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Infections with five geographical strains and substrains of Schistosoma mansoni were compared in mice. Two substrains (Lc-1 and Lt-1) were derived from the parent (L-1) St. Lucian strain on the basis of differing infectivity for various snail strains. The Puerto Rican strains (PR-1 and PR-2) were obtained with an interval of 25 years. Consistent differences among the lines were found in egg distribution and numbers of eggs in tissues and feces. One Puerto Rican strain (PR-2) and one St. Lucian substrain (Lc-1) had longer prepatent periods than the other strains. Mice infected with the PR-1 strain consistently had the highest egg accumulation in the tissues per worm pair. Relatively few eggs were passed in the feces of the Lt-1 strain. By Week 9 of infection, eggs were noted in the spleens of mice carrying each of the strains and substrains.  相似文献   

Hepatic granulomata were experimentally induced in previously unexposed white mice, albino rats and golden hamsters by injecting viable exogenous eggs of Schistosoma mansoni via the mesenterico-portal system. Histopathologic studies of livers of these animals showed that the lesions were similar to those in infections resulting form exposure to cercariae as occurs naturally in Mansonian schistosomiasis. Comparable observations made of the lungs of animals that had received egg injections via their tail veins, showed striking differences with respect to timing of the occurrence of various histopathologic stages, mean size of granulomata, cellular composition and pathologic manifestations.  相似文献   

An in vitro model of granuloma formation was used to study the cellular immune responses of Schistosoma mansoni-infected patients. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs in recent, well-defined infections and long-term chronic infections, and to determine the role of T cell subsets (OKT3, 4, and 8) defined by monoclonal antibodies in granulomatous hypersensitivity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients with recent S. mansoni infections demonstrated increased granulomatous hypersensitivity responses in vitro when compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of OKT3+ or OKT4+ cells reduced the ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. Positive selection for OKT4+ T cells produced optimal granulomatous hypersensitivity when compared to that produced by the unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cell population. OKT8+ cells demonstrated no ability to form granulomas in vitro. Selective removal of OKT8+ T cells produced variable results in the ability of the remaining peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of investigating granulomatous hypersensitivity and immunoregulatory mechanisms operative in S. mansoni-infected patients by using in vitro technology.  相似文献   

The eradication of parasitic diseases, such as schistosomiasis, has been the focus of investigations worldwide for many decades. However, attempts to control their continual spread have, at best, been met with limited success. In the face of these results, it is important to attempt to understand and thus to control the pathology of these widespread diseases. In this review, Nicholas Lukacs, Steven Kunkel, Robert Strieter and Stephen Chensue focus on a family of cytokines that play a pertinent role for leukocyte recruitment in chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: utilization of exogenous metabolites by eggs in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Schistosoma mansoni eggs were isolated from the livers of mice infected for 8 wk and were purified by a series of settling and sieving procedures. Aliquots of eggs were suspended in saline with added Eagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with NaHCO3, glutamine, penicillin, and streptomycin to which a variety of radioisotope labelled metabolites were added. The uptake and utilization of tritiated thymidine demonstrated a high rate of DNA synthesis, particularly in the more immature eggs studied. RNA synthesis as shown with tritiated uridine was also significant. Large amounts of 14C-labelled isoleucine and arginine were incorporated into protein. Little glycolytic activity was demonstrated on prolonged incubation with 14C-labelled glucose. A high rate of catabolism of amino acids to CO2 was observed, as was a very high rate of acetate metabolism. Degradation of radiolabelled glutamate after incubation of eggs with 14C acetate revealed labelling consistent with metabolism via the Krebs cycle. Thus, Schistosoma mansoni eggs utilize a wide variety of exogenous metabolites. They show active DNA and RNA metabolism, incorporation of amino acids into protein, and intermediary metabolism characterized by a low rate of glycolysis and an active Krebs cycle.  相似文献   

Leucine aminopeptidase and hatching of Schistosoma mansoni eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity has been measured in extracts of eggs, miracidia, cercariae and adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni. Activity measured at pH 7.2 using L-leu-7-amino-4-trifluoro-methylcoumarin as substrate is 6- to 17-fold greater in eggs than in other life stages. LAP activity is also high in soluble egg antigen preparations and in hatching fluid. The release of LAP from eggs parallels hatching, and inhibitors of LAP also inhibit hatching. The possible role of LAP in the hatching process of S. mansoni eggs is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of light, oxygen tension, reducing conditions and thermal shock on egg hatching in Schistosoma mansoni were examined. Hatching was found to be unaffected by light or dark conditions or aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Cold shock from 15 to 120 sec was also ineffective in stimulating hatching. The reducing agents ascorbic acid and cysteine inhibited egg hatching. However, the oxidized forms of these compounds inhibited hatching as well, indicating that the reducing conditions they provided were not responsible for the inhibition.  相似文献   

Praziquantel administered to mice with Schistosoma mansoni infection (50 cercarias/8 weeks) was observed to cause death of adult worms and disintegration of the eggs trapped within granulomas, sometimes with calcification, after the 4th day of treatment. Combined administration of oxamniquine/hycanthone to animals similarly infected, although quite effective in killing adult worms, did not interfere with the eggs in the tissue. The miracidium eclosion test was positive up to the 15th day after the curative treatment of these animals. Since praziquantel treatment causes a rapid destruction of eggs, possible serological and pathogenic effects are expected that may enable a faster reabsorption of granulomas by the host tissues than that produced by other equally effective drugs.  相似文献   



The gold standard for diagnosing Schistosoma mansoni infections is the detection of eggs from stool or biopsy specimens. The viability of collected eggs can be tested by the miracidium hatching procedure. Direct detection methods are often limited in patients with light or early infections, whereas serological tests and PCR methods fail to differentiate between an inactive and persistent infection and between schistosomal species. Recently, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has been introduced as a diagnostic tool in several fields of medicine. In this study we evaluated CLSM for the detection of viable eggs of S. mansoni directly within the gut of infected mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The confocal laser scanning microscope used in this study is based on the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II scanning laser system in combination with the Rostock Cornea Module (image modality 1) or a rigid endoscope (image modality 2). Colon sections of five infected mice were examined with image modalities 1 and 2 for schistosomal eggs. Afterwards a biopsy specimen was taken from each colon section and examined by bright-field microscopy. Visualised eggs were counted and classified in terms of viability status.


We were able to show that CLSM visualises eggs directly within the gut and permits discrimination of schistosomal species and determination of egg viability. Thus, CLSM may be a suitable non-invasive tool for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis in humans.  相似文献   

A subset of Schistosoma mansoni egg glycoproteins that share a common carbohydrate epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody 128C3 was shown to induced formation of hepatic granulomata when conjugated to Sepharose beads and injected into the portal circulation of naive mice. Concanavalin-binding egg glycoproteins exhibited more granuloma-inducing activity than did total egg extract, although deglycosylated egg proteins also induced granulomata; thus, both amino acid and carbohydrate epitopes appeared to be involved. Glycoproteins derived from adult male worms also were active, indicating that immunological processes responsible for granuloma formation may not be absolutely stage specific.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of Schistosoma mansoni eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A radioactively labeled in vitro model of the extracellular matrix of the mammalian intestinal wall and of snail tissue was used to determine whether proteolytic enzymes released by eggs and miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni could degrade connective tissue macromolecules in the type of interactive framework found in vivo. Eggs were collected and miracidia hatched in the presence of antibiotics to eliminate bacterial contamination. Uninfected livers were used as controls to ensure that the tissue dissociation and egg collection procedures did not produce proteolytic activity. One thousand live eggs incubated with the extracellular matrix for 72 hr at 37 C degraded 31% of the glycoprotein in the matrix; there was no degradation of elastin or collagen. Medium conditioned by incubation with eggs degraded 60% as much of the matrix as the live eggs themselves. The proteolytic activity of the egg-conditioned medium was greater in the presence of dithiothreitol. Miracidia incubated with the extracellular matrix in tissue culture medium at 27 or 37 C rapidly transformed to living sporocysts. This transformation was accompanied by a release of proteolytic activity, resulting in the degradation of 49 to 58% of the glycoprotein in the extracellular matrix by 1000 miracidia. Again, no elastin or collagen was degraded. The time course of degradation by miracidia was rapid over 24 hr and thus similar to that previously reported for cercariae. Degradation by eggs occurred more slowly over 72 hr. These data confirm that both eggs and miracidia secrete proteinases which are capable of degrading at least the glycoprotein components of extracellular matrix to facilitate their migration through intestinal wall or penetration of snail tissue.  相似文献   

The granulomatous pathology in human intestinal schistosomiasisis induced primarily by the egg antigens of schistosome, a parasitictrematode. Glycolipids and glycoproteins were extracted fromthe eggs of the two major species which infect human, Schistosomamansoni and Schistosoma japonicum, for structural characterizationbased on highly sensitive mass spectrometric analysis coupledwith chemical derivatization. Here, we demonstrate that a seriesof uniquely multifucosylated glycosphingolipids constitute themajor egg glycolipids of S.mansoni but not of S.japonicum. TheS.mansoni glycosphingolipids were found to be extended by varyingnumbers of an unusual repeating unit,  相似文献   

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