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InStrongylocentrotus intermedius acclimated to certain temperatures within the range of 5–20°C, the rate of oxygen consumption increases regularly as the temperature rises, the mean value of theQ 10 coefficient being about 1.9.  相似文献   

The post-prandial rates of ammonia excretion (TAN) and oxygen consumption in the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis) were assessed at 2 h intervals post-feeding until the rates returned to those of the fasting rates, at 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, and 32.5°C, respectively. Both fasting TAN and increased with temperature, and were lower than those previously reported for many fish species. The relationship between fasting TAN (mmol NH3–N kg−1 h−1) and temperature (T, °C) was described as: fasting TAN = 0.144e 0.0266T (= 0.526, = 27, < 0.05). The magnitude of ammonia excretion and its ratio to total N intake during the specific dynamic action (SDA) tended to increase initially, and then decrease with increasing temperature. The ammonia quotient (AQ), calculated as mol NH3–N/mol O2, following feeding decreased as temperature increased. The relationship between AQ during SDA and temperature was described as: AQduring SDA = 0.303e −0.0143T (= 0.739, = 21, < 0.05). Our results suggest that ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption post-feeding are operating independently of each other. Furthermore, it appears that the importance of protein as a metabolic substrate in postprandial fish decreases with temperature.  相似文献   

The relation of temperature to oxygen consumption in the goldfish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

温度、盐度和体长对西藏拟溞耗氧率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵文  张琳  霍元子 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1549-1553
在实验室内研究了盐度(S=5、10、15、20和25)、温度(T=3、8、14、20和22℃)和体长(L=0.83、1.25、1.49、1.87和2.42mm)对西藏拟耗氧率的影响。结果表明,在试验盐度内该的个体耗氧率(IO)和比耗氧率(SO)均随盐度(S)升高而升高,其回归方程分别为IO=0.0014S 0.0126和SO=0.115S0.5612,数值范围为0.02~0.045μg/(indh)和0.31~0.67μg/(mg·h)。个体耗氧率和比耗氧率在温度试验中有同样的趋势,回归方程分别为IO=0.0049e0.1574T和SO=0.0678e0.1605T,数值分别为0.0076~0.13μg/(ind·h)和0.10~1.71μg/(mg·h)。体长试验中个体耗氧率随体长增大而增大,而比耗氧率则降低,回归方程分别为:IO=0.0545L2.5962和SO=-0.2059L 0.7908,数值范围为0.036~0.68μg/(ind·h)和0.38~0.63μg/(mg·h)。讨论了盐度、温度和体长对西藏拟耗氧率的影响。  相似文献   

Implementation of the sterile insect technique for tsetse (Glossina spp.) requires that only sterile male insects be released; thus, at some stage of the fly production process the females have to be removed. A further constraint in the use of the sterile insect technique for tsetse is that the females are needed for colony production and hence, a non-destructive method of sex separation is required. In most tsetse sterile insect technique programmes thus far, females have been eliminated from the released material by hand-separation of chilled adults. Using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, significant differences have been found between the spectra for the pupae of male and female G. pallidipes Austen. Significantly, the differences appear to be maximized 4-5 days before emergence of the adults. Tsetse fly pupae up to five days before emergence can be sexed with accuracies that generally range from 80 to 100%. This system, when refined, will enable effective separation of male and female pupae to be carried out, with emerged females being returned to the colony and males being irradiated and released. If separation can be achieved five days before emergence, this will also enable irradiated male pupae to be shipped to other destinations as required. Other Diptera were evaluated using this system but had lower classification accuracies of 50-74%. This may be due to the difference in reproductive physiology between these different fly groups.  相似文献   

It has been established that mannitol infiltrated in a vacuum into plant tissues increased the oxygen uptake. No lag phase appearing subsequently to its infiltration by the transpiration stream (Trip, Nelson, Keotkov 1963) was observed. Our results may support the opinion that the mentioned lag phase is caused by the slow penetration of mannitol into the plant cells.  相似文献   

Underyearling Lake Inari Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were acclimated to 11·0) C for 3 weeks, and then one group was maintained at 11·0) C and others were exposed to 14·4) Cconst, 17·7) Cconst or a diel fluctuating temperature of 14·3° C ± 1° C (14·3° Cfluc). Routine rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were measured over 10 days before the temperature change and over 31 days following the change. Measurements were made on fish that were feeding and growing. The temperature increase produced an immediate increase in oxygen consumption. There was then a decline over the next few days, suggesting that thermal acclimation was rapid. For groups exposed to constant temperature there was an increase in oxygen consumption ( M accl, mg kg−1 h−1) with increasing temperature ( T ), the relationship being approximated by an exponential model: M accl= 46·53e0·086 T . At 14·3° Cfluc oxygen consumption declined during the 3–4 days following the temperature shift, but remained higher than at 14·4° Cconst. This indicates that small temperature fluctuations have some additional influences that increase metabolic rate. Ammonia excretion rates showed diel variations. Excretion was lower at 11° Cconst than at other temperatures, and increases in temperature had a significant effect on ammonia excretion rate. Fluctuating (14·3° Cfluc) temperature did not influence ammonia excretion relative to constant temperature (14·4° Cconst).  相似文献   

Routine metabolism was measured for Barbus aeneus ranging in mass from 4.1 g to 520 g over the temperature range 9.5–26°C. The mean slope of the double logarithmic relationship between total oxygen consumption and mass was 0.69. The slope of the response of specific oxygen consumption to temperature increased with increasing mass. It is suggested that the lesser effect of temperature on specific oxygen consumption in smaller fish is because osmosis is a passive physical process, with a Q 10 in the range 1.1–1.4, while the Q 10 for biochemical processes is typically in the range 2–4. At lower temperatures a greater proportion of the total metabolism would therefore be devoted to osmoregulation. This would have implications for the energy balance of small fishes, since in these the ratio surface area: mass is greater and accordingly the proportion of total metabolism devoted to osmoregulation would be higher than in larger individuals.  相似文献   

The present study determined the effect of body mass and acclimation temperature (15–28°C) on oxygen consumption rate (ṀO2) and the size dependency of preferred temperature in European perch Perca fluviatilis. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) scaled allometrically with body mass by an exponent of 0.86, and temperature influenced SMR with a Q10 of 1.9 regardless of size. Maximum metabolic rate (MMR) and aerobic scope (MMR-SMR) scaled allometrically with body mass by exponents of 0.75–0.88. The mass scaling exponents of MMR and aerobic scope changed with temperature and were lowest at the highest temperature. Consequently, the optimal temperature for aerobic scope decreased with increasing body mass. Notably, fish <40 g did not show a decrease aerobic scope with increasing temperature. Factorial aerobic scope (MMR × SMR−1) generally decreased with increasing temperatures, was unaffected by size at the lower temperatures, and scaled negatively with body mass at the highest temperature. Similar to the optimal temperature for aerobic scope, preferred temperature declined with increasing body mass, unaffectedly by acclimation temperature. The present study indicates a limitation in the capacity for oxygen uptake in larger fish at high temperatures. A constraint in oxygen uptake at high temperature may restrict the growth of larger fish with environmental warming, at least if food availability is not limited. Furthermore, behavioural thermoregulation may be contributing to regional changes in the size distribution of fish in the wild caused by global warming as larger individuals will prefer colder water at higher latitudes and at larger depths than smaller conspecifics with increasing environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

Nine males with mean maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) = 63.0 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.7 and mean body fat = 10.6%, SD 3.1 each completed nine counterbalanced treatments comprising 20, 50 and 80 min of treadmill exercise at 30, 50 and 70% VO2max. The O2 deficit, 8 h excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and EPOC:O2 deficit ratio were calculated for all subjects relative to mean values obtained from 2 control days each lasting 9.3 h. The O2 deficit, which was essentially independent of exercise duration, increased significantly (P less than 0.05) with intensity such that the overall mean values for the three 30%, 50% and 70% VO2max workloads were 0.83, 1.89 and 3.09 l, respectively. While there were no significant differences (P greater than 0.05) between the three EPOCs after walking at 30% VO2max for 20 (1.01 l), 50 (1.43 l) and 80 min (1.04 l), respectively, the EPOC thereafter increased (P less than 0.05) with both intensity and duration such that the increments were much greater for the three 70% VO2max workloads (EPOC: 20 min = 5.68 l; 50 min = 10.04 l; 80 min = 14.59 l) than for the three 50% VO2max workloads (EPOC: 20 min = 3.14 l; 50 min = 5.19 l; 80 min = 6.10 l). An analysis of variance indicated that exercise intensity was the major determinant of the EPOC since it explained five times more of the EPOC variance than either exercise duration or the intensity times duration interaction. The mean EPOC:O2 deficit ratio ranged from 0.8 to 4.5 and generally increased with both exercise intensity and duration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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