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The European map butterfly (Araschnia levana L.) is a striking example of seasonal plasticity. Individuals of the spring generation are reddish with a fritillary‐like colour pattern, whereas the summer generation is black with a white dorsal stripe. Proximate factors explaining the development of the forms are well known, but ultimate explanations have not been tested experimentally yet. The reddish spring form is assumed to have a warning coloration, as found in other nymphalid butterflies that are unpalatable (Aglais urticae). We tested for differential predation by a visually hunting predator (Parus major) in a laboratory experiment using artificial butterflies designed to represent the spring and summer form. Birds were released individually in a flight cage where the alternative forms were presented. Summer forms were more frequently attacked than spring forms, which may point to some aversion against the reddish spring form. But there was also a strong effect of the interaction between seasonal form and type of substrate. Spring forms were much better protected from attacks on the brown substrate of dead leaves compared to the green substrate of nettle leaves. On the latter substrate, latency times before attacking spring forms were on average 2.5 times longer than for summer forms. Experiments with artificial butterflies simplify complex predator–prey interactions because they exclude potential taste or odour effects and they also exclude behavioural responses and interactions of the butterfly. However, our results based on static visual signals provide a promising first step to test the functional significance of this striking seasonal polyphenism.  相似文献   

Martin  A. J.  Seaby  R. M. H.  Young  J. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,273(2):67-75
The effect of predator and prey body size on the feeding success of the British lake-dwelling leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis was examined in the laboratory, and any involvement of size difference between the leeches in allowing coexistence in the field assessed. G. complanata breeds in advance of H. stagnalis and maintains a body size advantage throughout their annual life-cycle. In experiments, conducted at 14 °C and a photoperiod of 16 hrs L: 8 hrs D, three size classes of leeches of each species were each exposed to each of three size classes of each of five prey species, viz. Tubifex sp., Chironomus sp., Asellus aquaticus, Lymnaea peregra and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. For each prey species, three different types of experiments were performed: one leech exposed to four prey individuals; four leeches of the same species with sixteen prey; and two leeches of each species with sixteen prey. In the first experiment, all sizes of G. complanata were capable of feeding on all sizes of the prey types offered; the same was true for H. stagnalis with exceptions of feeding on large A. aquaticus and large L. peregra. For both species, but especially for G. complanata, there was a trend within each size class of leech for decreasing proportions of fed leeches with increasing prey size, and within each size class of prey for an increasing proportion of fed leeches with increasing leech size; however there were several exceptions to these trends. Both leeches fed extensively on Tubifex sp. but there were significant differences in the proportions feeding on other prey types; G. complanata fed more on A. aquaticus and the two snail species, and less on Chironomus, than H. stagnalis. The effect of increasing the number of leech individuals from one to four individuals, of the same or mixed species, had little effect on the proportion of leeches which had fed. It is concluded that large G. complanata will have access to large individuals of certain prey taxa denied H. stagnalis, which may lessen the intensity of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The effect of Hb-I* phenotype on white muscle lactate dehydrogenease (LDH, E. C. activity and buffering capacity was studied in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), acclimated and measured at temperatures near their behavioral temperature preference. It was hypothesized that these conditions would optimize biochemical processes but no difference was found in LDH activity between the Hb-I* phenotype after 56 d of acclimation to 6 and 14°C. However, LDH activity was both mass- and temperature-dependent; mean activity was 162.2±5.0 and 275.9±6.4 IU g-1 wet mass (mean±SEM) at 6 and 14°C respectively and larger fish had the highest rate of enzyme activity. White muscle buffer capacity was unaffected by Hb-I* phenotype but higher in cod held at 14°C.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in a dry heath forest dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and a mat-forming lichen (Cladina stellaris (Opiz) Brodo) to assess the effect of wet-deposited nickel (Ni) on pine seedlings and soil microorganisms, and to explore whether an intact lichen mat could act as a buffer against heavy metal deposits. Pine seedlings were planted in quadrats covered by a natural lichen layer and in quadrats from which the lichen layer had been completely removed. The quadrats were exposed to four levels of Ni deposition: 0 (i.e., distilled water), 10, 100 and 1000 mg m–2 year–1 in two growing seasons. Increasing Ni deposition led to an increase in the Ni content of the needles, roots and the soil organic layer. The lichen mat reduced Ni flow to the organic soil layer, but had no significant, reducing effect on needle or root Ni concentration. The most severe Ni treatment had detrimental effects on seedling growth and increased peroxidase activity in the previous years needles. Removal of the lichen layer did not increase susceptibility of seedlings to Ni. Values of maximal carbon use efficiency (Max) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) of the soil microorganisms indicated protective value of the lichen mat to soil microorganisms at the highest Ni treatment. Skimming per se decreased basal respiration, qCO2 and concentrations of potassium in the soil and also increased the lag period of the microorganisms as a response to in situ substrate addition.  相似文献   

Eprintsev  A. T.  Anokhina  G. B.  Fedorin  D. N. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,48(3):S38-S44
Biology Bulletin - The molecular and biochemical mechanisms of regulation of the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in maize leaves were studied when the light regime was changed. The...  相似文献   

Sycamore seedlings were grown with their root systems dividedequally between two containers. Water was withheld from onecontainer while the other container was kept well-watered. Effectsof soil drying on stomatal behaviour, shoot water status, andabscisic acid (ABA) concentration in roots, xylem sap and leaveswere evaluated. At 3 d, root ABA in the drying container increased significantly,while the root ABA in the unstressed container of the same plantsdid not differ from that of the control. The increase in rootABA was associated with the increase in xylem sap ABA and withthe decrease in stomatal conductance without any significantperturbation in shoot water status. At 7 d, despite the continuous increase in root ABA concentration,xylem sap ABA showed a marked decline when soil water contentwas depleted below 013 g g–1. This reduction in xylemsap ABA coincided with a partial recovery of stomatal conductance.The results indicate that xylem sap ABA is a function of rootABA as well as the flow rate of water from roots to shoots,and that this ABA can be a sensitive indicator to the shootof the effect of soil drying. Key words: Acer pseudoplatanus L., soil drying, stomatal behaviour, xylem sap ABA  相似文献   

We studied the combined effect of diazepam and GABAA-ergic ligands on the activity of Cl-ATPase in plasma membrane of bream brain. The membrane fraction were preincubated and incubated with diazepam as well as with other GABAA-ergic ligands at physiological pH (7.4), i.e. under the conditions when Cl-ATPase activity is undetectable. GABA (0.1–100 M) induced Cl-ATPase activity with the maximum effect at 10 M. Diazepam (0.1 M) enhanced the effect of low GABA concentrations (0.1–1 M) on Cl-ATPase activity but had no effect on the enzyme in the presence of high GABA concentrations (10–100 M). At the same time, GABA (1 M) enhanced the effect of low diazepam concentrations (0.1–1 M) on the enzyme activity but had no effect on it in the presence of high concentrations of the ligand. Blockers of GABAA-ergic receptors, picrotoxin (50 M) and bicuculline (5 M), canceled the combined effect of diazepam and GABA on the enzyme activity. The obtained data demonstrate that the combined effect of diazepam and GABAA-ergic ligands on Cl-ATPase activity at physiological pH is similar to the effect of these ligands on GABAA/benzodiazepine/Cl channel.  相似文献   

Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) plants were exposed, in duplicate controlled environment chambers, to charcoal/Purafil-filtered air (CFA-grown plants) or to 75 nmol mol(-1) ozone (O(3)) for 7 h d(-1) (O(3)-grown plants) for 28 d, and then exposed to 150 nmol mol(-1) O(3 )for 8 h. The concentration of ascorbate (ASC) was determined in leaf extracellular washing fluid (apoplast) and in the residual leaf tissue (symplast) after 0, 4 and 8 h acute fumigation, and after a 16 h "recovery" period in CFA. Changes in stomatal conductance were measured in vivo in order to model pollutant uptake, while the light-saturated rate of CO(2) assimilation (A:(sat)) was recorded as an indicator of O(3)-induced intracellular damage. Measurements of A:(sat) revealed enhanced tolerance to 150 nmol mol(-1) O(3) in plants pre-exposed to the pollutant compared with equivalent plants grown in CFA, consistent with the observed reduction in pollutant uptake due to lower stomatal conductance. The concentration of ASC in the leaf apoplast (ASC(apo)) declined upon O(3)-treatment in both CFA- and O(3)-grown plants, consistent with the oxidation of ASC(apo) under O(3)-stress. Furthermore, the decline in ASC(apo) was reversible in O(3)-grown plants after a 16 h "recovery" period, but not in plants grown in CFA. No significant change in the level and/or redox state of ASC in the symplast (ASC(symp)) was observed in plants exposed to 150 nmol mol(-1) O(3), and there was no difference in the constitutive level of ASC(symp) between CFA- and O(3)-grown plants. Model calculations indicated that the reaction of O(3) with ASC(apo) in the leaves of Vicia faba is potentially sufficient to intercept a substantial proportion (30-40%) of the O(3)entering the plant under environmentally-relevant conditions. The potential role of apoplastic ASC in mediating the tolerance of leaves to O(3) is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present paper we studied the effects of five biogenic amines - norepinephrine, dopamine, octopamine, serotonin and histamine - on the locomotory activity and mobilization of lipids in the adult females of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.). We tested the hypothesis (1) whether the stimulation of walking activity in the bugs injected with the bioamines is associated also with their hyperlipaemic effects, like in the case of adipokinetic hormones (AKHs), and (2) whether these effects are direct or mediated through a release of the AKHs into the hemolymph. The results demonstrated that all five tested biogenic amines mobilized the fat body lipids, but only norepinephrine and dopamine were capable to enhance the walking activity simultaneously with an elevation of the lipid level in the hemolymph. Those two amines had no effect on the level of AKHs in CNS, but modulated the AKHs level in hemolymph: norepinephrine increased it, while dopamine decreased it. The results indicate an apparent feedback between AKH characteristics and dopamine and norepinephrine actions occurring in this insect species. While the stimulatory effects of norepinephrine on lipid mobilization and walking activity could involve the release of bug's own AKHs, dopamine probably employs an independent stimulatory pathway.  相似文献   

Effects of GABA, glycine, acetylcholine, and glutamate (agonists of the GABAa/benzodiazepine, glycine, choline, and glutamate receptors, respectively) at concentrations in the range 10–8-10–4 M on the activity of basal Mg2+-ATPase of the plasma membrane fraction from bream brain and on its activation by Cl were investigated. GABA and glycine activated basal Mg2+-ATPase activity and suppressed its activation by Cl. Acetylcholine and glutamate activated basal Mg2+-ATPase to a lesser extent and did not suppress the activation of the enzyme by Cl.The activation of basal Mg2+-ATPase by neuromediators was decreased by blockers of the corresponding receptors (picrotoxin, strychnine, benztropine mesylate, and D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid). In addition, picrotoxin and strychnine eliminated the inhibiting effect of GABA and glycine, respectively, on the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. Agonists of the GABAa/benzodiazepine receptor–phenazepam (10–8-10–4 M) and pentobarbital (10–6-10–3 M)–activated the basal Mg2+-ATPase activity and decreased the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The dependence of both enzyme activities on ligand concentration is bell-shaped. Moreover, phenazepam and pentobarbital increased the basal Mg2+-ATPase activity in the presence of 10–7 M GABA and did not influence it in the presence of 10–4 M GABA and 10–6 M glycine. The data suggest that in the fish brain membranes the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase interacts with GABAa/benzodiazepine and glycine receptors but not with m-choline and glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of naloxone—an antagonist of the opioid receptors—on sensitivity of Cl-activated Mg2+-ATPase from the plasma membrane fraction of bream brain (Abramis brama L.) to GABAa-ergic substances. Preincubation of the plasma membranes with 1–100 M naloxone increased the basal Mg2+-ATPase activity and suppressed its activation by chloride ions. The same effects were observed in the presence of the agonists of GABAa/benzodiazepine receptors: 0.1–100 M GABA, 1–500 M pentobarbital, and 0.1–100 M phenazepam. Naloxone (10 M) inhibited activation of the basal Mg2+-ATPase by the studied ligands and restored the enzyme sensitivity to Cl. However, the effect of naloxone was not observed in the presence of high concentrations of pentobarbital (500 M) and phenazepam (100 M). The obtained data show that naloxone modulates the activity of Cl-activated Mg2+-ATPase from the plasma membranes of bream brain and antagonizes the GABAa receptor ligands.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore if changes in stem increment of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be related to changes in ambient ozone concentration when the impact of tree dendrometric parameters (age, diameter) and crown defoliation are accounted for. More than 200 dominant and codominant trees from 12 pine stands, for which crown defoliation had been assessed since 1994, were chosen for increment boring and basal area increment computing. Stands are located in Lithuanian national parks, where since 1994-95 Integrated Monitoring Stations have been operating. Findings of the study provide statistical evidence that peak concentrations of ambient ozone (O3) can have a negative impact on pine tree stem growth under field conditions where O3 exposure is below phytotoxic levels.  相似文献   

The hydrological and thermal changes in the Loire River were investigated to test the influence of climatic changes on a short freshwater stage anadromous fish species, Allis shad, for the 1995–2004 period. The mean water temperatures during the adult migration and juvenile growth phases showed significant increase, and mean water flow during these two phases decreased significantly. The period below the threshold of 18°C shortened, and the period between 18°C and the maximum lengthened, while the temperature amounts (number of degree-days) received by aquatic organisms between 18 and 24°C showed an increase. The pattern of young-of-the-year downstream migration was modified. The first day when the juvenile catches reached 5% occurred 17 days earlier at the end of the 1995–2004 period than at the beginning. The first day when the juvenile catches reached 50% was related to the 18°C threshold (reproductive threshold) and the temperature amounts accumulated between the 18 and 20°C thresholds. The year-on-year levels of young-of-the-year abundance showed wide variations, which were not explained by environmental parameters, probably because of the long distance between the study site and the spawning grounds.
C. BoisneauEmail:

Brown midrib mutants in maize are known to be associated with reduced lignin content and increased cell wall digestibility, which leads to better forage quality and higher efficiency of cellulosic biomass conversion into ethanol. Four well known brown midrib (bm) mutants, named bm1-4, were identified several decades ago. Additional recessive brown midrib mutants have been identified by allelism tests and designated as bm5 and bm6. In this study, we determined that bm6 increases cell wall digestibility and decreases plant height. bm6 was confirmed onto the short arm of chromosome 2 by a small mapping set with 181 plants from a F(2) segregating population, derived from crossing B73 and a bm6 mutant line. Subsequently, 960 brown midrib individuals were selected from the same but larger F(2) population for genetic and physical mapping. With newly developed markers in the target region, the bm6 gene was assigned to a 180?kb interval flanked by markers SSR_308337 and SSR_488638. In this region, ten gene models are predicted in the maize B73 sequence. Analysis of these ten genes as well as genes in the syntenic rice region revealed that four of them are promising candidate genes for bm6. Our study will facilitate isolation of the underlying gene of bm6 and advance our understanding of brown midrib gene functions.  相似文献   

Spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L. subsp. Micranthos (Gugler) Hayek) was first introduced in the 1890s from Europe into western North America, where it now occupies over three million hectares of rangeland and pasture in 14 states and two Canadian provinces, reducing forage production and causing economic damage. Despite many reported effects spotted knapweed can have on soils and native vegetation, it is not known whether patch size is correlated with these ecosystem-level effects. The objective of our study was to determine whether the effects of spotted knapweed on plant composition and soil properties was related to spotted knapweed patch size. We asked the following questions: (1) Are there differences in plant species richness and diversity between small and large knapweed patches? and (2) Do soil water and soil mineral nutrient properties change depending on knapweed patch size? Twenty-four knapweed patches, and paired natural grassland plots, were randomly selected within Lac du Bois Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. Knapweed patch size ranged from 6 to 366 m2. Sampling and analysis revealed a significant effect of knapweed patch size on soil and vegetation properties. Soil P, soil temperature, and total dry plant biomass (g/0.25 m2) increased, while soil N, soil C, and soil moisture decreased with patch size. Since our results show that spotted knapweed patch size is related to degree of soil alteration, it is important to consider size of patch when modeling the impact of spotted knapweed in North America. Since large patches of spotted knapweed seem to have a proportionately greater effect on soil chemistry properties, large patches may move the system further away from a point where it is possible to restore the site to pre-invasion conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of Fe and Cu status of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings on the regulation of the putative root plasma-membrane Fe(III)-chelate reductase that is involved in Fe(III)-chelate reduction and Fe2+ absorption in dicotyledons and nongraminaceous monocotyledons. Additionally, we investigated the ability of this reductase system to reduce Cu(II)-chelates as well as Fe(III)-chelates. Pea seedlings were grown in full nutrient solutions under control, -Fe, and -Cu conditions for up to 18 d. Iron(III) and Cu(II) reductase activity was visualized by placing roots in an agarose gel containing either Fe(III)-EDTA and the Fe(II) chelate, Na2bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BPDS), for Fe(III) reduction, or CuSO4, Na3citrate, and Na2-2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BCDS) for Cu(II) reduction. Rates of root Fe(III) and Cu(II) reduction were determined via spectrophotometric assay of the Fe(II)-BPDS or the Cu(I)-BCDS chromophore. Reductase activity was induced or stimulated by either Fe deficiency or Cu depletion of the seedlings. Roots from both Fe-deficient and Cu-depleted plants were able to reduce exogenous Cu(II)-chelate as well as Fe(III)-chelate. When this reductase was induced by Fe deficiency, the accumulation of a number of mineral cations (i.e., Cu, Mn, Fe, Mg, and K) in leaves of pea seedlings was significantly increased. We suggest that, in addition to playing a critical role in Fe absorption, this plasma-membrane reductase system also plays a more general role in the regulation of cation absorption by root cells, possibly via the reduction of critical sulfhydryl groups in transport proteins involved in divalent-cation transport (divalent-cation channels?) across the root-cell plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Invasion by Tamarix (L.) can severely alter riparian areas of the western U.S., which are globally rare ecosystems. The upper Verde River, Arizona, is a relatively free-flowing river and has abundant native riparian vegetation. Tamarix is present on the upper Verde but is a minor component of the vegetation (8% of stems). This study sought to determine whether riparian vegetation characteristics differed between sites where Tamarix was present and sites where Tamarix was absent during the invasion of the upper Verde. We hypothesized that herbaceous understory and woody plant communities would differ between Tamarix present and absent sites. Our hypothesis was generally confirmed, the two types of sites were different. Tamarix present sites had greater abundance of all vegetation, native understory species, graminoids, and native trees, and a positive association with perennial native wetland plant species. Tamarix absent sites had greater abundance of exotic plants and upland adapted plants and an association with greater abiotic cover and litter. These results are contrary to other reports of Tamarix association with depauperate riparian plant communities, and suggest that Tamarix invasion of a watershed with a relatively natural flow regime and a robust native plant community follows similar establishment patterns as the native riparian plant community.  相似文献   

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