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During recent studies in the Santolina rosmarinifolia L. aggregate, nomenclatural problems with the the names S. impressa and S. semidentata published by Hoffmannsegg and Link were revealed. Here, both names are neotypified and S. rosmarinifolia var. cinerea Pau & Merino and S. zamorana Losa are lectotypified. The criteria used to recognise S. impressa and S. semidentata and their diagnostic characters are discussed. Revision of the lectotypes of S. rosmarinifolia var. cinerea Pau & Merino and of S. zamorana Losa suggests that both names are synonyms of S. semidentata. The full synonymy of S. impressa and S. semidentata is provided.  相似文献   

The typification of the genus Omphalina Quél, is discussed. There is conclusive evidence to prove that the type should be Omphalina umbellifera (L. ex Fr.) Quél. = O. ericetorum (Fr. ex Fr.) M. Lange and not a species now referred to as O. pseudoandrosacea (Bull, ex St.–Amans) Mos. = O. grisella (Weinm.) Mos. A neotype for O. ericetorum is selected. The recent classifications of Omphalina and related genera are not convincing, and a rearrangement of Gerronema, Phaeotellus, Ric–kenella , and Haasiella inside genus Omphalina is proposed. A series of corresponding new combinations are made or validated.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):503-507

On the basis of the protologue, the name Sphagnum nemoreum Scop. is treated as a nomen dubium and consequently is rejected. S. capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw. is lectotypified through a Dillenius specimen, and is proposed to be adopted as the correct name of this species.  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies of Brazilian Meriania species (Merianieae – Melastomataceae) have identified taxonomic and nomenclatural gaps. The present work proposes one new synonym, M. sanchezii, for M. paniculata; one new neotypification of M. glabra; and five lectotypifications for M. calophylla, M. glabra var. parviflora (= M. glabra), M. paniculata, M. pergamentacea (= M. robusta), and M. urceolata.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):697-732

The fourteen species of Calymperes occurring in southern India and neighouring islands are described and their relationships discussed. Syrrhopodon subgenus Heliconema is raised to generic status and a nomenclatural account of its single Asian representative is provided (Heliconema peguense (Besch.) L. T. Ellis and A. Eddy).  相似文献   

The basionym of Cerustium fontanum ssp. vulgare (Hartman) Greuter and Burdet, C. vulgare Hartman, is neotypified, based on a specimen in UPS. Flora Nordica notes No. 14.  相似文献   

由于卢氏凤仙花Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen[=Impatiens heterosepala S.Y.Wang(1988)non J.D.Hook.(1924)]的主模式和副模式全部遗失,在此指定了卢氏凤仙花的新模式。  相似文献   

Typification of Alternaria, Stemphylium, and Ulocladium   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
E G Simmons 《Mycologia》1967,59(1):67-92

OOST, E. H., BRANDENBURG, W. A. & JARVIS, C. E., 1989. Typification of Brassica oleracea L. (Cruciferae) and its Linnaean varieties. The Linnaean concept of Brassica oleracea and its varieties is discussed. In the light of this concept several types are considered and chosen.  相似文献   

由于卢氏凤仙花Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen[=Impatiens heterosepala S.Y.Wang(1988)non J.D.Hook.(1924)]的主模式和副模式全部遗失,在此指定了卢氏凤仙花的新模式。  相似文献   

Names of sixtyone taxa described by G. Wahlenberg based on Nordic material are typified. An additional four are listed but no type material is traced. Wahlenberg's four journeys and various modifications of his handwriting are presented. Flora nordica notes no. 4  相似文献   

Lectotypification of the name Thymus serpyllum L. (Lamiaceae) is presented. The name is typified by a specimen from the Burser herbarium (UPS), the only one which corresponds well with the present concept of T serpyllum and undoubtedly represents original material.  相似文献   

Boissier described several taxa in Anthriscus , summarized in his Flora orientalis account. The names include A. lamprocarpa, A. kotschyi, A. ruprechtii, A. tenerrima, A. t. var. leiocarpa, A. anatolica, A. macrocarpa, A. nemorosa var. mollis, A. n. var. glabra; the hst four are still recognized as separate species. These names are typified in this paper, based on the material in Boissier herbarium at G.  相似文献   

Sandra Ricci 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(2):115-118
The new varietyStaurastrum dilatatum Ehr. var.thomassonii is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Oscillatoria agardhii var. suspensa n. var. ist ein Süßwasser-Planktont, der O. agardhii nahe steht, sich aber durch geringere Abmessungen und den Bau der Trichom-Enden unterscheidet. Sie wurde durch Waschen von anderen Organismen befreit, was bisher noch bei keiner Cyanophycee gelungen war.Die Art lebt im Wasser schwebend. Nur in alten Kulturen sammelt sie sich an der Oberfläche an.O. agardhii var. suspensa ist streng photo-autotroph und macht von organischen Nährstoffen keinen Gebrauch. Sie ist sogar sehr empfindlich gegen manche von ihnen, besonders gegen Glucose (aber nicht gegen andere Zucker), die schon in geringen Konzentrationen die Vermehrung unterdrückt.Die weißlich-grüne Farbe der Art wird durch die Pseudovacuolen bewirkt; der Chlorophyllgehalt ist aber nicht geringer als der von anderen Cyanophyceen, die tief blaugrün aussehen.
Summary Oscillatoria agardhii var. suspensa n. var. is a freshwater planktont allied to O. agardhii but differing in smaller dimensions and the shape of the trichome-ends. It was freed from other organisms by the washing procedure, a technique that had not yet been successful in any member of the Cyanophyceae.The organism lives suspended in the water except in old cultures when it tends to accumulate near the surface.O. agardhii var. suspensa is strictly photo-autotrophic not utilizing any organic nutrients and even to some of them very sensitive, particularly to glucose (though not to other sugars) which prevents growth at minute concentrations.The whitish green hue of the species is due to pseudovacuoles while the content of chlorophyll is not lower than that of Cyanophycean species appearing deep blue-green to the eye.

Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
WEBB, D. A., 1987. Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga. Types (mainly lectotypes) arc assigned to all the species of Saxifraga described by Linnaeus. There are 38 names in all, of which one is now assigned to Bergenia, one is known to be a hybrid, three have been rejected in the past as nomina ambigua, one was later reduced to synonymy by Linnaeus himself, while 32 are accepted as valid species today. Three have been previously typified by Pugsley, one by Steam and one by the author; for the others the types are newly proposed here. Nineteen names are typified from the Linnean herbarium in London (LINN), three from the Linnean herbarium in Stockholm (S), seven from the Burser herbarium at Uppsala (UPS), one from the Tournefort herbarium in Paris (P), and eight from illustrations cited by Linnaeus in synonymy. Lists are appended of all specimens of the genus in the Linnean herbaria in London and Stockholm and the Burser herbarium at Uppsala, and a determination is given for each specimen, though in some cases these can only be tentative. The specimens include 15 species which Linnaeus did not describe, though in the case of five he probably regarded them as varieties.  相似文献   

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