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Boundary formation plays a central role in differentiating the flanking regions that give rise to discrete tissues and organs during early development. We have studied mechanisms by which a morphological boundary and tissue separation are regulated by examining chicken somite segmentation as a model system. By transplanting a small group of cells taken from a presumptive border into a non-segmentation site, we have found a novel inductive event where posteriorly juxtaposed cells to the next-forming border instruct the anterior cells to become separated and epithelialized. We have further studied the molecular mechanisms underlying these interactions by focusing on Lunatic fringe, a modulator of Notch signaling, which is expressed in the region of the presumptive boundary. By combining DNA in ovo electroporation and embryonic transplantation techniques we have ectopically made a sharp boundary of Lunatic fringe activity in the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm and observed a fissure formed at the interface. In addition, a constitutive active form of Notch mimics this instructive phenomenon. These suggest that the boundary-forming signals emanating from the posterior border cells are mediated by Notch, the action of which is confined to the border region by Lunatic fringe within the area where mRNAs of Notch and its ligand are broadly expressed in the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The formation of boundaries is a fundamental organizing principle during development. The Notch signalling pathway regulates this developmental patterning mechanism in many tissues. Recent data suggest that Notch receptors are involved in boundary determination during odontogenesis. It remains, however, uncertain if other components of the Notch pathway are also important for compartmental lineage restrictions in teeth. Here we report on the expression of the Lunatic fringe gene, which encodes a secreted signalling molecule regulating the Notch pathway, during the development of mouse teeth. Lunatic fringe is expressed in both epithelial and mesenchymal components of the developing molar. The expression pattern of Lunatic fringe in the epithelium is complementary to that of the Notch receptors. Lunatic fringe is asymmetrically expressed in the incisor epithelium during its antero-posterior rotation. This expression pattern defines the lingual comportment of the incisor epithelium whereas the labial comportment is defined by Notch2 expression.  相似文献   

The midbrain-hindbrain interface gives rise to a boundary of particular importance in CNS development as it forms a local signalling centre, the proper functioning of which is essential for the formation of tectum and cerebellum. Positioning of the mid-hindbrain boundary (MHB) within the neuroepithelium is dependent on the interface of Otx2 and Gbx2 expression domains, yet in the absence of either or both of these genes, organiser genes are still expressed, suggesting that other, as yet unknown mechanisms are also involved in MHB establishment. Here, we present evidence for a role for Notch signalling in stabilising cell lineage restriction and regulating organiser gene expression at the MHB. Experimental interference with Notch signalling in the chick embryo disrupts MHB formation, including downregulation of the organiser signal Fgf8. Ectopic activation of Notch signalling in cells of the anterior hindbrain results in an exclusion of those cells from rhombomeres 1 and 2, and in a simultaneous clustering along the anterior and posterior boundaries of this area, suggesting that Notch signalling influences cell sorting. These cells ectopically express the boundary marker Fgf3. In agreement with a role for Notch signalling in cell sorting, anterior hindbrain cells with activated Notch signalling segregate from normal cells in an aggregation assay. Finally, misexpression of the Notch modulator Lfng or the Notch ligand Ser1 across the MHB leads to a shift in boundary position and loss of restriction of Fgf8 to the MHB. We propose that differential Notch signalling stabilises the MHB through regulating cell sorting and specifying boundary cell fate.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial regulation of somitogenesis requires a molecular oscillator, the segmentation clock. Through Notch signalling, the oscillation in cells is coordinated and translated into a cyclic wave of expression of hairy-related and other genes. The wave sweeps caudorostrally through the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and finally arrests at the future segmentation point in the anterior PSM. By experimental manipulation and analyses in zebrafish somitogenesis mutants, we have found a novel component involved in this process. We report that the level of Fgf/MAPK activation (highest in the posterior PSM) serves as a positional cue within the PSM that regulates progression of the cyclic wave and thereby governs the positions of somite boundary formation.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway is repeatedly employed during embryonic development and adult homeostasis of a variety of tissues. In particular, its frequent involvement in the regulation of stem and progenitor cell maintenance and proliferation, as well as its role in binary fate decisions in cells that are destined to differentiate, is remarkable. Here, we review its role in the development of haematopoietic stem cells during vertebrate embryogenesis and put it into the context of Notch's functions in arterial specification, angiogenic vessel sprouting and vessel maintenance. We further discuss interactions with other signalling cascades, and pinpoint open questions and some of the challenges that lie ahead. J. Cell. Physiol. 222:11–16, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Boundary formation is an important mechanism of development and has been studied in a number of bilaterian model organisms where it is often controlled by Notch, FGF and Wnt signalling. Tissue boundaries are also formed in simple pre-bilaterian animals. The boundary between parent and bud during asexual reproduction in the fresh water polyp Hydra vulgaris is an example. The Hydra homolog of the FGF-receptor FGFR (kringelchen) and some components of the Wnt signalling pathway are expressed at this boundary, but their precise functions are unknown. In this work we have discovered an important role for Notch signalling at this boundary. Notch signalling is needed to sharpen the kringelchen expression zone during the final budding stages from an initially broad band into a clear line demarcating the boundary between bud and parent. Expression of the Notch target gene HyHes and the putative matrix metalloprotease MMP-A3 was observed at the boundary shortly before the bud began to constrict and differentiate foot cells. When Notch signalling was inhibited with the presenilin inhibitor DAPT the expression pattern for kringelchen changed dramatically into a diffused pattern. The expression of both HyHes and MMP-A3 was abolished. Moreover, morphogenesis of the bud was not completed and buds did not constrict, failed to form a foot and never detached from the parent. This resulted in the formation of two-headed animals. We suggest that the function of Notch signalling during budding in Hydra is in promoting the formation of two stripes of differing gene expression, which are needed to differentiate the foot of the bud and a progressing narrowing of the mesoglea on the side of the parent.  相似文献   

The chicken Tbx gene, Tbx18, is expressed in lateral plate mesoderm, limb, and developing somites. Here we show that Tbx18 is expressed transiently in axial mesenchyme during somite segmentation. We present evidence from overexpression and transplantation experiments that Tbx18 controls fissure formation in the late stages of somite maturation. In presumptive wing lateral plate mesoderm, ectopic Tbx18 expression leads to anterior extension of the wing bud. These results suggest that Tbx18 is involved in producing mesodermal boundaries, generating in paraxial mesoderm morphological boundaries between somites and in lateral plate mesoderm a wing- or non-wing-forming boundary.  相似文献   

Somite segmentation depends on a gene expression oscillator or clock in the posterior presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and on read-out machinery in the anterior PSM to convert the pattern of clock phases into a somite pattern. Notch pathway mutations disrupt somitogenesis, and previous studies have suggested that Notch signalling is required both for the oscillations and for the read-out mechanism. By blocking or overactivating the Notch pathway abruptly at different times, we show that Notch signalling has no essential function in the anterior PSM and is required only in the posterior PSM, where it keeps the oscillations of neighbouring cells synchronized. Using a GFP reporter for the oscillator gene her1, we measure the influence of Notch signalling on her1 expression and show by mathematical modelling that this is sufficient for synchronization. Our model, in which intracellular oscillations are generated by delayed autoinhibition of her1 and her7 and synchronized by Notch signalling, explains the observations fully, showing that there are no grounds to invoke any additional role for the Notch pathway in the patterning of somite boundaries in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is a component of a wide variety of developmental processes in many organisms. Notch activity can be modulated by O-fucosylation (mediated by protein O-fucosyltransferase-1) and Fringe, a beta1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase that modifies O-fucose in the context of epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats. Fringe was initially described in Drosophila, and three mammalian homologues have been identified, Manic fringe, Lunatic fringe, and Radical fringe. Here for the first time we have demonstrated that, similar to Manic and Lunatic, Radical fringe is also a fucose-specific beta1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase. The fact that three Fringe homologues exist in mammals raises the question of whether and how these enzymes differ. Although Notch contains numerous EGF repeats that are predicted to be modified by O-fucose, previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that not all O-fucosylated EGF repeats of Notch are further modified by Fringe, suggesting that the Fringe enzymes can differentiate between them. In this work, we have sought to identify specificity determinants for the recognition of an individual O-fucosylated EGF repeat by the Fringe enzymes. We have also sought to determine differences in the biochemical behavior of the Fringes with regard to their in vitro enzymatic activities. Using both in vivo and in vitro experiments, we have found two amino acids that appear to be important for the recognition of an O-fucosylated EGF repeat by all three mammalian Fringes. These amino acids provide an initial step toward defining sequences that will allow us to predict which O-fucosylated EGF repeats are modified by the Fringes.  相似文献   

fringe encodes a glycosyltransferase that modulates the ability of the Notch receptor to be activated by its ligands. We describe studies of fringe function during early stages of Drosophila oogenesis. Animals mutant for hypomorphic alleles of fringe contain follicles with an incorrect number of germline cells, which are separated by abnormally long and disorganized stalks. Analysis of clones of somatic cells mutant for a null allele of fringe localizes the requirement for fringe in follicle formation to the polar cells, and demonstrates that fringe is required for polar cell fate. Clones of cells mutant for Notch also lack polar cells and the requirement for Notch in follicle formation appears to map to the polar cells. Ectopic expression of fringe or of an activated form of Notch can generate an extra polar cell. Our results indicate that fringe plays a key role in positioning Notch activation during early oogenesis, and establish a function for the polar cells in separating germline cysts into individual follicles.  相似文献   

For many years, researchers have focused on the contribution of Notch signalling to lymphoid development. Only recently have investigators begun to ask what role, if any, Notch has during the activation and differentiation of naive CD4(+) T cells in the periphery. As interest in this issue grows, it is becoming increasingly clear that the main role of Notch signalling, to regulate cell-fate decisions, might also be influential in peripheral T cells.  相似文献   

Wnt/Notch signalling and information processing during development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Wnt and Notch signalling pathways represent two major channels of communication used by animal cells to control their identities and behaviour during development. A number of reports indicate that their activities are closely intertwined during embryonic development. Here, we review the evidence for this relationship and suggest that Wnt and Notch ('Wntch') signalling act as components of an integrated device that, rather than defining the fate of a cell, determines the probability that a cell will adopt that fate.  相似文献   

Somite formation involves the establishment of a segmental prepattern in the presomitic mesoderm, anteroposterior patterning of each segmental primordium and formation of boundaries between adjacent segments. How these events are co-ordinated remains uncertain. In this study, analysis of expression of zebrafish mesp-a reveals that each segment acquires anteroposterior regionalisation when located in the anterior presomitic mesoderm. Thus anteroposterior patterning is occurring after the establishment of a segmental prepattern in the paraxial mesoderm and prior to somite boundary formation. Zebrafish fss(-), bea(-), des(-) and aei(-) embryos all fail to form somites, yet we demonstrate that a segmental prepattern is established in the presomitic mesoderm of all these mutants and hox gene expression shows that overall anteroposterior patterning of the mesoderm is also normal. However, analysis of various molecular markers reveals that anteroposterior regionalisation within each segment is disturbed in the mutants. In fss(-), there is a loss of anterior segment markers, such that all segments appear posteriorized, whereas in bea(-), des(-) and aei(-), anterior and posterior markers are expressed throughout each segment. Since somite formation is disrupted in these mutants, correct anteroposterior patterning within segments may be a prerequisite for somite boundary formation. In support of this hypothesis, we show that it is possible to rescue boundary formation in fss(-) through the ectopic expression of EphA4, an anterior segment marker, in the paraxial mesoderm. These observations indicate that a key consequence of the anteroposterior regionalisation of segments may be the induction of Eph and ephrin expression at segment interfaces and that Eph/ephrin signalling subsequently contributes to the formation of somite boundaries.  相似文献   

Sugars regulate important processes and affect the expression of many genes in plants. Characterization of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants with altered sugar sensitivity revealed the function of abscisic acid (ABA) signalling in sugar responses. However, the exact interaction between sugar signalling and ABA is obscure. Therefore ABA deficient plants with constitutive ABI4 expression (aba2-1/35S::ABI4) were generated. Enhanced ABI4 expression did not rescue the glucose insensitive (gin) phenotype of aba2 seedlings indicating that other ABA regulated factors are essential as well. Interestingly, both glucose and ABA treatment of Arabidopsis seeds trigger a post-germination seedling developmental arrest. The glucose-arrested seedlings had a drought tolerant phenotype and showed glucose-induced expression of ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3), ABI5 and LATE EMBRYOGENESIS ABUNDANT (LEA) genes reminiscent of ABA signalling during early seedling development. ABI3 is a key regulator of the ABA-induced arrest and it is shown here that ABI3 functions in glucose signalling as well. Multiple abi3 alleles have a glucose insensitive (gin) phenotype comparable to that of other known gin mutants. Importantly, glucose-regulated gene expression is disturbed in the abi3 background. Moreover, abi3 was insensitive to sugars during germination and showed sugar insensitive (sis) and sucrose uncoupled (sun) phenotypes. Mutant analysis further identified the ABA response pathway genes ENHANCED RESPONSE TO ABA1 (ERA1) and ABI2 as intermediates in glucose signalling. Hence, three previously unidentified sugar signalling genes have been identified, showing that ABA and glucose signalling overlap to a larger extend than originally thought. Bas J. W. Dekkers and Jolanda A. M. J. Schuurmans contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

Calcium dependence and contraction in somite formation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The existence of a calcium-dependent contractile process in the formation of somites from segmental plate mesoderm was investigated using a Ca2+ agonist and Ca2+ and calmodulin antagonists. The contribution of cell movement and apical constriction in the segmentation process were assessed using SEM of normal and drug-treated somite and segmental plate tissue. Explants that contained segmental plates of stage 14-15 chick embryos were cultured on vitelline membranes in calcium- and magnesium-free (CMF) Hands' solution, liquid culture medium, and medium containing drugs. Ca2+ ionophore A23187 promoted the rapid completion of one new somite pair. CMF halted segmentation. The Ca2+ antagonists verapamil and papaverine reversibly inhibited segmentation. Theophylline did not inhibit segmentation, suggesting that the effects of the Ca2+ antagonists are not due to inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity. These results suggest that somitogenesis is Ca2+-dependent. Two drugs that inhibit the binding of calmodulin, chlorpromazine and trifluoperazine (TFP), halted segmentation. The inhibitory effect of TFP was reversible. The effects of TFP on somites were compared with those of cytochalasin D. The contribution of microtubules to cell shape and movement in somitogenesis was examined by incubation with nocodazole, a reversible inhibitor of tubulin polymerization. Cell elongation and somitogenesis were inhibited.  相似文献   

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