting example of an island lineage being much older than the islands on which it presently occurs.  相似文献   

Aim Continental disjunctions in pantropical taxa have been explained by vicariance or long‐distance dispersal. The relative importance of these explanations in shaping current distributions may vary, depending on historical backgrounds or biological characteristics of particular taxa. We aimed to determine the geographical origin of the pantropical subfamily Chrysophylloideae (Sapotaceae) and the roles vicariance and dispersal have played in shaping its modern distribution. Location Tropical areas of Africa, Australasia and South America. Methods We utilized a recently published, comprehensive data set including 66 species and nine molecular markers. Bayesian phylogenetic trees were generated and dated using five fossils and the penalized likelihood approach. Distributional ranges of nodes were estimated using maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses. In both biogeographical and molecular dating analyses, phylogenetic and branch length uncertainty was taken into account by averaging the results over 2000 trees extracted from the Bayesian stationary sample. Results Our results indicate that the earliest diversification of Chrysophylloideae was in the Campanian of Africa c. 73–83 Ma. A narrow time interval for colonization from Africa to the Neotropics (one to three dispersals) and Australasia (a single migration) indicates a relatively rapid radiation of this subfamily in the latest Cretaceous to the earliest Palaeocene (c. 62–72 Ma). A single dispersal event from the Neotropics back to Africa during the Neogene was inferred. Long‐distance dispersal between Australia and New Caledonia occurred at least four times, and between Africa and Madagascar on multiple occasions. Main conclusions Long‐distance dispersal has been the dominant mechanism for range expansion in the subfamily Chrysophylloideae. Vicariance could explain South American–Australian disjunction via Antarctica, but not the exchanges between Africa and South America and between New Caledonia and Australia, or the presence of the subfamily in Madagascar. We find low support for the hypothesis that the North Atlantic land bridge facilitated range expansions at the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary.  相似文献   

Sphagnum magellanicum has been viewed as being a predominantly circumpolar species in the northern hemisphere, but it occurs in the southern hemisphere and was originally described from the southern parts of Chile. It is an ecologically important species in mire ecosystems and has been extensively used as a model to study processes of growth, carbon sequestration and peat decomposition. Molecular and experimental studies have, however, revealed genetic structure within S. magellanicum, and morphological differences associated with these genetic groups. Here we describe Sphagnum divinum in Sphagnum subgenus Sphagnum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) as a new species, based on molecular and morphological evidence. Sphagnum medium is reinstated as a distinct species and is epitypified. Consequently, a new species concept of S. magellanicum is presented including an epitypification. Important morphological characters to separate these three species in the field and under the microscope are presented. Ecology and distribution differ among the species; S. divinium has a wide habitat range including mire margin, forested peatlands and moist heaths, and a circumpolar distribution around the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum medium seems to be more restricted to ombrotrophic mire expanse habitats and shows an amphi-Atlantic distribution in the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum magellanicum has a very broad ecological niche in peatlands and is found in most mire habitats in Tierra del Fuego on the southern tip of South America.  相似文献   

The grass genus Hordeum (Poaceae, Triticeae), comprising 31 species distributed in temperate and dry regions of the world, was analysed to determine the relative contributions of vicariance and long-distance dispersal to the extant distribution pattern of the genus. Sequences from three nuclear regions (DMC1, EF-G and ITS) were combined and analysed phylogenetically for all diploid (20 species) and two tetraploid Hordeum species and the outgroup Psathyrostachys. Ages of clades within Hordeum were estimated using a penalized likelihood analysis of sequence divergence. The sequence data resulted in an almost fully resolved phylogenetic tree that allowed the reconstruction of intrageneric migration routes. Hordeum evolved c. 12 million years ago in South-west Asia and spread into Europe and Central Asia. The colonization of the New World and South Africa involved at least six intercontinental exchanges during the last 4 million years (twice Eurasia-North America, North America-South America, twice South America-North America and Europe-South Africa). Repeated long-distance dispersal between the northern and southern hemisphere were important colonization mechanisms in Hordeum.  相似文献   

Plant biogeographers have long argued whether plant disjunctions result from vicariance or dispersal. One of the classic patterns of plant disjunction involves New World amphitropical disjuncts, as exemplified by Tiquilia subg. Tiquilia (Boraginaceae). Subgenus Tiquilia forms a heterogeneous group of ~20 species that is amphitropically distributed in the deserts of North and South America, with four taxa endemic to the Galápagos Islands. The current study reconstructs the biogeographic history of subg. Tiquilia in order to explore the origins of New World amphitropical disjunction and of Galápagos endemism. A strongly supported phylogeny of the subgenus is estimated using sequence data from matK, ndhF, rps16, ITS, and waxy. Biogeographic analyses using combined and individual marker data sets reveal a complex history of long-distance dispersal in subg. Tiquilia. Biogeographic reconstructions imply a North American origin of the subgenus and its three major lineages and require at least four long-distance dispersal events to explain its current distribution. The South American taxa of subg. Tiquilia result from three independent and nonsimultaneous colonization events, while the monophyly and continental origins of the Galápagos endemics are unresolved. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that intercontinental dispersal has been more common than previously realized.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the historical biogeography of the pantropical flowering plant family Hernandiaceae (Laurales), which today comprises 62 species in five genera. Location Hernandiaceae occur in Africa (9 species), Madagascar (4), the Neotropics (25), Australia (3), southern China, Indochina, Malesia, and on numerous Pacific Islands (32). These numbers include two widespread species, Hernandia nymphaeifolia, which ranges from East Africa to the Ogasawara Islands and New Caledonia, and Gyrocarpus americanus, thought to have a pantropical range. Methods We sampled 37 species from all genera, the widespread ones with multiple accessions, for a chloroplast DNA matrix of 2210 aligned nucleotides, and used maximum likelihood to infer species relationships. Divergence time estimation relied on an uncorrelated‐rates relaxed molecular clock calibrated with outgroup fossils of Lauraceae and Monimiaceae. Results The deepest split in the family is between a predominantly African–Madagascan–Malesian lineage comprising Hazomalania, Hernandia and Illigera, and an African–Neotropical lineage comprising Gyrocarpus and Sparattanthelium; this split may be 122 (110–134) Myr old. The stem lineages of the five genera date back at least to the Palaeocene, but six splits associated with transoceanic range disjunctions date only to the Oligocene and Miocene, implying long‐distance dispersal. It is inferred that Hernandia beninensis reached the West African islands of São Tomé and Bioko from the West Indies or the Guianas; Hernandia dispersed across the Pacific; and Illigera madagascariensis reached Madagascar from across the Indian Ocean. Main conclusions The disjunct ranges and divergence times of sister clades in the Hernandiaceae are partly congruent with the break‐up of West Gondwana, but mostly with later transoceanic dispersal. An exceptional ability to establish following prolonged oceanic dispersal may be largely responsible for the evolutionary persistence of this small clade.  相似文献   

Bipolar disjunct distributions are a fascinating biogeographic pattern exhibited by about 30 vascular plants, whose populations reach very high latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres. In this review, we first propose a new framework for the definition of bipolar disjunctions and then reformulate a list of guiding principles to consider how to study bipolar species. Vicariance and convergent evolution hypotheses have been argued to explain the origin of this fragmented distribution pattern, but we show here that they can be rejected for all bipolar species, except for Carex microglochin. Instead, human introduction and dispersal (either direct or by mountain‐hopping)facilitated by standard and nonstandard vectorsare the most likely explanations for the origin of bipolar plant disjunctions. Successful establishment after dispersal is key for colonization of the disjunct areas and appear to be related to both intrinsic (e.g., self‐compatibility) and extrinsic (mutualistic and antagonistic interactions) characteristics. Most studies on plant bipolar disjunctions have been conducted in Carex (Cyperaceae), the genus of vascular plants with the largest number of bipolar species. We found a predominant north‐to‐south direction of dispersal, with an estimated time of diversification in agreement with major cooling events during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Bipolar Carex species do not seem to depend on specialized traits for long‐distance dispersal and could have dispersed through one or multiple stochastic events, with birds as the most likely dispersal vector.  相似文献   

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