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镱和铕诱导金属硫蛋白生成的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了不同剂量的稀土元素镱和铕,通过皮下注射对兔肝中金属硫蛋白生成的影响。用Sephadex G50柱对兔肝提取液进行分离,收集的组分用紫外分光光度法、原子吸收光谱法和ELISA法进行分析。实验结果表明,低剂量(1-3ppm)的镱和铕不能明显地诱导兔肝内金属硫蛋白的合成,而高剂量(10-40ppm)的镱和铕可以诱导兔肝金属硫蛋白合成。  相似文献   

刘代成  原永洁 《动物学报》1998,44(3):375-376
胰高血糖素、血管紧张素、糖皮质激素均可诱导鼠、兔肝肾等器官金属硫蛋白(metalothionein,MT)的合成。兔在怀孕早期MT对从母体转移Zn至兔胎儿起调节作用。孕酮是家猫妊娠过程中的主要激素,它是否对肝MT有诱导作用,研究这一课题有助于阐明孕激...  相似文献   

用镉/血红蛋白饱和法测定海带、裙带菜、石莼、甘紫菜和石花菜等5种藻类MT的含量,结果表明:5种藻每g湿藻分别含2.5mg、5mg、4.8mg、2.6mg、2.4mg类MT;经CdCl2诱导后,类MT含量有不同程度的增加,分别变成5.2mg、8.8mg、10.0mg、4.0mg、3.2mg,其中石莼的诱导效果最显著,类MT的含量为每g湿藻含10.0mg类MT,是未经诱导的2.1倍。石莼、裙带莱和海带都是生产类MT的廉价材料。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白与肿瘤   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来的研究发现,一些肿瘤组织的金属硫蛋白含量增加。致癌过程中MT的写表达与致癌素作用,癌基因激活和肿瘤迅速生长有关。MT的加旺表达也是细胞产生耐药的机制之一天肿瘤预防和治疗中,MT可保护细胞低抗重金属和烷化剂的致癌,致突变作用,MT还可用于肿瘤临床辅助治疗和用作肿瘤标志物。  相似文献   

给家兔皮下注射不同结构的铂配合物溶液、对肝、肾组织的可溶性组分进行凝胶和离子交换层析分离,研究了它们诱导金属硫蛋白合成的性质,发现顺铂只选择性地诱导肝脏合成MT,反铂对肝,肾都不诱导,K2PtCl4同时可在肝和肾脏中诱导MT的合成。并通过用Zn(NO3)2预先诱导肝和肾中合成MT,然后每日以2、4、4和8mgPt/kg的剂量连续皮下注射4天顺铂或反铂溶液后,在肝和肾中分离出大量的铂化硫蛋白,且用反  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白(metallothionein, MT) 是一类富含半胱氨酸的低分子质量蛋白质,已鉴定4种亚型:MT-1、MT-2、MT-3和MT-4,基于各亚型功能的相对异质性而使MT呈现其生物学作用的多样性。金属硫蛋白通过与金属离子结合而参与基因表达调控和机体的重金属解毒过程;金属硫蛋白通过抑制多种氧化应激途径而保护细胞免受损伤;金属硫蛋白通过参与细胞的增殖、分化和凋亡的调节而影响肿瘤及其他重大疾病的发生发展。本文在金属硫蛋白的结构和分类的基础上综述其生物学作用及其相关机制。  相似文献   

无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
综述了近几十年来有关无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白(MT)的研究,包括软体动物MT、棘皮动物MT、环节动物MT、节肢动物MT(甲壳纲和昆虫纲),分析了无脊椎动物MT与哺乳动物MT的异同,在此基础上,提出以下观点:即从无脊椎动物MT到哺乳动物MT的进化来看,动物MT的进化可能是一种趋同进化的模式。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白   总被引:66,自引:1,他引:66  
金属硫蛋白为一类广泛地存在于生物界的低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白,尤其对Cd,Zn,Cu和Au,Ag等有较强的亲和力。它是一种诱导合成的蛋白质,在体内能被金属和糖皮质激素等所诱导。它具有广泛的生物学功能,主要是参与微量元素的储存、运输和代谢,拮抗电离辐射,清除羟基自由基和重金属解毒等多种作用。某些微量元素缺乏症等疾病也与它有一定关系。今后在某些疾病的治疗、环保中清除有毒金属以及采矿、富集贵重金属等方面有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白与人体健康   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

不同应激因子对小鼠肝脏金属硫蛋白诱导合成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的筛选出小鼠肝脏金属硫蛋白(MT)合成量最大的诱导方式。方法从时间-效应和剂量-效应两方面研究了重金属元素(Cd)、微量元素(Zn)、重金属与微量元素的组合(Cd+Zn)、生理因子(饥饿)及创伤因子等五大类组合应激因子、19种诱导方式对小鼠肝脏中MT诱导合成的影响及效果。结果生理因子诱导MT量最小,饥饿诱导小鼠肝脏MT的量随饥饿程度的加重而增加,但各组间差异不显著(P〉0.05);创伤因子诱导产生MT的量最高,其诱导量随创伤恢复时间的增加而降低,各组之间差异显著(P〈0.01),本实验诱导峰值(9.0241±0.6441μmol/g)出现在创伤后6 h;重金属元素和微量元素诱导量居中,且两者混合诱导量比单独诱导量之和要大。结论成功筛选出诱导小鼠肝脏MT合成最有效的因子和最佳时间,为进一步大量合成MT及研究其功能等奠定基础。  相似文献   

Liver, Brain, and Heart Metallothionein Induction by Stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To date, stress has been reported to induce metallothionein (MT) synthesis in the liver only. In the present experiment, the effects of food and water deprivation alone or of immobilization stress plus food and water deprivation on liver, brain, and heart MT have been studied in adult male rats. Liver and brain MT levels were increased by immobilization stress as soon as 6 h after the onset of stress. Eighteen hours of immobilization, which is accompanied by food and water deprivation, further increased liver and brain MT levels and significantly increased heart MT content. A specific effect of immobilization was evident in all three tissues, because the effect of food and water deprivation alone was significantly lower than that of immobilization plus starvation. Changes in MT apparently were not related to changes in cytosolic Zn.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are the major cholesterol-carrying lipoprotein in the human circulation from the liver to peripheral tissues. High levels of LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) are known risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). The most common approach to determine the LDL-C in the clinical laboratory involves the Friedewald formula. However, in certain situations, this approach is inadequate. In this paper we report on the enhancement on the Europium emission band of Europium chlortetracycline complex (CTEu) in the presence of LDL. The emission intensity at 615 nm of the CTEu increases with increasing amounts of LDL. This phenomenon allowed us to propose a method to determine the LDL concentration in a sample composed by an aqueous solution of LDL. With this result we obtained LDL calibration curve, LOD (limit of detection) of 0.49 mg/mL and SD (standard deviation) of 0.003. We observed that CTEu complex provides a wider dynamic concentration-range for LDL determination than that from Eu-tetracycline previously. The averaged emission lifetimes of the CTEu and CTEu with LDL (1.5 mg/mL) complexes were measured as 15 and 46 μs, respectively. Study with some metallic interferents is presented.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白及其结构域突变体的紫外和圆二色光谱学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用 p GEX- 4T- 1融合表达载体高效表达所得的金属硫蛋白及其结构域突变体 ,包括 α结构域 ,β结构域 ,α- KKS- α和 β- KKS- β( KKS为金属硫蛋白结构域之间的天然连接区氨基酸 ) ,经纯化和纯度鉴定后 ,利用紫外和圆二色光谱进行结构研究 .在脱金属的上述蛋白中 ,固定 p H为中性 ,改变加入 Cd2 + 的比例 ,或固定 Cd2 + 浓度 ,逐渐调节 p H至中性 ,观察紫外和圆二色光谱中镉硫金属簇吸收峰的形成 .研究结果表明 :镉硫金属簇的形成依赖于加入金属的比例和 p H值 ,所有蛋白均于p H3.1 5以上开始形成明显的吸收峰 .紫外图谱中的吸收峰位于 2 54nm附近 ,但在圆二色图谱中不同蛋白形成的峰的位置不同 ,MT,α结构域和 α- KKS- α在 2 2 5nm和 2 58nm处有吸收 ,β结构域在 2 60 nm处有吸收 ,而 β- KKS- β在 2 4 5nm处有吸收 ;向 α结构域 ,β结构域 ,MT,α- KKS- α和 β-KKS- β中分别加入 4eq,3eq,7eq,8eq和 6eq( eq:equivalent,当量 )的 Cd2 +时 ,吸收峰可达到最大值 .同时发现 α结构域的吸收峰强于 β结构域 ,而且双结构域突变体的镉硫金属簇则明显强于相应的单结构域突变体 ,这表明吸收峰的强弱与金属结合力的大小相关 ,而且结构域之间存在相互作用 ,从而影响与金属的结合 .  相似文献   

硒与金属硫蛋白及对小鼠肝损伤的防护作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用蛋白质芯片和RT-PCR技术研究硒对小鼠肝脏金属硫蛋白(Metallothionein, MT)的诱导表达;以蛋白质芯片技术为主要实验手段研究CCl4诱导的小鼠肝脏损伤后血清及肝脏蛋白质图谱变化,寻找小鼠血清及肝脏组织损伤标志物,同时观察有机硒(麦硒康,Organ-Se)对损伤的防护作用,结果表明与对照组相比给予有机硒后的小鼠肝脏MT表达明显;比较肝损伤组及用药组(Organ-Se)组的血清及组织蛋白质表达图谱变化,发现血清中存在3个具有统计学意义的标志物:5062.5Da 、5566.5Da、6358.5Da;肝脏组织中有4个具有统计学意义的标志物:5449.6Da、7131.5Da、9903.2Da和10767.3Da;与损伤组相比预先保护组(Organ-Se)的血清及肝脏标志物的表达水平接近正常组。本实验表明非金属元素硒,尤其是有机硒同金属元素(如锌)一样,能够有效诱导MT的表达,为今后进一步开展硒代金属硫蛋白的机制研究奠定了基础;同时在对小鼠肝损伤保护的研究中发现,有机硒具有明显的肝损伤保护作用,是一种较有前途的值得开发的肝损伤防护药。  相似文献   

本文以异硫氰基荧光素(FITC)作为荧光探针标记于金属硫蛋白分子上,用荧光光谱研究了Cd^2+及Ag^+离子与ZnMT2-FITC进行金属交换及与ApoMT2-FITC进行金属重组时的构象变化。结果表明,标记后MT与Cd^2+离子进行金属交换及金属重组时不具有明显的结构域特征,而Ag^+离子进行金属交换及金属重组时,分别在Ag6MT、Ag12MT及Ag18MT处具有明显的结构域形成特征。此外高温下  相似文献   

Lanthanides, because of their diversified physical and chemical effects, have been widely used in a number of fields. As a result, more and more lanthanides are entering the environment and eventually accumulating in the human body. Previous studies indicate that the impact of lanthanides on brain function cannot be neglected. Although neurological studies of trace elements are of paramount importance, up to now, little data are provided regarding the status of micronutritional elements in rats after prenatal and long-term exposure to lanthanide. The aim of this study is to determine the ytterbium (Yb) and trace elements distribution in brain and organic tissues of offspring rats after prenatal and long-term exposure to Yb. Wistar rats were exposed to Yb through oral administration at 0,0.1, 2, and 40 mg Yb/kg concentrations from gestation day 0 through 5 mo of age. Concentrations of Yb and other elements (Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn) in the serum, liver, femur, and brain regions (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and the rest) of offspring rats at the age of 0 d, 25 d, and 5 mo were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The accumulation of Yb in the brain, liver, and femur is observed; moreover, the levels of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ca, and Mg in the brain and organic tissues of offspring rats are also altered after Yb exposure. This disturbance of the homeostasis of trace elements might induce adverse effects on normal physiological functions of the brain and other organs.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the kidneys of rats after acute cadmium exposure and the effects of exogenous metallothionein (MT) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Thirty-six adult Wistar rats were divided into three groups. Cadmium chloride (CdCl2) (3.5 mg/kg/day) was injected subcutaneously in the first group. In the second group, 30 μmol/kg MT was administered in addition to CdCl2. Control rats received 0.5 ml subcutaneous saline solution. Four rats from each group were killed on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after administration of the compounds. Kidney tissues were taken and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution for electron microscopic observations. Tissue damage in kidney increased as time passed since the administration of CdCl2 in the first group. Degeneration in the proximal and distal tubules was observed. Increased apoptosis was seen in the proximal tubules epithelium, especially on day 7. Peritubular capillaries became dilated, there was degeneration of the endothelial cells, and the amount of intertubular collagen fibers was increased. On day 1, irregular microvilli in the proximal tubules, deepening of the basal striations, and myelin figures; on day 3, multiple vesicular mitochondria and regions of edema around tubules; on days 5 and 7, increased apoptotic cell in the proximal tubules and widened rough endoplasmic reticulum of the endothelial cells of glomerular capillaries were observed. We observed that the structural alterations that increased depending on the day of Cd administration decreased after exogenous MT administration, the dilation of the peritubular capillaries persisted, and there were degenerated proximal tubules. It was established that cadmium chloride was toxic for kidney cortex and caused structural damage. Exogenous MT partly prevents CdCl2-induced damage.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are low molecular weight ubiquitous metalloproteins with high cysteine (thiol) content. The intracellular concentration of zinc (Zn) is tightly regulated and MT plays a crucial role in it. The present study investigates the relationship between the Zn status (as a function of Zn concentration and time) in the rat liver and the occurrence of hepatic MT. For dose dependent study, four experimental groups, one control and three receiving different levels of metal supplementation, were chosen [Group 1 control and Group 2, Group 3, Group 4 receiving subcutaneous dose of 10, 50 and 100 mg of Zn/kg body weight (in the form of ZnSO4·7H2O), respectively]. For the time dependent expression of MT, again four experimental groups, i.e. Group 5 control and Group 6, Group 7, Group 8 receiving 50 mg of Zn/kg body weight (in the form of ZnSO4·7H2O) subcutaneously and sacrificed at different time intervals after last injection i.e. 6, 18, 48 h, respectively were chosen. Isolation of MT was done by using combination of gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography while characterization of MT fraction was carried in the wavelength range 200–400 nm. Expression of MT was studied by using Western blot analysis. The results revealed that the MT expression increases with increasing the dose of Zn administered and maximum at 18 h after last Zn injection. Accumulation of MT with increase dose would help in maintaining the intracellular Zn concentration by its sequestration which further reduces the possibility of undesirable binding of Zn to other proteins significantly and maintains Zn homeostasis. The maximum expression of MT at 18 h is indicative of its half life.  相似文献   

Mussels were translocated from a shell-fish breeding area (Sète, on the French Mediterranean coast) to sites exposed to trace element inputs in April 2000. They were recovered 3 months later. Whole soft tissues from all of the sites (n = 97) were analysed for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc. Metallothioneins (MTs) were also measured in the digestive gland and in the remaining tissues (allowing calculation of whole soft tissue concentrations) at 22 of the 97 sites. MT concentrations in the digestive gland and the whole soft tissues were strongly correlated. The condition index varied with food availability at different sites. This did not influenced MT concentrations in the whole soft tissues, whereas the condition index was negatively correlated to trace element concentrations. A model is proposed to minimize this influence of condition. Metal concentrations adjusted using this model showed significant correlations with MT levels for those metals (cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc) that are known to bind to this protein, with the exception of mercury. Even in moderately contaminated sites, measurement of the MT level in the soft tissues of mussels was generally able to discriminate between different levels of contamination, allowing the use of a simplified procedure compared with dissection of the digestive gland. It is recommended to avoid translocation and sampling during the reproductive period, which is well documented for commercial species such as Mytilus sp.  相似文献   

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