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The GTPase dynamin is essential for receptor-mediated endocytosis, but its function remains controversial. A domain of dynamin, termed the GTPase effector domain (GED), controls dynamin's high stimulated rates of GTP hydrolysis by functioning as an assembly-dependent GAP. Dyn(K694A) and dyn(R725A) carry point mutations within GED resulting in reduced assembly stimulated GTPase activity. Biotinylated transferrin is more rapidly sequestered from avidin in cells transiently overexpressing either of these two activating mutants (Sever, S., A.B. Muhlberg, and S.L. Schmid. 1999. Nature. 398:481-486), suggesting that early events in receptor-mediated endocytosis are accelerated. Using stage-specific assays and morphological analyses of stably transformed cells, we have identified which events in clathrin-coated vesicle formation are accelerated by the overexpression of dyn(K694A) and dyn(R725A). Both mutants accelerate the formation of constricted coated pits, which we identify as the rate limiting step in endocytosis. Surprisingly, overexpression of dyn(R725A), whose primary defect is in stimulated GTP hydrolysis, but not dyn(K694A), whose primary defect is in self-assembly, inhibited membrane fission leading to coated vesicle release. Together, our data support a model in which dynamin functions like a classical GTPase as a key regulator of clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

The preprophase band predicts the future cell division site. However, the mechanism of how a transient preprophase band fulfils this function is unknown. We have investigated the possibility that Golgi secretion might be involved in marking the preprophase band site. Observations on living BY-2 cells labeled for microtubules and Golgi stacks indicated an increased Golgi stack frequency at the preprophase band site. However, inhibition of Golgi secretion by brefeldin A during preprophase band formation did not prevent accurate phragmoplast fusion, and subsequent cell plate formation, at the preprophase band site. The results show that Golgi secretion does not mark the preprophase band site and thus does not play an active role in determination of the cell division site.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of cycloheximide (CHM) on preprophase bands (PPBs) of microtubules (MTs) and on prophase spindle MTs in root tip cells of onion (Allium cepa L.) were examined. When root tip cells were treated with 36 M CHM for 0.5–4 h, the population of cells with a PPB did not decrease markedly although the population of mitotic cells and that of prophase cells with a PPB gradually decreased to half of the control root tips. In prophase cells treated with 11 and 36 M CHM for 2 h, the width of the PPB was 1.4 times broader than that in the prophase PPB without CHM. Electron microscopic observation on the cross section of the PPB showed that the number of MTs and the distance between adjacent MTs in prophase PPBs treated with CHM were similar to those in the early developmental stage of PPBs without CHM. The bipolar spindle, that appeared in late prophase was not seen in prophase cells treated with 11 M or higher concentrations of CHM for 2 h. In order to examine differences of perinuclear MT arrangement between CHM treated and non-treated prophase cells, arrangement of perinuclear MTs was examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In control cells without CHM, MTs appeared on the nuclear surface with several branched or cross over type MT foci in the cytoplasm when broad PPB formation started. These MT foci were replaced by the aster type MT foci, from which several MTs radiated along the nuclear surface. The aster type MT foci gradually gathered to form a bipolar spindle. MTs connecting the spindle pole region and the PPB were seen in late prophase. In CHM-treated cells (11-360 M for 2 h), branched and cross over type MT foci were prominent, even in prophase cells with well condensed chromosomes. Neither linkages of MTs between the spindle pole region and the PPB nor aster type MT foci were seen. These observations showed that CHM prevents the bundling of MTs in the PPB and also inhibits the formation of aster type MT foci that is essential for bipolar spindle development.  相似文献   

Whereas clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) exists in all eukaryotic cells, we first detect classical dynamin in Ichthyosporid, a single-cell, metazoan precursor. Based on a key functional residue in its pleckstrin homology domain, we speculate that the evolution of metazoan dynamin coincided with the specialized need for regulated CME during neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Summary The organization and distribution of microfilaments (MFs) in the preprophase bands (PPBs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Maryland Mammoth) root tip cells were studied with high pressure freezing and freeze-substitution methods. MFs were present predominantly as single filaments interspersed among microtubules (MTs) throughout the PPB. Some MFs appeared to be associated with MTs, whereas others were not. This is the first time that MFs have been demonstrated in the PPB at the electron microscope level.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPases (PMCAs) maintain proper intracellular Ca2+ levels by extruding Ca2+ from the cytosol. PMCA genes and splice forms are expressed in tissue-specific patterns in vertebrates, suggesting that these isoforms may regulate specific biological processes. However, knockout mutants die as embryos or undergo cell death; thus, it is unclear whether other cell processes utilize PMCAs or whether these pumps are largely committed to the control of toxic levels of calcium. Here, we analyze the role of the PMCA gene, mca-3, in Caenorhabditis elegans. We report that partial loss-of-function mutations disrupt clathrin-mediated endocytosis in a class of scavenger cells called coelomocytes. Moreover, components of early endocytic machinery are mislocalized in mca-3 mutants, including phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate, clathrin and the Eps15 homology (EH) domain protein RME-1. This defect in endocytosis in the coelomocytes can be reversed by lowering calcium. Together, these data support a function for PMCAs in the regulation of endocytosis in the C. elegans coelomocytes. In addition, they suggest that endocytosis can be blocked by high calcium levels.  相似文献   

T. Kakimoto  H. Shibaoka 《Protoplasma》1987,140(2-3):151-156
Summary Treatment with lysine prior to fixation of tobacco BY-2 cells with formaldehyde improved the preservation of actin filaments in the cells and enabled us to observe both networks of actin filaments and microtubules in the same cells. By using this method, we observed that (1) actin filaments were present in the preprophase band; (2) the actin filaments in the preprophase band and phragmoplast were runnig in the same direction as the microtubules in their respective structures; (3) a cortical network of actin filaments was present throughout all stages of cell cycle.The present method did not preserve the cortical actin filaments in interphase cells. The procedure for staining microtubules destroyed them.Abbreviations EGTA Ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - PIPES Piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - PMSF Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - TLCK Na-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone  相似文献   

The role of calcium in exocytosis and endocytosis in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of calcium in the individual cellular events leading to exocytosis is considered. Both vesicle movement processes and vesicle fusion at the cell surface require calcium for completion of specific events in this pathway. Our knowledge of these events is incomplete. In particular the movement of secretory vesicles by the cytoskeleton in response to added calcium is a key event that is beyond our comprehension at present. At the whole cell level, it is shown that external calcium, at the appropriate concentration, is required to elicit secretion at optimal rates. In both plant and animal cells secretion appears to be dependent on, or is triggered by, a rise in the level of internal free calcium ions from about 10-7 to 10-6M or even higher. In these eukaryotes internal organelles take up calcium and maintain a low level of calcium in the cell, offsetting the inflow of calcium from the plasma membrane. In some systems the inflow is restricted to a certain part of the plasma membrane, which then acts as a focus for exocytosis and, thereby, establishes a cellular polarity. In plant tissues there appears to be a requirement for some circulation of calcium within the apoplast, to sustain secretion. Recent papers on endocytosis have confirmed its occurrence in plant cells and made significant advances in isolating and characterising the clathrin coats of the coated vesicles involved in the uptake. There is no evidence, at present, for a direct role for calcium in these events. Indirectly, calcium stimulates exocytosis, and hence the delivery of excess membrane to the cell surface, which may be retrieved by an increase in the rate of endocytosis. Quantitative comparisons of the membrane flow occurring in these pathways are not available. Several plant cellular systems have been employed to study secretion and some of these may prove to be superior model systems for the investigation of certain aspects of the control of exocytosis and endocytosis by calcium ions.  相似文献   

Physiological processes in cervical squamous epithelium have not been extensively studied. Perhaps understandably, most of the research has concentrated on the pathology of the cervix, in particular dysplasia and malignancy. Fluid-phase endocytosis is a physiological process which has been demonstrated to be important in understanding disease development at other squamous epithelial sites, e.g. oesophagus. In this study, we have demonstrated by a new methodology developed in our laboratory using fluorescent microspheres and flow cytometry that fluid-phase endocytosis occurs in cervical squamous cells. The process has been shown to be dose- and time-dependent. This novel approach provides a means to improve our understanding of the physiological functions of the cervix and may provide insight into the pathogenesis of cervical neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

Y. Mineyuki  J. Marc  B. A. Palevitz 《Planta》1989,178(3):291-296
The organization of microtubule (MT) arrays in the guard mother cells (GMCs) of A. cepa was examined, focussing on the stage at which a longitudinal preprophase band (PPB) is established perpendicular to all other division planes in the epidermis. In the majority of young GMCs, including those seen just after asymmetric division, MTs are distributed randomly throughout the cortex and inner regions of the cytoplasm. Few MTs are associated with the nuclear surface. As the GMCs continue to develop, MTs cluster around the nucleus and a PPB appears as a wide longitudinal band. Microtubules also become prominent between the nucleus and the periclinal and transverse walls, while they decrease in number along the radial longitudinal walls. The PPB progressively narrows by early prophase, and a transversely oriented spindle gradually ensheaths the nucleus. These observations indicate that the initial, broad PPB is organized by a rearrangement of the random cytoplasmic array of MTs. Additional reorganization is responsible for MTs linking the nucleus and the cortex in the future plane of the cell plate, and for narrowing of the PPB.Abbreviations GMC guard mother cell - MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

Hoshino H  Yoneda A  Kumagai F  Hasezawa S 《Protoplasma》2003,222(3-4):157-165
Summary. The mode of cytokinesis, especially in determining the site of cell division, is not well understood in higher-plant cells. The division site appears to be predicted by the preprophase band of microtubules that develop with the phragmosome, an intracellular structure of the cytoplasm suspending the nucleus and the mitotic apparatus in the center. As the preprophase band disappears during mitosis, it is thought to leave some form of memory on the plasma membrane to guide the growth of the new cell plate at cytokinesis. However, the intrinsic nature of this memory remains to be clarified. In addition to microtubules, microfilaments also dynamically change forms during cell cycle transition from the late G2 to the early G1 phase. We have studied the relationships between microtubules and microfilaments in tobacco BY-2 cells and transgenic BY-2 cells expressing a fusion protein of green-fluorescent protein and tubulin. At the late G2 phase, microfilaments colocalize with the preprophase band of microtubules. However, an actin-depleted zone which appears at late prometaphase is observed around the chromosomes, especially at metaphase, but also throughout anaphase. To study the functions of the actin-depleted zone, we disrupted the microfilament structures with bistheonellide A, a novel macrolide that depolymerizes microfilaments very rapidly even at low concentrations. The division planes became disorganized when the drug was added to synchronized BY-2 cells before the appearance of the actin-depleted zone. In contrast, the division planes appeared smooth, as in control cells, when the drug was added after the appearance of the actin-depleted zone. These results suggest that the actin-depleted zone may participate in the demarcation of the division site at the final stage of cell division in higher plants.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture 277-8562, Japan.  相似文献   

Marcus AI  Dixit R  Cyr RJ 《Protoplasma》2005,226(3-4):169-174
Summary. In most higher-plant cells, cortical microtubules form a tightly focused preprophase band (PPB) that disappears with the onset of prometaphase, but whose location defines the future location of the cell plate at the end of cytokinesis. It is unclear whether the PPB microtubules themselves designate the precise area where the cell plate will insert, or rather if these microtubules are responding to a hierarchical signal(s). Here we show that narrowing of the microtubules within the PPB zone is not necessary for proper division plane determination. In cultured tobacco BY-2 cells in which PPB microtubules are depolymerized, the phragmoplast can still accurately locate and insert at the proper site. The data do not support a role for PPB microtubule narrowing in focusing the signal that is used later by the phragmoplast to position the cell plate; rather, proper phragmoplast positioning is more likely a consequence of a non-microtubule positional element. Although the PPB microtubules do not directly mark the division site, we show that they are required for accurate spindle positioning, an activity that presets the future growth trajectory of the phragmoplast and is necessary for insuring high-fidelity cell plate positioning. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A. Present address: Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Organization of microtubules (MTs) in relation to the behavior of nuclei was examined in dividing binucleate cells ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L. To induce binucleate cells, caffeine, an inhibitor of formation of the cell plate, was applied at 4 mM to synchronously dividing protonemal cells during cytokinesis (Murata and Wada 1993). Formation of the preprophase band (PPB) during the next cell cycle was examined in non-centrifuged and centrifuged cells. The two nuclei were separated or associated with one another in both non-centrifuged and centrifuged cells, although the location of the nuclei in the cylindrical protonemal cells was different (Murata and Wada 1993). Irrespective of centrifugation, a single PPB was formed around the nuclei in cells with associated nuclei. Two PPBs were formed in cells with separated nuclei in centrifuged cells. Patterns of mitosis and cytokinesis varied, depending on the location of the PPB and the distribution of the nuclei. The role of the nucleus in formation of the PPB is discussed.  相似文献   

The unique cytokinetic apparatus of higher plant cells comprises two cytoskeletal systems: a predictive preprophase band of microtubules (MTs), which defines the future division site, and the phragmoplast, which mediates crosswall formation after mitosis. We review features of plant cell division in an evolutionary context and from the viewpoint that the cell is a domain of cytoplasm (cytoplast) organized around the nucleus by a cytoskeleton consisting of a single "tensegral" unit. The term "tensegrity" is a contraction of "tensional integrity" and the concept proposes that the whole cell is organized by an integrated cytoskeleton of tension elements (e.g., actin fibers) extended over compression-resistant elements (e.g., MTs).During cell division, a primary role of the spindle is seen as generating two cytoplasts from one with separation of chromosomes a later, derived function. The telophase spindle separates the newly forming cytoplasts and the overlap between half spindles (the shared edge of two new domains) dictates the position at which cytokinesis occurs. Wall MTs of higher plant cells, like the MT cytoskeleton in animal and protistan cells, spatially define the interphase cytoplast. Redeployment of actin and MTs into the preprophase band (PPB) is the overt signal that the boundary between two nascent cytoplasts has been delineated. The "actin-depleted zone" that marks the site of the PPB throughout mitosis may be a more persistent manifestation of this delineation of two domains of cortical actin. The growth of the phragmoplast is controlled by these domains, not just by the spindle. These domains play a major role in controlling the path of phragmoplast expansion. Primitive land plants show different morphological changes that reveal that the plane of division, with or without the PPB, has been determined well in advance of mitosis.The green alga Spirogyra suggests how the phragmoplast system might have evolved: cytokinesis starts with cleavage and then actin-related determinants stimulate and positionally control cell-plate formation in a phragmoplast arising from interzonal MTs from the spindle. Actin in the PPB of higher plants may be assembling into a potential furrow, imprinting a cleavage site whose persistent determinants (perhaps actin) align the outgrowing edge of the phragmoplast, as in Spirogyra. Cytochalasin spatially disrupts polarized mitosis and positioning of the phragmoplast. Thus, the tensegral interaction of actin with MTs (at the spindle pole and in the phragmoplast) is critical to morphogenesis, just as they seem to be during division of animal cells. In advanced green plants, intercalary expansion driven by turgor is controlled by MTs, which in conjunction with actin, may act as stress detectors, thereby affecting the plane of division (a response clearly evident after wounding of tissue). The PPB might be one manifestation of this strain detection apparatus.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the organization of the cell is linked, to a great extent, to light and electron microscopy. Choosing either photons or electrons for imaging has many consequences on the image obtained, as well as on the experiment required in order to generate the image. One apparent effect on the experimental side is in the sample preparation, which can be quite elaborate for electron microscopy. In recent years, rapid freezing, cryo-preparation and cryo-electron microscopy have been more widely used because they introduce fewer artefacts during preparation when compared with chemical fixation and room temperature processing. In addition, cryo-electron microscopy allows the visualization of the hydrated specimens. In the present review, we give an introduction to the rapid freezing of biological samples and describe the preparation steps. We focus on bulk samples that are too big to be directly viewed under the electron microscope. Furthermore, we discuss the advantages and limitations of freeze substitution and cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections and compare their application to the study of bacteria and mammalian cells and to tomography.  相似文献   

We have studied the response of interphase and mitotic microtubule arrays in root meristem cells of spring and winter cultivars of wheat Triticum aestivum L. (Moskovskaya 35 and Moskovskaya 39) to cold stress (1 h at 0°C) and acclimation to cold (3–48 h at 0°C). We show that, in general, interphase microtubules are more resistant to cold then mitotic arrays in both cultivars. During cold stress, no changes are detected in the microtubule system of interphase cells of spring wheat, whereas the density of endoplasmic microtubules increases in interphase cells of winter wheat. During mitosis, the density of the kinetochore fibers of the spindle decreases in the cells of both cultivars, but it is prevailing in the cells of spring cultivar of wheat. During acclimation to cold, the disorganization of the cortical microtubule bundles and the enhanced growth of the endoplasmic microtubule network, which is comprised of microtubule converging centers, are observed in cells of both cultivars. However, the mitotic microtubule systems of winter and spring cultivars respond differently to cold acclimation. During prophase, a diffuse tubulin “halo,”followed by the assembly of microtubule converging centers, accumulate at the perinuclear area in the cells of winter wheat. In cells of spring cultivar, the prophase spindle is only detected during initial stages of cold acclimation. During metaphase, aberrant mitotic spindles, abnormal metaphase plates, and the excessive appearance of microtubule converging centers are observed in cells of both cultivars. Acclimation induces the disorganization of the phragmoplast and the formation of multiple microtubule converging centers during telophase in the cells of both cultivars. Microtubule converging centers are detected at the perinuclear area of daughter cells in winter wheat and in the cortical cytoplasm in spring wheat. The excessive formation of microtubule converging centers suggests the activation of microtubule assembly during prolonged exposure to low temperature. Our data also demonstrates common pathways of microtubule response to cold treatment (0°C).  相似文献   

The afterglow (AG) band of thermoluminescence (TL) has been investigated in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Excitation of dark-adapted leaves with two saturating single turn-over flashes induced the appearance of a complex TL glow curve that could be well simulated by three components: the two components, B1 and B2, of the usually called B-band, peaking at 18 and 26 °C, respectively, and a band with tmax at 41 °C, which we attributed to an AG emission. Illumination of dark-adapted leaves with 720 nm monochromatic and FR lights generated the emission of a sharp single band peaking also around at 41 °C, that it is usually assigned to an AG emission band. Dark-incubation of whole plants increased the intensity of AG-band in TL curves induced by two flashes and, in parallel, decreased B-bands. Selective illumination of leaves with light mostly absorbed by PS II (650 nm light) completely abolished the AG-band induced by two flashes, B-band being the only TL band observed. The single AG-band induced by 720 nm light was abolished if leaves were also illuminated with 650 nm light. On the other hand, AG-band could be restored if 650 nm illuminated leaves were afterwards illuminated with 720 nm light. The changes in the intensity of B and AG bands induced by selective illuminations seem to be related to alterations in the redox state of QB and plastoquinone pool.  相似文献   

The 64-kD protein DAip1 from Dictyostelium contains nine WD40-repeats and is homologous to the actin-interacting protein 1, Aip1p, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and to related proteins from Caenorhabditis, Physarum, and higher eukaryotes.We show that DAip1 is localized to dynamic regions of the cell cortex that are enriched in filamentous actin: phagocytic cups, macropinosomes, lamellipodia, and other pseudopodia. In cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged DAip1, the protein rapidly redistributes into newly formed cortical protrusions.Functions of DAip1 in vivo were assessed using null mutants generated by gene replacement, and by overexpressing DAip1. DAip1-null cells are impaired in growth and their rates of fluid-phase uptake, phagocytosis, and movement are reduced in comparison to wild-type rates. Cytokinesis is prolonged in DAip1-null cells and they tend to become multinucleate. On the basis of similar results obtained by DAip1 overexpression and effects of latrunculin-A treatment, we propose a function for DAip1 in the control of actin depolymerization in vivo, probably through interaction with cofilin. Our data suggest that DAip1 plays an important regulatory role in the rapid remodeling of the cortical actin meshwork.  相似文献   

The gravitropism defective 2 (grv2) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were previously characterized as exhibiting shoot agravitropism resulting from mutations in a homolog of the Caenorhabditis elegans RECEPTOR-MEDIATED ENDOCYTOSIS-8 (RME-8) gene, which is required in C. elegans for endocytosis. A fluorescent protein fusion to the GRV2 protein localized to endosomes in transgenic plants, and vacuolar morphology was altered in grv2 mutants. A defect in vacuolar membrane dynamics provides a mechanistic explanation for the gravitropic defect, and may also account for the presence of an enlarged vacuole in early embryos, together with a nutrient requirement during seedling establishment. The GRV2-positive endosomes were sensitive to Wortmannin but not brefeldin A (BFA), consistent with GRV2 operating late in the endocytic pathway, prior to delivery of vesicles to the central vacuole. The specific enlargement of GRV2:YFP structures by Wortmannin, together with biochemical data showing that GRV2 co-fractionates with pre-vacuolar markers such as PEP12/SYP21, leads us to conclude that in plants GRV2/RME-8 functions in vesicle trafficking from the multivesicular body/pre-vacuolar compartment to the lytic vacuole.  相似文献   

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