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The role of reactive sulfhydryl groups of sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase has been investigated. Incubation of ATPase with 17 mol o-iodosobenzoic acid per mol ATPase results in a 15% inhibition of Ca2+ uptake with only a 5% loss of ATPase activity. When ATPase is treated with 15 mol KMnO4 per mol ATPase, Ca2+ uptake is completely inhibited. From the measurement of remaining SH groups using 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), it is found that the oxidation of approximately four SH groups per ATPase molecule with KMnO4 leads to a complete loss of Ca2+ uptake, while the oxidation of five SH groups per ATPase with o-iodosobenzoic acid results in only 15% inhibition of Ca2+ uptake. The results of amino acid analysis indicate that KMnO4 oxidizes the reactive SH groups to sulfonic acid groups. Among the five o-iodosobenzoic acid-reactive SH groups, at least one shows a distinct Ca2+ dependence. Addition of o-iodosobenzoic acid to the reaction medium containing KMnO4 does not increase the number of oxidized SH groups, indicating that both o-iodosobenzoic acid and KMnO4 oxidize the same SH groups of the enzyme. The different effects of two oxidizing agents on sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase eliminate the possibility of direct involvement of SH group(s) in the ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

Iodoacetamide (IAA) and its fluorescent derivative, 5-(2-iodoacetamidoethyl) amino-naphthalene-1-sulfonate (IAEDANS) specifically bind to a site on the C-terminal half of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase. The location of this specific binding site was identified. SR membranes were treated with 150 microM [14C]IAA at pH 7.0 and 30 degrees C. One mole of IAA per mole of ATPase was bound in 6 h without affecting the Ca2+-transport activity. [14C]IAA-labeled SR membranes were cleaved with BrCN, and 14C-labeled peptide fragments were separated by Sephadex LH-60 chromatography and then digested further with trypsin. A radioactive peptide (Ala-Cys 674-Cys-Phe-Ala-Arg) was purified by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography and C18 reversed phase HPLC (Cys denotes the [14C]IAA-binding site). IAEDANS-labeling was carried out by reacting SR membranes with 50 microM IAEDANS for 5 h, at pH 7.0 and 30 degrees C. A fluorescent peptide was successfully purified by the same procedures as for the IAA-labeled peptide, and the amino acid sequence analysis of this peptide revealed that the IAEDANS labeling site was identical with the IAA binding site.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound ATPase from the archaebacterium Halobacterium saccharovorum is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide in a nucleotide-protectable manner (Stan-Lotter et al., 1991, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 284, 116-119). When the enzyme was incubated with N-[14C]ethylmaleimide, the bulk of radioactivity was associated with the 87,000-Da subunit (subunit I). ATP, ADP, or AMP reduced incorporation of the inhibitor. No charge shift of subunit I was detected following labeling with N-ethylmaleimide, indicating an electroneutral reaction. The results are consistent with the selective modification of sulfhydryl groups in subunit I at or near the catalytic site and are further evidence of a resemblance between this archaebacterial ATPase and the vacuolar-type ATPases.  相似文献   

Ca2+-Transporting ATPase of rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum contains several SH groups which are reactive with N-ethylmaleimide (MalNEt) at pH 7.0. The location of the one which is most reactive with MalNEt (SHN, Kawakita et al. J. Biochem. 87, 609 (1980)) was identified on the amino acid sequence of the ATPase. SHN was labeled by reacting sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes with [14C] MalNEt to a labeling density of 1 mol/mol ATPase. [14C]MalNEt-labeled membranes were digested with thermolysin and 14C-labeled SHN peptides were fractionated by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography to give two major peaks of radioactivity. [14C]-MalNEt-labeled peptides were further purified to homogeneity by C18-reversed phase HPLC. Two radioactive peptides containing modified cysteine (Cys), Leu-Gly-Cys-Thr-Ser and Val-Cys-Lys-Met, were finally obtained in roughly equal amounts and in reasonable recovery. Both of these sequences were found in the amino acid sequence of Ca2+-transporting ATPase (Brandl et al. Cell 44, 597 (1986)), and Cys344 and Cys364 were identified as the targets of MalNEt-modification. Thus, 0.5 mol/mol ATPase of each Cys residue actually reacted rapidly with MalNEt under the conditions leading to SHN-modification. Modification of either one with MalNEt may negatively affect the reactivity of the other. Both of the highly reactive SH groups are located in the neighborhood of Asp351, the phosphorylation site of ATPase.  相似文献   

The reaction rates in aqueous solutions of aminothiols, thiols, and other compounds with N-acetyl dehydroalanine and its methyl ester (2-acetamindoacrylic acid and methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate) were studied as a function of the structure of the thiol compound in aqueous solutions. Correction of the observed second-order rate constants to identical thiol anion concentration gave a series of computed rate constants whose logarithms showed a linear dependence on the pK's of the thiol group in similar steric environments. Comparison of the addition rates of penicillamine to N-acetyl dehydroalanine and its methyl ester showed the methyl ester to react approximately 11,400 times faster than the acid. Addition rates for thiol acids and aromatic and heterocyclic thiols were also compared; each showed sluggish reactivity with dehydroalanine, but each reacted readily with methyl dehydroalanine. The kinetic data were applied in developing a method for preparing lanthionine in high yield.  相似文献   

The time course of binding of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) to the SR was measured at pH 7.5 in the presence or absence of ATP or ADP. The following results were obtained. 1. Both in the presence and absence of nucleotide, the ATPase [EC] activity decreased linearly with increase in the amount of NEM bound to the fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and was inhibited almost completely by the binding of 2 moles of NEM per 10(5) g of the SR protein. 2. The amount of NEM incorporated into the ATPase (M.W.=105,000) was measured by SDS disc-gel electrophoresis. It was shown that the ATPase activity was inhibited almost completely by the binding of 2 moles of NEM per mole of ATPase. 3. The rate of binding of NEM to SR decreased by 30-40% in the presence of either ATP or ADP. The concentrations of both ATP and ADP for half-saturation were 0.1-0.2mM. 4. The effect of nucleotide on the rate of binding of NEM was not changed by the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Similar effects were also observed even when the SR membranes were solubilized with Triton X-100. It is suggested from these results that one or two SH groups are located in the active site of the SR ATPase, and that conformational changes are induced by the addition of ATP and ADP.  相似文献   

Incubation of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes (SR) with pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP) followed by NaBH4 reduction results in a progressive loss of calcium-dependent ATPase activity. The rate constants and extents of inactivation are not linear functions of the PLP concentration; rather, saturation behavior is implied. The data are consistent with the scheme
where K1 is the dissociation constant of the SR·PLP complex and k2 and k?2 are the rate constants for the formation and breakdown of the Schiff base SR = PLP, which can be irreversibly reduced to SR-PLP with NaBH4. K1, k2, and k?2 are, respectively, 1.5 mm, 1.8 min?1, and 0.37 min?1. In the presence of Ca-ATP, no decrease in activity occurs in 60 min; Mg-ATP exerts a similar but less pronounced protective effect. Pyridoxal is considerably less effective than PLP. The number of PLP/ATPase incorporated at early stages of the reaction is proportional to the loss of ATPase activity and extrapolates to about one at zero activity. Variation in the difference between the presence and absence of ATP is similar, also extrapolating to one PLP/ATPase. (The data also show that slower reaction at nonessential sites occurs.) That this single residue is a lysine is indicated by paper chromatography of acid hydrolysates. Tryptic digestion of PLP-NaB3H4-reacted SR followed by gel electrophoresis indicates that this lysyl residue is located in the ATPase fragment of 30,000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

Reaction of sulfhydryl-containing compounds, RSH, with Ce4+ in the presence of the spin trap phenyl-N-t-butylnitrone results in the appearance of a nitroxide ESR spectrum, which is greatly diminished if the sulfhydryl group is blocked prior to reaction. The spectra have short lifetimes which can be increased two- to fivefold to half-lives of 5-60 min by prior flushing of the solutions with nitrogen. For small molecules, such as cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, and 2-mercaptoethanol, the spectrum is that of a freely rotating nitroxide while for the proteins, bovine serum albumin and myosin, the spectrum is characteristic of a strongly immobilized nitroxide spin label rigidly attached to the protein. Since Ce4+ is reported to oxidize the sulfhydryl group via the thiyl radical, RS, the following reactions are proposed to account for the formation of the nitroxide: (formula; see text) These reactions permit the spin labeling of sulfhydryl proteins such that the nitroxide is much closer to the point of attachment than when using conventional spin-labeling methods.  相似文献   

Rat brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC contains 21 cysteine residues. On the basis of the amino acid sequence of the enzyme, these are predicted to be distributed among 14 peptides produced by tryptic digestion. Ten of these peptides, containing cysteine residues derivatized by reaction with the specific sulfhydryl reagent 2-bromoacetamido-4-nitrophenol have been identified in HPLC peptide maps; the four missing peptides are predicted to be relatively large and hydrophobic in character, properties that may have prevented their detection under the present conditions. The sequences encompassed by the 10 identified peptides include 12 of the 21 cysteine residues in the enzyme. The relative reactivity of these sulfhydryl groups with 2-bromoacetamido-4-nitrophenol has been assessed, and is in general accord with what might be predicted on the basis of their accessibility in the previously proposed structure for this enzyme. The effect of various ligands on reactivity of identified sulfhydryl groups has been determined; unique patterns of altered reactivity, resulting from ligand-induced conformational changes, have been observed. Biphasic effects were observed with increasing concentrations of either glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) or Pi. In both cases, decreased reactivity of sulfhydryls in the N-terminal half of the molecule was observed at low concentrations of the ligand, while further increase in ligand concentration resulted in decreased reactivity of sulfhydryl groups in the C-terminal half. In contrast, sulfhydryls in both N- and C-terminal halves were protected concomitantly by increasing concentrations of Glc. These results are consistent with previous studies that indicated (a) the existence of two sites for binding of Glc-6-P or Pi, a high affinity site in the N-terminal half and a site with lower affinity in the C-terminal half of the brain hexokinase molecule, and (b) binding of Glc to a single site located in the C-terminal half but evoking conformational effects throughout the molecule; the glucose analog, N-acetylglucosamine, previously shown to have more limited effects on conformation, affected reactivity of sulfhydryl groups only in the C-terminal half of the molecule. As reflected by effects on reactivity of sulfhydryl groups, conformational changes induced by binding of nucleotides depends markedly on the specific nature of the purine or pyrimidine base as well as the length and chelation status of the polyphosphate side chain. These results focus attention on specific regions of the molecule (the immediate environment of the sulfhydryl groups) that are affected by the binding of these ligands.  相似文献   

The reactive sulfhydryl group (SHD) (Kawakita et al. (1980) J. Biochem. 87, 609-617) which is essential for the decomposition of the E-P intermediate of Ca2+-transporting ATPase of the rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum has been identified. One sample of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes was reacted for 3 min with 0.4 mM N-[3H]ethylmaleimide at pH 7.0 at 30 degrees C to a labeling density of 1 mol/mol ATPase without loss of the Ca2+-transporting activity. Another sample of the membranes was treated similarly with non-radioactive N-ethylmaleimide and then labeled with 0.4 mM N-ethyl[14C]maleimide for 17 min. An extensive loss of the Ca2+-transporting activity occurred during the period of this radio-labeling, thus substantiating the 14C-labeling of SHD. The labeled membranes were digested by thermolysin, and the labeled peptides were fractionated by gel filtration and reversed-phase HPLC. Two major radioactive peptides were present in both 3H- and 14C-labeled thermolytic digests, and each of the major components of 14C-labeled peptides had a counterpart in the major components of 3H-labeled peptides which behaved identically on HPLC. The major 14C-labeled peptides were purified and found to be identical with the two SHN peptides, TL-I and TL-II (Saito-Nakatsuka et al. (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 365-376), and 0.5 mol/mol ATPase each of Cys344 and Cys364 was assigned as SHD. It seems that the Ca2+-transport system retains its activity while either of the two Cys residues is unoccupied, but loses it when both of them are modified with N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

The intrinsic fluorescence of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was measured under conditions allowing ATPase phosphorylation from inorganic phosphate. Significant fluorescence enhancement of up to 4% resulted from gradient-independent enzyme phosphorylation at pH 6, in the absence of KCl. The equilibrium fluorescence data obtained at various magnesium and phosphate concentrations agree with a reaction scheme in which Mg2+, as direct activator, and free phosphate, as the true substrate, bind to the enzyme in random order to give a noncovalent ternary complex (Mg.*E.Pi), in equilibrium with the covalent phosphoenzyme (Mg.*E-P). The transient kinetics of the fluorescence rise was also studied, and the resulting data were generally consistent with the above scheme, assuming that binding reactions are fast compared to covalent phosphoenzyme formation. This, however, might be valid only as a first approximation. At 20 degrees C and pH 6, the phosphate concentration for half-maximum phosphorylation rate constant, at 20 mM magnesium, was higher than 20 mM. Similarly, the magnesium concentration for half-maximum phosphorylation rate constant, at 20 mM phosphate, was also higher than 20 mM. The maximum phosphorylation rate was faster than 25 s-1, and the phosphoenzyme hydrolysis rate constant was 1.5-2 s-1 under these conditions, so that the equilibrium constant between Mg.*E.Pi and Mg.*E-P largely favors the phosphoenzyme.  相似文献   

Model refinement calculations utilizing the results from time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies indicate that specific, large-scale changes (i.e., structural changes over a large length scale or long range) occur throughout the cylindrically averaged profile structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase upon its phosphorylation during calcium active transport. Several physical-chemical factors, all of which slow the kinetics of phosphoenzyme formation, induce specific, large-scale changes throughout the profile structure of the unphosphorylated enzyme that in general are opposite to those observed upon phosphorylation. These results suggest that such large-scale structural changes in the ATPase occurring upon its phosphorylation are required for its calcium transport function.  相似文献   

Preparation and use of N-iodoacetyltyramine in generation of 125I-labeled compounds is described. The kinetics of alkylation of N-acetylcysteine by N-iodoacetyltyramine (k2 = 3.0 M-1 s-1) and N-chloroacetyltyramine (k2 = 0.12 M-1 s-1) indicate that N-iodoacetyltyramine is more useful for labeling sulfhydryl-containing compounds to high specific activity with 125I. Conditions for preparation of carrier-free 125I-labeled N-iodoacetyl-3-monoiodotyramine in 50% yield based on starting iodide are described. The high degree of group specificity of N-iodoacetyl-3-monoiodotyramine reaction with sulfhydryl groups is demonstrated by the high reactivity toward sulfhydryl-containing bovine serum albumin and low reactivity toward N-ethylmaleimide-blocked bovine serum albumin and IgG. 125I-labeled N-iodoacetyl-3-monoiodotyramine was also used to prepare an 125I-labeled ACTH derivative that retains full biological activity, further demonstrating the selectivity toward reactions with sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

Activation of the ATPase activity and the exposition of a new adenine nucleotide binding site of chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) by dithioerythritol at 25 degrees C were reversed by oxidants. The ATPase activity elicited by heat (63 degrees C, 4 min) was slightly inhibited by oxidants and was partially additive with the activity induced by dithioerythritol. Titration of the thiols of CF1 and determination of their subunit distribution before and after activation by dithioerythritol show an increase of the free groups from 8 to 10 with the appearance of the 2 new thiols on the gamma subunit. These thiols were available to reagents in nondenatured enzyme and were reoxidized to a disulfide bond by iodosobenzoate or CuCl2. It is concluded that the mechanisms of CF1 activation by dithioerythritol and by heat are different and that the former involves a net reduction of a disulfide bond of the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum during excitation--contraction coupling is likely to be mediated by conformational changes in the foot protein moiety of the triadic vesicles. As a preparative step toward the studies of dynamic conformational changes in the foot protein moiety, we have developed a new method that permits specific labeling of the foot protein moiety of the isolated membranes with a fluorophore. A novel fluorescent cleavable photoaffinity cross-linking reagent, sulfosuccinimidyl 3-((2-(7-azido-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetamido)ethyl)dithio)propionate (SAED), was conjugated with site-directing carriers, polylysine (Ca(2+)-release inducer) and neomycin (Ca(2+)-release blocker). The conjugates were allowed to bind to polylysine- and neomycin-binding sites of the heavy fraction of SR (HSR). After photolysis, the cross-linked reagent was cleaved by reduction and the fluorescently labeled HSR was separated from the carriers by centrifugation. These procedures led to specific incorporation of the methylcoumarin acetate (MCA) into the foot protein. Polylysine and neomycin bound to different sites of the foot protein, since neomycin, at release-blocking concentrations, did not interfere with polylysine binding. The fluorescence intensity of the foot protein labeled with the carrier, neomycin, showed biphasic changes as a function of ryanodine concentration (increasing up to 1 microM ryanodine and decreasing above it), while with the carrier polylysine, ryanodine induced no change in fluorescence intensity. In contrast, the fluorescence intensity of the foot protein labeled with each of the two carriers, neomycin and polylysine, showed almost identical calcium dependence (first increasing from 0.1 microM to about 3.0 microM calcium concentration, and then decreasing at higher calcium concentrations).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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