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Complete mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) of five individuals representing two haplotypes of Bombina bombina and three of Bombina variegata were compared using restriction site maps. Phylogenetic analyses reveal three ancient mitochondrial lineages: (1) two very similar haplotypes A and B of B. bombina ; (2) almost identical haplotypes D and E of B. variegata ; and (3) haplotype C of B. variegata . Haplotype C is as different from haplotypes D/E as from A/B. These data are strikingly discordant with relationships based on morphology and allozymes. Haplotypes C and D/E represent a pre-Pleistocene mitochondrial divergence within B. variegata , nearly coincident with speciation between B. variegata and B. bombina . Geographical partitioning of the two divergent B. variegata mitochondrial lineages indicates repeated localization of the lineages in separate glacial refugia during the Pleistocene. That nuclear genes do not show a similar divergence, but rather indicate relatively free genetic exchange between populations with divergent mtDNAs, suggests that males dispersed much more widely than females during expansions from glacial refugia. Comparison of Bombina mtDNA maps with a restriction site map of Xenopus laevis mtDNA revealed 16 homologous sites; 12 of these may be nearly invariant across primitive anuran mtDNAs. Two distinct regions of heteroplasmy, representing two regions with variable numbers of sequence repeats [length variable (LV) regions], were characterized. Comparison with the Xenopus map places LV1, present in all five haplotypes, near the 5'-end of the control region, and LV2 present only in B. variegata , near the 3'-end. Although phylogenetic analyses did not group the two major B. variegata lineages together, presence of LV2 in both lineages supports placement of both within B. variegata .  相似文献   

Development of the frontoparietal bone in the European yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata, was followed on the basis of histological analysis of transverse serial sections through the larval skulls to recognize early stages of ossification represented by osteoid (uncalcified bone matrix) and on cleared and stained specimens to investigate more advanced stages. Ossification of the frontal begins as three tiny areas of osteoid (F(1), F(2), F(3)) adjoining the dorsal surface of the orbital cartilage, which are separated by areas without osteoid. F(3) is the largest (most advanced). Prior to calcification, F(3) extends to fuse with F(2) and then with F(1), but it does not expand over the prootic fissure posteriorly. As calcification begins the strip of bone is joined posteromedially by F(4). Only then does a single ossification center corresponding to the parietal arise on the anterodorsal surface of the otic capsule. This ossification sequence corresponds to those observed in the Actinopterygii and in caudate amphibians.  相似文献   

The structure and geographic location of hybrid zones change through time. Current patterns result from present and historical population-environment interactions that act on each of the hybridizing taxa. This is particularly evident for species involved in complex hybrid zones, such as that formed by the toad species Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae), which interact along extensive areas in Central Europe. We used data on external morphology and partial sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (cox1) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotid dehydrogenase subunit 4 (nad4) mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA) genes to analyze the current patterns of genetic structure shown by both species of Bombina along their contact zone in Hungary. Phylogenetic, phylogeographic, and historical demography analyses were applied to 1.5kb mt-DNA obtained from 119 individuals representing 24 populations from Hungary and additional specimens from Slovakia, Albania, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. We use these data to infer the evolutionary history of the isolated populations of B. variegata in Hungary and to discriminate between competing biogeographic scenarios accounting for the historical interactions between species in this region. Results from the inferred phylogenetic branching pattern and sequence divergence among species and populations support the following: (i) recent population expansion has occurred in Hungarian populations of B. bombina, which are genetically very homogeneous; (ii) the Hungarian populations of B. variegata correspond to two distinct mitochondrial lineages (Carpathian and Alpine, respectively); average maximum-likelihood-corrected sequence divergence between these lineages is 8.96% for cox1 and 10.85% for nad4; (iii) mt-DNA divergence among the three isolated western populations of B. variegata from Transdanubia is low, with four closely related haplotypes, which suggests that the isolation between these populations is the result of a recent process, possibly mediated by the invasion of B. bombina; and (iv) we have detected discordances between morphology and mt-DNA data in the Transdanubia region (Bakony Mountains, Mecsek Mountains, Orség area), suggesting mt-DNA introgression across species in this regions. These results are discussed with reference to previous biogeographic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Stable hybrid zones in which ecologically divergent taxa give rise to a range of recombinants are natural laboratories in which the genetic basis of adaptation and reproductive isolation can be unraveled. One such hybrid zone is formed by the fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae). Adaptations to permanent and ephemeral breeding habitats, respectively, have shaped numerous phenotypic differences between the taxa. All of these are, in principle, candidates for a genetic dissection via QTL mapping. We present here a linkage map of 28 codominant and 10 dominant markers in the Bombina genome. In an F2 cross, markers that were mainly microsatellites, SSCPs or allozymes were mapped to 20 linkage groups. Among the 40 isolated CA microsatellites, we noted a preponderance of compound and frequently interleaved CA-TA repeats as well as a striking polarity at the 5' end of the repeats.  相似文献   

The sequence of appearance of the 17 different skull bones in the oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, is described. Data are based primarily on samples of ten or 11 laboratory-reared specimens of each of 11 Gosner developmental stages (36–46) representing middle through late metamorphosis. Ossification commences as early as stage 37 (hind limb with all five toes distinct), but the full complement of adult bones is not attained until stage 46 (metamorphosis complete). Number of bones present at intermediate stages is poorly correlated with external morphology. As many as four Gosner developmental stages elapse before a given bone is present in all specimens following the stage at which it may first appear. The modal ossification sequence is frontoparietal, exoccipital, parasphenoid, septomaxilla, premaxilla, vomer, nasal, maxilla, angulosplenial, dentary, squamosal, quadratojugal, pterygoid, prootic, interfrontal, sphenethmoid, and mentomeckelian. Most specimens are consistent with this sequence, despite the poor correlation between cranial ossification and external development as assayed by Gosner stage. The timing of cranial ossification in Bombina orientalis differs in many respects from that described for two other, distantly related anurans, the leopard frog (Rana pipiens) and the western toad (Bufo boreas). These include the total number and sequence of appearance of bones, and the timing of ossification relative to the development of external morphology. Interspecific variation may reflect differences in the timing of the tissue interactions known to underlie skeletal differentiation and evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Male hybrids obtained by crossing Bombina bombina with Bombina v. variegata displayed calling behavior when treated with hormones at the age of about 12 months. The mating calls of the hybrids are intermediate with respect to rate, duration, inter-call interval, and fundamental frequency between the calls of the two purebred species.  相似文献   

Summary Galanin-like immunoreactivity was localized in the brain of Urodela (Ambystoma, Pleurodeles) and Anura (Bufo, Xenopus) by immunocytochemistry with anti-porcine galanin antiserum. In the four species, immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the telencephalon (striatum, amygdala), diencephalon preoptic area mainly along the anterodorsal wall of the preoptic recessus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, ventral and dorsal infundibular nuclei, paraventricular organ, and rhombencephalon (nucleus of the solitary tract). Galaninergic fibres extended in similar regions and in the medial septum, ventral telencephalon, ventral hypothalamus, median eminence, and various mesencephalic and rhombencephalic regions. Contacts with the cerebrospinal fluid cavity occurred along the preoptic recessus (Ambystoma) and the ventral infundibular wall (all species). Fibres were scarce in the neurohypophysis. The distal and intermediate lobes of the pituitary were virtually devoid of immunoreactivity. The galaninergic system appeared more developed in adult amphibia than in young animals, suggesting the stimulating influence of sex steroids on the expression of galanin as previously described inAnguilla. The extensive distribution of the galanin-like immunoreactive neurons in amphibian brains suggests that this peptide may act as a neuromodulatur and/or neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Abstract Bombina bombina and B. variegata are two anciently diverged toad taxa that have adapted to different breeding habitats yet hybridize freely in zones of overlap where their parapatric distributions meet. Here, we report on a joint genetic and ecological analysis of a hybrid zone in the vicinity of Stryi in western Ukraine. We used five unlinked allozyme loci, two nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms and a mitochondrial DNA haplotype as genetic markers. Parallel allele frequency clines with a sharp central step occur across a sharp ecotone, where transitions in aquatic habitat, elevation, and terrestrial vegetation coincide. The width of the hybrid zone, estimated as the inverse of the maximum gradient in allele frequency, is 2.3 km. This is the smallest of four estimates derived from different clinal transects across Europe. We argue that the narrow cline near Stryi is mainly due to a combination of habitat distribution and habitat preference. Adult toads show a preference for either ponds ( B. bombina ) or puddles ( B. variegata ), which is known to affect the distribution of genotypes within the hybrid zones. At Stryi, it should cause a reduction of the dispersal rate across the ecotone and thus narrow the cline. A detailed comparison of all five intensively studied Bombina transects lends support to the hypothesis that habitat distribution plus habitat preference can jointly affect the structure of hybrid zones and, ultimately, the resulting barriers to gene flow between differentiated gene pools. This study also represents a resampling of an area that was last studied more than 70 years ago. Our allele-frequency clines largely coincide with those that were described then on the basis of morphological variation. However, we found asymmetrical introgression of B. variegata genes into B. bombina territory along the bank of a river.  相似文献   

The spermatogenic tissue in the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata has certain properties not shared by other Central European anurans. Sertoli cells are lacking; the sperms are not bundled within the seminiferous tubules, but rather they form and mature in a connective-tissue follicle that is cellular in nature. Spermatogenesis is not a continuous process, at either the spermatocyte or the spermatozoa formation stage. Rather, there are periods of stagnation and of proliferation, which can be correlated with the periods during which the male toads produce mating calls and with the pauses between the calling periods. The crucial participation of hormonal factors in these processes is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of Bombina variegata cutaneous venom (Bvv) on eukaryotic cell growth has been assessed employing the human leukaemic cell line HL 60, by liquid and agar semisolid cultures and 51Cr release assay. HL 60 cells growth is impaired by Bvv in a dose-dependent fashion in both culture systems. The arrest of proliferation requires a contact time lower than 3 min and it is not reversed by washing and culturing the cells in a Bvv-free medium. Similarly, an extremely short exposure time is needed to determine maximum 51Cr release. Neither the agar medium nor the fetal calf serum interact with Bvv effects, which, according to the above findings, must be regarded as cytolytic in nature. In both liquid and the agar-semisolid culture Bvv cytolytic activity half life is about 8 hr. The cytolytic properties of Bvv are thought to be part of the chemical defence system of amphibian skin.  相似文献   

Clutch size, egg size, larval size and duration of larval period were estimated for samples of Bombina bombina and B. variegata from several populations. Bombina variegata lays fewer eggs per batch (mean 17.4) than B. bombina (mean 32.5). The volume of B. variegata eggs is 2.4 times greater and the dry weight 2.3 times greater than that of B. bombina. As a consequence, the volume of B. variegata hatchlings and their dry weight are respectively 1.9 times and 2.5 times greater than that of B. bombina. Analysis of variance showed that variation of egg size in B. variegata is significantly greater than in B. bombina. When reared under laboratory conditions freshly metamorphosed individuals of both species showed no difference in body size or weight. Although growth rates are equal, tadpoles of B. variegata reached metamorphosis 14 days earlier than B. bombina tadpoles because of differences in size of hatchlings. Differences in reproductive parameters found for the two European Bombina species can be interpreted as adaptations to contrasting environments in which they breed.  相似文献   

The taste disc of the red-bellied toad Bombina orientalis (Discoglossidae) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy and compared with that of Rana pipiens (Ranidae). Unlike the frog, B. orientalis possesses a disc-shaped tongue that cannot be ejected for capture of prey. The taste discs are located on the top of fungiform papillae. They are smaller than those in Ranidae, and are not surrounded by a ring of ciliated cells. Ultrastructurally, five types of cells can be identified (mucus cells, wing cells, sensory cells, and both Merkel cell-like basal cells and undifferentiated basal cells). Mucus cells are the main secretory cells of the taste disc and occupy most of the surface area. Their basal processes do not synapse on nerve fibers. Wing cells have sheet-like apical processes and envelop the mucus cells. They contain lysosomes and multivesicular bodies. Two types of sensory cells reach the surface of the taste disc; apically, they are distinguished by either a brush-like arrangement of microvilli or a rod-like protrusion. They are invaginated into lateral folds of mucus cells and wing cells. In contrast to the situation in R. pipiens, sensory cells of B. orientalis do not contain dark secretory granules in the perinuclear region. Synaptic connections occur between sensory cells (presynaptic sites) and nerve fibers. Merkel cell-like basal cells do not synapse onto sensory cells, but synapse-like connections exist between Merkel cell-like basal cells (presynaptic site) and nerve fibers.  相似文献   

We recorded multi-unit activity from the torus semicircularis in two European anurans, to test for temperature dependence of the auditory thresholds. In Rana r. ridibunda the entire threshold-vs.-frequency curve shifts downward for a temperature increase from 5° to 15° C; the average increase in sensitivity is 14 dB. In Bombina v. variegata the increase in sensitivity averages 8 dB for a rise in temperature from 12° to 20° C; in addition, the best frequency is shifted by about 150 Hz by this increase in temperature, from 350—400 Hz to 550 Hz. The audiogram of Rana r. ridibunda differs from that of Bombina v. variegata in that it is markedly trimodal; the sensitivity maxima for Rana fall at 300—500 Hz, 750–1000 Hz and 1250–1700 Hz.  相似文献   

Galanin-like immunoreactivity was localized in the brain of Urodela (Ambystoma, Pleurodeles) and Anura (Bufo, Xenopus) by immunocytochemistry with anti-porcine galanin antiserum. In the four species, immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the telencephalon (striatum, amygdala), diencephalon preoptic area mainly along the anterodorsal wall of the preoptic recessus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, ventral and dorsal infundibular nuclei, paraventricular organ, and rhombencephalon (nucleus of the solitary tract). Galaninergic fibres extended in similar regions and in the medial septum, ventral telencephalon, ventral hypothalamus, median eminence, and various mesencephalic and rhombencephalic regions. Contacts with the cerebrospinal fluid cavity occurred along the preoptic recessus (Ambystoma) and the ventral infundibular wall (all species). Fibres were scarce in the neurohypophysis. The distal and intermediate lobes of the pituitary were virtually devoid of immunoreactivity. The galaninergic system appeared more developed in adult amphibia than in young animals, suggesting the stimulating influence of sex steroids on the expression of galanin as previously described in Anguilla. The extensive distribution of the galanin-like immunoreactive neurons in amphibian brains suggests that this peptide may act as a neuromodulatur and/or neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The advertisement calls of six Spanish populations of midwife toads (genus Alytes ) are described presenting characteristic audiospectrograms and oscillograms of the calls. Numerical data concerning the spectral and temporal features of the calls in relation to caller size (SVL) and temperature are also compared. The regression temperature vs. call duration groups the different populations according to the extant recognized phylogeny of the genus. Based on this character, the montane population of A. obstetricans from Penalara (Madrid) appears to be more closely related to the Pyrenean populations of A. o. almogavarii than to the more western populations of A. o. boscai in Central Spain, which are closer geographically.


Paarungsrufe der Geburtshelferköten Alytes (Amphibia, Anura, Discoglossidae) aus zentralspanischen Populationen
Die Paarungsrufe von sechs Geburtshelferkröten aus sechs spanischen Populationen werden hinsichtlich ihrer charakteristischen Tonfrequenz-Spektrogramme und Oszillogramme beschrieben.
Die numerischen Daten der spektralen und zeitlichen Eigenheiten der Rufmerkmale wurden mit der Größe der Männchen (SVL) und der Temperatur verglichen. Die Regression zwischen Temperatur und Dauer des Rufes ordnet die verschiedenen Populationen in der gleichen Weise ein, wie sie schon aus der allgemein anerkannten Phylogenetik der Gattung bekannt ist. Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen, kann davon ausgegangen werden, daß die Gebirgspopulation A. obstetricans von Pealara (Madrid) enger mit der Pyrenäen-Population A. o. almogavarii verwandt ist als mit der westlichen Population A. o. boscai in Zentralspanien, obwohl sie zu jener geographisch näher liegt.  相似文献   

The advertisement calls of six Spanish populations of midwife toads (genus Alytes) are described presenting characteristic audiospectrograms and oscillograms of the calls. Numerical data concerning the spectral and temporal features of the calls in relation to caller size (SVL) and temperature are also compared. The regression temperature vs. call duration groups the different populations according to the extant recognized phylogeny of the genus. Based on this character, the montane population of A. obstetricans from Penalara (Madrid) appears to be more closely related to the Pyrenean populations of A. o. almogavarü than to the more western populations of A. oboscai in Central Spain, which are closer geographically.  相似文献   

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