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An ethnobotanical study was conducted among the Jicaque Indians of the Montana de la Flor reservation in central Honduras to collect information regarding their plant-use practices. The data, including vernacular names, ecological settings, and uses, were recorded during collecting forays with Jicaque informants. Scientific and Jicaque names have been provided for 23 plant species used for food, 11 used for medicine, 4 used for beverages, 3 used as sources of wood, 5 in artifact manufacturing, and 3 used in other ways. Also, a list of 43 species is included for which the Jicaques have a name but no known use.  相似文献   

区域性维管植物编目对于该区域内植物多样性保护及植物资源可持续利用具有重要意义。北京作为中国首都, 尽管编目工作早在20世纪60年代就得以开展, 但近30年来没有进行系统更新。现有数据零散、不系统, 相关编目进展甚至已经落后于周边地区。本文在《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》的基础上, 结合多年实际野外调查, 通过系统检索文献资料对现有编目数据进行查漏补缺(补充新分类群、新记录)、修订名称(基于新分类修订成果)、更新分类系统(采用基于分子数据的新分类系统), 并添加物种等级、分布状态、生长状态、室内/室外、分布区、了解程度及保护状况等相关信息, 最终完成北京维管植物编目和分布数据集(分为本土植物和外来植物两个表单, 其中外来植物主要基于志书和文献记载)。截至2021年12月31日, 该数据集共有数据2,883条(本土1,680条, 外来1,203条), 其中包含北京本土野生维管植物134科611属1,597个类群(1,440种3天然杂交种46亚种97变种11变型), 与《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》相比增加3科26属173种4亚种28变种11变型, 其中列入《国家重点保护野生植物名录(2021)》的有16种(一级仅1种), 列入《北京市重点保护野生植物名录(2008)》的有90种3亚种4变种; 收录外来维管植物137科581属1,184个类群(含992种及其他种下等级), 其中栽培植物854种19杂交种15亚种29变种2变型87栽培品种38栽培群, 逸生植物132种1亚种, 归化植物77种2变种, 入侵植物27种。编目数据显示, 北京本土野生维管植物多样性整体上并不高, 主要以广泛分布的常见种为主, 特有种、狭域种以及珍稀濒危种数量不多; 同时, 北京存在大量的外来植物(许多种类在《北京植物志》各版中已经收录), 这些植物也是北京维管植物多样性的重要组成部分, 但现有数据尚不完整。  相似文献   

Local names of vascular plants, accompanied by botanical specimens, were collected in the John Crow Mountains, Portland Parish, Jamaica. Each of the names was volunteered by one local informant; many were independently corroborated by others. We recorded 91 names of forest trees and shrubs, 20 names of climbers, and 33 names of other plants. The uneven distribution of local names among different categories of plants is discussed. The names are mostly of English origin, with a scattering from Spanish, Amerindian and West African languages. Many names are not listed in the standard floras; 20 names are apparently hitherto unrecorded in print. The same name was often found to be applied to a different species from the usage given in the floras, showing the variation in vernacular names from one part of the island to another.  相似文献   

通过样地调查与样带踏查相结合的方法,整理统计磐安七仙湖省级湿地公园维管植物共计664种(含种下等级),隶属于138科438属,其中包括蕨类植物15种,裸子植物13种,被子植物636种。生活型维管植物以草本最为丰富,主要优势科为菊科、禾本科、蔷薇科、蝶形花科等;省级及以上重点保护植物23科26属26种;外来入侵植物6科15属16种。本次调查讨论分析了七仙湖湿地公园生态保护面临的主要问题与相应的解决措施,并结合植物资源现状就湿地公园开发方向和植物配置提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

在发育成熟的温带环境中,植食性昆虫群落能迅速适应引入植物并将其作为幼虫的食物和花蜜.我们研究了经过森林砍伐的热带环境中蝴蝶对利用引入植物作为蜜源植物的适应快慢程度,并研究了蝴蝶-显花植物在新的生物小区中出现的范围,发现蝴蝶对引入显花植物的利用和探访多于本地植物,这与引入植物在调查地点、生物小区和植物丰度中的普遍性有关.此外,取食花蜜的蝴蝶和显花植物与正在形成的的生物小区有关,例如路边、农田、集约耕地以及花园.在这些新生物小区中,引入植物很重要,因为它们为蝴蝶提供了蜜源.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical field studies were conducted for the first time in the KwaNibela Peninsula of southern Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal, to document indigenous knowledge about useful plants. The vernacular names and uses of 82 plant species were recorded and compared to published Zulu and Swazi knowledge. Medicines for skin disorders, toothache, wounds, worms, chest and throat ailments, infertility and purgatives are still commonly used. Superstition and divination play a major role in the traditional knowledge system of the people of KwaNibela with 24 plants used for this purpose. Three KwaNibela medicinal plants (Erythroxylum delagoense, Putterlickia verrucosa, and Teclea natalensis) appear to be new records, not previously reported in the general scientific literature. The list also includes 61 novel uses of plants and another 15 new variations on known (published) uses. Ten previously unpublished vernacular names are presented, together with an additional 19 new variants of known names. These new additions to the scientific literature confirm that indigenous knowledge in KwaZulu-Natal is not yet completely recorded.  相似文献   

The epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana are classified into derivation categories. Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana refer mostly to shapes (274 species), persons (252), places (212), appearance (146), and size (140). These categories account for 55% of names given to the plants of this flora. The most prolific publishers of names for the flora of central French Guiana are Aublet and Linnaeus, who were respectively the authors of 177 and 110 of the names of species (15% of the total) found in the flora of central French Guiana. Although many of the species names, such as those relating to place and person, are easy to categorize, many others are open to different interpretations. Specific epithets with different orthographies derived from Guiana or Guyana are discussed. In addition, problems in the use of diacritical marks and inconsistencies with spacing between the abbreviations of given names and surnames of authors of plant names are noted.  相似文献   

This paper examines the traditional use of medicinal plants in Loja province, Southern Ecuador. Two hundred fifteen plant species were collected, identified and their vernacular names and traditional uses recorded. This number of species indicates that the healers, market vendors and members of the public interviewed still have a very high knowledge of plants in their surroundings, which can be seen as a reflection of the knowledge of the population in general. However, the area represents only an outlier of the larger Northern Peruvian cultural area, where more than 500 species of plants are used medicinally, indicating that in Ecuador much of the original plant knowledge has already been lost. Most plant species registered are only used medicinally, and only a few species have any other use (construction, fodder, food). The highest number of species is used for the treatment of "magical" (psychosomatic) ailments (39 species), followed by respiratory disorders (34), problems of the urinary tract (28), Fever/Malaria (25), Rheumatism (23) and nervous system problems (20).  相似文献   

A medicinal plant study was carried out in eighteen parishes and 54 villages of Erute county, Lira district, Uganda. Parishes and villages were selected using stratified random sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews and discussions with the local people were used to obtain information on the names of the plants, their medicinal uses and conservation methods. The number of the medicinal plants species used was 180 belonging to 144 genera and 57 families of flowering plants. The major families recorded for medicinal purpose included Fabaceae (37 species), Asteraceae (26 species), Euphorbiaceae (eleven species), Vitaceae (eight species), Verbenaceae (seven species), Poaceae (six species), Solanaceae (five species), and Rubiaceae (four species). There is a need for putting in place measures to conserve these plants. Unfortunately, most of the healers or users were not interested in cultivation of the plants. The situation could worsen with the social changes and demand for land for agriculture in the district.  相似文献   

为深入调查、评价和保护湖北药姑山自然保护区药用维管植物资源,于2012至2014年对该地区开展了系统的调查研究。结果显示,湖北药姑山自然保护区有药用维管植物143科498属968种,其中蕨类植物10科13属13种,裸子植物5科7属7种,被子植物128科478属948种。从生长型来看,草本植物最多,其次是灌木;从药用部位来看,全草类植物最多,其次是根类;按药用功效划分,以清热类、祛风湿类和活血化瘀类居多。湖北药姑山自然保护区内珍稀濒危野生药用维管植物共有57种,占药用维管植物总种数的5.89%。此外,在湖北药姑山自然保护区还发现了瑶族民间常用药用植物58种。在调查与研究的基础上,提出了加强湖北药姑山自然保护区野生药用植物资源保护与利用的措施和建议。  相似文献   

通过对中国西双版纳与泰国都有分布和栽培的641种植物的傣、泰土著名字相似性比较,发现这两个民族具有基本相同的民间植物命名的"双名法"。西双版纳傣族与泰国的兰纳地区、北—东北部和其它地区泰族的植物土著名相同、相似的分别占0.69、0.57和0.37,主要包括药用植物在内的经济植物和与南传上座部佛教文化密切相关的植物。其主要成因包括他们的语言文字、宗教信仰、生活习俗等的傣、泰历史渊源及其所具有的传统文化密切程度相关。其中,兰纳地区地处泰国北部,它不仅邻近西双版纳,而且在历史上,它们曾经同属于"兰纳王国",两地的边界曾是"犬牙交错",成为"曼比勐农"(兄弟之邦)。这样,使包括土著名字在内的佛教植物、野生植物和栽培植物等的交流比泰国其它地区更加密切,相似性便最高。西双版纳傣族和兰纳泰族被视为尚存的标准"Tai"人区。因此,该研究对于中国Dai、泰国Thai、缅甸Siam和老挝Laos等国家民族的科学文化交流及其植物资源的利用和保护等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen plant species which belonging to 43 families and 93 genera were recorded in this study. All these species were used as traditional beverage plants by Dai people in two Dai villages (Man’an and Mansan)of xishuangbanna and 65 . 8% of the plants may hold medicinal functions. The results indicated that the species and the number of species were quite different between the two villages , and the difference between genders was not significant. However, the results of ANOVA showed that there was not significant difference between the average number of plant species mentioned in the villages and among genders, and the mean number of plant species mentioned in young group was significantly lower than that in old group, especially inMan’an village where transportation is much convenient. The study suggested that the indigenous knowledge was on the way of loss with the influence of exotic culture.  相似文献   

To collect information regarding Paya plant use practices, especially ethnomedical applications, an ethnobotanical study was conducted at the Santa Maria del Carbon community in north-central Honduras. Scientific and Paya names have been provided for 68 plants used for medicine, 40 used for food, 23 used as sources of wood, 8 used for beverages, 7 used in artifact manufacture and 10 used in other ways. Also, a list of 25 species is included for which the Paya have a name but no known use.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether protected European butterflies can potentially be at risk if transgenic maize is extensively grown in Central Europe. We explored potential consequences of both insect resistant (IR) and herbicide resistant (HR) transgenic maize. IR maize can produce pollen that is toxic to lepidopteran larvae, and this puts butterfly species at possible risk if the presence of young larvae coincides with maize flowering, during which large quantities of maize pollen can be deposited on vegetation. By considering the timing of maize flowering in Europe and the phenology of the protected Lepidoptera species, we found that 31 species had at least one generation where 50% of the larval stage overlapped with maize flowering, and 69 species for which first instar larvae were present during maize pollen shedding. HR maize allows high concentration herbicide treatments on fields without seasonal limitation, which can drastically reduce weed densities. In cases where such weed species are host plants for protected butterflies, reduced host plant/food availability can result, causing population decreases. By using published information, we first identified the important weed species in major maize-growing European countries. Subsequently, we checked whether the host plants of protected Lepidoptera included species that are common maize weeds. We identified 140 protected species having food plants that are common weeds in one or more of the major European maize-growing countries. If HR maize is grown in Europe, there is a potential hazard that their food plants will seriously decline, causing a subsequent decline of these protected species.  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族传统饮料植物利用的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用民族植物学与人类学相结合的方法,对西双版纳州曼伞、曼安两个傣族村寨利用传统饮料植物的情况进行了调查。结果显示,两个村寨利用的传统饮料植物有114种,隶属43科、93属,其中65.8%的种具有药用价值。两村寨利用传统饮料植物的种类及物种数有较大不同,而村民传统饮料植物知识在性别间无明显差异。ANOVA分析表明,传统饮料植物平均被提及的物种数在村寨、性别间无明显差异,但在不同年龄组间有显著差异,即随着年龄减小,访谈中人均提及的物种数呈下降趋势,这种趋势在交通较为便利的曼安寨更为明显,表明环境变化和外来文化等对植物传统利用知识的传承有很大影响。  相似文献   


The Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (HNB, 1648) is the most complete treatise on Brazilian flora and fauna created in the seventeenth century. Scientists Marcgrave and Piso depicted hundreds of plants and described uses, vernacular names, and diseases in Dutch Brazil. We aimed to verify whether these plants are still used similarly, using herbarium vouchers and taxonomic literature to identify the species described in the HNB and reviewing historical and modern ethnobotanical literature to analyze whether the HNB documented specific plants and uses for the northeast region. We highlighted Old World species, as they indicate plant introduction before and during the trans-Atlantic slave trade and exchange of African ethnobotanical knowledge. Of the 378 species found in the HNB, 256 (68%) were useful, mostly used for healing and food in a similar way (80%) both in the seventeenth century and in modern Brazil. Only one species (Swartzia pickelii) is endemic to northeast Brazil, while the others are more widely distributed. The HNB includes one of the first reports on African crops in Brazil, such as sesame, okra, and spider plant. This study brings insights on indigenous and African plant knowledge retentions since the creation of the HNB and acknowledges its non-European contributors.


This paper examines the traditional use of medicinal plants in Northern Peru, with special focus on the Departments of Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Cajamarca, and San Martin. Northern Peru represents the center of the old Central Andean "Health Axis," stretching from Ecuador to Bolivia. The roots of traditional healing practices in this region go at least as far back as the Moche period (AC 100–800). Although about 50% of the plants in use reported in the colonial period have disappeared from the popular pharmacopoeia, the plant knowledge of the population is much more extensive than in other parts of the Andean region. 510 plant species used for medicinal purposes were collected, identified and their vernacular names, traditional uses and applications recorded. The families best represented were Asteraceae with 69 species, Fabaceae (35), Lamiaceae (25), and Solanaceae (21). Euphorbiaceae had twelve species, and Apiaceae and Poaceae 11 species. The highest number of species was used for the treatment of "magical/ritual" ailments (207 species), followed by respiratory disorders (95), problems of the urinary tract (85), infections of female organs (66), liver ailments (61), inflammations (59), stomach problems (51) and rheumatism (45). Most of the plants used (83%) were native to Peru. Fresh plants, often collected wild, were used in two thirds of all cases, and the most common applications included the ingestion of herb decoctions or the application of plant material as poultices.  相似文献   

为探讨澳门路环黑沙水库植物群落与物候特征,采用群落生态学的方法,研究了黑沙水库植物群落种类组成、空间结构、多样性及重点植物物候期。结果表明,在1200 m2样地中有维管植物88种,隶属于47科80属。乔灌层无明显优势树种,草本层中淡竹叶(Lophatherum gracile)具有较显著优势,各层植物分布均匀程度差异小。群落外貌终年常绿,大部分种类各物候期存在重叠现象,萌芽展叶期持续时间长,开花期集中在5-6月,果熟期10-12月最盛。根据乡土植物群落和物候特征,筛选并推荐在澳门及邻近区域可开发的景观植物,为构建生态价值高的植被景观或植被恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

在野外调查及查阅相关资料的基础上,对广东从化陈禾洞省级自然保护区植物区系进行研究。结果表明:(1)该区植物资源丰富,共有野生维管植物193科627属1139种(包括种下等级)。其中,蕨类植物36科66属119种,裸子植物7科8属9种,被子植物150科528属1011种(双子叶植物130科417属838种,单子叶植物20科111属173种)。(2)该区种子植物科、属优势现象明显,以菊科Asteraceae、禾本科Poaceae及茜草科Rubiaceae为主。在科属的组成上较为分散,主要以少寡种的科、属为主,分别占67.88%、91.7%。(3)该区蕨类植物在属的组成上也较为分散,以5个种以下的属为主,占比为93.94%。(4)该区植物区系成分复杂,在科级水平上,种子植物有8个分布区类型及5个变型,热带分布类型成分有80个科,占总科数的50.96%,而蕨类植物有5个分布区类型,热带成分的科有23个,占蕨类总科数的63.89%;在属级水平上,种子植物有13个分布区类型及16个变型,热带成分有365属,占总属数的68.10%,而蕨类植物有7个类型及1个变型,热带分布类型成分有40属,占蕨类植物总属数的60.61%。  相似文献   

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