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Leishmania donovani promastigotes were generated by virtue of their resistance to incrementing concentrations of sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam) under completely defined growth conditions. The PENT0400 and PENT03200 cell lines were isolated after prolonged exposure to 0.4 mg/ml and 3.2 mg/ml Pentostam (Sb concentration), respectively. Whereas the effective concentration of Pentostam which inhibited the growth of wild type cells by 50% (EC50 value) was 0.1-0.15 mg/ml, the EC50 values for the PENT0400 and PENT03200 cells were approximately 1 and 4 mg/ml, respectively. The decreased sensitivities of both PENT0400 and PENT03200 cells to Pentostam were maintained after 6 months of continuous culture in the absence of selective pressure, indicating that the Pentostam resistance in the mutant organisms was a stable genetic trait. Interestingly, wild type and PENT03200 cells were equally sensitive to growth inhibition and cytotoxicity caused by SbCl5 and SbCl3, as well as to a variety of other cations such as Cd, Zn, and As. Wild type and PENT03200 cells also displayed equivalent growth sensitivities to a spectrum of other antiprotozoal agents, including antimony potassium tartrate, melarsoprol, pyrimethamine, pentamidine, formycin B, and difluoromethylornithine. These results illustrate a potentially useful model system to study Pentostam resistance in Leishmania and suggest that Pentostam resistance in vitro may be independent of antimony toxicity.  相似文献   

Peromyscus yucatanicus, the main reservoir of Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, reproduces clinical and histological pictures of LCL in human as well as subclinical infection. Thus, we used this rodent as a novel experimental model. In this work, we analyzed cytokine mRNA expression in P. yucatanicus infected with L. (L.) mexicana. Animals were inoculated with either 2.5 × 106 or 1 × 102 promastigotes and cytokine expressions were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR in skin at 4 and 12 weeks post-infection (wpi). Independently of the parasite inoculum none of the infected rodents had clinical signs of LCL at 4 wpi and all expressed high IFN-γ mRNA. All P. yucatanicus inoculated with 2.5 × 106 promastigotes developed signs of LCL at 12 wpi while the mice inoculated with 1 × 102 remained subclinical. At that time, both IFN-γ and IL-10 were expressed in P. yucatanicus with clinical and subclinical infections. Expressions of TNF-α and IL-4 were significantly higher in clinical animals (2.5 × 106) compared with subclinical ones (1 × 102). High TGF-β expression was observed in P. yucatanicus with clinical signs when compared with healthy animals. Results suggested that the clinical course of L. (L.) mexicana infection in P. yucatanicus was associated with a specific local pattern of cytokine production at 12 wpi.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica and Leishmania mexicana: cross-immunity in mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of a previous or concurrent Leishmania tropica major infection on a L. mexicana infection was studied. Mice which were recovering from or had recovered from a L. tropica infection were found to be totally resistant to L. mexicana. Infection of mice already carrying a L. mexicana infection with L. tropica resulted in subsequent ulceration and eventual healing of the lesions caused by both Leishmania species. Mice infected with L. mexicana were found normally to be no more susceptible to L. tropica than untreated mice: Only when L. tropica infections were located in the region of a draining lymph node already serving a L. mexicana infection did lesions of the former parasite persist.  相似文献   

6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) is a key enzyme of the oxidative branch involved in the generation of NADPH and ribulose 5-phosphate. In the present work, we describe the cloning, sequencing and characterization of a 6PGDH gene from Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana. The gene encodes a polypeptide chain of 479 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 52 kDa and a pI of 5.77. The recombinant protein possesses a dimeric quaternary structure and displays kinetic parameter values intermediate between those reported for Trypanosoma brucei and T. cruzi with apparent K(m) values of 6.93 and 5.2 μM for 6PG and NADP(+), respectively. The three-dimensional structure of the enzymes of Leishmania and T. cruzi were modelled from their amino acid sequence using the crystal structure of the enzyme of T. brucei as template. The amino acid residues located in the 6PGDH C-terminal region, which are known to participate in the salt bridges maintaining the protein dimeric structure, differed significantly among the enzymes of Leishmania, T. cruzi, and T. brucei. Our results strongly suggest that 6PGDH can be selected as a potential target for the development of new therapeutic drugs in order to improve existing chemotherapeutic treatments against these parasites.  相似文献   

Four distinct bands of cysteine proteinase activity were detected when stationary-phase populations of Leishmania mexicana mexicana were subjected to gelatin-SDS-PAGE. The highest mobility band contained at least three isoforms separable by mono Q anion exchange chromatography. These high mobility activities were distinct from all the major amastigote enzymes. Stationary-phase promastigote populations also contained two acid-activable precursor forms of the promastigote-specific band. It is suggested that these promastigote-specific activities occur in the infective metacyclic stage of the parasite and may have a role in parasite survival upon inoculation into a mammal.  相似文献   

Inhibition of one Leishmania subspecies by exometabolites of another subspecies, a phenomenon not previously reported, is suggested by our recent observations in cell cloning experiments with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Clones were identified using the technique of schizodeme analysis. The phenomenon observed is clearly relevant to studies of parasite isolation, leishmanial metabolism, cross-immunity and chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Leishmania mexicana is able to interact with the fibrinolytic system through its component plasminogen, the zymogenic form of the protease plasmin. In this study a new plasminogen binding protein of this parasite was identified: LACK, the Leishmania homolog of receptors for activated C-kinase. Plasminogen binds recombinant LACK with a Kd value of 1.6 ± 0.4 μM, and binding is lysine-dependent since it is inhibited by the lysine analog ε-aminocaproic acid. Inhibition studies with specific peptides and plasminogen binding activity of a mutated recombinant LACK have highlighted the internal motif 260VYDLESKAV268, similar to those found in several enolases, as involved in plasminogen binding. Recombinant LACK and secreted proteins, in medium conditioned by parasites, enhance plasminogen activation to plasmin by the tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). In addition to its localization in the cytosol, in the microsomal fraction and as secreted protein in conditioned medium, LACK was also localized on the external surface of the membrane. The results presented here suggest that LACK might bind and enhance plasminogen activation in vivo promoting the formation of plasmin. Plasminogen binding of LACK represents a new function for this protein and might contribute to the invasiveness of the parasite.  相似文献   

A series of 1-aryl-4-(phthalimidoalkyl) piperazines and 1-aryl-4-(naphthalimidoalkyl) piperazines were retrieved from a proprietary library based on their high structural similarity to haloperidol, an antipsychotic with antiparasitic activity, and assessed as potential antileishmanial scaffolds. Selected compounds were tested for antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of Leishmania major and Leishmania mexicana in dose-response assays. Two of the 1-aryl-4-(naphthalimidoalkyl) piperazines (compounds 10 and 11) were active against promastigotes of both Leishmania species without being toxic to human fibroblasts. Their activity was found to correlate with the length of their alkyl chains. Further analyses showed that compound 11 was also active against intracellular amastigotes of both Leishmania species. In promastigotes of both Leishmania species, compound 11 induced collapse of the mitochondrial electrochemical potential and increased the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Therefore, it may serve as a promising lead compound for the development of novel antiparasitic drugs.  相似文献   

Amastigotes and cultured promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana mexicana and L. m. amazonensis, cultured promastigotes of L. donovani and L. tarentolae, and the culture forms of Crithidia fasciculata, Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum and H. m. ingenoplastis all possessed four phosphoribosyltransferase (PRTase) activities: adenine PRTase, hypoxanthine PRTase, guanine PRTase and xanthine PRTase. The enzymes of L. m. mexicana required divalent cations for activity; Mn2+ or Co2+ produced maximal activity in most cases. Hypoxanthine PRTase, guanine PRTase and xanthine PRTase from all organisms were sedimentable in part, suggesting that they may occur within glycosomes. The enzymes of L. m. mexicana cultured promastigotes were inhibited by a range of purine analogues.  相似文献   

Leishmania mexicana mexicana cultured promastigotes were fractionated by isopycnic centrifugation on linear sucrose gradients. Guanine, hypoxanthine and xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activities were found to be associated with glycosomes, whereas adenine phosphoribosyltransferase was cytosolic. 3'- and 5'-nucleotidases and IMP dehydrogenase were shown to be particulate, the former two possibly being associated with the plasma membrane, IMP dehydrogenase with the endoplasmic reticulum. Nucleosidases and deaminases were found to be cytosolic. The results demonstrate that intracellular separation of enzymes could play a part in the regulation of the parasite's purine metabolism.  相似文献   

Studies on the decarboxylation of ornithine in Leishmania mexicana have shown that this activity corresponds to a true ornithine decarboxylase rather than to an oxidative decarboxylation or aminotransferase reaction, both of which also give rise to the release of CO2. The stoichiometric relationship between substrate and products has indicated that extracts of L. mexicana were able to catalyse the formation of an unknown compound besides putrescine and CO2. The addition of cycloheximide to cultures of L. mexicana allowed us to demonstrate that ornithine decarboxylase degradation in vivo was extremely slow in this parasite. This remarkable stability of the enzyme is only comparable to that found in Trypanosoma brucei and contrasts with the high turnover rate of ornithine decarboxylases of different mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The gene of Leishmania mexicana enolase was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli as an active enzyme; the protein was biochemically analyzed. This enolase shares with enolases from other trypanosomatids the presence of three atypical residues, each with a reactive side group, near the active site, already described for the enzyme from Trypanosoma brucei. The natural enzyme was purified, using a three-step procedure, from a cytosolic fraction of L. mexicana promastigotes. The kinetic properties of the purified recombinant enzyme were similar to those of the natural enzyme. Both the recombinant and natural enzyme were inhibited by inorganic pyrophosphate. Subcellular localization analysis after differential centrifugation showed that the enzyme activity is only associated with the cytosolic fraction. However, an apparently inactive form of enolase was detected by Western blots in the microsomal fraction. Digitonin treatment of parasites and immunofluorescence studies with permeabilized and non-permeabilized parasites showed that enolase is also associated with membranes and it was found at the external face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cultured promastigote and isolated amastigote forms of Leishmania mexicana mexicana have been surveyed for the presence of enzymes involved in purine metabolism. Quantitative but not qualitative differences between the enzymes of two forms were discovered. There were found to be significant differences between the enzyme content of L. m. mexicana and that reported for L. donovani. Extracts of both parasite forms of L. m. mexicana were found to have higher levels of adenine deaminase (EC and guanine deaminase (EC than adenosine deaminase (EC There appeared to be two distinct nucleosidases (EC, one active on nucleosides, the other on deoxynucleosides. Phosphorylase (EC could be detected only in the catabolic direction. Nucleotidases were present, but were more active on 3' (EC than 5' (EC Phosphoribosyltransferase (EC,.8 and .22) and nucleoside kinase (EC activities were detected in both forms. Nucleotide-interconverting enzymes were found to be present, with IMP dehydrogenase (EC being the most active. Cell fractionation experiments revealed that, in the promastigote, enzyme separation within the parasite may play an important part in regulating cellular purine metabolism.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana mexicana attach to mouse macrophages in vitro in the absence of serum by a wheat germ agglutinin-like ligand on the surface of the promastigote that binds to the N-acetyl glucosamine moiety of a receptor on the surface of the macrophage. The binding is temperature dependent, and the macrophage receptor is trypsin, cytochalasin B, and is assisted or inhibited as for attachment. Treatment of promastigotes with proteolytic enzymes uncovers a receptor for a serum component that binds strongly to a mouse macrophage receptor in vitro. The strain of mice donating the macrophages had little effect upon attachment and uptake except that A strain mouse macrophages attached fewer promastigotes in 10 min than those of outbred mice, but took up as many promastigotes over 90 min as those of outbred mice. Low responder Biozzi mouse macrophages took up more promastigotes than high responder Biozzi mouse macrophages. Normal unheated human, rabbit, and guinea pig sera lysed promastigotes and so inhibited their attachment to macrophages in vitro. Unheated immune serum showed an enhanced inhibition of attachment. Heated normal serum allowed attachment and uptake, while promastigotes treated with heated immune serum showed enhanced attachment to and uptake by macrophages. Treatment of macrophages in vitro with immune serum enhanced their ability to attach promastigotes and to engulf them. Repeated 90-min exposures of a population of promastigotes to uptake by mouse macrophages in vitro did not deplete the population of any sub-population more likely to be taken by macrophages.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation controls major steps of proliferation and differentiation in eukaryotic cells. However there are few studies done in protozoa particularly when being triggered by external stimuli. In this paper we have examined the tyrosine- and serine/threonine-phosphorylated proteins in both promastigote and amastigote-like forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana stimulated with insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I. Stimulation with IGF-I induces major tyrosine phosphorylation of a 185-kDa protein in promastigotes and 60- and 40-kDa proteins in amastigotes. Analysis of total phosphorylation revealed additional sets of phosphorylated proteins: a 110-kDa protein band in promastigotes and two other proteins of 120 and 95 kDa in the amastigote-like forms. To further analyze the IGF-I-mediated response we compared it with the phosphorylation pattern obtained with a known inducer of protein kinase C, phorbol myristate acetate. This analysis showed overlapping phosphorylation of most of the proteins but mainly of the 185- and 110-kDa proteins in the promastigotes and the 95-. 60- and 40-kDa proteins in the amastigote-like forms. We thus conclude that there are phosphorylation-dependem pathways in Leishmania parasites induced by IGF-I that are stage-specific.  相似文献   

Infection and multiplication of Leishmania infantum and L. mexicana inside of skin fibroblasts from hamsters, mice and rats was achieved. This process was demonstrated either by counting parasites inside the stained cells or by electronic microscopy studies. In addition multiplication rate differences in the cells from these rodent species were determined, for L. infantum as well as for L. mexicana. Parasite development in hamsters and mice fibroblasts was evident but there was not multiplication in rat cells showing that apparently they are refractory to Leishmania infection. These results suggest that the parasite affinity for each animal, as well as any intracellular environment resistance, could involve genetic factors in the parasite multiplication. On the other hand, presence of amastigote multiplication inside of parasitophorus vacuole, showed by electronic microscopy images, probes a true parasite transformation. Therefore it is suggested that fibroblasts could work as host cells for parasite survival and permanency in the infected animals.  相似文献   

In the State of Campeche, Mexico, zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis is mainly due to Leishmania (L.) mexicana. The parasite population is maintained in a mammalian species, a reservoir in which the ideal course of infection should be long and relatively nonpathogenic. The objective of the present study was to document the retention of L. (L.) mexicana in 29 naturally infected rodents. These cricetids lived in captivity for up to two years and were tested monthly for the presence of the parasite, by cultures of needle aspirates from the base of the tail. Peromyscus yucatanicus and Ototylomys phyllotis were incriminated as the primary reservoir hosts. The finding that the multiplication of parasites in P. yucatanicus might be triggered by temperature, suggests that this animal would be a good choice for further research on L. (L.) mexicana.  相似文献   

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