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Period (Per) is a canonical circadian clock gene. The fruit fly, an invertebrate, has one per gene, while the human, a tetrapod vertebrate, has three Per genes. Per1, Per2, and Per3 of the tetrapods were generated from two rounds of ancient genome duplications from the ancestral chordate Per gene. Searching for five teleost fish genomes in a combination of phylogenetic, splicing site, and syntenic analyses revealed that zebrafish have two per1 genes, per1a and per1b, one per2, and one per3; medaka, fugu, and tetraodon each have two per2 genes, per2a and per2b, one per1, and one per3; sticklebacks also have per2a, per2b, and one per1 but lack per3; and per1a/per1b in zebrafish and per2a/per2b in madaka, fugu, tetraodon, and stickleback are ancient duplicates. While the dN/dS ratios of the five fish per duplicates are all <1, suggesting that they likely have been subject to purifying selection, the Tajima relative rate test showed that zebrafish per1a/per1b and fugu and medaka per2a/per2b have asymmetric evolutionary rates, implicating that one of these duplicates might have been under positive selection or relaxed functional constraint. Further, in situ hybridization showed that zebrafish per1a and per1b clearly have distinct patterns of temporal and spatial expression. These results support the notion that extra copies of teleost per genes were generated from the fish-specific genome duplication, and divergent resolution after the duplication resulted in retention of different per duplicates in different fish, most of which have diverged significantly.  相似文献   

Comparative genetic mapping in interspecific pedigrees presents a powerful approach to study genetic differentiation, genome evolution and reproductive isolation in diverging species. We used this approach for genetic analysis of an F1 hybrid of two Eucalyptus tree species, Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden.) and Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.). This wide interspecific cross is characterized by hybrid inviability and hybrid abnormality. Approximately 20% of loci in the genome of the F1 hybrid are expected to be hemizygous due to a difference in genome size between E. grandis (640 Mbp) and E. globulus (530 Mbp). We investigated the extent of colinearity between the two genomes and the distribution of hemizygous loci in the F1 hybrid using high-throughput, semi-automated AFLP marker analysis. Two pseudo-backcross families (backcrosses of an F1 individual to non-parental individuals of the parental species) were each genotyped with more than 800 AFLP markers. This allowed construction of de novo comparative genetic linkage maps of the F1 hybrid and the two backcross parents. All shared AFLP marker loci in the three single-tree parental maps were found to be colinear and little evidence was found for gross chromosomal rearrangements. Our results suggest that hemizygous AFLP loci are dispersed throughout the E. grandis chromosomes of the F1 hybrid.Communicated by O. Savolainen  相似文献   

Higher teleost fishes, including zebrafish and fugu, have duplicated their Hox genes relative to the gene inventory of other gnathostome lineages. The most widely accepted theory contends that the duplicate Hox clusters orginated synchronously during a single genome duplication event in the early history of ray-finned fishes. In this contribution we collect and re-evaluate all publicly available sequence information. In particular, we show that the short Hox gene fragments from published PCR surveys of the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus, the medaka Oryzias latipes and the goldfish Carassius auratus can be used to determine with little ambiguity not only their paralog group but also their membership in a particular cluster. Together with a survey of the genomic sequence data from the pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis we show that at least percomorpha, and possibly all eutelosts, share a system of 7 or 8 orthologous Hox gene clusters. There is little doubt about the orthology of the two teleost duplicates of the HoxA and HoxB clusters. A careful analysis of both the coding sequence of Hox genes and of conserved non-coding sequences provides additional support for the “duplication early” hypothesis that the Hox clusters in teleosts are derived from eight ancestral clusters by means of subsequent gene loss; the data remain ambiguous, however, in particular for the HoxC clusters. Assuming the “duplication early” hypothesis we use the new evidence on the Hox gene complements to determine the phylogenetic positions of gene-loss events in the wake of the cluster duplication. Surprisingly, we find that the resolution of redundancy seems to be a slow process that is still ongoing. A few suggestions on which additional sequence data would be most informative for resolving the history of the teleostean Hox genes are discussed. Supplemental material is available at http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Publications/SUPPLEMENTS/04-006/.  相似文献   

Large-scale—even genome-wide—duplications have repeatedly been invoked as an explanation for major radiations. Teleosts, the most species-rich vertebrate clade, underwent a “fish-specific genome duplication” (FSGD) that is shared by most ray-finned fish lineages. We investigate here the Hox complement of the goldeye (Hiodon alosoides), a representative of Osteoglossomorpha, the most basal teleostean clade. An extensive PCR survey reveals that goldeye has at least eight Hox clusters, indicating a duplicated genome compared to basal actinopterygians. The possession of duplicated Hox clusters is uncoupled to species richness. The Hox system of the goldeye is substantially different from that of other teleost lineages, having retained several duplicates of Hox genes for which crown teleosts have lost at least one copy. A detailed analysis of the PCR fragments as well as full length sequences of two HoxA13 paralogs, and HoxA10 and HoxC4 genes places the duplication event close in time to the divergence of Osteoglossomorpha and crown teleosts. The data are consistent with—but do not conclusively prove—that Osteoglossomorpha shares the FSGD. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Chi-hua ChiuEmail:

Runcie DE  Noor MA 《Genetica》2009,136(1):5-11
The X-chromosome inversion, Xe, distinguishes Drosophila mojavensis and D. arizonae. Earlier work mapped the breakpoints of this inversion to large intervals and provided hypotheses for the locations of the breakpoints within 3000-bp intergenic regions on the D. mojavensis genome sequence assembly. Here, we sequenced these regions directly in the putatively ancestral D. arizonae X-chromosome. We find that the two inversion breakpoints are near an inverted gene duplication and a common repetitive element, respectively, and these features were likely present in the non-inverted ancestral chromosome on the D. mojavensis lineage. Contrary to an earlier hypothesis, the inverted gene duplication appears to predate the inversion. We find no sequence similarity between the breakpoint regions in the D. mojavensis ancestor, excluding an ectopic-exchange model of chromosome rearrangements. We also found no evidence that staggered single-strand breaks caused the inversion. We suggest these features may have contributed to the chromosomal breakages resulting in this inversion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Calcium serves as a second messenger in various signal transduction pathways in plants. CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), which have a variety of functions, are involved in calcium signal transduction. Previous, the studies on CIPK family members focused on Arabidopsis and rice. Here, we present a comparative genomic analysis of the CIPK gene family in Arabidopsis and poplar, a model tree species. Twenty-seven potential CIPKs were identified from poplar using genome-wide analysis. Like the CIPK gene family from Arabidopsis, CIPK genes from poplar were also divided into intron-free and intron-harboring groups. In the intron-harboring group, the intron distribution of CIPKs is rather conserved during the genome evolutionary process. Many homologous gene pairs were found in the CIPK gene family, indicating duplication events might contribute to the amplification of this gene family. The phylogenetic comparison of CIPKs in combination with intron distribution analysis revealed that CIPK genes from both Arabidopsis and poplar might have an ancient origin, which formed earlier than the separation of these two eudicot species. Our genomic and bioinformatic analysis will provide an important foundation for further functional dissection of the CBL-CIPK signaling network in poplars. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane transport proteins belong to SoLute Carrier 15 (SLC15) family and two members of this family have been characterized extensively in higher vertebrates, namely PEPT1 and PEPT2. Despite many efforts have made to define a pharmacophore model for efficient binding and transporting of substrates, there is not a comprehensive study performed to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms among the SLC15 family members and to statistically evaluate sequence conservation and functional divergence between members. In this study, we compared and contrasted the rates and patterns of molecular evolution of 2 PEPT genes. Phylogenetic tree assembly with all available vertebrate PEPTs suggests that the PEPTs originated by duplications and diverged from a common protein at the base of the eukaryotic tree. Topological structure demonstrates both members share the similar hydrophobic domains (TMDs), which have been constrained by purifying selection. Although both genes show qualitatively similar patterns, their rates of evolution differ significantly due to an increased rate of synonymous substitutions in the structural domains in one copy, suggesting substantial differences in functional constraint on each gene. Site-specific profiles were established by posterior probability analysis revealing significantly divergent regions mainly locate at the hydrophobic region between predicted transmembrane domains 9 and 10 of the proteins. Thus, these results provide the evidence that several amino acid residues with reduced selective constraints are largely responsible for functional divergence between the paralogous PEPTs. These findings may provide a starting point for further experimental verifications.  相似文献   

Microbial genome sequencing has left a legacy of annotated yet uncharacterized genes or open reading frames, activities that may have useful applications in health and/or the environment. We are interested in the discovery and characterization of potentially new pectinolytic activities for the enzymatic retting of natural bast fibers such as hemp and flax. A highlight in this study is the discovery of a cold-active pectate lyase among five pectate-lyase-encoding sequences and two polygalacturonase-encoding sequences that we have cloned from the genomes of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Heterologous expression of these sequences as active pectate lyases and polygalacturonases required their subcloning in Escherichia coli Rosetta™ cells. The most active recombinant pectate lyase (XcPL NP_638163), a cold-active pectate lyase (XcPL NP_636037), and a polygalacturonase (XcPG NP_638805) were purified to near homogeneity and their kinetic parameters were determined. A significant amount of pectin degradation products was shown to be released by the two pectate lyases but not the polygalacturonase when hemp fiber pectin was used as substrate. Results of this study showed that genome data mining, besides an economical approach to new gene acquisition, may uncover new findings such as the discovery of a cold-active pectate-lyase-encoding sequence from X. campestris, a mesophilic microorganism.  相似文献   

Li G  Hu W  Qin R  Jin H  Tan G  Zhu L  He G 《Genetica》2008,134(2):169-180
Wild rice is a valuable resource for the genetic improvement of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L., AA genome). Molecular markers are important tools for monitoring gene introgression from wild rice into cultivated rice. In this study, Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze interspecific hybrids of O. sativa-O. officinalis (CC genome), the backcrossing progenies and the parent plants. Results showed that most of the SSR primers (335 out of 396, 84.6%) developed in cultivated rice successfully amplified products from DNA samples of wild rice O. officinalis. The polymorphism ratio of SSR bands between O. sativa and O. officinalis was as high as 93.9%, indicating differences between the two species with respect to SSRs. When the SSR markers were applied in the interspecific hybrids, only a portion of SSR primers amplified O. officinalis-specific bands in the F(1) hybrid (52.5%), BC(1) (52.5%), and MAALs (37.0%); a number of the bands disappeared. Of the 124 SSR loci that detected officinalis-specific bands in MAAL plants, 96 (77.4%) showed synteny between the A and C-genomes, and 20 (16.1%) showed duplication in the C-genome. Sequencing analysis revealed that indels, substitution and duplication contribute to the diversity of SSR loci between the genomes of O. sativa and O. officinalis.  相似文献   

Diploid Hordeum bulbosum (a wild relative of cultivated barley) exhibits a two-locus self-incompatibility (SI) system gametophytically controlled by the unlinked multiallelic loci S and Z. This unique SI system is observed in the grasses (Poaceae) including the tribe Triticeae. This paper describes the identification and characterization of two F-box genes cosegregating with the S locus in H. bulbosum, named Hordeum S locus-linked F-box 1 (HSLF1) and HSLF2, which were derived from an S 3 haplotype-specific clone (HAS175) obtained by previous AMF (AFLP-based mRNA fingerprinting) analysis. Sequence analysis showed that both genes encode similar F-box proteins with a C-terminal leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, which are distinct from S locus (or S haplotype-specific) F-box protein (SLF/SFB), a class of F-box proteins identified as the pollen S determinant in S-RNase-based gametophytic SI systems. A number of homologous F-box genes with an LRR domain were found in the rice genome, although the functions of the gene family are unknown. One allele of the HSLF1 gene (HSLF1-S 3) was expressed specifically in mature anthers, whereas no expression was detected from the other two alleles examined. Although the degree of sequence polymorphism among the three HSLF1 alleles was low, a frameshift mutation was found in one of the unexpressed alleles. The HSLF2 gene showed a low level of expression with no tissue specificity as well as little sequence polymorphism among the three alleles. The multiplicity of S locus-linked F-box genes is discussed in comparison with those found in the S-RNase-based SI system. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB511822–AB511825 and AB511859–AB511862.  相似文献   

Nicotiana section Alatae contains eight species with variable flower sizes and morphologies. Section members readily hybridize in the glasshouse, but no hybrids have been observed in natural sympatric and parapatric populations. To investigate interspecific crossing relationships with respect to mechanisms preventing hybridization, all members of section Alatae were intercrossed in a complete diallel. We found positive correlation between the pistil length of the pollen donor and interspecific seed set relative to the conspecific cross. Pollen tube growth rate and pollen donor pistil length were positively correlated as well. Furthermore, pollen from short-pistil members of section Alatae could only grow a maximum distance proportional to, but greater than, their own pistil lengths. Our results show that pollen tube growth capacity (i.e., rate and distance), provides a hybridization barrier in long-pistil species × short-pistil species crosses. We also found another hybridization barrier not specifically related to pollen tube growth capacity in short-pistil species × long-pistil species. Taken together, these barriers can generally be described by a ‘pistil-length mismatch’ rule; in section Alatae, pollen has the most success fertilizing ovules from species with pistil lengths similar to their own. This rule could contribute to hybridization barriers in Section Alatae because the species display dramatically different pistil lengths. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The large numbers of duplicated pairs of genes in zebrafish compared to their mammalian counterparts has lead to the notion that expression of zebrafish co-orthologous pairs in some cases can together describe the expression of their mammalian counterpart. Here, we explore this notion by identification and analysis of a second zebrafish ortholog of the mammalian Kit receptor tyrosine kinase (kitb). We show that in embryos, kitb is expressed in a non-overlapping pattern to that of kita, in the anterior ventral mesoderm, Rohon-beardRohon–Beard neurons, the otic vesicle, and trigeminal ganglia. The expression pattern of kita and kitb in zebrafish together approximates that of Kit in mouse, with the exception that neither zebrafish kit gene is expressed in primordial germ cells, a site of kit expression in the mouse embryo. In addition, zebrafish kita is expressed in a site of zebrafish primitive hematopoiesis but not required for blood development, and we fail to detect kitb expression in sites of zebrafish hematopoiesis. Thus, the expression and function of zebrafish kit genes cannot be described as a simple partition of the expression and function of mouse Kit. We discuss the possibility that these unaccounted for expression domains and functions are derived from more ancestral gene duplications and partitioning instead of the relatively recent teleost teleost-specific duplication. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The karyotype of diploid Aster iinumae is morphologically similar to that of diploid Aster ageratoides var. ageratoides, however, its chromosome size is apparently smaller (S-type chromosomes versus L-type chromosomes, respectively). The hybrid origin of tetraploid Aster microcephalus var. ovatus (LS-type chromosomes) has previously been suggested by cytogenetics and chloroplast DNA (cp DNA) data. The cp DNA phylogeny also implies that the S-type chromosome is apomorphic, which means that genome size reduction occurred on the evolutionary way to A. iinumae. In this study, we have demonstrated that the chromosome size difference does not depend on the intensity of chromosome condensation but on the DNA content. The simultaneous genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) results show the similarity between S-type chromosomes of A. iinumae and A. microcephalus var. ovatus, and between L-type chromosomes of A. ageratoides and A. microcephalus var. ovatus, which provide additional evidence for A. microcephalus var. ovatus being a tetraploid amphidiploid produced by hybridization between S-type chromosomes and L-type chromosomes. The distribution patterns of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons were similar in L- and S-type chromosomes. The copies of this retrotransposon dispersed uniformly on all chromosomes, and it is not yet apparent how the Ty1-copia-like retrotransposon affects the size difference between them.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage EP23 that infects Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei was isolated and characterized. The bacteriophage morphology was similar to members of the family Siphoviridae. The 44,077 bp genome was fully sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing. Comparative genomic and phylogenetic analyses showed that EP23 was most closely related to phage SO-1, which infects Sodalis glossinidius and phage SSL-2009a, which infects engineered E. coli. Genomic comparison indicated that EP23 and SO-1 were very similar with each other in terms of gene order and amino acid similarity, even though their hosts were separated in the level of genus. EP23 and SSL-2009a displayed high amino acid similarity between their genes, but there was evidence of several recombination events in SSL-2009a. The results of the comparative genomic analyses further the understanding of the evolution and relationship between EP23 and its bacteriophage relatives.  相似文献   

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