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DNA damage activates checkpoint controls which block progression of cells through the division cycle. Several different checkpoints exist that control transit at different positions in the cell cycle. A role for checkpoint activation in providing resistance of cells to genotoxic anticancer therapy, including chemotherapy and ionizing radiation, is widely recognized. Although the core molecular functions that execute different damage activated checkpoints are known, the signals that control checkpoint activation are far from understood. We used a kinome-spanning RNA interference screen to delineate signalling required for radiation-mediated retinoblastoma protein activation, the recognized executor of G(1) checkpoint control. Our results corroborate the involvement of the p53 tumour suppressor (TP53) and its downstream targets p21(CIP1/WAF1) but infer lack of involvement of canonical double strand break (DSB) recognition known for its role in activating TP53 in damaged cells. Instead our results predict signalling involving the known TP53 phosphorylating kinase PRPK/TP53RK and the JNK/p38MAPK activating kinase STK4/MST1, both hitherto unrecognised for their contribution to DNA damage G1 checkpoint signalling. Our results further predict a network topology whereby induction of p21(CIP1/WAF1) is required but not sufficient to elicit checkpoint activation. Our experiments document a role of the kinases identified in radiation protection proposing their pharmacological inhibition as a potential strategy to increase radiation sensitivity in proliferating cancer cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in PERK (EIF2AK3) result in permanent neonatal diabetes as well as several other anomalies that underlie the human Wolcott-Rallison syndrome, and these anomalies are mirrored in Perk knockout mice. To identify the cause of diabetes in PERK-deficient mice, we generated a series of tissue- and cell-specific knockouts of the Perk gene and performed a developmental analysis of the progression to overt diabetes. We discovered that PERK is specifically required in the insulin-secreting β cells during the fetal and early neonatal period as a prerequisite for postnatal glucose homeostasis. However, PERK expression in β cells is not required at the adult stage to maintain β cell functions and glucose homeostasis. We show that PERK-deficient mice exhibit severe defects in fetal/neonatal β cell proliferation and differentiation, resulting in low β cell mass, defects in proinsulin trafficking, and abrogation of insulin secretion that culminate in permanent neonatal diabetes.  相似文献   

To identify key connections between DNA-damage repair and checkpoint pathways, we performed RNA interference screens for regulators of the ionizing radiation-induced G2 checkpoint, and we identified the breast cancer gene BRCA2. The checkpoint was also abrogated following depletion of PALB2, an interaction partner of BRCA2. BRCA2 and PALB2 depletion led to premature checkpoint abrogation and earlier activation of the AURORA A-PLK1 checkpoint-recovery pathway. These results indicate that the breast cancer tumour suppressors and homologous recombination repair proteins BRCA2 and PALB2 are main regulators of G2 checkpoint maintenance following DNA-damage.  相似文献   

Tight regulation of cell cycle progression is essential for the maintenance of genomic integrity in response to DNA injury. The aim of this study was to identify new deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) involved in the regulation of the G2/M checkpoint. By using an siRNA-based screen to identify DUBs with an inherent ability to enhance a CDC25B-dependent G2/M checkpoint bypass, we have identified 11 candidates whose invalidation compromises checkpoint stringency. We subsequently focused our attention on one of these, the previously uncharacterized USP50. Using a TAP-tag approach associated to mass spectrometry, in addition to a yeast-two-hybrid screen, we identified HSP90 as a major interacting partner for USP50. We also demonstrate USP50 depletion causes a loss in accumulation of the HSP90 client Wee1, which is an essential component of the G2/M cell cycle arrest. Finally, we show that in response to DNA damaging agents, USP50 accumulates in the nucleus. We propose that USP50 may act through a HSP90-dependent mechanism to counteract CDC25B mitotic inducing activity and prevent Wee1 degradation, thereby repressing entry into mitosis following activation of the DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

Defects in chromosome-microtubule attachment trigger spindle-checkpoint activation and delay mitotic progression. How microtubule attachment is sensed and integrated into the steps of checkpoint-signal amplification is poorly understood. In a functional genomic screen targeting human kinases and phosphatases, we identified a microtubule affinity-regulating kinase kinase, TAO1 (also known as MARKK) as an important regulator of mitotic progression, required for both chromosome congression and checkpoint-induced anaphase delay. TAO1 interacts with the checkpoint kinase BubR1 and promotes enrichment of the checkpoint protein Mad2 at sites of defective attachment, providing evidence for a regulatory step that precedes the proposed Mad2-Mad1 dependent checkpoint-signal amplification step. We propose that the dual functions of TAO1 in regulating microtubule dynamics and checkpoint signalling may help to coordinate the establishment and monitoring of correct congression of chromosomes, thereby protecting genomic stability in human cells.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(10):2210-2216
Hexokinase 2 (HK2), a pivotal glycolytic enzyme, is often overexpressed in tumor cells and contributes to glycolysis. Emerging evidence has suggested that glycolysis is also enhanced in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF). However, it is not clear whether HK2 is involved in enhanced glycolysis in CAFs or what role HK2 plays in the CAFs. In this study, both time course experiments and dose response experiments demonstrated that the protein and mRNA levels of HK2 increase in CAF cells, according to western blot and quantitative PCR analyses, respectively. Additionally, miR-182 targets the 3′ UTR of HK2, and its overexpression results in the degradation of HK2 mRNA, which eventually reduces the level of HK2 protein. On the other hand, knockdown of miR-182 increased the expression of HK2. Most importantly, HK2 regulated the protein level and T14 phosphorylation of CDK2, and knockdown of HK2 resulted in a G1 phase cell cycle arrest. These observations suggest that HK2 plays important roles in glycolysis regulation and in cell cycle checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Innate immunity in vertebrates and invertebrates is of central importance as a biological programme for host defence against pathogenic challenges. To find novel components of the Drosophila immune deficiency (IMD) pathway in cultured haemocyte-like cells, we screened an RNA interference library for modifiers of a pathway-specific reporter. Selected modifiers were further characterized using an independent reporter assay and placed into the pathway in relation to known pathway components. Interestingly, the screen identified the Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein 2 (IAP 2) as being required for IMD signalling. Whereas loss of DIAP 1, the other member of the IAP protein family in Drosophila, leads to apoptosis, we show that IAP 2 is dispensable for cell viability in haemocyte-like cells. Cell-based epistasis experiments show that IAP 2 acts at the level of Tak 1 (transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1). Our results indicate that IAP gene family members may have acquired other functions, such as the regulation of the tumour necrosis factor-like IMD pathway during innate immune responses.  相似文献   

Ursolic acid (UA) is a pentacyclic triterpenoid with promising cancer chemopreventive properties. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying anticancer activity of UA is needed for further development as a clinically useful chemopreventive agent. Here, we found that both endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and autophagy were induced by UA in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Surprisingly, ER stress was identified as an effect rather than a cause of UA-induced autophagy. Autophagy-dependent ER stress protected the cells from UA-induced apoptosis through EIF2AK3-mediated upregulation of MCL1. Activation of MAPK1/3 but not inhibition of MTOR pathway contributed to UA-induced cytoprotective autophagy in MCF-7 cells. Our findings uncovered a novel cellular mechanism involved in the anticancer activity of UA, and also provided a useful model to study biological significance and mechanisms of autophagy-mediated ER stress.  相似文献   

Bergkessel M  Reese JC 《Genetics》2004,168(1):21-33
The eukaryotic cell cycle displays a degree of plasticity in its regulation; cell cycle progression can be transiently arrested in response to environmental stresses. While the signaling pathways leading to cell cycle arrest are beginning to be well understood, the regulation of the release from arrest has not been well characterized. Here we show that DHH1, encoding a DEAD-box RNA helicase orthologous to the human putative proto-oncogene p54/RCK, is important in release from DNA-damage-induced cell cycle arrest at the G1/S checkpoint. DHH1 mutants are not defective for DNA repair and recover normally from the G2/M and replication checkpoints, suggesting a specific function for Dhh1p in recovery from G1/S checkpoint arrest. Dhh1p has been suggested to play a role in partitioning mRNAs between translatable and nontranslatable pools, and our results implicate this modulation of mRNA metabolism in the recovery from G1/S cell cycle arrest following DNA damage. Furthermore, the high degree of conservation between DHH1 and its human ortholog suggests that this mechanism is conserved among all eukaryotes and potentially important in human disease.  相似文献   

The Chk2-mediated deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage checkpoint pathway is important for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance. We show in this paper that mtDNA itself affects cell cycle progression. Saccharomyces cerevisiae rho(0) cells, which lack mtDNA, were defective in G1- to S-phase progression. Deletion of subunit Va of cytochrome c oxidase, inhibition of F(1)F(0) adenosine triphosphatase, or replacement of all mtDNA-encoded genes with noncoding DNA did not affect G1- to S-phase progression. Thus, the cell cycle progression defect in rho(0) cells is caused by loss of DNA within mitochondria and not loss of respiratory activity or mtDNA-encoded genes. Rad53p, the yeast Chk2 homologue, was required for inhibition of G1- to S-phase progression in rho(0) cells. Pif1p, a DNA helicase and Rad53p target, underwent Rad53p-dependent phosphorylation in rho(0) cells. Thus, loss of mtDNA activated an established checkpoint kinase that inhibited G1- to S-phase progression. These findings support the existence of a Rad53p-regulated checkpoint that regulates G1- to S-phase progression in response to loss of mtDNA.  相似文献   

Common fragile sites are loci that form chromosome gaps or breaks when DNA synthesis is partially inhibited. Fragile sites are prone to deletions, translocations, and other rearrangements that can cause the inactivation of associated tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells. It was previously shown that ATR is critical to fragile-site stability and that ATR-deficient cells have greatly elevated fragile-site expression (A. M. Casper, P. Nghiem, M. F. Arlt, and T. W. Glover, Cell 111:779-789, 2002). Here we demonstrate that mouse and human cells deficient for BRCA1, due to mutation or knockdown by RNA interference, also have elevated fragile-site expression. We further show that BRCA1 functions in the induction of the G(2)/M checkpoint after aphidicolin-induced replication stalling and that this checkpoint function is involved in fragile-site stability. These data indicate that BRCA1 is important in fragile-site stability and that fragile sites are recognized by the G(2)/M checkpoint pathway, in which BRCA1 plays a key role. Furthermore, they suggest that mutations in BRCA1 or interacting proteins could lead to rearrangements at fragile sites in cancer cells.  相似文献   

DNA damaging agents, including those used in the clinic, activate cell cycle checkpoints, which blocks entry into mitosis. Given that checkpoint override results in cell death via mitotic catastrophe, inhibitors of the DNA damage checkpoint are actively being pursued as chemosensitization agents. Here we explored the effects of gemcitabine in combination with Chk1 inhibitors in a panel of pancreatic cancer cell lines and found variable abilities to override the S phase checkpoint. In cells that were able to enter mitosis, the chromatin was extensively fragmented, as assessed by metaphase spreads and Comet assay. Notably, electron microscopy and high-resolution light microscopy showed that the kinetochores and centromeres appeared to be detached from the chromatin mass, in a manner reminiscent of mitosis with unreplicated genomes (MUGs). Cell lines that were unable to override the S phase checkpoint were able to override a G2 arrest induced by the alkylator MMS or the topoisomerase II inhibitors doxorubicin or etoposide. Interestingly, checkpoint override from the topoisomerase II inhibitors generated fragmented kinetochores (MUGs) due to unreplicated centromeres. Our studies show that kinetochore and centromere fragmentation is a defining feature of checkpoint override and suggests that loss of cell viability is due in part to acentric genomes. Furthermore, given the greater efficacy of forcing cells into premature mitosis from topoisomerase II-mediated arrest as compared with gemcitabine-mediated arrest, topoisomerase II inhibitors maybe more suitable when used in combination with checkpoint inhibitors.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia induced by heat stress (HS) inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and induces their apoptosis. However, the mechanism underlying HS-induced apoptosis remains elusive. Here, we demonstrated a novel evidence that checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) plays crucial roles in the apoptosis and regulation of cell cycle progression in cells under HS. In human leukemia Jurkat cells, interestingly, the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad-3 related (ATR)-Chk1 pathway was preferentially activated rather than the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) pathway under HS. The selective inhibitors of ATR or Chk1 abrogated HS-induced apoptosis in human leukemia Jurkat cells whereas the inhibition of ATM or Chk2 caused only marginal effects. Inhibition of ATR and Chk1 also abrogated G2/M checkpoint activation by HS in Jurkat cells. The effects of small interfering RNA targeting Chk1 were similar to those of the selective inhibitor of Chk1. In addition, the efficiencies of Chk1 inhibition on G2/M checkpoint abrogation and apoptosis induction were confirmed in the adherent cancer cell lines HeLa, HSC3, and PC3, suggesting that the targeting of Chk1 can be effective in solid tumors cells. In conclusion, these findings indicate a novel molecular basis of G2/M checkpoint activation and apoptosis in cells exposed to HS.  相似文献   

Interferons establish an antiviral state through the induction of hundreds of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). The mechanisms and viral specificities for most ISGs remain incompletely understood. To enable high-throughput interrogation of ISG antiviral functions in pooled genetic screens while mitigating potentially confounding effects of endogenous interferon and antiproliferative/proapoptotic ISG activities, we adapted a CRISPR-activation (CRISPRa) system for inducible ISG expression in isogenic cell lines with and without the capacity to respond to interferons. We used this platform to screen for ISGs that restrict SARS-CoV-2. Results included ISGs previously described to restrict SARS-CoV-2 and novel candidate antiviral factors. We validated a subset of these by complementary CRISPRa and cDNA expression experiments. OAS1, a top-ranked hit across multiple screens, exhibited strong antiviral effects against SARS-CoV-2, which required OAS1 catalytic activity. These studies demonstrate a high-throughput approach to assess antiviral functions within the ISG repertoire, exemplified by identification of multiple SARS-CoV-2 restriction factors.  相似文献   

Cdk1 was proposed to compensate for the loss of Cdk2. Here we present evidence that this is possible due to premature translocation of Cdk1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in the absence of Cdk2. We also investigated the consequence of loss of Cdk2 on the maintenance of the G1/S DNA damage checkpoint. Cdk2(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts in vitro as well as regenerating liver cells after partial hepatectomy (PH) in Cdk2(-/-) mice, arrest promptly at the G1/S checkpoint in response to gamma-irradiation due to activation of p53 and p21 inhibiting Cdk1. Furthermore re-entry into S phase after irradiation was delayed in Cdk2(-/-) cells due to prolonged and impaired DNA repair activity. In addition, Cdk2(-/-) mice were more sensitive to lethal irradiation compared to wild-type and displayed delayed resumption of DNA replication in regenerating liver cells. Our results suggest that the G1/S DNA damage checkpoint is intact in the absence of Cdk2, but Cdk2 is important for proper repair of the damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Certain forms of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] are human carcinogens. Our recent work has shown that a broad range protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate (SOV), abrogated both Cr(VI)-induced growth arrest and clonogenic lethality. Notably, SOV enhanced Cr(VI) mutation frequency, ostensibly through forced survival of genetically damaged cells. In the present study, co-treatment with this PTP inhibitor bypassed the Cr(VI)-induced G1/S checkpoint arrest in diploid human lung fibroblasts (HLF). Moreover, the PTP inhibitor abrogated the Cr(VI)-induced decrease in the expression of key effectors of the G1/S checkpoint [Cyclin D1, phospho Ser 807/811 Rb (pRB), p27]. Cr(VI)-induced G1 arrest was associated with the cytoplasmic appearance of pRb and the nuclear localization of p27, both of which were reversed by the PTP inhibitor. The PTP inhibitor’s reversal of G1/S checkpoint effector localization after Cr exposure was found to be Akt1-dependent, as this was abrogated by transfection with either akt1 siRNA or an Akt1-kinase dead plasmid. Furthermore, Akt1 activation alone was sufficient to induce G1/S checkpoint bypass and to prevent Cr(VI)-induced changes in pRb and p27 localization. In conclusion, this work establishes Akt1 activation to be both sufficient to bypass the Cr(VI)-induced G1/S checkpoint, as well as necessary for the observed PTP inhibitor effects on key mediators of the G1/S transition. The potential for Akt to bypass G1/S checkpoint arrest in the face of genotoxic damage could increase genomic instability, which is a hallmark of neoplastic progression.  相似文献   

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