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A novel methodology of quantitative estimation of the information value in microvascular networks is proposed. The methodology has been developed on the basis of the results of wavelet analysis of skin blood flow oscillations measured by means of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) in 30 healthy subjects and 56 patients with hand diseases or consequences of hand injuries. The method is based on the calculation of the relative indices of information preservation, dominance of the preserved information, and information effectiveness. The deviation from the multistable information regimen is the largest in the case of resonance oscillations: the total information quantity is significantly decreased; however, the preservation of dominant information and its effectiveness are improved. The preservation of trophic myogenic information predominates upon reduction of sympathetic influences. An increase in the number of information channels increases only the information quantity, whereas the degree of its preservation varies. Sensory peptidergic nerve fibers are activated in response to local heating of the dorsal forearm skin to 34°C. This information is the most effective at the beginning of the heating, when the blood flow increases to a plateau. The blood flow oscillations represented in the wavelet spectrum of microcirculatory oscillations serve as operators based on effective information. These oscillations not only play the hemodynamic role, but also carry information in microvascular networks.  相似文献   

In microvessels, periendothelial cells expressing alpha smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) interact with the endothelial cells and are essential for vessel maturation and stabilization. In adult tissues, the cellular origin of the periendothelial cells is still not clear, in particular in humans. To determine the origin of human periendothelial cells, we used a recently developed 3D co-culture system that mimics human skin connective tissue. This system is composed of normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF), human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), and a collagen matrix. In this system, "microvessels" composed of an endothelial lumen associated with periendothelial cells develop. Using this co-culture system, we (i) labelled fibroblasts with the vital dye CFDA-SE, cultured them with unlabelled endothelial cells, and observed that only endothelium-associated CFDA-SE-labelled cells express alphaSMA; (ii) infected endothelial cells with a retrovirus stably expressing eGFP, cultured them with unlabelled fibroblasts, and observed that cells expressing alphaSMA did not co-express eGFP, but were associated with the eGFP-expressing endothelial cells of the microvessels. Together, these results indicate that periendothelial cells arise by differentiation from fibroblasts and that they require interaction with endothelial cells to do so.  相似文献   

The cost of departure from optimal radii in microvascular networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Murray optimality model of branching vasculatures, the radii of vessels are related to blood viscosity, vascular metabolic rate, and blood flow rate, in such a way as to minimize the total work (hydraulic and metabolic) of the system. The model predicts that flow is proportional to the cube of a vessel radius, and that at junctions the cube of the radius of the parent vessel equals the sum of the cubes of the daughter radii. In comparing real vasculatures to the Murray model, we have previously had no expressions for evaluating the apparent energy cost for departures from the optimal junction exponent of 3. Such expressions are derived here. They show that junction exponents, from about 1.5 to large positive values, are within 5% of the energy minimum. With the new equations, observed individual junctions or entire vascular trees can be compared, energy-wise, with the Murray optimum. Junctions in the transverse arteriolar trees of cat sartorius muscle were compared to the Murray optimality model, using these new expressions. The junction exponents for these small pre-capillary vessels had a broad range, with a median value greater than the Murray optimum of 3. The exponents were restricted, however, to values requiring, at individual junctions, little increase in energy. The majority of junctions had energy costs less than 1% above the Murray minimum. For entire trees involving many junctions the departures from optimality averaged less than 10%. Thus, while the branching geometry for these microvascular trees deviates significantly from the Murray optimum in the direction of larger daughter to parent ratios, the departures are small in energy terms.  相似文献   

The quantitative estimation of cerebrosides in nervous tissue   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

Bioengineering human microvascular networks in immunodeficient mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The future of tissue engineering and cell-based therapies for tissue regeneration will likely rely on our ability to generate functional vascular networks in vivo. In this regard, the search for experimental models to build blood vessel networks in vivo is of utmost importance. The feasibility of bioengineering microvascular networks in vivo was first shown using human tissue-derived mature endothelial cells (ECs); however, such autologous endothelial cells present problems for wide clinical use, because they are difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities and require harvesting from existing vasculature. These limitations have instigated the search for other sources of ECs. The identification of endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) in blood presented an opportunity to non-invasively obtain ECs (5-7). We and other authors have shown that adult and cord blood-derived ECFCs have the capacity to form functional vascular networks in vivo. Importantly, these studies have also shown that to obtain stable and durable vascular networks, ECFCs require co-implantation with perivascular cells. The assay we describe here illustrates this concept: we show how human cord blood-derived ECFCs can be combined with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a single cell suspension in a collagen/fibronectin/fibrinogen gel to form a functional human vascular network within 7 days after implantation into an immunodeficient mouse. The presence of human ECFC-lined lumens containing host erythrocytes can be seen throughout the implants indicating not only the formation (de novo) of a vascular network, but also the development of functional anastomoses with the host circulatory system. This murine model of bioengineered human vascular network is ideally suited for studies on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of human vascular network formation and for the development of strategies to vascularize engineered tissues.  相似文献   

The quantitative estimation of putrescine by gas chromatography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The quantitative estimation of pinocytosis using radioactive colloidal gold   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radioactive colloidal gold has been used as a quantitative indicator of the pinocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages. The uptake of label is both time and temperature dependent, accumulation being linearly related to time for several hours. Uptake is also dependent on the number of cells and concentration of the radioactive label. Increasing concentrations of newborn calf serum in the culture medium cause dramatic increases in pinocytosis without corresponding increases in protein levels in the cells.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of growth of anastomosing microvascular networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stochastic growth of polygonal microvascular networks was simulated on computer by dichotomous terminal branching and bridging (anastomosing with an existing segment). The model was applied to describe microvascular growth into a rectangular plane from the sides when vessels bifurcate in a probabilistic manner. The angle of bifurcation was drawn from a normal distribution, the mean of which was varied between 40 degrees and 80 degrees. The resulting networks contained an average of 88-104 nodes of which 30-38% were due to bridging. Number of nodes, number of branches, number of vascular polygons and a fractal dimension representing the density of nodes were calculated for each simulated network. Capillary density increased when mean angle of bifurcation was increased between 40 degrees and 80 degrees. Distributions of normalized vessel lengths and polygon shapes were compared with those of a mesenteric vascular network. The distributions were not found to be significantly different (p less than 0.05) for most values of the mean angle of bifurcation, matching best for the mean bifurcation angle of 50 degrees. Vascular polygons had an average shape between pentagonal and hexagonal for the mesenteric network as well as for all values of the mean bifurcation angle used in this study.  相似文献   

This review attempts to provide a concise and critical summary of modern methods for the analysis of bile acids and their conjugates in human biological fluids. Most emphasis is given to more up-to-date procedures that have been applied to the study of human disease and attention is drawn to previous reviews in areas that have not been covered here. An increasing awareness of the possibility that bile acids may be involved in the etiology of a number of disorders, or that such disorders may give rise to changes in bile acid concentration, has stimulated the study of bile acid methodology. Although many procedures have been described using, for example, high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), gas-liquid chromatography--mass spectrometry (GLC-MS), and radioimmunoassay (RIA), no simple but comprehensive procedure for the estimation of bile acids and their conjugates has yet been published. Further study in this area is still required in order to establish the role of bile acid estimations in the routine diagnosis and treatment of disease.  相似文献   

Fluorescence imaging of bulk-stained tissue is a popular technique for monitoring the activities in a large population of cells. However, a precise quantification of such experiments is often compromised by an ambiguity of background estimation. Although, in single-cell-staining experiments, background can be measured from a neighboring nonstained region, such a region often does not exist in bulk-stained tissue. Here we describe a novel method that overcomes this problem. In contrast to previous methods, we determined the background of a given region of interest (ROI) using the information contained in the temporal dynamics of its individual pixels. Since no information outside the ROI is needed, the method can be used regardless of the staining profile in the surrounding tissue. Moreover, we extend the method to deal with background inhomogeneities within a single ROI, a problem not yet solved by any of the currently available tools. We performed computer simulations to demonstrate the accuracy of our method and give example applications in ratiometric calcium imaging of bulk-stained olfactory bulb slices. Converting the fluorescence signals into [Ca2+] gives resting values consistent with earlier single-cell staining results, and odorant-induced [Ca2+] transients can be quantitatively compared in different cells. Using these examples we show that inaccurate background subtraction introduces large errors (easily in the range of 100%) in the assessment of both resting [Ca2+] and [Ca2+] dynamics. The proposed method allows us to avoid such errors.  相似文献   

Sisson SA  Hurn MA 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):60-68
In this article, we consider the problem of the estimation of quantitative trait loci (QTL), those chromosomal regions at which genetic information affecting some quantitative trait is encoded. Generally the number of such encoding sites is unknown, and associations between neutral molecular marker genotypes and observed trait phenotypes are sought to locate them. We consider a Bayesian model for simple experimental designs, and discuss the existing approaches to inference for this problem. In particular, we focus on locating positions of the best candidate markers segregating for the trait, a situation which is of primary interest in comparative mapping. We introduce a loss function for estimating both the number of QTL and their location, and we illustrate its application via simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Directionality in protein signalling networks is due to modulated protein-protein interactions and is fundamental for proper signal progression and response to external and internal cues. This property is in part enabled by linear motifs embedding post-translational modification sites. These serve as recognition sites, guiding phosphorylation by kinases and subsequent binding of modular domains (e.g. SH2 and BRCT). Characterization of such modification-modulated interactions on a proteome-wide scale requires extensive computational and experimental analysis. Here, we review the latest advances in methods for unravelling phosphorylation-mediated cellular interaction networks. In particular, we will discuss how the combination of new quantitative mass-spectrometric technologies and computational algorithms together are enhancing mapping of these largely uncharted dynamic networks. By combining quantitative measurements of phosphorylation events with computational approaches, we argue that systems level models will help to decipher complex diseases through the ability to predict cellular systems trajectories.  相似文献   

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