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The levels of the endogenous amino acid pools in conidia, germinating conidia, and mycelia of wild-type Neurospora crassa were measured. Three different chromatographic procedures employing the amino acid analyzer were used to identify and quantitatively measure 28 different ninhydrin-positive compounds. All of the common amino acids were detected in conidial extracts except proline, methionine, and cystine. The levels of these three amino acid pools were also very low in mycelia. During the first hour of germination in minimal medium, the levels of most of the free amino acid pools decreased. The pool of glutamic acid, the predominant free amino acid in conidia, decreased 70% during the first hour. Very little glutamic acid or any other amino acid was excreted into the medium. During the first 20 min of germination, the decrease in the glutamic acid pool was nearly equivalent to the increase in the aspartic acid pool. The aspartic acid and lambda-aminobutyric acid pools were the only amino acid pools that increased to maximum levels within the first 20 min of germination and then decreased. It is proposed that an important metabolic event that occurs during the early stages of conidial germination is the production of reduced pyridine nucleotides. The degradation of the large glutamic acid pool existing in the conidia (2.5% of the conidial dry weight) could produce these reduced coenzymes.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of amino acid transport in Neurospora crassa   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Conidia of Neurospora crassa exhibit an ability to transport various amino acids against a concentration gradient. The conidial transport system has previously been characterized in terms of kinetics, competitions, and genetic control. This study describes the development of a new and highly active transport capability which is elaborated during the early stages of development but prior to evident germination. It has been named “postconidial” transport activity and represents as much as 20-fold greater initial rates as compared to those observed with conidia. Development of the postconidial transport activity requires protein synthesis and can be partially repressed when the substrate amino acid is present during the developmental preincubation period. A mutant has been utilized which exhibits normal conidial but fails to develop normal postconidial transport activity for any amino acid examined. Although temperature optimum and pH dependence are similar in conidial and postconidial systems, there is evidence that the new activity is not a simple amplification of an existing capability. This is reflected as a change in competition patterns between particular amino acids as development proceeds.  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation of amino acid catabolism in Neurospora crassa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neurospora crassa can utilize numerous compounds including certain amino acids as a sole nitrogen source. Mutants of the nit-2 locus, a regulatory gene which is postulated to mediate nitrogen catabolite repression, are deficient in the ability to utilize several amino acids as well as other nitrogen sources used by wild type. Various enzymes involved in amino acid catabolism were found to be regulated in distinct ways. Arginase, ornithine transaminase, and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase are all inducible enzymes but are not subject to nitrogen catabolite repression. By contrast, proline oxidase and the amino acid transport system(s) are controlled by nitrogen repression and their synthesis is increased markedly when nitrogen source is limiting. Unlike wild type, the nit-2 mutant cannot derepress amino acid transport, although proline oxidase is regulated in a normal fashion.This work was supported by Grant R01 GM-23367 from the National Institutes of Health. T. J. F. was supported by an NIH Predoctoral Traineeship in Developmental Biology; G. A. M. is supported by NIH Career Development Award GM-00052.  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation of amino acid utilization by Neurospora crassa.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The production of an extracellular deaminase activity involved with the utilization of amino acids as sole sources of nitrogen is under the control of the nit-2 locus of Neurospora crassa. This locus is the sole major nitrogen regulatory locus described for N. crassa and is believed to encode a positive effector required for induction of activities involved with the utilization of alternate nitrogen sources. Production of deaminase activity requires the lifting of nitrogen metabolite repression, the presence of a functional nit-2 gene product, and specific induction by amino acids. Additional parameters of enzyme production are described.  相似文献   

The energy requirements for the uptake and retention of arginine by vacuoles of Neurospora crassa have been studied. Exponentially growing mycelial cultures were treated with inhibitors of respiration or glycolysis or an uncoupler of respiration. Catabolism of arginine was monitored as urea production in urease-less strains. The rationale was that the rate and extent of such catabolism was indicative of the cytosolic arginine concentration. No catabolism was observed in cultures treated with an inhibitor or an uncoupler of respiration, but cultures treated with inhibitors of glycolysis rapidly degraded arginine. These differences could not be accounted for by alterations in the level or activity of arginase. Mycelia growing in arginine-supplemented medium and treated with an inhibitor or uncoupler of respiration degraded an amount of arginine equivalent to the cytosolic fraction of the arginine pool. The inhibitors and the uncoupler of respiration reduced the ATP pool and the energy charge. The inhibitors of glycolysis reduced the ATP pool but did not affect the energy charge. The results suggest that metabolic energy is required for the transport of arginine into the vacuoles but not for its retention. The latter is affected by inhibitors of glycolysis. The form of energy and the nature of the vacuolar transport mechanism(s) are discussed.  相似文献   

An effective HPLC method for detecting deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in hyphae from the fungus Neurospora crass has been developed. In rapidly growing cells the nucleotide levels vary from 11.8 pmoles/μg DNA for dGTP to 24.2 pmoles/μg DNA for dTTP. These levels fall by approximately one half in stationary-phase cultures but the ration of each pool to dGTP remains the same. The dNTP pools in conidia are at least 5-fold lower than in rapidly growing cells. The pool sizes are the same in static and shaking cultures. When the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor, hydroxyurea (30 mM), is added to rapidly growing cultures, DNA synthesis is stopped and the dGTP pool is reduced by 39%, while the size of the other poolds remains the same. In the presence of 11 mM histadine, DNA synthesis is also stopped and the size of the dGTP pool reduced by 46% while the deoxypyrimidine pools are somewhat increased. This suggests that the toxicity of excess histidine in Neurospora may be due to its ability to interact with the ribonucleotide reductase, inactivating the enzyme. Histidine may react with free radical at the active sites, as does hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

Using a vacuolar preparation virtually free of contamination by other organelles, we isolated vacuolar membranes and demonstrated that they contain an ATPase. Sucrose density gradient profiles of vacuolar membranes show a single peak of ATPase activity at a density of 1.11 g/cm3. Comparison of this enzyme with the two well-studied proton-pumping ATPases of Neurospora plasma membranes and mitochondria shows that it is clearly distinct. The vacuolar membrane ATPase is insensitive to the inhibitors oligomycin, azide, and vanadate, but sensitive to N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (Ki = 2 microM). It has a pH optimum of 7.5, requires a divalent cation (Mg2+ or Mn2+) for activity, and is remarkably unaffected (+/- 20%) by a number of monovalent cations, anions, and buffers. In its substrate affinity (Km for ATP = 0.2 mM), substrate preference (ATP greater than GTP, ITP greater than UTP greater than CTP), and loss of activity with repeated 1 mM ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid washes, the vacuolar membrane ATPase resembles the F1F0 type of ATPase found in mitochondria and differs from the integral membrane type of ATPase in plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The bulk of the intracellular arginine pool in exponentially growing mycelia of Neurospora crassa is sequestered in the vacuoles. Vacuolar arginine effluxes from the vacuoles into the cytosol and is catabolized to ornithine and urea upon nitrogen starvation. The energy requirement for mobilization has been studied by treating nitrogen-starved mycelia with inhibitors or respiration or glycolysis or an uncoupler of respiration. Mobilization was inhibited by the inhibitors or the uncoupler of respiration, but not by the inhibitors of glycolysis. The inhibitors and the uncoupler of respiration reduced the ATP pool and the energy charge of the treated mycelia. The inhibitors of glycolysis reduced the ATP pool but had no effect on the energy charge. The results indicate that mobilization of arginine from the vacuoles requires metabolic energy. The forms of this energy and the mode of its association with the mobilization process are discussed.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) levels were measured in wild type Neurospora and nine mutagen-sensitive mutants, at nine different genes. Eight of these mutants are sensitive to hydroxyurea and histidine and show chromosomal instability, a phenotype which could result from altered levels of dNTPs. Two patterns were seen. Five of the mutants had altered ratios of dNTPs, with relatively high levels of dATP and dGTP and low levels of dCTP, but changes in the dTTP/dCTP ratio did not correlate with changes in spontaneous mutation levels. During exponential growth all but two of the mutants had small but consistent increases in dNTP pools compared to wild type. DNA content per microgram dry hyphae was altered in several mutants but these changes showed no correlation with the dNTP pool alterations.  相似文献   

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