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Mortierella alpina grown in solid state fermentations on cereal substrates gave up to 16% lipid in the final biomass. Arachidonic was at 50% of total fatty acids, with a yield of 36 mg/g of original substrate. Microbial lipid production was successfully scaled up to use 5-kg dry substrate batches.  相似文献   

通过培养高山被孢霉利用糖蜜来发酵生产花生四烯酸(ARA),研究了不同甘蔗糖蜜预处理方法对ARA发酵生产的影响。研究表明:H2SO4法是最利于ARA发酵生产的糖蜜预处理方法。利用预处理的甘蔗糖蜜发酵生产ARA,通过单因素实验设计,确定了最优的培养条件,包括初始还原糖80 g/L,N源6 g/L,接种量20%,初始pH6.0和培养温度25℃,在此条件下发酵,干细胞质量、油脂含量、ARA产量和糖利用率分别达到28.5 g/L、11.7g/L、3.68 g/L和94.5%。  相似文献   

谷氨酸对花生四烯酸产生菌被孢霉发酵的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同浓度谷氨酸对被孢霉生产花生四烯酸的影响,发现当加入谷氨酸浓度为0.8g/L时总油脂和花生四烯酸产量达最高,选择0.8g/L谷氨酸进行花生四烯酸产生菌被孢霉发酵动力学研究的结果表明,在培养基中加入0.8g/L谷氨酸可以明显促进被孢霉的生长,加速基质代谢,提高单位被孢霉中的油脂和花生四烯酸产量,尤其在发酵第7d时生物量、油脂和花生四烯酸产量达到最大,分别为24.43、9.21、1.41g/L,分别是对照组第7d所得的1.13、1.15和1.69倍。  相似文献   

毛霉菌油对被孢霉产花生四烯酸的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了不同浓度毛霉菌油对被孢霉产花生四烯酸(AA)的影响,发现0.3%毛霉菌油可以显著提高花生四烯酸产量,并研究了0.3%毛霉菌油在整个发酵过程中对被孢霉产花生四烯酸的影响。结果表明,毛霉菌油对被孢霉生长和油脂产量基本上没有影响,毛霉菌油可以提高被孢霉的AA产量,主要是因为其能提高AA在油脂中的含量。  相似文献   

Jin MJ  Huang H  Xiao AH  Zhang K  Liu X  Li S  Peng C 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(6):1087-1091
A novel two-step fermentation process was developed to enhance arachidonic acid (ARA) production by Mortierella alpina ME-1 in a 5 l fermentor. Agitation speed and aeration rate were adjusted from 180 to 40 rpm and from 0.6 to1 vvm, respectively, after 5 days cultivation, to decrease physical damage to the mycelia and to extend the stationary phase. Moreover, 3% (w/v) and 2% (w/v) ethanol were fed after 5 and 7 days cultivation, respectively, to enhance ARA content of total lipid. Eventually, an ARA yield of 19.8 g/l was achieved, which was 1.7 times higher than that of a one-step fed-batch cultivation.  相似文献   

Studies on the application of functional lipids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have proceeded in various fields regarding health and dietary requirements in a search for novel and rich sources. Filamentous fungus Mortierella alpina 1S-4 produces triacylglycerols rich in arachidonic acid, ones reaching 20 g/L and containing 30–70% arachidonic acid as to the total fatty acids. Mutants derived from M. alpina 1S-4, defective in Δ5 and Δ6 desaturases, accumulate triacylglycerols rich in unique PUFAs, i.e., dihomo-γ-linolenic acid and Mead acid, respectively. Furthermore, various mutants derived from M. alpina 1S-4 have led to the production of oils containing n−1, n−3, n−4, n−6, n−7, and n−9 PUFAs. A variety of genes encoding fatty acid desaturases and elongases involved in PUFA biosynthesis in M. alpina 1S-4 has been isolated and characterized. Molecular breeding of M. alpina strains by means of manipulation of these genes facilitates improvement of PUFA productivity and elucidation of the functions of enzymes involved in PUFA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

You JY  Peng C  Liu X  Ji XJ  Lu J  Tong Q  Wei P  Cong L  Li Z  Huang H 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):6088-6094
A novel method for efficient arachidonic acid rich lipids extraction was investigated. Six different enzymes (papain, pectinase, snailase, neutrase, alcalase and cellulase) were used to extract lipids from Mortierella alpina. The effects of enzyme concentration, temperature and hydrolysis time on oil recovery were evaluated using factorial experimental design and polynomial regression for each enzyme. Hydrolysis time is found to be the most important parameter for all enzymes. The ratios of enzyme mixtures were also studied. It showed that the mixtures of pectinase and papain (5:3, v/v), pectinase and alcalase (5:1, v/v) were better combined effects on oil yields. The effects of hydrolysis time and temperature were then analyzed by response surface methodology, and oil recoveries were satisfactory (104.6% for pectinase and papain and 101.3% for pectinase and alcalase). In the whole process, the lipid composition was not affected by the enzyme treatments according to fatty acid profile.  相似文献   

David Nes W  Nichols SD 《Phytochemistry》2006,67(16):1716-1721
The Zygomycetes fungus Mortierella alpina was cultured to growth arrest to assess the phytosterol biosynthesis pathway in a less-advanced fungus. The mycelium was found to produce 13 sterols, but no ergosterol. The sterol fractions were purified to homogeneity by HPLC and their identifies determined by a combination of GC-MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The principal sterol of the mycelium was cholesta-5, 24-dienol (desmosterol) (83%), with lesser amounts of 24beta-methyl-cholesta-5,25(27)-dienol (codisterol) (2%), 24-methyldesmosterol (6%), 24(28)-methylene cholesterol (3%) and lanosterol (3%) and several other minor compounds (3%). The total sterol accounted for approximately 0.07% of the mycelial dry wt. Mycelium fed methionine-methyl-2H3 for 6 days, generated 3 2H-24-methyl(ene) sterols, [C28-2H2]24(28)-methylenecholesterol, [C28-2H3]24-methylcholesta-5,24-dienol and [C28-2H3]24beta-methyl-cholesta-5,25(27)-dienol. The formation of the 24-methyl sterols seems to be catalyzed by the direct methylation of a common Delta24-acceptor sterol thereby bypassing the intermediacy of an isomerization step for rearrangement of the Delta24(28)-bond to Delta25(25)-position as operates in Ascomycetes fungi and all plants.  相似文献   

研究了高山被孢霉菌体被红四氮唑(TTC)染色的条件,并探讨了染色程度与菌体油脂中花生四烯酸含量的关系.高山被孢霉的种子菌体被TTC染色的程度随种龄增加而增加,而种子中的油脂含量和油脂中的花生四烯酸含量也都随种龄增加而增加.在发酵过程中,菌体被TTC染色的程度和菌体中的油脂含量以及油脂中的花生四烯酸含量随培养时间增加而增加.三株具有相似油脂含量、不同花生四烯酸含量的高山被孢霉以及一株不产花生四烯酸的鲁氏毛霉的染色结果显示菌体被红四氮唑染色的程度与菌体油脂中的花生四烯酸含量具有正相关性.该发现有助于花生四烯酸高产菌的快速筛选.  相似文献   

以高山被孢霉为出发菌株,抗氧化剂——没食子酸辛酯为筛选剂,经过紫外-LiCl复合诱变处理,筛选出抗脂肪酸脱氢酶抑制剂的菌株。将筛选出的菌株经过摇瓶发酵复筛,筛选到1株生产性能优于出发菌株的突变株R807。与原始菌株相比,该菌株的油脂组成脂肪酸分布中C18系列脂肪酸相对较少,花生四烯酸(ARA)占总脂肪酸的含量保持在40%(质量分数)以上。其菌体生物量达到39.2 g/L,油脂产量达到16.3 g/L,ARA占总脂肪酸含量为41.72%(质量分数),ARA产量达6.81 g/L。各数值比原始菌株分别提高了22.9%、3.2%、35.1%和39.8%。连续传代多次,其产量性状无显著变化。  相似文献   

高山被孢霉发酵生产花生四烯酸的宏观形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用图像处理技术对高山被孢霉(Mortierella alpina)发酵过程中的不同形态进行分析,并对其产花生四烯酸(ARA)能力进行了比较。研究发现:复合N源中蛋白胨与酵母粉比例是影响高山被孢霉宏观形态的重要因素,球形形态生长的菌体中ARA产量较分散,菌丝体中ARA产量高;在球形形态中,空心球的菌体生物量低,ARA比例低,蓬松球可以兼顾菌体高生物量、高油脂比例及高ARA比例。产ARA能力由生物量、油脂比例及油脂中ARA比例共同决定。结果表明:直径大约4 mm、成核区域面积大约为43.6%、紧密度为71.36的蓬松球形态,是高山被孢霉一种相对较佳的发酵形态,其菌体产ARA能力分别是空心球和分散丝状菌体产ARA能力的2.01和2.70倍。  相似文献   

研究了体积溶氧系数(K1a)对被孢霉产生四烯酸的影响。结果表明在摇瓶水平放大培养中,K1a、被孢霉生长、花生四烯酸(AA)产量均降低。利用0.3%Tween20作为氧载体提高各级的K1a,可以较大幅度提高AA产量。  相似文献   

采用微波等离子(N^ ,15w,3min)溅射高山被孢霉T105,筛选到高产菌R254,该菌最高生物量29.3g/L,油脂11.5g/L,花生四烯酸4.20g/L,花生四烯酸产量是原出发菌株1.35倍。通过对突变株R245的代谢情况、继代稳定性以及脂肪酸组成分析,认为微波等离子溅射诱变育种是获得花生四烯酸高产菌株的有效方法。并采用补糖工艺可进一步提高其产量,花生四烯酸产量为7.43g/L,是未补糖时花生四烯酸产量的1.76倍,且为出发菌株花生四烯酸最高产量的2.40倍。  相似文献   

Summary WhenMortierella alpina ATCC 32222 was incubated in a glucose salts medium at 25°C the biomass (17.5 g/l) contained 9.62% arachidonic acid which amounted to 54% (w/w) of total biomass lipids. When the glucose concentration in the medium was varied from 0 to 150 g/l, the percentage of arachidonic acid in biomass and in lipids was highest at a glucose concentration of 30 g/l, but highest yield of arachidonic acid per litre of culture broth was observed at a glucose concentration of 100 g/l. While production of biomass reached a plateau of 17 g/l after a 3-day incubation at 25°C, the percentage of arachidonic acid in lipids and biomass increased dramatically from 3 to 6 days with a concurrent arachidonic acid yield increase from 0.89 to 1.63 g/l. Optimum initial culture pH for arachidonic acid production was in the range 6.0–6.7. By increasing the concentration of the glucose salts medium three-fold, yields of biomass and arachidonic acid were increased to 35.8 g/l and 3.73 g/l, respectively.  相似文献   

为提高高山被孢霉(Mortierella alpina)生物合成花生四烯酸油脂的生产效率,基于花生四烯酸油脂的积累机制,建立了一种三阶段培养法:第一阶段在全培养基中培养促进菌体生物量的快速积累,确定了60 g/L糖初始质量浓度时,最有利于生物量的快速积累;第二阶段在C源丰富而其他营养缺乏的条件下培养,促进油脂快速积累,对糖最佳初始浓度、接种时间、pH和培养时间进行了优化;第三阶段培养诱导油脂中花生四烯酸的高效积累,并确定此阶段培养时间为36 h时为最佳时间。实验结果表明:三阶段培养工艺条件下,菌体生物量、油脂量、花生四烯酸量分别为41.6、26.6和11.4 g/L,本研究相比传统分批发酵工艺在产率和花生四烯酸最终产量方面都有了显著提高。  相似文献   

Mortierella alpina was grown in a fed-batch culture using a 12-l jar fermenter with an initial 8-l working volume containing 20 g glucose l−1 and 10 g corn-steep powder l−1. Glucose was intermittently fed to give 32 g l−1 at each time. The pH of culture was maintained using 14% (v/v) NH4OH, which also acted as a nitrogen source. A final cell density of 72.5 g l−1 was reached after 12.5 days with a content of arachidonic acid (ARA) at 18.8 g l−1. These values were 4 and 1.8 times higher than the respective values in batch culture. Our results suggest that the combined feeding of glucose and NH4+ to the growth of M. alpina could be applied for the industrial scale production of ARA.  相似文献   

Mortierella alpina LPM 301, a producer of arachidonic acid (ARA), was found to possess a unique property of intense lipid synthesis in the period of active mycelium growth. Under batch cultivation of this strain in glucose-containing media with potassium nitrate or urea, the bulk of lipids (28-35% of dry biomass) was produced at the end of the exponential growth phase and remained almost unaltered in the stationary phase. The ARA content of lipids comprised 42-50% at the beginning of the stationary phase and increased continuously after glucose depletion in the medium due to the turnover of intracellular fatty acids; by the end of fermentation (189-210 h), the amount of ARA reached 46-60% of the total fatty acids (16-19% of dry mycelium). Plausible regulatory mechanisms of the growth-coupled lipid synthesis in microorganisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Isolating Mortierella alpina strains of high yield of arachidonic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AIMS: To develop a fast isolation method for arachidonic acid-producing fungi of high yield. METHODS AND RESULTS: Relation between the staining degree of mycelia of Mortierella alpina stained with triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) and arachidonic acid content in the fungal lipids was investigated. Results showed that staining degree of mycelia stained with TTC increased when arachidonic acid content in mycelia lipids increased. This finding was used to isolate strains of high arachidonic acid yield. Arachidonic acid producing fungi were selectively isolated from soil at a low temperature of 4 degrees C and the mycelia of these isolates were stained with TTC. CONCLUSIONS: The strain M. alpina M6 that had the highest staining degree had the highest arachidonic acid content (72.3%). The yield of arachidonic acid in this strain reached 4.82 g l(-1). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A fast and effective method to isolate strains of high arachidonic acid yield was established according to the finding that staining degree of mycelia of M. alpina was positively correlated with arachidonic acid content in mycelia lipid.  相似文献   

花生四烯酸作为一种重要的多价不饱和脂肪酸,因其具有多种生理功能而被认为是潜在的食品添加剂和药物。近年来,利用高山被孢霉合成花生四烯酸已成为研究热点。前期相关研究主要集中在菌种选育及发酵调控方面。随着研究的不断深入,关于高山被孢霉合成花生四烯酸的代谢途径的研究取得了较大进展。以下简要概述前期工作进展,着重论述花生四烯酸合成途径的关键酶及其高山被孢霉的遗传改造的研究情况,包括生物合成花生四烯酸代谢途径、关键酶及其应用、高山被孢霉的遗传操作系统的构建以及遗传改造的应用,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

AIMS: Effects of amino acid on morphological development and nucleus formation of arachidonic acid-producing filamentous micro-organism, Mortierella alpina were investigated using flow-through chamber. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mortierella alpina CBS 754.68 was cultivated in flow through chamber using nutrient-rich, minimal and specific amino acid-containing minimal media. To investigate the effect of amino acid on morphological parameters either 0.28 g l(-1) alanine, 0.53 g l(-1) sodium glutamate one hydrate or 0.42 g l(-1) valine was added to the minimal medium. In a flow-through chamber, the growth of hyphal elements and nucleus formation of arachidonic acid-producing fungus M. alpina were studied on-line, using image analysis techniques. When the Ala- and Val-containing media were used, the hyphal growth units (HGUs) were 90.2 and 86.7 microm per tip, respectively, which were 2.4-fold higher than that in the nutrient-rich medium, indicating that Ala and Val stimulate the elongation of hyphae. The specific nucleus formation rates were Glu->Val-containing media>minimal and nutrient-rich media>Ala-containing medium. The nucleus doubling times in Glu- and Val-containing media were 1.9 and 2 h, respectively, which were not significant different. CONCLUSIONS: Ala and Val stimulate the elongation of M. alpina hyphae, and nucleus formation rates were Glu->Val->Ala-containing media. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Formation of fungal morphology and nucleus were shown using the flow-through chamber coupled with image analysis, which making possible to discuss the relationship between mycelial morphology and nucleus formation of M. alpina.  相似文献   

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