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P. Rollin  R. Malcoste  D. Eude 《Planta》1970,91(3):227-234
Summary After a long exposure to far-red light (20 hrs, 715 mn) a short red irradiation does not induce germination again. After shorter exposure to far-red (10 hrs) the reversible red far-red reaction takes place. The germination in complete darkness is probably due to the presence of Pfr 1 in dry seeds.The photoinhibition of the germination by far-red light depends on the level of the photostationary state (P730/PTotal) and on the quantum flux density.

Equipe de recherche associée au C.N.R.S. »Phytochrome et perméabilité membranaire«  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and accumulation in growing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.cv.Airelle) seeds are studied. The salt soluble fraction, globulin, is the main soluble protein component. The earlier stages of seed development (10 days after flowering) are characterized by high Mr polypeptides (74, 58 and 44 kDa). Later stages mainly show nature globulin polypeptides. Thus, protein synthesis in seed occurs at a specific period of seed development which follows a period of fast cell divisions (0–14 days after flowering). Protein bodies are isolated and their protein composition analyzed. Globulin subunits are the main polypeptides of protein bodies soluble fraction. Mature globulin is only stored in protein bodies.   相似文献   

RNA synthesis in radish is studied during the first stages of germination. The radish seeds allowed to germinate in the dark, on distilled water, synthesize ribosomal RNA and accumulate a particular RNA, not incorporated in ribosomes. The results of 32P incorporation in RNA of radish seedlings indicate a progressive formation of ribosomal RNA. Two species of rapidly labelled RNA are synthesized. With labelling time, their chromatographic behaviour on MAK columus evolves, while their electrophoretic characteristics remain stable. It is assumed that these two species are involved in ribosome formation. In vivo experiments with chloramphenicol support this conclusion. RNA which accumulates during germination, could be a particular type of ribosomal RNA which could be enable, under the definite culture conditions, to enter into ribosomal structures.  相似文献   

During the first three hours of beet seed germination, sucrose α-galactosides briefly appear while sucrose and UDPGal contents decrease. The 14C-sucrose penetration into 12-hour-old embryos is followed by a partial eclipse of this compound and its replacement by sucrose α-galactosides. These two processes are more important in sugar than in forage beet. The significance of these results in sugar metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

M. Levy  R. Toury 《BBA》1970,216(2):318-327
Study on the evolution of mitochondrial enzyme activities in hepatocyte during rat development

Some constitutive enzymes of the three isolated fractions of mitochondria outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix, have been investigated in rat hepatocyte during a period varying from the foetal state to the 15th day after birth.

In the three mitochondrial fractions, activities of the studied enzymes present different evolutions. In the matrix, the tricarboxylic enzyme activities have already reached their normal values before birth. In the outer membrane, the NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity increases regularly, in the same way as that of the endoplasmic reticulum NADH-cytochrome c reductase. In the inner membrane, the oxygen consumption is very low before birth, then increases suddenly from the 5th to the 8th day after birth, when it reaches the normal values. The limiting factor of the respiratory chain activities is neither cytochrome oxidase nor the first dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Jacques Figier 《Planta》1971,98(1):31-49
Summary In the extrafloral nectary of the broad bean there is evidence of two fundamental types of cells: one with dense hyaloplasm, well developed ergastoplasm and golgi apparatus, all features of glandular cells, and another with opposite features. The cells of the head of the secretory hairs and those of the subjacent epidermis which are not prolonged with such a hair are of the first type. The epidermal cells prolonged with a hair and the pedicellar cell of this hair are of the second type. Moreover, the companion cells of the subjacent conducting bundle look like cells of the first type, especially those of the head of the secretory hairs owing to their numerous wall protuberances. Cells of the second type are presumably involved in transit processes between phloem and trichome, and cells of the first type in excretory processes.

Ce travail fait partie d'une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat sur la cyto-physiologie des nectaires. — (Travail effectué au Laboratoire de Bot. Appl. et Microbiologie et au Centre de Microscopie électronique de la Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux (France).  相似文献   

Résumé Bruchus affinis Frölich (Coléoptère, Bruchidae), est une espèce univoltine attirée sélectivement par les fleurs de L. sylvestris, qui constitue l'une des trois plantes dont les larves consomment les graines. Il s'agit d'un insecte typiquement spécialisé à l'exploitation de plantes particulières. Cependant, les femelles distribuent leurs ufs sur les gousses jeunes de L. sylvestris sans tenir compte, ni de leur disponibilité en graines, ni du nombre d'ufs déjà présents, alors que le développement des larves est solitaire. Les larves néonates perforent la gousse et gagnent des ovules. Plusieurs larves peuvent atteindre le même ovule, mais une seule se développe dans la graine en formation. Le nombre d'ufs pondus sur les premières gousses dépasse largement le nombre de graines qui se développeront dans ces gousses. La surabondance d'ufs sur les premières gousses entraîne une forte mortalité.Les déplacements des larves dans les gousses et leur comportement de pénétration dans les graines en croissance ne suppriment pas la compétition intraspécifique larvaire.Aucune adaptation n'ajuste la distribution des ufs et la répartition des larves à l'utilisation optimale des disponibilités en graines. Aucune stratégie adaptative ne limite le gaspillage de progéniture; la spécialisation trophique n'a pas entraîné un comportement reproducteur optimisant l'utilisation des ressources et la survie de la descendance.Bien que la période étudiée corresponde à moins de 10% de la durée du cycle annuel de B. affinis, la très forte mortalité observée entre la ponte et l'installation dans les graines constitue vraisemblablement le facteur-clé des fluctuations annuelles de la population. Les causes de cette mortalité varient d'une station à l'autre, et il est impossible de les hiérarchiser.  相似文献   

Histories of radish seedlings liave been characterised by comparison with pea histones extracted and purified under the same conditions. Submitted to acrylamide gel analysis the radish histones are resolved into main protein bands comparable to those of pea or calf thymus histones. However, protein bands of lesser importance which are not to be found in electrophoretic profils of pea or calf thymus histones, appear together with the main bands of radish histones. Study of these supplementary proteins through isoelectric focusing makes it possible to distinguish two groups: contaminating acid proteins and weakly basic proteins characterised by their high amide content.  相似文献   

In both lupin and broad bean, the root lipids contain paraffins, triglycerides, diglycerides, free fatty acids and polar lipids (phospholipids and galactolipids). The polar lipids and the triglycerides are the more abundant classes. The root galactolipids are mono- and di-galactosyldiglycerides; two steryl glycosides are also present. The phospholipids in both species are: phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidic acid. This last phospholipid represents 8·3% of total lipid phosphorus in Lupinus against 2·3% in Vicia. The other acidic phospholipids represent 30·4% in Lupinus against 20·9% in Vicia. The lipids of Lupinus are rich in linolenic acid whereas those found in Vicia are richer in linoleic acid. The various subcellular fractions prepared from the roots of both species have an homogeneous lipid composition, reflecting exactly that of entire cells. The calcium passive fixation capacity in microsomes and mitochondria of Lupinus roots is more important than that in the same organelles of Vicia faba roots. Thus a relationship is suggested between the amount of phospholipids in membranes and the passive fixation of calcium.  相似文献   

Croizier  G.  Croizier  L.  Biache  G.  Chaufaux  J. 《BioControl》1985,30(4):365-374
BioControl - L'évolution du Baculovirus deMamestra brassicae origine France a été suivie au cours de passages successifs sur des chenilles du chou infectéesper os au stade...  相似文献   

Resumé Une étude en microscopie électronique de la structure des capillaires et des formations cellulaires qui les entourent a été faite au niveau du télencéphale, chez le Poulet, au cours du développement embryonnaire et de la croissance postnatale.L'endothélium capillaire est présent au premier stade embryonnaire étudié (embryon agé de 8 jours). La membrane basale se différencie vers le dix-neuvième jour du développement embryonnaire, et elle est précédée de l'apparition des péricytes qui restent inclus définitivement dans sa structure.L'espace extracellulaire dans l'environnement des capillaires, constitué par de larges lacunes au cours du développement embryonnaire, se réduit dès l'éclosion à des intervalles de 150–200 Å de diamètre. Les astrocytes et leurs prolongements (pieds vasculaires) atteignent leur complet développement, et entourent totalement le capillaire, vers le vingtième jour de la croissance postnatale.Nos observations mettent en évidence la relation étroite existant entre le développement des structures gliales péricapillaires et l'apparition de certains mécanismes du système de la barrière hémo-encéphalique chez le Poulet.
Ultrastructure of the capillaries in the developing telencephalon of the chicken
Summary An electron microscopical study was made of the structure of the capillaries and of the surrounding cell formations in the chick telencephalon, during embryonic development and postnatal growth.The capillary endothelium is present in the embryonic stage first studied (i. e. the 8-day old embryo). The basement membrane differentiates about the nineteenth day of embryonic development, and it is preceded by the appearance of the pericytes which are finally included in its structure.The extracellular space in the vicinity of the capillaries, made of large gaps during the embryonic development, is confined from hatching time to intervals 150–200 Å diameter. The astrocytes and their processes (vascular feet) reach their complete development, and entirely surround the capillaries, on about the twentieth day of the postnatal growth.Our observations reveal the close connection between the development of the pericapillary glial structures and the appearance of some mechanisms of the blood-brain barrier system in the chick.

Les auteurs remercient Madame R. Hatier de son excellente collaboration technique.  相似文献   

Jacques Figier 《Planta》1968,83(1):60-79
Summary In the extrafloral nectary of broad bean and in the companion cells of its subjacent conducting bundle, there is evidence of the presence of acid phosphatase around and in the plasmalemma. This evidence suggests an active transport of sugars during their translocation from cell to cell and their excretion. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are often stained by the lead phosphate reaction, a result showing the presence of acid phosphatase in these organelles. From the intensity and localization of this reaction three types of nectary cells can be distinguished.

Ce travail fait partie d'une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat sur la cyto-physiologie des nectaires.  相似文献   

R. Jalouzot 《Planta》1971,97(1):16-27
Summary Changes in the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins were followed during the initiation of adventitious roots of Cicer arietinum. During the first 24 h, several phases of activation of the metabolism were found. The use of inhibitors of RNA synthesis showed that an early phase of incorporation of precursors into RNA is essential for the initiation phenomena. This phase is more sensitive to inhibitors and activators (hormones) than all other phases. The rapid turn-over of RNA synthesized during the first 6 h and the inefficience of inhibitors after this time suggested that a stable (non-RNA) factor maintains the activation. This factor must be synthesized soon after the stimulus of cutting.  相似文献   

Résumé L'éminence médiane et la pars nervosa de Rana esculenta diffèrent du point de vue de leur structure.L'éminence médiane se compose de 2 zones différentes: la zone externe placée près du lobe distal et la zone interne située sous l'épendyme. Dans la zone externe, on distingue, d'après la taille et la forme des grains de sécrétion, 5 types de terminaisons.1. des terminaisons avec de fins granules sphériques denses de 800 à 1000 Å de diamètre; 2. des terminaisons avec des granules de 1000 à 1200 Å de diamètre; 3. des terminaisons avec des grains de forme irrégulière de diamètre supérieur aux précédents (1200 à 1600 Å); 4. des terminaisons avec de volumineux grains denses sphériques d'environ 1200 à 1800 Å de diamètre; 5. un petit nombre de terminaisons ne contenant que des vésicules. Les terminaisons des catégories 3 et 4 sont probablement du type neurosécrétoire.La zone interne contient de nombreuses fibres neurosécrétrices. Elles sont de 2 types, l'une avec de gros granules (1600–2400 Å), l'autre avec des granules moins volumineux (1300–2000 Å). Des fibres non neurosécrétrices ont également été observées.Dans la pars nervosa, on rencontre deux types principaux de fibres neurosécrétrices, l'une avec des grains denses de 1600 à 2400 Å de diamètre, l'autre avec des grains moins denses d'environ 1300 à 2000 Å de diamètre. Dans la zone externe bordant la pars intermedia des fibres aminergiques avec de fines granulations ont été observées.
Electron microscopic study of the neurohypophysis of Rana esculenta L.
Summary The median eminence and the pars nervosa of Rana esculenta have a different structure.The median eminence has 2 different zones: the outer zone situated near the pars distalis and the inner zone under the ependyme. In the outer zone there are, according to the size and the shape of the granules, 5 types of nerve terminals.1. Endings containing spherical fine dense granules of 800 to 1000 Å in diameter; 2. Endings with spherical granules from 1000 to 1200 Å in diameter; 3. Endings with granules of irregular shape which are bigger than the former (1200 to 1600 Å); 4. Endings with spherical dense granules of about 1200 to 1800 Å in diameter; 5. A few endings containing only clear vesicles. Type 3 and type 4 endings are probably neurosecretory.The inner zone contains numerous neurosecretory fibres. They are of two types: one with big granules (1600–2400 Å), the second with smaller granules (1300–2000 Å). Non-neurosecretory fibres have also been observed.The pars nervosa contains two principal types of neurosecretory fibres: one with dense granules of 1600 to 2400 Å in diameter, the other with lighter granules of about 1300 to 2000 Å. In the external zone lining the pars intermedia, aminergic fibres with fine granules have been observed.
Je tiens à exprimer mes vifs remerciements, à Monsieur le Professeur E. Follenius pour l'intérêt constant qu'il prend à ce travail. Je remercie également Madame R. O. Clauss, collaboratrice technique et Madame Schwoerer, photographe, pour leur aide précieuse.  相似文献   

Elementary chemical composition in carbon, hydrogen and nitrogenof the Pontellid Copepod Pontella mediterranea was studied on148 males and 146 females from automnal populations of the gulfof Marseilles, which are the last annual generations. Data arecompared to those obtained from spring and summer. The increasein animal weight from the last generations is greater in femalesthan males. The dry weight ratio of females against males is1.6 while it is only 1.4 in the previous generations. At theend of the natural biological cycle, C:N ratio shows a lightbut significant difference between males and females. The valuesof C:N ratio remain close to 3.4, which means that the observedincrease of animal weight on the last generations mainly proceedsfrom an increase in protein compounds.  相似文献   

R. Deltour 《Planta》1970,92(3):235-239
Summary RNA synthesis in root of germinating corn during the period extending from the 4th to the 8th hr after soaking is localized exclusively in the chromatin. This unusual situation allowed us to follow easily by section autoradiography the fate of the chromatin-synthesized RNA. The embryo was pulse-labeled with 3H-uridine from the 6th to the 8th hr after soaking and chased with cold uridine (2 hr) and then left in water (40 hr). It was found that during the chase a large amount of the chromatin-synthesized RNA moves to the nucleolus, where it is accumulated, and that a small amount finally reaches the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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