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J Lee  I Whang  J Lee    M Jayaram 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(22):5346-5354
One round of site-specific recombination between two DNA partners mediated by the Flp recombinase requires the breakage and reformation of four phosphodiester bonds. The reaction is accomplished by the combined action of four Flp monomers. Within the recombination complex, what is the relative disposition of a Flp monomer with respect to the target diester that it cleaves? To address this question, we have devised a strategy for the targeted orientation of Flp monomers within full-site recombination substrates. Our experimental design is not dependent on ''altered binding specificity'' of the recombinase. Analysis of the pattern of DNA cleavage by this method reveals no evidence for DNA cleavage in cis. A Flp monomer bound to its recognition element within the full site does not cleave the scissile phosphodiester bond adjacent to it. Our results are most consistent with ''trans-horizontal cleavage''. Cleavage by Flp occurs at the scissile phosphodiester distal to it, but within the same full site. The general experimental design employed here will be of widespread utility in mechanistic analyses of nucleic acid transactions involving multimeric DNA-protein assemblies.  相似文献   

J W Chen  J Lee  M Jayaram 《Cell》1992,69(4):647-658
Each recombination event mediated by the Flp recombinase is the sum of four strand breakage and reunion reactions executed in two steps of two-strand exchanges. The reaction requires four Flp monomers. The key catalytic residue in Flp is Tyr-343. Arg-191, His-305, and Arg-308 appear to facilitate the cleavage and exchange steps of recombination. These four residues constitute the invariant tetrad of the Int family site-specific recombinases. Complementation tests between "step-arrest" mutants of Flp suggest that each Flp protomer harbors a "fractional active site." Hybrid "half site-recombinase" complexes reveal that efficient catalysis occurs when the Arg-His-Arg triad is present on one Flp monomer and the active site Tyr on a second monomer. Strand cleavage by an Flp monomer occurs virtually exclusively on the half site to which its partner protein is bound (cleavage in trans), and almost never on the half site to which it is bound (cleavage in cis). Trans-cleavage by Flp can provide a means for functionally exchanging Flp monomers between two DNA partners. Such a mechanism would be germane to recombination, since cleavage and rejoining in cis can only restore the parental substrate configuration and cannot yield recombinants.  相似文献   

A combination of half-site substrates and step arrest mutants of Flp, a site-specific recombinase of the integrase family, had earlier revealed the following features of the half-site recombination reaction. (i) The Flp active site is assembled by sharing of catalytic residues from at least two monomers of the protein. (ii) A Flp monomer does not cleave the half site to which it is bound (DNA cleavage in cis); rather, it cleaves a half site bound by a second Flp monomer (DNA cleavage in trans). For the lambda integrase (Int protein), the prototype member of the Int family, catalytic complementation between two active-site mutants has been observed in reactions with a suicide attL substrate. By analogy with Flp, this observation is strongly suggestive of a shared active site and of trans DNA cleavage. However, reactions with linear suicide attB substrates and synthetic Holliday junctions are more compatible with cis than with trans DNA cleavage. These Int results either argue against a common mode of active-site assembly within the Int family or challenge the validity of Flp half sites as mimics of the normal full-site substrates. We devised a strategy to assay catalytic complementation between Flp monomers in full sites. We found that the full-site reaction follows the shared active-site paradigm and the trans mode of DNA cleavage. These results suggest that within the Int family, a unitary chemical mechanism of recombination is achieved by more than one mode of physical interaction among the recombinase monomers.  相似文献   

J W Chen  B Evans  H Rosenfeldt  M Jayaram 《Gene》1992,119(1):37-48
One key feature of the interaction of Flp recombinase with its target site (FRT) is the large bend introduced in the substrate as a result of protein binding. The extent of bending was found to depend on the phasing and spacing of the Flp monomers occupying the two Flp-binding elements (FBE) bordering the strand-exchange region (spacer) of the substrate. The relative mobilities of the Flp complexes formed by the two permuted substrate fragments, containing the FRT site near the end or in the middle, corresponded to a DNA bend of approx. 140 degrees when each of the two FBEs flanking the spacer was occupied by a protein monomer. The estimated bend angle was the same when the reference DNA fragment with the FRT site at the end was substituted by one with the site in the middle, but containing a 4-bp insertion within the spacer. We used a combination of wild-type Flp and Flp variants that were competent or incompetent in DNA bending, together with full, or half FRT sites, to ask whether bending is a conformational requirement for catalysis, namely cleavage and exchange of strands. We obtained the following results: in full-site (FRT) vs. full-site recombinations or in full-site vs. half-site (half FRT) recombinations, there was a large difference in the reactivity between Flp and a bending-incompetent Flp variant. This difference virtually disappeared when reactions were done with half-FRT sites. We conclude that bending is not a prerequisite for catalysis, but represents the manner in which the substrate accommodates the Flp protomer-protomer interactions that are pertinent to catalysis.  相似文献   

Lambda's Int protein acts as a specific topoisomerase at attachment sites, the DNA segments that are required for site-specific recombination. Int cleaves each strand of an attachment site at a unique place and creates strand exchanges by joining broken ends from two different parents. To study the action of Int topoisomerase in more detail, heteroduplex attachment sites were made by annealing strands that are complementary except for a few base pairs that lie in the region between the points of top and bottom strand exchange in the attachment site core. These heteroduplexes appear to interact normally with Int and its accessory proteins IHF and Xis. Although the heteroduplex sites are specifically cleaved by Int topoisomerase, rejoining of the broken DNA is hindered by the lack of Watson--Crick complementarity adjacent to the break. Because of this, heteroduplexes accumulate broken intermediates which are then processed in novel ways. We have used this feature to provide new information about functional differences between attachment sites, to investigate the way Xis protein controls directionality of site-specific recombination, and to demonstrate that Int protein can join strands indiscriminately and can therefore generate recombinants with either of two genetic polarities.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD59 gene is required for homologous recombination processes and normal level of resistance to ionizing radiation. To study the biochemical functions of Rad59, it was overproduced in yeast and purified to near homogeneity. Rad59 binds DNA, showing much higher affinity for ssDNA than dsDNA. Rad59 also anneals complementary DNA strands, and order of addition experiments indicate that maximal annealing efficiency is achieved when both complementary DNA strands are present upon addition of Rad59. Thus, Rad59 resembles its homolog Rad52 in being able to bind ssDNA and anneal complementary DNA strands. However, unlike Rad52, DNA annealing by Rad59 is not accelerated by the ssDNA binding factor RPA. DNA binding and strand annealing are likely to be important for the biological functions of Rad59 in general recombination and in the single-strand annealing pathway of recombination.  相似文献   

H Teng  C Grubmeyer 《Biochemistry》1999,38(22):7363-7371
The dimeric zinc metalloenzyme L-histidinol dehydrogenase (HDH) catalyzes an unusual four-electron oxidation of the amino alcohol histidinol via the histidinaldehyde intermediate to the acid product histidine with the reduction of two molecules of NAD. An essential base, with pKa about 8, is involved in catalysis. Here we report site-directed mutagenesis studies to replace each of the five histidine residues (His-98, His-261, His-326, His-366, and His-418) in Salmonella typhimurium with either asparagine or glutamine. In all cases, the overexpressed enzymes were readily purified and behaved as dimers. Substitution of His-261 and His-326 by asparagine caused about 7000- and 500-fold decreases in kcat, respectively, with little change in KM values. Similar loss of activity was also reported for a H261N mutant Brassica HDH [Nagai, A., and Ohta, D. (1994) J. Biochem. 115, 22-25]. Kinetic isotope effects, pH profiles, substrate rescue, and stopped-flow experiments suggested that His-261 and His-326 are involved in proton transfers during catalysis. Sensitivity to metal ion chelator and decreased affinities for metal ions with substitutions at His-261 and His-418 suggested that these two residues are candidates for zinc ion ligands.  相似文献   

DNA-PKcs and Ku are essential components of the complex that catalyzes non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Ku, a heterodimeric protein, binds to DNA ends and facilitates recruitment of the catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs. We have investigated the effect of DNA strand orientation and sequence bias on the activation of DNA-PK. In addition, we assessed the effect of the position and strand orientation of cisplatin adducts on kinase activation. A series of duplex DNA substrates with site-specific cisplatin–DNA adducts placed in three different orientations on the duplex DNA were prepared. Terminal biotin modification and streptavidin (SA) blocking was employed to direct DNA-PK binding to the unblocked termini with a specific DNA strand orientation and cisplatin–DNA adduct position. DNA-PK kinase activity was measured and the results reveal that DNA strand orientation and sequence bias dramatically influence kinase activation, only a portion of which could be attributed to Ku-DNA binding activity. In addition, cisplatin–DNA adduct position resulted in differing degrees of inhibition depending on distance from the terminus as well as strand orientation. These results highlight the importance of how local variations in DNA structure, chemistry and sequence influence DNA-PK activation and potentially NHEJ.  相似文献   

The cleavage reaction of the hairpin ribozyme is facilitated by divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, or by non-metallic polycations, such as the polyamine spermine. We show substantial enhancement of cleavage with combinations of metallic and non-metallic ions. In addition we elucidate the locations of some ion binding sites by Fenton chemistry.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P1 recombinase Cre mediates site-specific recombination between loxP sites. The loxP site consists of two 13 base-pair inverted repeats separated by an eight base-pair spacer region. When DNA containing the loxP site is incubated with Cre, specific cleavages occur within the spacer region, creating a six base-pair staggered cut. The cuts are centered on the axis of dyad symmetry of the loxP site, resulting in a 5' protruding terminus: 5' A decreases T-G-T-A-T-G C 3' T A-C-A-T-A-C increases G. At the point of cleavage, Cre becomes covalently attached to a 3' PO4, and produces a free 5' OH. A series of experiments were carried out in which a radioactively labeled loxP site is recombined with an unlabeled loxP site to locate the point at which strand exchange takes place during recombination. The points of strand exchange coincide with the sites at which Cre cleavage of the DNA backbone had been detected.  相似文献   

A Engelman  K Mizuuchi  R Craigie 《Cell》1991,67(6):1211-1221
Retroviral DNA integration involves a coordinated set of DNA cutting and joining reactions. Linear viral DNA is cleaved at each 3' end to generate the precursor ends for integration. The resulting recessed 3' ends are inserted into target DNA by a subsequent DNA strand transfer reaction. Purified HIV-1 integration protein carries out both of these steps in vitro. Two novel forms of the dinucleotide cleaved from HIV-1 DNA were identified and one, a cyclic dinucleotide, was used to analyze the stereochemical course of viral DNA cleavage. Both viral DNA cleavage and DNA strand transfer display inversion at chiral phosphorothioates during the course of the reaction. These results suggest that both reactions occur by a one-step mechanism without involvement of a covalent protein-DNA intermediate.  相似文献   

The recA protein of Escherichia coli promotes pairing in vitro between covalent circular duplex DNA and homologous circular duplex DNA containing a single stranded region. We have used a filter binding assay to investigate the frequency of homologous pairing between gapped and intact duplex DNA when unwinding of the free 3' and 5' ends of the gapped molecules was blocked. In order to obtain DNA without free ends, the gapped DNA was treated with trimethylpsoralen and 360 nm light so as to introduce about 6 crosslinks per DNA molecule and the double stranded regions on either side of the gaps were then digested up to the first crosslinks with exonuclease III and lambda exonuclease. This treatment did not diminish the frequency of homologous pairing, an observation which is difficult to reconcile with models for recombination requiring strand unwinding before pairing.  相似文献   

Interactions between the Mu A and Mu B proteins are important in the early steps of the in vitro transposition of a mini-Mu plasmid. We have examined these interactions by assaying Mu B stimulation of Mu A-mediated strand cleavage and strand transfer reactions. We have previously shown that in the presence of ATP the Mu B protein can stimulate the Mu A-directed cleavage reaction of mini-Mu plasmids carrying a terminal base pair mutation (Surette, M.G., Harkness, T., and Chaconas, G. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 3118-3124). Here we demonstrate that in the absence of a non-Mu DNA target molecule the Mu B protein stimulates intramolecular integration of a mini-Mu in an ATP-dependent fashion. Furthermore, modification of the Mu B protein with N-ethylmaleimide severely compromises the ability of B to form a stable complex with DNA; however, the modified protein stimulates the strand cleavage and intramolecular strand transfer reactions as efficiently as the untreated protein. These results indicate that the Mu B protein is capable of stimulating the Mu A protein through direct interaction in the absence of stable Mu B-DNA complex formation. Our results increase the spectrum of Mu B protein activities and uncouple the stimulatory properties of the Mu B protein from stable DNA binding but not the ATP cofactor requirement.  相似文献   

The Flp and Cre recombinases are members of the integrase family of tyrosine recombinases. Each protein consists of a 13 kDa NH(2)-terminal domain and a larger COOH-terminal domain that contains the active site of the enzyme. The COOH-terminal domain also contains the major determinants for the binding specificity of the recombinase to its cognate DNA binding site. All family members cleave the DNA by the attachment of a conserved nucleophilic tyrosine residue to the 3'-phosphate group at the sites of cleavage. In order to gain further insights into the determinants of the binding specificity and modes of cleavage of Flp and Cre, we have made chimeric proteins in which we have fused the NH(2)-terminal domain of Flp to the COOH-terminal domain of Cre ("Fre") and the NH(2)-terminal domain of Cre to the COOH-terminal domain of Flp ("Clp"). These chimeras have novel binding specificities in that they bind strongly to hybrid sites containing elements from both the Flp and Cre DNA targets but poorly to the native target sites.In this study we have taken advantage of the unique binding specificities of Fre and Clp to examine the mode of cleavage by Cre, Flp, Fre and Clp. We find that the COOH-terminal domain of the recombinases determines their mode of cleavage. Thus Flp and Clp cleave in trans whereas Cre and Fre cleave in cis. These results agree with the studies of Flp and with the cocrystal structure of Cre bound to its DNA target site. They disagree with our previous findings that Cre could carry out trans cleavage. We discuss the variations in the experimental approaches in order to reconcile the different results.  相似文献   

During the first steps of site-specific recombination, Cre protein cleaves and religates a specific homologous pair of LoxP strands to form a Holliday junction (HJ) intermediate. The HJ is resolved into recombination products through exchange of the second homologous strand pair. CreH289A, containing a His to Ala substitution in the conserved R-H-R catalytic motif, has a 150-fold reduced recombination rate and accumulates HJs. However, to produce these HJs, CreH289A exchanges the opposite set of strands compared to wild-type Cre (CreWT). To investigate how CreH289A and CreWT impose strand exchange order, we characterized their reactivities and strand cleavage preferences toward LoxP duplex and HJ substrates containing 8bp spacer substitutions. Remarkably, CreH289A had different and often opposite strand exchange preferences compared to CreWT with nearly all substrates. CreH289N was much less perturbed, implying that overall recombination rate and strand exchange depend more on His289 hydrogen bonding capability than on its acid/base properties. LoxP substitutions immediately 5' (S1 nucleotide) or 3' (S1' nucleotide) of the scissile phosphate had large effects on substrate utilization and strand exchange order. S1' substitutions, designed to alter base-unstacking events concomitant with Cre-induced LoxP bending, caused HJ accumulation and dramatically inverted the cleavage preferences. That pre-formed HJs were resolved via either strand in vitro suggests that inhibition of the "conformational switch" isomerization required to trigger the second strand exchange accounts for the observed HJ accumulation. Rather than reflecting CreWT behavior, CreH289A accumulates HJs of opposite polarity through a combination of its unique cleavage specificity and an HJ isomerization defect. The overall implication is that cleavage specificity is mediated by sequence-dependent DNA deformations that influence the scissile phosphate positioning and reactivity. A role of His289 may be to selectively stabilize the "activated" phosphate conformation in order to promote cleavage.  相似文献   

The 5'-terminal guanylate residue (G-1) of mature Escherichia coli tRNA(His) is generated as a result of an unusual cleavage by RNase P (Orellana, O., Cooley, L., and S?ll, D. (1986) Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 525-529). We have examined the importance of the unique acceptor stem structure of E. coli tRNA(His) in determining the specificity of RNase P cleavage. Mutant tRNA(His) precursors bearing substitutions of the normal base G-1 or the opposing, potentially paired base, C73, can be cleaved at the +1 position, in contrast to wild-type precursors which are cut exclusively at the -1 position. These data indicate that the nature of the base at position -1 is of greater importance in determining the site of RNase P cleavage than potential base pairing between nucleotides -1 and 73. In addition, processing of the mutant precursors by M1-RNA or P RNA under conditions of ribozyme catalysis yields a higher proportion of +1-cleaved products in comparison to the reaction catalyzed by the RNase P holoenzyme. This lower sensitivity of the holoenzyme to alterations in acceptor stem structure suggests that the protein moiety of RNase P may play a role in determining the specificity of the reaction and implies that recognition of the substrate involves additional regions of the tRNA. We have also shown that the RNase P holoenzyme and tRNA(His) precursor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, unlike their prokaryotic counterparts, do not possess these abilities to carry out this unusual reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Illegitimate recombination dependent on DNA gyrase in a cell-free system has previously been described. We have now mapped DNA gyrase cleavage sites in the vicinity of known recombination sites in pBR322. Among five recombination sites examined, three were found to coincide with a DNA gyrase cleavage site. This result suggests that the cleavage of DNA by DNA gyrase has a central role in the recombination process.  相似文献   

The reaction of a soluble thiamine-binding protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with water-soluble carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, at pH 4.5, results in a remarkable loss of its binding activity with thiamine. Thiamine above 0.1 mM substantially protects the protein against this inactivation. In addition to 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, the thiamine-binding protein is also inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate. The inactivation is time-dependent and follows second-order kinetics. Restoration of the binding activity by incubation of inactivated protein with hydroxylamine was observed. thiamine and pyrithiamine are effective to prevent the inactivation. From these results it is strongly suggested that both the carboxyl and the histidine residues in the protein are involved in the binding site for thiamine. It is proposed that the binding involves interactions between charged groups on the protein with the quaternary nitrogen of the thiazolium moiety and with the basic ring nitrogen of the pyrimidine moiety in thiamine molecule.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mre11 protein is involved in both double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair and meiotic DSB formation. Here, we report the correlation of nuclease and DNA-binding activities of Mre11 with its functions in DNA repair and meiotic DSB formation. Purified Mre11 bound to DNA efficiently and was shown to have Mn2+-dependent nuclease activities. A point mutation in the N-terminal phosphoesterase motif (Mre11D16A) resulted in the abolition of nuclease activities but had no significant effect on DNA binding. The wild-type level of nuclease activity was detected in a C-terminal truncated protein (Mre11DeltaC49), although it had reduced DNA-binding activity. Phenotypes of the corresponding mutations were also analyzed. The mre11D16A mutation conferred methyl methanesulfonate-sensitivity to mitotic cells and caused the accumulation of unprocessed meiotic DSBs. The mre11DeltaC49 mutant exhibited almost wild-type phenotypes in mitosis. However, in meiosis, no DSB formation could be detected and an aberrant chromatin configuration was observed at DSB sites in the mre11DeltaC49 mutant. These results indicate that Mre11 has two separable functional domains: the N-terminal nuclease domain required for DSB repair, and the C-terminal dsDNA-binding domain essential to its meiotic functions such as chromatin modification and DSB formation. Keywords: DNA binding/double-strand break repair/DSB formation/Mre11/nuclease  相似文献   

The use of a linear free-energy relationship shows that both histidine residues of alpha-chymotrypsin and chymotrypsinogen are super-reactive toward 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. The binding of indole to the specificity site of alpha-chymotrypsin causes both histidine residues to become less reactive. On the basis of these results and those from X-ray-crystallographic studies, the following conclusions are made. (1) The super-reactivity of the catalytic-site histidine-57 is due to charge transfer from aspartic acid-102 by means of hydrogen bonding. (2) The aspartic acid-102-histidine-57-serine-195 'charge-relay' system is not complete in the zymogen or native enzyme and only on binding of a suitable substrate or ligand to the specificity site of the enzyme is the charge transfer to serine-195 completed. (3) The lack of substantial enzymic activity in the zymogen is due to the absence of a completed specificity site, and therefore it cannot bind suitable substrates or ligands to induce completion of the charge-relay system.  相似文献   

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