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The beet western yellows virus (BWYV) was identified in sugar beet plants with leaf yellowing symptoms. When transmitted toSinapis alba L. the virus isolate caused severe symptoms of yellowing and violetting of the interveinal leaf tissue of this plant. By aphidsMyzus persicae (Sulz.) the virus isolate was transmitted toLactuca sativa L.,Raphanus sativus L. var.radicula Pers.,Baphanus sativus L. ssp.sativus L. ap., and toBrassica oleracea L. var.gemmifera DC. InLactuca sativa plants the virus induces a yellowing along with thickenning and brittleness of leaves and with mild dwarfing of the plants. InBaphanus sativus var.radicula andBaphanus sativus ssp.sativus plants it brings about a yellowing of the leaf margins with a change in consistency as was the case in lettuce, and inBrassica oleracea var.gemmifera it causes violet spots on the lower leaf sides. The transmission was proved in repeated experiments by a backtransmission to beet andSinapis alba and further transmission from beet toSinapis alba. The transmission of the virus isolate toVicia faba L.,Datura stramonium L., andPetunia hybrida hort. was unsuccessful. In the course of transmissions the isolate properties did not change. In its host range the virus resembles the Duffus’ strain 3 BWYV, isolated from beet in the U.S.A. This is the first characteristic of an Europian BWYV isolate, as obtained from naturally infected beet plants.  相似文献   

Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) beet yellows virus (BYV) could be detected reliably in the leaves of sugar beet andTetragonia expansa Pall. and in the roots of sugar beet. Specifio γ-globulin of BYV antiserum was coupled to horse radish peroxidase by periodate oxidation. Optimum dilutions of antigen (extract from infected leaves) were1: 50 to 1: 200 for BYV detection in sugar beet andT. expansa leaves and1: 2 to 1: 5 for detection in sugar beet roots. Extracts from beet roots are not to be purified by ultracentrifugation, however, by the described method virus can be demonstrated only in 80–90% of naturally infected sugar beet roots. The method is specific, no increase of extinction values was found in healthy or beet western yellows virus infected plants. Presence of virus can be demonstrated by visual as well as photometric evaluation. Results confirmed the suitability of peroxidase application for detection of plant viruses by ELISA.  相似文献   

Forecasting the incidence of virus yellows in sugar beet in England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new forecasting system for virus yellows incidence in sugar beet in the UK has been devised using multiple regression analyses. The forecast equations include data on (1) the previous year's virus incidence, (2) temperature in January and February and (3) the timing of the spring migration of Mytus persicae. Forecasts using the first two of these variables account for 63% of the variance in virus incidence in the main beet growing area of Eastern England and give growers information in time to decide on whether to apply aphicidal granules at drilling to control the vectors of the disease. Forecasts using all three variables account for 87% of the variance in virus incidence and can forewarn growers and the sugar industry of the likelihood of an epidemic. Forecasts for the northern and western regions of the beet growing area are derived from the forecast for the eastern region.  相似文献   

The potential of predators to impact the establishment of aphid vectors and the spread of beet yellows virus in sugar beet was examined. Myzus persicae carrying beet yellows virus (BYV) were released on six interior sites and six edge sites in each of four fields at the end of May. Aphids established at low densities and BYV was spread in circular patches around the infested plants at all sites. The number of diseased plants per patch at the end of September ranged from a field-average of 130 to 210 in the four fields. There was a weak tendency towards better aphid establishment and greater virus spread in fields in less complex landscapes. Edge sites had less virus spread than interior sites in one field, more virus spread in two other fields, and there was no statistically significant difference in the fourth field. In the field where virus spread was lowest at edge sites, we used predator exclosure and direct observation to manipulate and quantify the effects of early season predation. On a warm day in early June, 81% ofAphis fabae exposed to predators on young beet plants disappeared during a 24 h period, compared to 10% of aphids protected by clipcages. Intermediate levels of predator exclusion, allowing aphids to walk away but restricting predator access, showed that predation was responsible for aphid disappearance.Cantharis lateralis L. (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) was the most frequently observed foliar predator (>90%). It was found eating aphids on several occasions. The incidence of predators was 1.8 per plant per h in the field interior and 3.8 per plant per h. near the edge. In the same field, aphids and virus were released in six edge and six interior sites, that were surrounded by 0.5 m high plastic open-top barriers (‘exclosures’). Pitfall trapping inside the barriers reduced potential soil predator densities to ca. one-tenth of the open field level and arrivals of flying predators were reduced. Inside the exclosures, aphid establishment was enhanced, and virus spread at exclosure sites was increased by about 50% compared to open sites. Foliar and pitfall sampling yielded the following predators:Cantharis lateralis, C. rufa L. (Coleoptera: Cantharidae),Coccinella septempunctata L.,C. undecimpunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),Pterostichus cupreus (L.),Harpalus rufipes (de Geer),Patrobus atrorufus (Strom),Trechus quadristriatus (Schrk.),Bembidion lampros (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Carabidae). In a laboratory no-choice trial (with 10M. persicae /day offered), each of these species ate aphids with consumption rates varying from 1.7 to 9.2 aphids/day. The results show that early predation substantially impacted aphid establishment in one field, and resulted in reduced virus spread. Results in the other fields show that these results cannot be easily generalized.  相似文献   

Smrž  J.  Filigarová  Marie  Pozděna  J. 《Biologia Plantarum》1974,16(2):127-131
Biologia Plantarum - Using the quantitative serological method of double diffusion in agar, the amount of sugar beet yellows virus in the leaves of sugar beet was investigated and the possibility...  相似文献   

The yield of plants of monogerm cultivars of sugar beet artificially infected with both beet yellows and beet mild yellowing viruses was, on average, depressed 2–7% for every 100 ‘infected plant weeks’, equivalent to c. £25/ha at 1976 prices. The cv. Vytomo, previously recommended to growers as being tolerant of infection by virus yellows, had a high sugar content and abundant foliage but in field trials its actual yield of sugar was no greater when infected, and lower when virus-free, than that of some other monogerm cultivars.  相似文献   

Lemoine R  Daie J  Wyse R 《Plant physiology》1988,86(2):575-580
The objectives of this work were to determine the path of phloem unloading and if a sucrose carrier was present in young sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots. The approach was to exploit the characteristics of the sucrose analog, 1'-fluorosucrose (F-sucrose) which is a poor substrate for acid invertase but is a substrate for sucrose synthase. Ten millimolar each of [3H]sucrose and [14C]F-sucrose were applied in a 1:1 ratio to an abraded region of an attached leaf for 6 hours. [14C]F-sucrose was translocated and accumulated in the roots at a higher rate than [3H]sucrose. This was due to [3H]sucrose hydrolysis along the translocation path. Presence of [3H]hexose and [14C]F-sucrose in the root apoplast suggested apoplastic sucrose unloading with its subsequent hydrolysis. Labeled F-sucrose uptake by root tissue discs exhibited biphasic kinetics and was inhibited by unlabeled sucrose, indicating that immature roots have the ability for carrier-mediated sucrose transport from the apoplast. Collectively, in vivo and in vitro data indicate that despite sucrose hydrolysis by the wall-bound invertase, sucrose hydrolysis is not entirely essential for sugar accumulation in this tissue.  相似文献   

Summary This is the third paper of the series dealing with beet yellows virus infection ofTetragonia expansa Murr. It concerns the different kinds of aggregates of virus and the state of the virus particles in the different cells. In vascular parenchyma cells, the aggregates of virus are variable but are consistently intermingled with host cell components. In the sieve elements, the virus may fill the cell lumen solidly either without obvious order or in stacks of layers each as wide as the particle is long. The virus particles appear to be commonly disorganizing in parenchyma cells with degenerating protoplasts and in sieve elements solidly packed with virus. The factors possibly determining the conformation of viruses in plant cells and the terminological problems regarding designations of aggregates of virus particles and other products appearing in infected cells are discussed.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant GB-5506.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is the second in the series dealing with the ultrastructure ofTetragonia expansa Murr. infected with the beet yellows virus. It considers the relation of the virus to the conducting cells in the phloem and the xylem. Virus particles occurred in mature sieve elements, their amount increasing as the infected leaf became older. In older leaves some sieve elements were completely blocked with virus. Virus particles were seen in pores of sieve plates, in plasmodesmata interconnecting sieve elements and parenchyma cells, and in those between parenchyma cells. Mature and immature tracheary elements also contained virus particles. Presence of inclusions composed of vesicles and virus in some immature tracheary elements may indicate that virus multiplies in these cells. No vesicles and no virus particles were discovered in immature sieve elements.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant GB-5506.  相似文献   

Five different isolates of beet yellows virus were maintained without any changes in their properties onTetragonia expansa Murr. syn.T. tetragonoides Pall. for a long period of time. According to their characteristics and different properties especially in a diploid inbred line of sugar beet the isolates are considered to be strains of BYV and are classified into three groups: group of mild strains (the mild masked and mild strains), normal strains (the common strain) and necrotic strains (the severe necrotic and necrotic strains). The necrotic strains of BYV were relatively easily transmissible manually to sugar beet plants and other indicator species. The common strain can be transmitted to sugar beet,Chenopodium quinoa Willd. but not toC. capitatum L. Asch. Mild strains are transmissible with difficulty andC. quinoa is the only species which develops a larger number of local lesions after inoculation. In contrast to the mild masked and common strains it is manually transmissible toC. capitatum. The mild masked strain can not be transmitted to sugar beet.Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh. is not susceptible to mechanical inoculation with BYV. Aphid transmission withMyzus persicae (Sulz.) was positive in experiments with necrotic strains only. Mechanical transmission of BYV was successful also toC. foliosum (Moench) Asch.,C. murale L. andClaytonia perfoliata Donn. The last two species were susceptible to inoculation by aphids as well. Attempts to transmit the virus manually toT. expansa Murr. andC. giganteum Donn. failed.  相似文献   

Applications of lithium chloride (LiCl), zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) or nickel sulphate (NiSO4) to the roots of sugar-beet plants in the glasshouse encouraged settling on the leaves of adult apterae from a clone of Myzus persicae (Sulz.); conversely, treatment with boric acid (H2B2O7) inhibited aphid settling. Larviposition of M. persicae was increased by NiSO4 and tin chloride (SnCl2). Viruliferous M. persicae transmitted beet yellows virus (BYV) more efficiently to plants treated with LiCl or H2B2O7 than to those treated with copper sulphate (CuSO4), ZnSO4 or SnCl2. The sulphate and chloride anions of the applied chemicals appeared to have little effect on M. persicae and virus transmission. It is suggested that applications of trace elements to sugar beet affected M. persicae and virus transmission by changing the concentrations of trace elements in the aphids' diet and by altering the metabolism of the leaf tissues in the host plant.  相似文献   

The effect of dodecanoic acid, a behaviour-controlling chemical which alters aphid feeding behaviour and virus transmission efficiency, was studied under field conditions. In a first experiment, dodecanoic acid reduced the level of natural colonisation of sugar beet by Aphis fabae. A second experiment revealed no significant influence of dodecanoic acid on the secondary spread of the semi-persistent beet yellows virus and the persistent beet mild yellowing virus.  相似文献   

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