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Olive and grass pollen grains are the major causes of hay fever in the Mediterranean region. A number of samplers and methods have been developed in recent years in order to obtain reliable data regarding airborne allergen concentrations. This paper reports on a detailed comparison of two samplers—Cyclone and ChemVol—and on the parameters that could influence their efficiency. Airborne concentrations of two key olive and grass allergens, Ole e 1 and Phl p 5, respectively, were monitored over two years with different weather patterns, 2012 and 2014. Allergenic particles were quantified by ELISA assay, and results were compared with pollen concentrations monitored using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap over the same study periods. The influence of weather-related parameters on local airborne pollen and allergen concentrations was also analysed. Although a positive correlation was detected between results obtained using the two samplers during the pollen season, results for the cumulative annual Allergen Index varied considerably. The two samplers revealed a positive correlation between pollen concentrations and both minimum temperature during the warmer year (2012) and maximum temperature during the cooler year (2014); a negative significant correlation was observed in both cases with rainfall and relative humidity. In summary, although some differences were observed between the two samplers studied, both may be regarded as suitable for allergen detection.  相似文献   

Removal and restoration of hair and hair-like regions within skin lesion images is needed so features within lesions can be more effectively analyzed for benign lesions, cancerous lesions, and for cancer discrimination. This paper refers to “melanoma texture” as a rationale for supporting the need for the proposed hair detection and repair techniques, which incompletely represents why hair removal is an important operation for skin lesion analysis. A comparative study of the state-of-the-art hair-repaired methods with a novel algorithm is also proposed by morphological and fast marching schemes. The hair-repaired techniques are evaluated in terms of computational, performance and tumor-disturb patterns (TDP) aspects. The comparisons have been done among (i) linear interpolation, inpainting by (ii) non-linear partial differential equation (PDE) and (iii) exemplar-based repairing techniques. The performance analysis of hair detection quality, was based on the evaluation of the hair detection error (HDE), quantified by statistical metrics and manually used to determine the hair lines from a dermatologist as the ground truth. The results are presented on a set of 100 dermoscopic images. For the two characteristics measured in the experiments the best method is the fast marching hair removal algorithm (HDE: 2.98%, TDP: 4.21%). This proposed algorithm repaired the texture of the melanoma, which becomes consistent with human vision. The comparisons results obtained, indicate that hair-repairing algorithm based on the fast marching method achieve an accurate result.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses are the backbone of evolutionary analysis. However, their record in producing a consensus has not always been good. This is especially true of attempts to understand the factors responsible for the evolution of large brains, which have been embroiled in an increasingly polarised debate over the past three decades. We argue that most of these disputes arise from a number of conceptual errors and associated logical fallacies that are the result of a failure to adopt a biological systems-based approach to hypothesis-testing. We identify four principal classes of error: a failure to heed Tinbergen's Four Questions when testing biological hypotheses, misapplying Dobzhansky's Dictum when testing hypotheses of evolutionary adaptation, poorly chosen behavioural proxies for underlying hypotheses, and the use of inappropriate statistical methods. In the interests of progress, we urge a more careful and considered approach to comparative analyses, and the adoption of a broader, rather than a narrower, taxonomic perspective.  相似文献   

A new spectrofluorimetric method for protein estimation has been developed and applied to study the renin-angiotensin system. The fluorometric reagent, 1-4-diamino-2-3-dichloro-anthraquinone, is introduced in this field and used for the first time. Renal semipurified rat renin is incubated with a synthetic substrate (N-acetyl-tetra-decapeptide) at 0 degrees C and 37 degrees C, at optimal pH, during 3 hours. The incubated mixture is studied by bioassay (BA), radioimmunoassay (RIA) and spectrofluorimetric analysis (SFA), and values obtained with these methods are compared. Blank samples for spectrofluorimetric analysis were prepared by substituting the incubated mixture with the unincubated components of the reaction. Its fluorescence values were subtracted from those of the incubated mixture. Precision and sensitivity for RIA and SFA were similar in both cases, but different in the case of BA. Renal renin activity (RRA) values for RIA (7.15 x 10-(3) nM/ml angio. I/3 h) and SFA (7.08 x 10-(3) nM/ml angio. I/h) were statistically equal (t = 1.05; p less than 0.05), while RRA values for BA (6.23 x 10-(2) nM/ml angio. I/3 h), were higher and significantly different from the statistical point of view. The graphical representation of RRA values for RIA versus SFA values gives an objective expression where RRA(RIA) = 0.78 RRA(SFA) + 0.02.  相似文献   

Three methods widely employed in the evaluation of antioxidant activity, namely 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging method, static headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC) and beta-carotene bleaching test (BCBT), have been compared with regard to their application in the screening of plant extracts. The strengths and limitations of each method have been illustrated by testing a number of extracts, of differing polarity, from plants of the genus Sideritis, and two known antioxidants (butylated hydroxytoluene and rosmarinic acid). The sample polarity was important for the exhibited activity in the BCBT and HS-GC methods but not for the DPPH method. The complex composition of the extracts and partition phenomena affected their activity in each assay. The value of the BCBT method appears to be limited to less polar samples. Although slow, the HS-GC method is preferable for assessing the antioxidant inhibitory properties on the formation of unwanted secondary volatile products. Being rapid, simple and independent of sample polarity, the DPPH method is very convenient for the quick screening of many samples for radical scavenging activity.  相似文献   

A comparative study using either glycerol or an egg yolk-citrate-glycerol mix for cryoprotection under the conditions described showed the latter to give a significantly better post-thaw motility. The greatest drop was noted within the first hour, suggesting that freezability of a sample could be judged accurately by rethawing at that time.Controlled studies using scanning electron microscopy clearly showed a greater head disruption after freezing with glycerol and looped tails after centrifugation, which could account for some of the findings of the first part of the study.These findings are reviewed and it is recommended that seminal samples are not centrifuged and that a complex medium be employed for seminal freezing and storing.  相似文献   

目的:探讨芬太尼和瑞芬太尼分别应用于肥胖患者全身麻醉中苏醒质量的优缺点,对比研究两药联合应用对于提高肥胖患者苏醒质量的可行性和有效性。方法:60例体重指数〉30的肥胖患者随机分为三组,分别应用芬太尼(F组)、瑞芬太尼(R组)和瑞芬太尼联合应用芬太尼(RF组)进行全身麻醉,麻醉时间2小时左右,从停止用药开始分别观察BIS值恢复时间,睁眼时间,5mi/kg潮气量恢复时间,每分通气量恢复时间,拔管时血压,定向力恢复时间,进行视觉模拟评分和镇静/警觉评分和拔管后动脉血气的测量。结果:RF组和R组的BIS值恢复时间和睁眼时间及每分通气量恢复时间无差异,均优于F组。而且RF组和R组中BIS值恢复时间和睁眼时间相关性良好,F组中两指标无相关性。停药后三组患者分别进行1小时、2小时4、4小时和24小时的VAS评分和OAA/S评分,VAS评分中R组在四个时相于其他两组比较均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),均较两组高,F组和RF组在手术后1、2小时时相上比较无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。OAA/S评分中,F组在1、2及4小时三个时相均低于其他组,R组和RF组在四个时相比较均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。定向力恢复时间三组比较,R组和RF组之间无统计学意义(P〉0.05),F组均与其他两组有差别,且长于其他两组(P〈0.05)。血气分析结果中RF组优于其他组(P〈0.05)。全麻后的副反应中RF组的发生率较低。结论:瑞芬太尼联合应用芬太尼对于肥胖患者全身麻醉意识恢复快,通气恢复时间短,镇痛效果好,血流动力学平稳,苏醒质量高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨芬太尼和瑞芬太尼分别应用于肥胖患者全身麻醉中苏醒质量的优缺点,对比研究两药联合应用对于提高肥胖患者苏醒质量的可行性和有效性。方法:60例体重指数>30的肥胖患者随机分为三组,分别应用芬太尼(F组)、瑞芬太尼(R组)和瑞芬太尼联合应用芬太尼(RF组)进行全身麻醉,麻醉时间2小时左右,从停止用药开始分别观察BIS值恢复时间,睁眼时间,5mi/kg潮气量恢复时间,每分通气量恢复时间,拔管时血压,定向力恢复时间,进行视觉模拟评分和镇静/警觉评分和拔管后动脉血气的测量。结果:RF组和R组的BIS值恢复时间和睁眼时间及每分通气量恢复时间无差异,均优于F组。而且RF组和R组中BIS值恢复时间和睁眼时间相关性良好,F组中两指标无相关性。停药后三组患者分别进行1小时、2小时4、4小时和24小时的VAS评分和OAA/S评分,VAS评分中R组在四个时相于其他两组比较均有统计学意义(P<0.05),均较两组高,F组和RF组在手术后1、2小时时相上比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。OAA/S评分中,F组在1、2及4小时三个时相均低于其他组,R组和RF组在四个时相比较均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。定向力恢复时间三组比较,R组和RF组之间无统计学意义(P>0.05),F组均与其他两组有差别,且长于其他两组(P<0.05)。血气分析结果中RF组优于其他组(P<0.05)。全麻后的副反应中RF组的发生率较低。结论:瑞芬太尼联合应用芬太尼对于肥胖患者全身麻醉意识恢复快,通气恢复时间短,镇痛效果好,血流动力学平稳,苏醒质量高。  相似文献   

Impacts of hypnotic drugs on brain function are reflected in the EEG. The EEG monitor Narcotrend performs an automatic classification of the EEG using a scale which was proposed by Kugler for visual evaluation of the EEG. In this article the results of a validation study of the automatic classification algorithms implemented in the EEG monitor Narcotrend are presented. Visual and automatic classification of EEG data recorded in routine clinical practice were compared. The correlation between visual and automatic assessment was high (Spearman rank correlation r = 0.90, prediction probability Pk = 0.90) and a sufficient agreement between visual and automatic assessment was achieved for 92% of the analysed EEG epochs. The results of the study suggest that the automatic classification algorithms implemented in the EEG monitor Narcotrend yield a reliable assessment of the depth of hypnosis.  相似文献   

Since 1997 we have been developing a theoretical foundation for general anaesthesia. We have been able to demonstrate that the abrupt change in brain state brought on by anaesthetic drugs can be characterized as a first-order phase transition in the population-average membrane voltage of the cortical neurons. The theory predicts that, as the critical point of phase change into unconsciousness is approached, the electrical fluctuations in cortical activity will grow strongly in amplitude while slowing in frequency, becoming more correlated both in time and in space. Thus the bio-electrical change of brain-state has deep similarities with thermodynamic phase changes of classical physics. The theory further predicts the existence of a second critical point, hysteretically separated from the first, corresponding to the return path from comatose unconsciousness back to normal responsiveness. There is a steadily accumulating body of clinical evidence in support of all of the phase-transition predictions: low-frequency power surge in EEG activity; increased correlation time and correlation length in EEG fluctuations; hysteresis separation, with respect to drug concentration, between the point of induction and the point of emergence.  相似文献   

The research aim is to use three clustering technologies for establishing molecular data model of large size sets by comparison between low energy samples (LES) and local molecular samples (LMS). Hierarchical cluster of multi-level tree distance relation, competitive learning network of similar inputs falling into the same cluster and topological SOM are used to analyze 6,242 LES and 5,000 LMS. Our experiments show that in SOM, there are 24 to 25 Davies-Boulding clustering index and color map cluster units in the LES more than 10 to 12 in the LMS, which is consistent with the results of hierarchical cluster and competitive learning network in the rough. The hierarchical cluster reflects the biggest inter-cluster distance about 30 for the LES is far larger than that of LMS about 10. The intra-cluster distance of LES about 15 is also far bigger than that of LMS about 3. In SOM, there are more cluster borders of high values (black) reflecting large distance and more clusters in the D-matrix and U-matrix of LES than that of LMS, due to the biggest standard deviation range from -8 to 10 of samples feature of the LES is bigger than that of LMS from -2.5 to 2.5.  相似文献   

This study 1) further validated the relationship between total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) and densitometrically determined lean body mass (LBMd) and 2) compared with existing body composition techniques (densitometry, total body water, total body potassium, and anthropometry) two new electrical methods for the estimation of LBM: TOBEC, a uniform current induction method, and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), a localized current injection method. In a sample of 75 male and female subjects ranging from 4.9 to 54.9% body fat the correlation between LBMd and LBM predicted from TOBEC by use of a previously developed regression equation was extremely strong (r = 0.962), thus confirming the validity of the TOBEC method. LBM predicted from BIA by use of prediction equations provided with the instrument also correlated with LBMd (r = 0.912) but overestimated LBM compared with LBMd in obese subjects. However, no such systematic error was apparent when new prediction equations derived from this heterogeneous sample of subjects were applied. Thus the TOBEC and BIA methods, which are based on the differing electrical properties of lean tissue and fat and which are convenient, rapid, and safe, correlate well with more cumbersome human body composition techniques.  相似文献   



Wastewater treatment plants produce high environmental impacts on receiving water bodies and pose economic burdens on municipalities or industrial facilities. Their overall operational costs and achieved effluent quality depend very much on the influent type, presence of priority pollutants, treatment technology and required effluent quality (for discharge or for recycle/reuse). Life cycle assessment (LCA), environmental impact quantification (EIQ) and water footprint (WF) are important instruments for sustainability assessments applied for products, production and consumption evaluations in connection with natural resources depletion and pollution threats. This study focuses on the environmental assessment of a municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) discharges by means of these three evaluation methods with the purpose to understand their (methodological) weak and strong points in capturing the impacts. Such a comparative analysis is necessary to understand how the (individual) advantages provided by each of these instruments can be complimentarily used to improve an assessment framework for various stakeholders concerned with water use cycle management (regional water operators, water management authority, public authorities, research entities, societal organizations, etc.).


The three assessment methodologies (LCA, EIQ, WF) are presented, implemented and critically analysed based on a unitary set of data concerning the MWWTP of Iasi city (a municipality of approx. 300,000 inhabitants situated in the North Eastern region of Romania), the wastewater and river water quality indicators as well as all the other relevant data being collected for the year 2012.

Results and discussion

Although the three methodologies have different principles for environmental impact quantification, the results have shown that most impacts induced to surface waters due to Iasi MWWTP effluents are given by the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous compounds), which could induce an eutrophication impact, and to a lesser extent by pollutants responsible for toxicity impacts (such as heavy metals).


Based on the results of this comparative study, a critical analysis of these three methods was realized by considering the data requirements, their development and integration status. Furthermore, the strong and weak points that are relevant for each method implementation and their subsequent use by decision-makers and Water Authorities are discussed, in the context of legislative requirements (including the Water Framework Directive), actual development of regional water operators and stakeholders' interests.

The goal of this study was to compare two parasitological diagnostic techniques, such as by Micro-Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (MHCT) and Direct Microscopic Examination (DME) with a serological method (iELISA), and a molecular procedure PCR, in rabbits experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi, in order to determine their sensitivity throughout the course of disease. The parasitological methods were not able of detecting the presence of the parasite during the phases of low parasitemia, the prepatency period and the chronic phase. In contrast, PCR detected T. evansi in the prepatency and chronic phase, when increase the amount of DNA from 100 to 300 ng. 100% detection was observed with iELISA only in the chronic stage of the disease. In the acute phase, all samples were positively diagnosed using either MHCT or PCR, whereas only few samples were diagnosed by DME. Samples obtained from day 15 post infection were also detected by iELISA. The highest diagnostic register during the course of infection was achieved by the PCR technique (93.8%), followed by iELISA (71.1%), MHCT (59%) and DME (13.6%). Therefore, we recommend the use of PCR in epidemiological studies in order to implement sanitary control plans for the improvement of livestock productivity in the country.  相似文献   

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