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Z Kang  F Peng  T Ling 《Gene》2012,497(2):298-300
Since vascular risk factors commonly act for susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) by declining cognitive abilities, we conducted a genetic association study to identify their common underlying genetic factors. We selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which had been previously discovered for association with AD, and case and control associations of VaD were examined with the individual SNPs using 207 patients with VaD and 207 sex- and age-matched control subjects. As a result, no significant associations of susceptibility to VaD with 13 selected SNPs were observed even without employing a multiple test (P>0.05). This study suggests that genetics of VaD might be quite different from that of AD, and cautions should be taken especially when inferences about genetic factors are made with patients with mixed dementia.  相似文献   

Multiple osteochondromas (MO), a dominantly inherited genetic disorder, is characterized by the presence of multiple osteochondromas in the long bones. EXT1 and EXT2 are the causative genes in most MO patients. We have characterized 9 MO families and 1 sporadic case involving a total of 25 patients. The coding exons of EXT1 and EXT2 were screened in 10 probands affected with MO. In five of the 10 probands novel pathogenic mutations have been identified: two in EXT1 and three in EXT2. Four probands carried recurrent mutations and one proband had no detectable mutation. Our study extends the mutational spectrum in EXT1 and EXT2 and will facilitate the deep understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the evolutionary history of primates is undergoing continual revision due to ongoing genome sequencing efforts. Bolstered by growing fossil evidence, these data have led to increased acceptance of once controversial hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships, hybridization and introgression, and the biogeographical history of primate groups. Among these findings is a pattern of recent introgression between species within all major primate groups examined to date, though little is known about introgression deeper in time. To address this and other phylogenetic questions, here, we present new reference genome assemblies for 3 Old World monkey (OWM) species: Colobus angolensis ssp. palliatus (the black and white colobus), Macaca nemestrina (southern pig-tailed macaque), and Mandrillus leucophaeus (the drill). We combine these data with 23 additional primate genomes to estimate both the species tree and individual gene trees using thousands of loci. While our species tree is largely consistent with previous phylogenetic hypotheses, the gene trees reveal high levels of genealogical discordance associated with multiple primate radiations. We use strongly asymmetric patterns of gene tree discordance around specific branches to identify multiple instances of introgression between ancestral primate lineages. In addition, we exploit recent fossil evidence to perform fossil-calibrated molecular dating analyses across the tree. Taken together, our genome-wide data help to resolve multiple contentious sets of relationships among primates, while also providing insight into the biological processes and technical artifacts that led to the disagreements in the first place.

Combining three newly sequenced primate genomes with other published genomes, this study adapts a little-known method for detecting ancient introgression to genome-scale data, revealing multiple previously unknown examples of hybridization between primate species.  相似文献   

Alpha1-tubulin expression occurs in a neural-specific, temporally regulated, and regeneration-inducible fashion in zebrafish. A GFP reporter driven by the alpha1-tubulin promoter in transgenic zebrafish acts as a stable, in vivo molecular tag that follows neuronal development from birth/specification through postmitotic differentiation to axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis. We exploited this transgenic system in a reporter expression-dependent (morphology-independent) mutagenesis screen to identify disruptions in genetic loci essential for neuronogenesis and axon elaboration, which would manifest as visually appreciable perturbations in GFP fluorescence. Thirty-two such recessive mutations were obtained, a subset of which was screened through a secondary RNA quantification-based assay to eliminate housekeeping gene defects. Three representative loci, when characterized in detail, were found to exhibit missteps in discrete, sequential stages of embryonic neuronal development. Mutation in sookshma panneurally diminishes the neural precursor pool by affecting cell proliferation in the developing embryo while patterning along the neuraxis remains unperturbed. Disruption of drishti on the other hand ameliorates the mitotic neural population by affecting cell cycle exit of progenitors and stalling their progression to the postmitotic neuronal stage, without impairing subsequent cell fate determination or differentiation. Finally, dhruva is required during neuronal differentiation for axonal branching and terminal innervation in spinal motoaxons and the retinotectal projection. Molecular identification of these loci and analysis of the remaining mutational repertoire will offer unique insights into the genetic inputs that go on to make a mature, differentiated neuron.  相似文献   



Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) are defined by their stacked-brick adherence pattern to human epithelial cells. There is no all-encompassing genetic marker for EAEC. The category is commonly implicated in diarrhea but research is hampered by perplexing heterogeneity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To identify key EAEC lineages, we applied multilocus sequence typing to 126 E. coli isolates from a Nigerian case-control study that showed aggregative adherence in the HEp-2 adherence assay, and 24 other EAEC strains from diverse locations. EAEC largely belonged to the A, B1 and D phylogenetic groups and only 7 (4.6%) isolates were in the B2 cluster. As many as 96 sequence types (STs) were identified but 60 (40%) of the EAEC strains belong to or are double locus variants of STs 10, 31, and 394. The remainder did not belong to predominant complexes. The most common ST complex, with predicted ancestor ST10, included 32 (21.3%) of the isolates. Significant age-related distribution suggests that weaned children in Nigeria are at risk for diarrhea from of ST10-complex EAEC. Phylogenetic group D EAEC strains, predominantly from ST31- and ST394 complexes, represented 38 (25.3%) of all isolates, include genome-sequenced strain 042, and possessed conserved chromosomal loci.


We have developed a molecular phylogenetic framework, which demonstrates that although grouped by a shared phenotype, the category of ‘EAEC’ encompasses multiple pathogenic lineages. Principal among isolates from Nigeria were ST10-complex EAEC that were associated with diarrhea in children over one year and ECOR D strains that share horizontally acquired loci.  相似文献   

Multiple osteochondromas (MO; also referred to as hereditary multiple exostoses [HME] in the literature) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by benign, cartilage-capped bone tumors that grow from the metaphyses of long bones. Two genes are associated with this disease: EXT1 on 8q24.11-q24.13 and EXT2 on 11p12-p11. Mutations in EXT1 and EXT2 are found in 54-96% of patients with MO and are generally more frequent in EXT1 than in EXT2. We previously studied 43 Japanese families with MO using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis for EXT1 and EXT2, and reported 23 families (54%) with mutations and 20 families (46%) with no mutations in these genes. Among the families with mutations, 17 families (40%) had mutations in EXT1, and 6 families (14%) had mutations in EXT2. Here we examined the same 43 Japanese families using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography as an alternative technique. We detected five mutations, three of which are novel, in seven families in addition to the previously described mutations. In summary, we detected mutations in EXT1 or EXT2 in 30 (70%) out of 43 families. Our result suggests the presence of other gene(s) responsible for MO, at least in Japanese patients.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, spinal motor neurons project through segmentally reiterated nerves into the somites. Here, we report that zebrafish secondary motor neurons, which are similar to motor neurons in birds and mammals, depend on myotomal cues to navigate into the periphery. We show that the absence of myotomal adaxial cells in you-too/gli2 embryos severely impairs secondary motor axonal pathfinding, including their ability to project into the somites. Moreover, in diwanka mutant embryos, in which adaxial cells are present but fail to produce cues essential for primary motor growth cones to pioneer into the somites, secondary motor axons display similar pathfinding defects. The similarities between the axonal defects in you-too/gli2 and diwanka mutant embryos strongly suggest that pathfinding of secondary motor axons depends on myotome-derived cues, and that the diwanka gene is a likely candidate to produce or encode such a cue. Our experiments also demonstrate that diwanka plays a central role in the migration of primary and secondary motor neurons, suggesting that both neural populations share mechanisms underlying axonal pathfinding. In summary, we provide compelling evidence that myotomal cells produce multiple signals to initiate and control the migration of spinal nerve axons into the somites.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli are widely used as indicators of fecal contamination, and in some cases to identify host sources of fecal contamination in surface water. Prevalence, genetic diversity and antimicrobial susceptibility were determined for 600 generic E. coli isolates obtained from surface water and sediment from creeks and channels along the middle Santa Ana River (MSAR) watershed of southern California, USA, after a 12 month study. Evaluation of E. coli populations along the creeks and channels showed that E. coli were more prevalent in sediment compared to surface water. E. coli populations were not significantly different (P = 0.05) between urban runoff sources and agricultural sources, however, E. coli genotypes determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were less diverse in the agricultural sources than in urban runoff sources. PFGE also showed that E. coli populations in surface water were more diverse than in the sediment, suggesting isolates in sediment may be dominated by clonal populations.Twenty four percent (144 isolates) of the 600 isolates exhibited resistance to more than one antimicrobial agent. Most multiple resistances were associated with inputs from urban runoff and involved the antimicrobials rifampicin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. The occurrence of a greater number of E. coli with multiple antibiotic resistances from urban runoff sources than agricultural sources in this watershed provides useful evidence in planning strategies for water quality management and public health protection.  相似文献   

Dental pulp (DP) can be extracted from child's primary teeth (deciduous), whose loss occurs spontaneously by about 5 to 12 years. Thus, DP presents an easy accessible source of stem cells without ethical concerns. Substantial quantities of stem cells of an excellent quality and at early (2-5) passages are necessary for clinical use, which currently is a problem for use of adult stem cells. Herein, DPs were cultured generating stem cells at least during six months through multiple mechanical transfers into a new culture dish every 3-4 days. We compared stem cells isolated from the same DP before (early population, EP) and six months after several mechanical transfers (late population, LP). No changes, in both EP and LP, were observed in morphology, expression of stem cells markers (nestin, vimentin, fibronectin, SH2, SH3 and Oct3/4), chondrogenic and myogenic differentiation potential, even after cryopreservation. Six hours after DP extraction and in vitro plating, rare 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) positive cells were observed in pulp central part. After 72 hours, BrdU positive cells increased in number and were found in DP periphery, thus originating a multicellular population of stem cells of high purity. Multiple stem cell niches were identified in different zones of DP, because abundant expression of nestin, vimentin and Oct3/4 proteins was observed, while STRO-1 protein localization was restricted to perivascular niche. Our finding is of importance for the future of stem cell therapies, providing scaling-up of stem cells at early passages with minimum risk of losing their "stemness".  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential channels function in a wide spectrum of tissues and transduce sensory stimuli. The vanilloid (capsaicin) channel TRPV4 is sensitive to osmotic changes and plays a central role in osmoregulatory responses in a variety of organisms. We cloned a zebrafish trpv4 cDNA and assayed its expression during embryogenesis. trpv4 is expressed as maternal mRNA in 4-cell embryos and later zygotic expression is first observed in the forming notochord at the one somite stage. Notochord expression persists to 24 hpf when broad expression in the brain is observed. At 32 hpf trpv4 expression is observed in the endocardium, restricted primarily to the ventricular endothelium. Low level expression of trpv4 is also seen from 32-48 hpf in the pronephric kidney with strongest expression in the most distal nephron segment and in the cloaca. Expression is also observed in lateral line organs starting at 32 hpf, primarily in the hair cells. At 72 hpf, expression of trpv4 in heart, kidney, brain, and lateral line organs persists while expression in the notochord is down-regulated.  相似文献   

The proteome of zebrafish, Danio rerio, embryos has not been studied in great detail mainly due to the presence of high abundance yolk proteins in embryos. Here we report the highest number of the zebrafish embryo proteins identified so far to our knowledge, through a combination of a protein-level fractionation approach (1D SDS-PAGE) and two different peptide-level fractionation approaches (IEF and strong anion exchange (SAX)) of deyolked zebrafish embryos followed by LC-MS/MS. We detected 5267 proteins in total of which 3464 proteins were identified with at least two peptides (less than 1% peptide false discovery rate). The analysis of proteome coverage from each method showed that 56% of detected proteins were common to all approaches and 95% of the detected proteome was obtained from 1D SDS-PAGE approach alone. Bioinformatics analysis of the detected proteome demonstrated that nucleocytoplasmic transport (biological process) and ribosomal proteins (cellular component) were the most over-represented proteins, whereas cell-cell signaling (biological process) and extracellular space proteins (cellular component) were the most under-represented proteins in the identified proteome.  相似文献   

This study describes arrested posterior permanent tooth eruption in association with hypercementosis, reduction of the periodontal ligamental space, and bony ankylosis. The severe dental malocclusion occurred in four members of the same family and it appears to have an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

Many basic cellular processes are shared across vast phylogenetic distances, whereas sex-determining mechanisms are highly variable between phyla although the existence of two sexes is nearly universal in the animal kingdom. The only molecular similarity in sex determination found so far between phyla is among the fly doublesex, worm mab-3, and vertebrate Dmrt1/DMY, which contain a zinc-finger-like DNA-binding motif, DM domain. Here we report that three isoforms of the zebrafish Dmrt1 were generated in gonads by multiple alternative splicing, which encoded predicted proteins with 267, 246, and 132 amino acids, respectively. By cDNA cloning and genomic structure analysis, we found that there were seven exons of Dmrt1, which were alternatively spliced to generate the Dmrt1 isoforms. Northern blotting analysis revealed that expression of zebrafish Dmrt1 was higher in testis than ovary. Real time fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR indicated that expression of isoform a of Dmrt1 was dominantly higher than those of Dmrt1 b and c. Furthermore, in situ hybridization to gonads sections showed that Dmrt1 was expressed in developing germ cells of both testis and ovary, suggesting that the Dmrt1 gene is not only associated with testis development, but also, may be important in ovary differentiation of zebrafish.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Par-3/Par-6/aPKC complex is a key regulator of cell polarity in a number of systems. In Drosophila, this complex acts at the zonula adherens (adherens junctions) to establish epithelial polarity and helps to orient the mitotic spindle during asymmetric neuroblast divisions. In MDCKII cells, this complex localizes to the zonula occludens (tight junctions) and appears to regulate epithelial polarity. However, the in vivo role of this complex during vertebrate embryogenesis is not known, due to the lack of relevant mutations. RESULTS: We have positionally cloned the zebrafish heart and soul (has) mutation, which affects the morphogenesis of several embryonic tissues, and show that it encodes atypical protein kinase C lambda (aPKC lambda). We find that loss of aPKC lambda affects the formation and maintenance of the zonula adherens in the polarized epithelia of the retina, neural tube, and digestive tract, leading to novel phenotypes, such as the formation of multiple lumens in the developing intestine. In addition, has mutants display defects in gut looping and endodermal organ morphogenesis that appear to be independent of the defects in epithelial polarity. Finally, we show that loss of aPKC lambda leads to defects in spindle orientation during progenitor cell divisions in the neural retina. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that aPKC lambda is required for the formation and maintenance of the zonula adherens during early epithelial development in vertebrates and demonstrate a previously undescribed yet critical role for this protein in organ morphogenesis. Furthermore, our studies identify the first genetic locus regulating the orientation of cell division in vertebrates.  相似文献   

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