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Hoxa4 expression in developing mouse hair follicles and skin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the expression of the Hoxa4 gene in embryonic vibrissae and developing and cycling postnatal pelage hair follicles by digoxigenin-based in situ hybridization. Hoxa4 expression is first seen in E13.5 vibrissae throughout the follicle placode. From E15.5 to E18.5 its expression is restricted to Henle's layer of the inner root sheath. Postnatally, Hoxa4 expression is observed at all stages of developing pelage follicles, from P0 to P4. Sites of expression include both inner and outer root sheaths, matrix cells, and the interfollicular epidermis. Hoxa4 is not expressed in hair follicles after P4. Hoxb4, however, is expressed both in developing follicles at P2 and in catagen at P19, suggesting differential expression of these two paralogous genes in the hair follicle cycle.  相似文献   

The fur of common rabbits is constituted of 3 types of hair differing in length and diameter while that of rex animals is essentially made up of amazingly soft down-hair. Rex short hair coat phenotypes in rabbits were shown to be controlled by three distinct loci. We focused on the "r1" mutation which segregates at a simple autosomal-recessive locus in our rabbit strains. A positional candidate gene approach was used to identify the rex gene and the corresponding mutation. The gene was primo-localized within a 40 cM region on rabbit chromosome 14 by genome scanning families of 187 rabbits in an experimental mating scheme. Then, fine mapping refined the region to 0.5 cM (Z = 78) by genotyping an additional 359 offspring for 94 microsatellites present or newly generated within the first defined interval. Comparative mapping pointed out a candidate gene in this 700 kb region, namely LIPH (Lipase Member H). In humans, several mutations in this major gene cause alopecia, hair loss phenotypes. The rabbit gene structure was established and a deletion of a single nucleotide was found in LIPH exon 9 of rex rabbits (1362delA). This mutation results in a frameshift and introduces a premature stop codon potentially shortening the protein by 19 amino acids. The association between this deletion and the rex phenotype was complete, as determined by its presence in our rabbit families and among a panel of 60 rex and its absence in all 60 non-rex rabbits. This strongly suggests that this deletion, in a homozygous state, is responsible for the rex phenotype in rabbits.  相似文献   

Involucrin is a structural component of the keratinocyte cornified envelope that is expressed early in the keratinocyte differentiation process. It is a component of the initial envelope scaffolding and considered as a marker for keratinocyte terminal differentiation. The expression pattern of involucrin in human scalp skin and hair follicle cycle stages is not fully explored. This study addresses this issue and tests the hypothesis that "the expression of involucrin undergoes hair follicle cycle-dependent changes". A total of 50 normal human scalp skin biopsies were examined (healthy females, 51-62?years) using immunofluorescence staining methods and real-time PCR analysis. In each case, 50 hair follicles were analyzed (35, 10 and 5 follicles in anagen, catagen and telogen, respectively). Involucrin was prominently expressed in the human scalp skin and hair follicles, on both gene and protein levels. The protein expression showed hair follicle cycle-associated changes i.e. a very strong expression during early and mature anagen, intermediate to strong expression during catagen and prominent decline in the telogen phase. The expression value of involucrin in both anagen and catagen was statistically significantly higher than that of telogen hair follicles (p?相似文献   

In order to test the immune response generated to small amounts of foreign protein in skin, we applied naked DNA in aqueous solution to untreated normal skin. Topical application of plasmid expression vectors for lacZ and the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to intact skin induced antigen-specific immune responses that displayed TH2 features. For HBsAg, specific antibody and cellular responses were induced to the same order of magnitude as those produced by intramuscular injection of the commercially available recombinant HBsAg polypeptide vaccine. Finally, topical gene transfer was dependent on the presence of normal hair follicles.  相似文献   

Alcian Blue staining in MgCl-2 of various concentrations revealed that the basement membrane of dog hair follicles contains a large amount of glycosaminoglycan that increases with age, varies with breed, and is significantly greater than that of dermal collagen. This material is highly sulphated and of low molecular weight. Glycoprotein is also present in significantly greater amount than in dermal collagen. Active hair matrix contains clycosaminoglycan in similar amounts to epidermis but the glycoprotein content is much greater and staining is abolished in the keratinized cortex.  相似文献   

Transformation of amnion epithelium into skin and hair follicles   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
There is increasing interest into the extent to which epithelial differentiation can be altered by mesenchymal influence, and the molecular basis for these changes. In this study, we investigated whether amnion epithelium could be transformed into skin and hair follicles by associating E12.5 to E14.5 mouse amnion from the ROSA 26 strain, with mouse embryonic hair-forming dermis from a wild-type strain. These associations were able to produce fully formed hair follicles with associated sebaceous glands, and skin epidermis. Using beta-galactosidase staining we were able to demonstrate that the follicular epithelium and skin epidermis, but not the associated dermal cells, originated from the amnion. As Noggin and Sonic hedgehog (Shh) were recently shown to be required for early chick ventral skin formation, and able to trigger skin and feather formation from chick amnion, we associated cells engineered to produce those two factors with mouse amnion. In a few cases, we obtained hair buds connected to a pluristratified epithelium; however, the transformation of the amnion was impeded by uncontrolled fibroblastic proliferation. In contrast to an earlier report, none of our control amnion specimens autonomously transformed into skin and hair follicles, indicating that specific influences are necessary to elicit follicle formation from the mouse amnion. The ability to turn amnion into skin and its appendages has practical potential for the tissue engineering of replacement skin, and related biotechnological approaches.  相似文献   

Most mammals are coated with pigmented hair. Melanocytes in each hair follicle produce melanin pigments for the hair during each hair cycle. The key to understanding the mechanism of cyclic melanin production is the melanocyte stem cell (MelSC) population, previously known as 'amelanotic melanocytes'. The MelSCs directly adhere to hair follicle stem cells, the niche cells for MelSCs and reside in the hair follicle bulge-subbulge area, the lower permanent portion of the hair follicle, to serve as a melanocyte reservoir for skin and hair pigmentation. MelSCs form a stem cell system within individual hair follicles and provide a 'hair pigmentary unit' for each cycle of hair pigmentation. This review focuses on the identification of MelSCs and their characteristics and explains the importance of the MelSC population in the mechanisms of hair pigmentation, hair greying, and skin repigmentation.  相似文献   

Ziehl-Neelsen's carbol-fuchsin stain differentiates between the keratin of the medulla and the keratin of the cortex of hair shafts in sections of skin biopsies. Deparaffinized, hydrated sections of Bouin-fixed or formalin-fixed skin of sheep and goats are stained 20-21 hr at about 25° C in carbol-fuchsin. They are rinsed and decolorized in acid alcohol, washed and then counterstained in Harris' haematoxylin. If no additional counterstain is used, the medullary keratin will appear colorless against a dark red acid-fast cortex. In case orange G, as a saturated solution in 95% ethyl alcohol, is applied after the haematoxylin, the medulla will be orange against the red cortex.  相似文献   

We examine the Hoxc12 RNA expression pattern during both hair follicle morphogenesis and cycling in direct comparison to its only upstream neighbor, Hoxc13. Expression of both genes is restricted to the epidermal part of the follicle excluding the outer root sheath and interfollicular epidermis in a distinct stage-dependent and cyclical manner. During the progressive growth phase (anagen) of developing and cycling follicles, the distinct proximo-distal expression domain of Hoxc12 overlaps only proximally, at the upper-most region of the bulb, with the more proximally restricted Hoxc13 domain. This arrangement of the expression domains of the two genes along the proximal-toward-distal axis of increasing follicular differentiation correlates with the sequential expression of first Hoxc13 and then Hoxc12. This indicates a reversal of the typical temporal colinearity of Hox gene activation otherwise observed along the anterior-posterior morphogenetic axis of the embryo (review: Cell 78 (1994) 191).  相似文献   

Transthyretin is a serum and cerebrospinal fluid protein synthesized early in development by the liver, choroid plexus and several other tissues. It is a carrier protein for the antioxidant vitamins, retinol, and thyroid hormones. Transthyretin helps internalize thyroxine and retinol-binding protein into cells by binding to megalin, which is a multi-ligand receptor expressed on the luminal surface of various epithelia. We investigated the expression of transthyretin and its receptor megalin in the human skin; however, their expression pattern in the hair follicle is still to be elucidated. This study addresses this issue and tests the hypothesis that “the expression of transthyretin and megalin undergoes hair follicle cycle-dependent changes.” A total of 50 normal human scalp skin biopsies were examined (healthy females, 53–62 years) using immunofluorescence staining methods and real-time PCR. In each case, 50 hair follicles were analyzed (35, 10, and 5 follicles in anagen, catagen, and telogen, respectively). Transthyretin and megalin were prominently expressed in the human scalp skin and hair follicles, on both gene and protein levels. The concentrations of transthyretin and megalin were 0.12 and 0.03 Ul/ml, respectively, as indicated by PCR. The expression showed hair follicle cycle-associated changes i.e., strong expression during early and mature anagen, very weak expression during catagen and moderate expression during telogen. The expression values of these proteins in the anagen were statistically significantly higher than those of either catagen or telogen hair follicles (P ≤ 0.001). This study provides the first morphologic indication that transthyretin and megalin are variably expressed in the human scalp skin and hair follicles. It also reports variations in the expression of these proteins during hair follicle cycling. The clinical ramifications of these findings are open for further investigations.  相似文献   

Hair differentiation and growth are controlled by complex reciprocal signaling between epithelial and mesenchymal cells. To better understand the requirement and molecular mechanism of BMP signaling in hair follicle development, we performed genetic analyses of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A (BMPR-IA) function during hair follicle development by using a conditional knockout approach. The conditional mutation of Bmpr1a in ventral limb ectoderm and its derivatives (epidermis and hair follicles) resulted in a lack of hair outgrowth from the affected skin regions. Mutant hair follicles exhibited abnormal morphology and lacked hair formation and pigment deposition during anagen. The timing of the hair cycle and the proliferation of hair matrix cells were also affected in the mutant follicles. We demonstrate that signaling via epithelial BMPR-IA is required for differentiation of both hair shaft and inner root sheath from hair matrix precursor cells in anagen hair follicles but is dispensable for embryonic hair follicle induction. Surprisingly, aberrant de novo hair follicle morphogenesis together with hair matrix cell hyperplasia was observed in the absence of BMPR-IA signaling within the affected skin of adult mutants. They developed hair follicle tumors from 3 months of age, indicating that inactivation of epidermal BMPR-IA signaling can lead to hair tumor formation. Taken together, our data provide genetic evidence that BMPR-IA signaling plays critical and multiple roles in controlling cell fate decisions or maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation during hair morphogenesis and growth, and implicate Bmpr1a as a tumor suppressor in skin tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

A small molecular weight (5 000-10 000) substance has been isolated from rat skin by affinity chromatography on a column of acid-hydrolysed Sepharose. The substance agglutinates rabbit red blood cells, inhibits DNA synthesis in rat hair follicles, and causes the appearance of autophagic vacuoles in the epithelial cells of the lower follicle bulb.  相似文献   

Many vertebrate tissues, including skin, are known to develop as a consequence of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Much less is known about the role of cell-cell interaction within the epithelial or the mesenchymal compartments in morphogenesis. To investigate cell-cell interactions during skin development, and the potential role of the Notch homolog in this process, we cloned the mouse homolog of Notch (mNotch) and studied its expression pattern, starting as early as mesoderm formation. The novel application of double-labeled in situ hybridization in vertebrates allowed high resolution analysis to follow the fate of mNotch expressing cells directly. In comparison with the distribution of Id mRNA, analysis confirmed that in the hair follicle high levels of mNotch are expressed exclusively in the epithelial compartment. Hair follicle matrix cells start expressing mNotch as different cell types become distinguishable in the developing follicle. mNotch mRNA expression persists throughout the growth phase of the follicle and maintains the same expression profile in the second hair cycle. The cells in the follicle that undergo a phase of high level mNotch expression are in transition from mitotic precursors to several discreet, differentiating cell types. Our observations point out that both in time (during development) and in space (by being removed one cell layer from the dermal papilla) mNotch expression is clearly separated from the inductive interactions. This is a novel finding and suggests that mNotch is important for follicular differentiation and possibly cell fate selection within the follicle.  相似文献   

目的观察出生后小鼠不同部位皮肤毛囊早期发育生长差异及细胞色素C的表达分布。方法对新生1~9日龄的KM小鼠背部、尾部和触须部皮肤取材,进行HE染色,用二步法免疫组织化学对组织进行细胞色素C进行表达分布检测。结果新生小鼠不同部位皮肤毛囊发育差异很大,这种差异不仅体现在形态差异上,而发育时间的差异也十分明显。小鼠出生后背部皮肤和尾部皮肤的毛囊发育都经过了一个非线性的发育和生长期,过了非线性的发育和生长期才开始快速生长,相比较尾部发育略迟于背部。触须部毛囊发育特征和背部尾部差异很大,一出生便可看到较成熟的触毛,没有经过稳定期便开始发育。结论通过形态学比较,结合CytC表达分布水平,发现新生小鼠不同部位皮肤毛囊早期发育存在形态和时间上的差异。  相似文献   

Using an ultrastructural postembedding immunogold technique, we demonstrated vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in the Merkel cell dense-cored granules of skin and sinus hair follicles of adult cat and dog. The VIP-like substance was located in cat Merkel cells while both VIP- and CGRP-like substances were colocalised in dog Merkel cells. In cat Merkel cells, the magnitude of labelling of VIP was qualitatively higher than in dog Merkel cells. In the dog Merkel cell, CGRP appeared as the most abundant peptide. Dense-cored granules were labelled for these peptides. In addition, mast cells encountered in the dermal region of dog skin were also found to be immunolabelled by VIP antiserum. The immunoreaction was found to be confined to the secretory granules of the cells. Furthermore, all non-myelinated nerve plexuses encountered in the dermal region of the skin and the sinus hair follicles of the various mammalian species studied were immunolabelled by CGRP antiserum. The specific location was again restricted to the dense-cored granules present in these nerves. As VIP and CGRP have potent vasodilatory effects, our observations suggest that Merkel cells may play a separate or synergistic role in regulatory functions of the skin neuroendocrine cell, exerting their influence by paracrine, endocrine and neurocrine pathways, or a combination of these. Different methodologies of double labelling with different sizes of gold particles are also discussed.  相似文献   

Osteopontin expression in normal skin and non-melanoma skin tumors.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Osteopontin (OPN) is an adhesive, matricellular glycoprotein, whose expression is elevated in many types of cancer and has been shown to facilitate tumorigenesis in vivo. To understand the role of OPN in human skin cancer, this study is designed to determine whether OPN is expressed in premalignant [solar/actinic keratosis (AK)] and in malignant skin lesions such as squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and basal cell carcinomas (BCC), as well as in normal skin exposed or not exposed to sunlight. Immunohistochemical analyses showed that OPN is expressed in SCC (20/20 cases) and in AK (16/16 cases), which are precursors to SCC, but is absent or minimally expressed in solid BCC (17 cases). However, positive staining for OPN was observed in those BCC that manifest differentiation toward epidermal appendages such as keratotic BCC. In sunlight-exposed normal skin, OPN is minimally expressed in the basal cell layer, but in contrast to those not exposed to sunlight, OPN is more prominent in the spinous cell layer with increasing intensity toward the granular cell layer. Additionally, OPN is expressed in the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands of normal skin. In conclusion, these data suggest that OPN is associated with keratinocyte differentiation and that it is expressed in AK and SCC, which have metastatic potential, but minimally expressed in solid BCC.  相似文献   

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