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A new species of Mallomonas (Synurophyceae), Mallomonas jejuensis sp. nov., has been found in Jeju Island, South Korea. This species is placed in the series Mangoferae (section Torquatae) because it has a collar of elongated domed scales, domeless body scales, rear scales with spines and all scales ornamented with papillae. The morphological characteristics of the scales and bristle of the new species are described by EM and compared with those reported for the other species of the series Mangoferae.  相似文献   

Mallomonas paluestrica sp. nov., a new member of sect. Torquatae ser. Pumilae , was found in a small Danish pond and is described and illustrated with TEM and SEM micrographs.  相似文献   

Vigna, M. S. & Kristiansen, J. 1995. Mallomonas fuegiana (Synurophyceae), a new species of silica scaled chrysophytes from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 439–442. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
During the research project "Cryptogamic Flora of Tierra del Fuego", a new species of Mallomonas has been found. It is described here as M. fuegiana , and is placed in the section Torquatae , close to Mallomonas schwemmlii and M. dickii .  相似文献   

Whole cells of Mallomonas costata and Mallomonas galeiformis with complete scale and bristle complements present few problems for their identification by TEM. Individual scales however, such as those usually encountered in paleolimnology, have often been difficult to identify in isolation. Both species occur in collections from Ontario, Canada, but M. galeiformis is apparently more acidophilic than M. costata . Several differences in structure of scales from both species are described which, if used as criteria for distinguishing between the two species, should facilitate identification of individual scales.  相似文献   

Whole cells with complete cell armour (siliceous scales and bristles) of Mallomonas hindonii and Mallomonas canina (Synurophyceae) have been found in Ontario. It is concluded that these two species are not synonymous, as has been suggested previously, and attention is given to structural features of scales and bristles which can be used to distinguish between them. Both species are restricted to softwater/acidic environments.  相似文献   

The stomato cysts of Mallomonas hamata and M. heterospina are described from lakes in South Sweden. These Mallomonas species develop cysts of similar appearance, size and form. Cyst formation for Mallomonas hamata was recorded at temperature 10–11°C and pH 5.9 and for M. heterospina at temperatures 4.2–11°C and pH 7.4. The cysts of M. hamata and M. heterospina are ovoid and easy to recognize, even with light microscopy, but difficult to distinguish from another. Thus their value as paleoindicators is limited, even if the two species have preference for waters of different nutrient and pH status.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal evolution of a summer metalimnetic peak of the chrysophyte Mallomonas caudata is described in relation to the other algal groups and to some physico-chemical parameters.  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M. wujekii sp. nov., belonging to the Series Tonsuratae is described from a dilute, acidic locality in Florida, U.S.A. Bristle bearing domed scales are restricted to the anterior end, and scales are orientated with their longitudinal axes at a 60° to 90° angle with the longitudinal axis of the cell. Cells have three types of scales, domed anterior scales, domeless body scales and spined posterior scales. All scales possess papillae that are restricted to the shield and have one rib positioned on each end of the posterior flange. The new species is believed to be most closely related to Mallomonas tonsurata and M. galeiformis . The combination of characters of the bristles is unique among taxa of Mallomonas .  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M. connensis sp. nov., is described from a eutrophic locality in Connecticut, U.S.A. with a relatively high pH and specific conductance. Cells are covered with bristles and have scales that are orientated with their longitudinal axes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cell. Each scale of the apical ring is highly asymmetrical with a forward projecting triangular shaped extension; collectively the extensions form an opening through which the flagellum emerges. Body scales possess a prominent Ushaped ridge that transverses the scale near the center and extends forward. A series of more or less concentric ribs cover the U-shaped ridge and dome, and circumscribe a more light and electron transparent region. The combination of characters of the bristles is unique among taxa of Mallomonas .  相似文献   

The series Peronoides of the genus Mallomonas consists of four taxa most often reported from warm, generally tropical, climates. Recently, the taxonomic position of M. bangladeshica has been questioned, and new observations on all of the species made. The purpose of this paper was to assemble and summarize the existing literature. and report on the morphological variability of specimens of M. peronoides and M. bangladeshica found in and around the delta region of the Paraná River in Argentina. We describe several additional morphological features for each taxon. We further propose that the taxon M. bangladeshica be retained at the present time, but as a variety of M. peronoides as originally proposed by Takahashi and Hayakawa (1979).  相似文献   

Mallomonas is the largest genus of the Synurophyceae (chrysophytes) and includes more than 120 species. Most of them are cosmopolitan, living in freshwater habitats. The Rumanian taxa occur usually in spring or early summer at water temperatures ranging between 4 ° and 10 °C. They are most frequent in neutral or slightly acid, clear-watered, aquatic habitats of various types. However, Mallomonas paludosa Fott appears mostly in brown watered peatbog pools of low mineral contents, having a particular geographical area, with its southernmost limit in the Rumanian Eastern Carpathians. Its distribution, like that of other boreal elements, is strictly connected with the occurrence of genuine ombrogenic Sphagnum-bogs, which have their southern limit also in Romania. The other two species dealt with — M. cyathellata Wujek & Asmund and M. portae-ferreae Péterfi & Asmund —, occurring in circumneutral or moderately alkaline waters of eutrophic character, are apparently warm water forms, mostly distributed in tropical, subtropical or mediterranean zones. The Rumanian localities (in the Danube Delta and at Eşelniţa near the Danube, up stream Drobeta Turnu-Severin) might be the northern limits of M. portae-ferreae in Eastern Europe. The Danube Delta is the only locality of M. cyathellata in Europe, and its northernmost occurrence as well. The occurrence of both species in Rumania is presumably due to migratory waterfowl.  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M.weei, is described from North Carolina, U.S.A. Fine structure of scales and bristles has been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The new species is placed in the section Mallomonas, series Intermediae.  相似文献   

Two new species of Mallomonas, M. ocalensis and M. caerula , are described from a clearwater, acidic and oligotrophic waterbody in the Ocala National Forest, Florida, U.S.A. Mallomonas ocalensis , in the Series Doignonianae of the Section Torquatae, consists of relatively small cells with scales that have a series of parallel shield ribs with alternating thicknesses, collar scales with very short bristles and posterior scales with small protruding spines. Mallomonas ocalensis is most similar to Mallomonas dickii , but is distinguished from the latter species based on the highly variable thicknesses of the shield ribs and significantly larger scales. Mallomonas caerula , in the Series Mallomonas of the Section Mallomonas, consists of relatively large cells that bear large domed and dorneless scales, and long, robust and ribbed bristles. Bristles with and without helmets can be found. The shield, especially the distal portion, and the posterior flange of scales consists of series of more or less parallel ribs. Mallomonas caerula appears to be most closely related to Mallomonas acaroides var. acaroides and Mallomonas acaroides var. muskokana , but can be distinguished from the latter taxa on the basis of scale type, scale structure and bristle morphology. Both new species were found in the plankton and surface sediments of Blue Sink Pond.  相似文献   

Rezácová M  Neustupa J 《Protist》2007,158(1):29-37
The neutral dispersal model in protists was suggested as a general principle resulting in either cosmopolitan or ecologically restricted distribution of individual species. The high local diversity results in "flat" species-area curves of individual protist groups. We investigated the local and regional diversity of the genus Mallomonas in the alluvial plain of upper Luznice in the Czech Republic. About 86.5% of species previously reported from all types of freshwater biotopes within the country were found in our investigated localities. However, there was a considerable increase of species numbers in relation to the total area of available habitats on the continent and global scales. In three species found in our localities, the floristic data indicate a possible geographically restricted distributional pattern. Here, we discuss possible reasons for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Hansen, P. & Kristiansen, J. 1995. Mallomonas madagascariensis, M. lemuriocellata and M. crocodilorum (Synurophyceae), three new species from Madagascar. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 215–223. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Mallomonas madagascariensis, M. lemuriocellata and M. crocodilorum are described and illustrated with TEM micrographs as the first results of studies of silica-scaled chrysophytes made in Madagascar. Their taxonomical position within the genus Mallomonas (sect. Torquatae , ser. Mangoferae ) is discussed and morphological distinguishing characters are presented.  相似文献   

Mallomonas marsupialis is described and illustrated by TEM and SEM micrographs, being found in Australia on sub-tropical Fraser Island and in cool-temperate Tasmania. Its taxonomic location within the genus Mallomonas (sect. Mallomonopsis, ser. Marsupiales) is discussed, together with its inclusion in a suite of unusual endemic algae which have been described from Australian sites largely protected from human interference.  相似文献   

Mallomonas parana sp. nov. (Synurophyceae, Synurales) was found in a river flood-plain lake of the Paraná River system, Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic observations were made. The new taxon is referred to the series Allorgei of the section Quadratae, and biogeographical aspects of this series are dicusssed.  相似文献   

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