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Spatiotemporal pattern formation in neuronal networks depends on the interplay between cellular and network synchronization properties. The neuronal phase response curve (PRC) is an experimentally obtainable measure that characterizes the cellular response to small perturbations, and can serve as an indicator of cellular propensity for synchronization. Two broad classes of PRCs have been identified for neurons: Type I, in which small excitatory perturbations induce only advances in firing, and Type II, in which small excitatory perturbations can induce both advances and delays in firing. Interestingly, neuronal PRCs are usually attenuated with increased spiking frequency, and Type II PRCs typically exhibit a greater attenuation of the phase delay region than of the phase advance region. We found that this phenomenon arises from an interplay between the time constants of active ionic currents and the interspike interval. As a result, excitatory networks consisting of neurons with Type I PRCs responded very differently to frequency modulation compared to excitatory networks composed of neurons with Type II PRCs. Specifically, increased frequency induced a sharp decrease in synchrony of networks of Type II neurons, while frequency increases only minimally affected synchrony in networks of Type I neurons. These results are demonstrated in networks in which both types of neurons were modeled generically with the Morris-Lecar model, as well as in networks consisting of Hodgkin-Huxley-based model cortical pyramidal cells in which simulated effects of acetylcholine changed PRC type. These results are robust to different network structures, synaptic strengths and modes of driving neuronal activity, and they indicate that Type I and Type II excitatory networks may display two distinct modes of processing information.  相似文献   

The ability of spiking neurons to synchronize their activity in a network depends on the response behavior of these neurons as quantified by the phase response curve (PRC) and on coupling properties. The PRC characterizes the effects of transient inputs on spike timing and can be measured experimentally. Here we use the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (aEIF) neuron model to determine how subthreshold and spike-triggered slow adaptation currents shape the PRC. Based on that, we predict how synchrony and phase locked states of coupled neurons change in presence of synaptic delays and unequal coupling strengths. We find that increased subthreshold adaptation currents cause a transition of the PRC from only phase advances to phase advances and delays in response to excitatory perturbations. Increased spike-triggered adaptation currents on the other hand predominantly skew the PRC to the right. Both adaptation induced changes of the PRC are modulated by spike frequency, being more prominent at lower frequencies. Applying phase reduction theory, we show that subthreshold adaptation stabilizes synchrony for pairs of coupled excitatory neurons, while spike-triggered adaptation causes locking with a small phase difference, as long as synaptic heterogeneities are negligible. For inhibitory pairs synchrony is stable and robust against conduction delays, and adaptation can mediate bistability of in-phase and anti-phase locking. We further demonstrate that stable synchrony and bistable in/anti-phase locking of pairs carry over to synchronization and clustering of larger networks. The effects of adaptation in aEIF neurons on PRCs and network dynamics qualitatively reflect those of biophysical adaptation currents in detailed Hodgkin-Huxley-based neurons, which underscores the utility of the aEIF model for investigating the dynamical behavior of networks. Our results suggest neuronal spike frequency adaptation as a mechanism synchronizing low frequency oscillations in local excitatory networks, but indicate that inhibition rather than excitation generates coherent rhythms at higher frequencies.  相似文献   

Gamma oscillations can synchronize with near zero phase lag over multiple cortical regions and between hemispheres, and between two distal sites in hippocampal slices. How synchronization can take place over long distances in a stable manner is considered an open question. The phase resetting curve (PRC) keeps track of how much an input advances or delays the next spike, depending upon where in the cycle it is received. We use PRCs under the assumption of pulsatile coupling to derive existence and stability criteria for 1:1 phase-locking that arises via bidirectional pulse coupling of two limit cycle oscillators with a conduction delay of any duration for any 1:1 firing pattern. The coupling can be strong as long as the effect of one input dissipates before the next input is received. We show the form that the generic synchronous and anti-phase solutions take in a system of two identical, identically pulse-coupled oscillators with identical delays. The stability criterion has a simple form that depends only on the slopes of the PRCs at the phases at which inputs are received and on the number of cycles required to complete the delayed feedback loop. The number of cycles required to complete the delayed feedback loop depends upon both the value of the delay and the firing pattern. We successfully tested the predictions of our methods on networks of model neurons. The criteria can easily be extended to include the effect of an input on the cycle after the one in which it is received.  相似文献   

Rhythmic, synchronous firing of groups of neurons is associated with behaviorally relevant states, and it is thus of interest to understand the mechanisms by which synchronization may be achieved. In hippocampal slice preparations, networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons have been seen to synchronize when strong stimulation is applied at separated sites between which any coupling must be subject to a significant axonal delay. We extend previous work on synchronization in a model system based on the network architecture of these hippocampal slices. Our new analysis addresses the effects of heterogeneous populations and noisy inputs on the stability of synchronous solutions in the system. We find that, with experimentally motivated constraints on the coupling strength, sufficiently large heterogeneity in the input currents renders synchrony unstable. The addition of noise, however, restores stable near-synchrony. We analytically reduce the high-dimensional biophysical equations for the full population to a simple three-dimensional map, and show that the map's stability properties correctly predict both the loss of stability and the restabilizing effect of the noise.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Chen G  Perc M 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e15851
This paper investigates the dependence of synchronization transitions of bursting oscillations on the information transmission delay over scale-free neuronal networks with attractive and repulsive coupling. It is shown that for both types of coupling, the delay always plays a subtle role in either promoting or impairing synchronization. In particular, depending on the inherent oscillation period of individual neurons, regions of irregular and regular propagating excitatory fronts appear intermittently as the delay increases. These delay-induced synchronization transitions are manifested as well-expressed minima in the measure for spatiotemporal synchrony. For attractive coupling, the minima appear at every integer multiple of the average oscillation period, while for the repulsive coupling, they appear at every odd multiple of the half of the average oscillation period. The obtained results are robust to the variations of the dynamics of individual neurons, the system size, and the neuronal firing type. Hence, they can be used to characterize attractively or repulsively coupled scale-free neuronal networks with delays.  相似文献   

A phase resetting curve (PRC) keeps track of the extent to which a perturbation at a given phase advances or delays the next spike, and can be used to predict phase locking in networks of oscillators. The PRC can be estimated by convolving the waveform of the perturbation with the infinitesimal PRC (iPRC) under the assumption of weak coupling. The iPRC is often defined with respect to an infinitesimal current as zi(ϕ), where ϕ is phase, but can also be defined with respect to an infinitesimal conductance change as zg(ϕ). In this paper, we first show that the two approaches are equivalent. Coupling waveforms corresponding to synapses with different time courses sample zg(ϕ) in predictably different ways. We show that for oscillators with Type I excitability, an anomalous region in zg(ϕ) with opposite sign to that seen otherwise is often observed during an action potential. If the duration of the synaptic perturbation is such that it effectively samples this region, PRCs with both advances and delays can be observed despite Type I excitability. We also show that changing the duration of a perturbation so that it preferentially samples regions of stable or unstable slopes in zg(ϕ) can stabilize or destabilize synchrony in a network with the corresponding dynamics.  相似文献   

Limit cycle oscillators that are coupled in a pulsatile manner are referred to as pulse coupled oscillators. In these oscillators, the interactions take the form of brief pulses such that the effect of one input dies out before the next is received. A phase resetting curve (PRC) keeps track of how much an input advances or delays the next spike in an oscillatory neuron depending upon where in the cycle the input is applied. PRCs can be used to predict phase locking in networks of pulse coupled oscillators. In some studies of pulse coupled oscillators, a specific form is assumed for the interactions between oscillators, but a more general approach is to formulate the problem assuming a PRC that is generated using a perturbation that approximates the input received in the real biological network. In general, this approach requires that circuit architecture and a specific firing pattern be assumed. This allows the construction of discrete maps from one event to the next. The fixed points of these maps correspond to periodic firing modes and are easier to locate and analyze for stability compared to locating and analyzing periodic modes in the original network directly. Alternatively, maps based on the PRC have been constructed that do not presuppose a firing order. Specific circuits that have been analyzed under the assumption of pulsatile coupling include one to one lockings in a periodically forced oscillator or an oscillator forced at a fixed delay after a threshold event, two bidirectionally coupled oscillators with and without delays, a unidirectional N-ring of oscillators, and N all-to-all networks.  相似文献   

Excitatory coupling with a slow rise time destabilizes synchrony between coupled neurons. Thus, the fully synchronous state is usually unstable in networks of excitatory neurons. Phase-clustered states, in which neurons are divided into multiple synchronized clusters, have also been found unstable in numerical studies of excitatory networks in the presence of noise. The question arises as to whether synchrony is possible in networks of neurons coupled through slow, excitatory synapses. In this paper, we show that robust, synchronous clustered states can occur in such networks. The effects of non-uniform distributions of coupling strengths are explored. Conditions for the existence and stability of clustered states are derived analytically. The analysis shows that a multi-cluster state can be stable in excitatory networks if the overall interactions between neurons in different clusters are stabilizing and strong enough to counter-act the destabilizing interactions between neurons within each cluster. When heterogeneity in the coupling strengths strengthens the stabilizing inter-cluster interactions and/or weakens the destabilizing in-cluster interactions, robust clustered states can occur in excitatory networks of all known model neurons. Numerical simulations were carried out to support the analytical results.  相似文献   

Our goal is to understand how nearly synchronous modes arise in heterogenous networks of neurons. In heterogenous networks, instead of exact synchrony, nearly synchronous modes arise, which include both 1:1 and 2:2 phase-locked modes. Existence and stability criteria for 2:2 phase-locked modes in reciprocally coupled two neuron circuits were derived based on the open loop phase resetting curve (PRC) without the assumption of weak coupling. The PRC for each component neuron was generated using the change in synaptic conductance produced by a presynaptic action potential as the perturbation. Separate derivations were required for modes in which the firing order is preserved and for those in which it alternates. Networks composed of two model neurons coupled by reciprocal inhibition were examined to test the predictions. The parameter regimes in which both types of nearly synchronous modes are exhibited were accurately predicted both qualitatively and quantitatively provided that the synaptic time constant is short with respect to the period and that the effect of second order resetting is considered. In contrast, PRC methods based on weak coupling could not predict 2:2 modes and did not predict the 1:1 modes with the level of accuracy achieved by the strong coupling methods. The strong coupling prediction methods provide insight into what manipulations promote near-synchrony in a two neuron network and may also have predictive value for larger networks, which can also manifest changes in firing order. We also identify a novel route by which synchrony is lost in mildly heterogenous networks.  相似文献   

Oscillations of large populations of neurons are thought to be important in the normal functioning of the brain. We have used phase response curve (PRC) methods to characterize the dynamics of single neurons and predict population dynamics. Our past experimental work was limited to special circumstances (e.g., 2-cell networks of periodically firing neurons). Here, we explore the feasibility of extending our methods to predict the synchronization properties of stellate cells (SCs) in the rat entorhinal cortex under broader conditions. In particular, we test the hypothesis that PRCs in SCs scale linearly with changes in synaptic amplitude, and measure how well responses to Poisson process-driven inputs can be predicted in terms of PRCs. Although we see nonlinear responses to excitatory and inhibitory inputs, we find that models based on weak coupling account for scaling and Poisson process-driven inputs reasonably accurately.  相似文献   

Phase resetting curves (PRCs) provide a measure of the sensitivity of oscillators to perturbations. In a noisy environment, these curves are themselves very noisy. Using perturbation theory, we compute the mean and the variance for PRCs for arbitrary limit cycle oscillators when the noise is small. Phase resetting curves and phase dependent variance are fit to experimental data and the variance is computed using an ad-hoc method. The theoretical curves of this phase dependent method match both simulations and experimental data significantly better than an ad-hoc method. A dual cell network simulation is compared to predictions using the analytical phase dependent variance estimation presented in this paper. We also discuss how entrainment of a neuron to a periodic pulse depends on the noise amplitude.  相似文献   

In circadian rhythms, the shape of the phase response curves (PRCs) depends on the strength of the resetting stimulus. Weak stimuli produce Type 1 PRCs with small phase shifts and a continuous transition between phase delays and advances, whereas strong stimuli produce Type 0 PRCs with large phase shifts and a distinct break point at the transition between delays and advances. A stimulus of an intermediate strength applied close to the break point in a Type 0 PRC sometimes produces arrhythmicity. A PRC for the circannual rhythm was obtained in pupation of the varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, by superimposing a 4-week long-day pulse (a series of long days for 4 weeks) over constant short days. The shape of this PRC closely resembles that of the Type 0 PRC. The present study shows that the PRC to 2-week long-day pulses was Type 1, and that a 4-week long-day pulse administered close to the PRC’s break point induced arrhythmicity in pupation. It is, therefore, suggested that circadian and circannual oscillators share the same mode in phase resetting to the stimuli.  相似文献   

Injection of a brief stimulus pulse resets the spontaneous periodic activity of a sinoatrial node cell: a stimulus delivered early in the cycle generally delays the time of occurrence of the next action potential, while the same stimulus delivered later causes an advance. We investigate resetting in two models, one with a slow upstroke velocity and the other with a fast upstroke velocity, representing central and peripheral nodal cells, respectively. We first formulate each of these models as a classic Hodgkin-Huxley type of model and then as a model representing a population of single channels. In the Hodgkin-Huxley-type model of the slow-upstroke cell the transition from delay to advance is steep but continuous. In the corresponding single-channel model, due to the channel noise then present, repeated resetting runs at a fixed stimulus timing within the transitional range of coupling intervals lead to responses that span a range of advances and delays. In contrast, in the fast-upstroke model the transition from advance to delay is very abrupt in both classes of model, as it is in experiments on some cardiac preparations ("all-or-none" depolarization). We reduce the fast-upstroke model from the original seven-dimensional system to a three-dimensional system. The abrupt transition occurs in this reduced model when a stimulus transports the state point to one side or the other of the stable manifold of the trajectory corresponding to the eigendirection associated with the smaller of two positive eigenvalues. This stable manifold is close to the slow manifold, and so canard trajectories are seen. Our results demonstrate that the resetting response is fundamentally continuous, but extremely delicate, and thus suggest one way in which one can account for experimental discontinuities in the resetting response of a nonlinear oscillator.  相似文献   

Kim D 《Bio Systems》2004,76(1-3):7-20
Certain species of fireflies show a group behavior of synchronous flashing. Their synchronized and rhythmic flashing has received much attention among many researchers, and there has been a study of biological models for their entrainment of flashing. The synchronous behavior of fireflies resembles the firing synchrony of integrate-and-fire neurons with excitatory or inhibitory connections. This paper shows an analysis of spiking neurons specialized for a firefly flashing model, and provides simulation results of multiple neurons with various transmission delays and coupling strengths. It also explains flashing patterns of some firefly species and examines the synchrony conditions depending on transmission delays and coupling strengths.  相似文献   

We investigate the detectability of weak electric field in a noisy neural network based on Izhikevich neuron model systematically. The neural network is composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons with similar ratio as that in the mammalian neocortex, and the axonal conduction delays between neurons are also considered. It is found that the noise intensity can modulate the detectability of weak electric field. Stochastic resonance (SR) phenomenon induced by white noise is observed when the weak electric field is added to the network. It is interesting that SR almost disappeared when the connections between neurons are cancelled, suggesting the amplification effects of the neural coupling on the synchronization of neuronal spiking. Furthermore, the network parameters, such as the connection probability, the synaptic coupling strength, the scale of neuron population and the neuron heterogeneity, can also affect the detectability of the weak electric field. Finally, the model sensitivity is studied in detail, and results show that the neural network model has an optimal region for the detectability of weak electric field signal.  相似文献   

Little is known about the neural mechanisms that control the phenomenon of rostro-caudal delay. In Xenopus embryos there is a constant rostro-caudal delay of 2-5 ms mm-1 during fictive swimming. Rostro-caudal delay is not significantly correlated with cycle period. When NMDA is applied to the caudal spinal cord there is a decrease and in some cases a reversal in rostro-caudal delay. Conversely applying excitatory antagonists to the caudal spinal cord leads to an increase in delay. When caudal mid-cycle inhibition is reduced either pharmacologically using strychnine or surgically through hemisection of the spinal cord, there is an increase in rostro-caudal delay. Rostro-caudal delays are too small to be explainable on the basis of axonal conduction velocities and synaptic delays. This suggests that the central pattern generator of Xenopus behaves as a series of coupled oscillators and that the nature of the coupling, together with a longitudinal gradient in excitability associated with the oscillators, contributes to the observed rostro-caudal delay.  相似文献   

Synchronous oscillations in neural activity are found over wide areas of the cortex. Specific populations of interneurons are believed to play a significant role in generating these synchronized oscillations through mutual synaptic and gap-junctional interactions. Little is known, though, about the mechanism of how oscillations are maintained stably by particular types of interneurons and by their local networks. To obtain more insight into this, we measured membrane-potential responses to small current-pulse perturbations during regular firing, to construct phase resetting curves (PRCs) for three types of interneurons: nonpyramidal regular-spiking (NPRS), low-threshold spiking (LTS), and fast-spiking (FS) cells. Within each cell type, both monophasic and biphasic PRCs were observed, but the proportions and sensitivities to perturbation amplitude were clearly correlated to cell type. We then analyzed the experimentally measured PRCs to predict oscillation stability, or firing reliability, of cells for a complex stochastic input, as occurs in vivo. To do this, we used a method from random dynamical system theory to estimate Lyapunov exponents of the simplified phase model on the circle. The results indicated that LTS and NPRS cells have greater oscillatory stability (are more reliably entrained) in small noisy inputs than FS cells, which is consistent with their distinct types of threshold dynamics.  相似文献   

We developed a systematic and consistent mathematical approach to predicting 1:1 phase-locked modes in ring neural networks of spiking neurons based on the open loop spike time resetting curve (STRC) and its almost equivalent counterpart—the phase resetting curve (PRC). The open loop STRCs/PRCs were obtained by injecting into an isolated model neuron a triangular shaped time-dependent stimulus current closely resembling an actual synaptic input. Among other advantages, the STRC eliminates the confusion regarding the undefined phase for stimuli driving the neuron outside of the unperturbed limit cycle. We derived both open loop PRC and STRC-based existence and stability criteria for 1:1 phase-locked modes developed in ring networks of spiking neurons. Our predictions were in good agreement with the closed loop numerical simulations. Intuitive graphical methods for predicting phase-locked modes were also developed both for half-centers and for larger ring networks.  相似文献   

Using two-cell and 50-cell networks of square-wave bursters, we studied how excitatory coupling of individual neurons affects the bursting output of the network. Our results show that the effects of synaptic excitation vs. electrical coupling are distinct. Increasing excitatory synaptic coupling generally increases burst duration. Electrical coupling also increases burst duration for low to moderate values, but at sufficiently strong values promotes a switch to highly synchronous bursts where further increases in electrical or synaptic coupling have a minimal effect on burst duration. These effects are largely mediated by spike synchrony, which is determined by the stability of the in-phase spiking solution during the burst. Even when both coupling mechanisms are strong, one form (in-phase or anti-phase) of spike synchrony will determine the burst dynamics, resulting in a sharp boundary in the space of the coupling parameters. This boundary exists in both two cell and network simulations. We use these results to interpret the effects of gap-junction blockers on the neuronal circuitry that underlies respiration.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the well-posedness of different models of population of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with a population density approach. The synaptic interaction between neurons is modeled by a potential jump at the reception of a spike. We study populations that are self excitatory or self inhibitory. We distinguish the cases where this interaction is instantaneous from the one where there is a repartition of conduction delays. In the case of a bounded density of delays both excitatory and inhibitory population models are shown to be well-posed. But without conduction delay the solution of the model of self excitatory neurons may blow up. We analyze the different behaviours of the model with jumps compared to its diffusion approximation.  相似文献   

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