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Defective ensheathment of motoric nerves in the Splotch mutant mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T Franz 《Acta anatomica》1990,138(3):246-253
Mouse embryos, homozygous for mutations at the Splotch locus, are afflicted with spina bifida and disturbances of neural-crest-derived tissues, e.g. spinal ganglia and pigment cells. The development of Schwann cells is affected in homozygotes to a varying degree along the rostrocaudal axis. In cervical motoric roots, nerves are associated with apparently normal Schwann cells. At the thoracic level, nerve-associated cells become more scarce and resemble the surrounding mesenchymal cells. They are not enveloped by a basal lamina and frequently show wide gaps between neighbouring cells. Lumbar motoric roots are mostly devoid of any associated cells. The Splotch mutant embryo is proposed to be a new animal model for the study of peripheral nerve ensheathment. The implications for Schwann-cell-mediated axon guidance are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Morphometric methods were used at the light microscopic level to investigate the appearance of edema in the endometrial stroma of rats during estradiol-induced implantation after an experimental delay. Comparisons between blastocyst-free and blastocyst-containing sites were made at 8, 12, 16 and 24 h after injection of estradiol (h.a.e.). The development of stromal edema during implantation was found to be diphasic. First, during the initial 8–12 h.a.e., a generalized edema developed all along the uterine horns. Later, from 16 h.a.e. onwards, a local edema was present around the blastocysts. The Pontamine Blue Reaction (PBR) became visible between 20 and 24 h.a.e. The results indicate that the blastocyst is recognized by the stroma considerably before the PBR. The appearance of a local edema around the blastocysts before the PBR might be related to a slow increase in vascular permeability and/or to the increased stromal cell synthetic activity that is known to precede the PBR during early implantation.  相似文献   

Sternum has a great clinical significance, considering that median sternotomy is the most common surgical approach used in cardiac surgery. The aim of this study is to standardize the sternum according to size, shape and sex and to obtain ranges of the "standard sternum". The study was done on 55 male and 35 female sterna of the average age of 65. Complex morphometric analysis of breadth, length and thickness of the sterna were performed on sternal segments which were defined by costal notches. Morphometric analysis shows that the general sternum structure in the females and in the males is equal. The standard dimensions of female and male sternum were determined. Standardization according to shape suggests that there is one standard sternum shape present in more than 2/3 of analysed samples of both sexes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the cellular site of eyeless-I (ey-I) and eyeless-2 (ey-2) gene action, causing anophthalmia or microphthalmia. Eye primordia from 10-day-old embryos of ZRDCT-AN and CC57BR (control) mice were cultured in vitro for 3 or 6 days. In 59 out of 77 cultured mutant eye primordia neural retina was disturbed. In 9 mutant eye primordia the disturbed neural retina was 4-6 times thinner than in the control. However, lens differentiation was similar to that in the control, epithelial and fibrous components were observed. Thus, mutant genes eyeless inhibit the growth of primordial retina, causing secondary developmental defects of the lens and other eye structures.  相似文献   

The content of neutral glycolipids was studied in normal and twl/twl mutant mouse embryos at embryonic day 11 (E-11). The twl mutation is part of the T/t complex on chromosome 17 and causes embryonic lethality from defects in the developing neural tube. Previous studies suggested that the mutation could involve a defect in ganglioside biosynthesis. Although the total neutral glycolipid content was similar in the normal and mutant whole embryos (approximately 80 nmol glucose/100 mg dry weight), marked differences were detected for the distribution of specific glycolipids. The content of lactosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide, and globotetraosylceramide was significantly higher in the mutant than in the normal embryos, whereas that of glucosylceramide was significantly reduced. The Forssman glycolipid was slightly elevated. The neutral glycolipid composition was similar in embryonic head and body regions of normal embryos, suggesting that the glycolipid abnormalities observed in the mutants are expressed in most embryonic cells and tissues. These and the previously reported ganglioside abnormalities in the twl/twl mutants could result from an inherited defect in glycolipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

E J Sanders  E Cheung 《Teratology》1990,41(3):289-297
A repeatable somite anomaly is described that results from the incubation of cultured chick embryos in the presence of ethanol. The anomaly comprises a misalignment of approximately five consecutive pairs of somites such that one of each pair is displaced cranially by up to one-half a somite length. The appearance of the malformation is delayed by approximately six somite pairs after the beginning of treatment. These characteristics were shared by embryos treated at the stage of gastrulation (no somites yet present) up to embryos possessing ten pairs of somites at treatment time. The deleterious effect did not appear to result from a disruption in the mechanics of the segmentation process itself, since isolated segmental plates were able to form normal intersomitic clefts in the presence of ethanol. Similarly, there were apparently no alterations in the compaction process that occurs at the cranial end of the segmental plate, since both the contractile and adhesive components were unaffected, as judged by the distributions of actin and fibronectin. The potential mechanisms of the anomaly are discussed with reference to similar segmental defects produced by heat shock. In view of earlier results indicating that cells in the primitive streak at gastrulation are sensitive to the presence of ethanol, it is proposed that this somite anomaly is due to a disruption in the contribution of these mesoderm cells to the segmental plate.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of root shape   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alterations in the root shape in plant mutants indicate defects in hormonal signalling, transport and cytoskeleton function. To quantify the root shape, we introduced novel parameters designated vertical growth index (VGI) and horizontal growth index (HGI). VGI was defined as a ratio between the root tip ordinate and the root length. HGI was the ratio between the root tip abscissa and the root length. To assess the applicability of VGI and HGI for quantification of root shape, we analysed root development in agravitropic Arabidopsis mutants. Statistical analysis indicated that VGI is a sensitive morphometric parameter enabling detection of weak gravitropic defects. VGI dynamics were qualitatively similar in auxin-transport mutants aux1, pin2 and trh1, but different in the auxin-signalling mutant axr2. Analysis of VGI and HGI of roots grown on tilted plates showed that the trh1 mutation affected downstream cellular responses rather than perception of the gravitropic stimulus. All these tests indicate that the VGI and HGI analysis is a versatile and sensitive method for the study of root morphology.  相似文献   

Migration of cardiac neural crest cells in Splotch embryos   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Summary Using morphometric analysis of thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas, the ultrastructure of isolated rat myocytes prepared by collagenase digestion (Powell et al. 1980) was compared with that of myocytes fixed by perfusion of intact myocardium. The volumes of myofibrils, mitochondria, nuclei, sarcoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets in the isolated myocytes did not differ from those of their counterparts in the intact heart, but the volume occupied by transverse tubules was apparently reduced. The isolated cells had significantly shorter sarcomeres than did cells in the intact tissue, and this was associated with an altered topography of plasma membrane surface folds at the level of the Z-lines. Plasma membrane intramembrane particles were randomly distributed and showed the same numerical density on the E-faces of both isolated and intactheart myocytes. However, P-face particle density was slightly reduced in the isolated cells. It is concluded that the few differences detected in the isolated cells do not reflect any fundamental derangement of their properties.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice carrying the human mutated SOD1 gene with a glycine/alanine substitution at codon 93 (G93A) are a widely used model for the fatal human disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In these transgenic mice, we carried out a neurochemical study not only restricted to the primarily affected regions, the cervical and lumbar segments of the spinal cord, but also to several other brain regions. At symptomatic (110 and 125 days of age), but not at pre-symptomatic (55 days of age) stages, we found significant decreases in catalytic activity of the cholinergic enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the hippocampus, olfactory cortex and fronto-parietal cortex. In parallel, we observed a decreased number of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons projecting to these areas. No alterations of the cholinergic markers were noticed in the striatum and the cerebellum. A widespread marker for GABAergic neurons, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), was unaffected in all the areas examined. Alteration of cholinergic markers in forebrain areas was paralleled by concomitant alterations in the spinal cord and brainstem, as a consequence of progressive apoptotic elimination of cholinergic motor neuron. Gestational supplementation of choline, while able to result in long-term enhancement of cholinergic activity, did not improve transgenic mice lifespan nor counteracted cholinergic impairment in brain regions and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the developing mouse soleus muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pattern of organogenesis of the soleus muscle of the 129 ReJ mouse was evaluated quantitatively using spaced, serial, ultrathin sections and computer-assisted morphometric analysis. Muscles from 14-, 16-, and 18-day in utero mice and muscles of 1- and 5-day-old mice were analyzed to determine age-related alterations in the maximal girth and length of the muscle, number of myotubes, cluster frequency, and the lengths and diameters of myotubes. Primary myotubes are found in the muscle at 14 days in utero. There is little de novo myotube formation between 14 and 16 days in utero, this interval being principally one of primary myotube growth and maturation. The interval between 16 and 18 days in utero is marked by extensive secondary myotube formation, with more myotubes being formed during this period than in any period studied. Morphometric data support the hypothesis that secondary generation myotubes use primary myotubes as a scaffold on which they are formed. Morphometric data also confirm the hypothesis that cluster formation and cluster dispersal occur concurrently during the prenatal period. Secondary myotubes continue to form until birth. At birth, the soleus muscle contains the adult number of myofibers. The first 5 days postnatally are marked by myofiber growth and maturation.  相似文献   

Branching angles and branch diameters of the distributing vessels in the renal networks of rats were measured and the results are compared with data reported previously from the coronary network of the same species. Comparison is also made with what is known to be optimum on theoretical grounds to determine to what extent the branching characteristics of the renal network are governed by considerations of optimality, and to what extent they are affected by other considerations, relating particularly to the role that the network plays in the blood processing function of the kidney.  相似文献   

Hypoxia relieves X-ray-induced delayed effects in normal human embryo cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied the effect of hypoxia on X-ray-induced delayed effects in normal human embryo cells to elucidate the role of oxidative stress in the susceptibility of cells to induction of genetic instability by radiation. We examined X-ray-induced delayed cell death, giant cell formation, and chromosome aberrations under normally oxygenated (20%) and hypoxic (2%) conditions at 28-38 population doublings postirradiation. The results revealed that hypoxia reduced the X-ray-induced delayed effects, suggesting that radiation enhances cellular oxidative stress, which plays a significant role in determining the susceptibility of irradiated cells to genetic instability. The present study emphasizes the biological significance of epigenetic effects, such as oxygen tension, as well as direct DNA damage in the induction of genetic instability by radiation.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of Leydig cells in the normal rat testis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Leydig cells are thought to be the source of most, if not all, the testosterone produced by the testis. The goal of this study was to obtain quantitative information about rat Leydig cells and their organelles that might be correlated with pertinent physiological and biochemical data available either now or in the future. Morphometric analysis of Leydig cells in mature normal rats was carried out on tissue fixed by perfusion with buffered glutaraldehyde, and embedded in glycol methacrylate for light microscopy and in Epon for electron microscopy. In a whole testis, 82.4% of the volume was occupied by seminiferous tubules, 15.7% by the interstitial tissue, and 1.9% by the capsule. Leydig cells constituted 2.7% of testicular volume. Each cubic centimeter (contained approximatelyy 1 g) of rat testis contained about 22 million Leydig cells. An average Leydig cell had a volume of 1,210 micron3 and its plasma membrane had a surface area of 1,520 micron2. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), the most prominent organelle in Leydig cells and a major site of steroidogenic enzymes, had a surface area of approximately 10,500 micron2/cell, which is 6.9 times that of the plasma membrane and is 60% of the total membrane area of the cell. The total surface area of Leydig SER per cubic centimeter of testis tissue is approximately 2,300 cm2 or 0.23 m2. There were 3.0 mg of Leydig mitochondria in 1 g of testis tissue. The average Leydig cell contained approximately 622 mitochondria, measuring on the average 0.35 micron in diameter and 2.40 micron in length. The mitochondrial inner membrane (including cristae), another important site of steroidogenic enzymes, had a surface area of 2,920 micron2/cell, which is 1.9 times that of the plasma membrane. There were 644 cm2 of inner mitochondrial membrane/cm3 of testis tissue. These morphometric results can be correlated with published data on the rate of testosterone secretion to show that an average Leydig cell secretes approximately 0.44 pg of testosterone/d or 10,600 molecules of testosterone/s. The rate of testosterone production by each square centimeter of SER is 4.2 ng/d or 101 million molecules/s: the corresponding rate for each square centimeter of mitochondrial inner membrane is 15 ng testosterone/d or 362 million molecules/s.  相似文献   

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