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Sexual communication often involves signal exchanges between the sexes, or duetting, in which mate choice is expressed through response signals. With both sexes acting as signalers and receivers, variation in the signals of males and females may be important for mate choice, reproductive isolation, and divergence. In the Enchenopa binotata species complex – a case study of sympatric speciation in which vibrational duetting may have an important role – male signals are species‐specific, females choose among males on the basis of signal traits that reflect species and individual differences, and female preferences have exerted divergent selection on male signals. Here, we describe variation in female signals in the E. binotata species complex. We report substantial species differences in the spectral and temporal features of female signals, and in their timing relative to male signals. These differences were similar in range to differences in male signals in the E. binotata complex. We consider processes that might contribute to divergence in female signals, and suggest that signal evolution in the E. binotata complex may be influenced by mate choice in both sexes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the evolution of signals must be a wasteful process for the signaller, aimed at the maximization of signal honesty. However, the reliability of communication depends not only on the costs paid by signallers but also on the costs paid by receivers during assessment, and less attention has been given to the interaction between these two types of costs during the evolution of signalling systems. A signaller and receiver may accept some level of signal dishonesty by choosing signals that are cheaper in terms of assessment but that are stabilized with less reliable mechanisms. I studied the potential trade‐off between signal reliability and the costs of signal assessment in the corncrake (Crex crex). I found that the birds prefer signals that are less costly regarding assessment rather than more reliable. Despite the fact that the fundamental frequency of calls was a strong predictor of male size, it was ignored by receivers unless they could directly compare signal variants. My data revealed a response advantage of costly signals when comparison between calls differing with fundamental frequencies is fast and straightforward, whereas cheap signalling is preferred in natural conditions. These data might improve our understanding of the influence of receivers on signal design because they support the hypothesis that fully honest signalling systems may be prone to dishonesty based on the effects of receiver costs and be replaced by signals that are cheaper in production and reception but more susceptible to cheating.  相似文献   

Many animals have multiple sexual ornaments, a fact variously explained as signalling of multiple attributes, or nonadaptive retention of now redundant, but previously informative, signals. Despite the widespread occurrence of multiple ornaments, and the theoretical interest in how they are maintained by selection, there have been few experimental studies of the phenomenon. We investigated the role of two ornaments, each plausibly signalling different male attributes, in attracting a new mate in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus. Previously we have shown that male Kentish plovers vary in how long they take to acquire a new mate, and we hypothesized that this variation may relate to their attractiveness or parental ability. We created single males by removing their mate and clutch, and then manipulated both their badge size (a presumed signal of either their genetic quality or their dominance status and hence defensive abilities) and the length of their flank feathers (a presumed signal of their parental quality in incubation) in a 2×2 factorial design. We found no difference in remating times between manipulated and control males. Furthermore, neither body size nor body condition of males was related to their remating times, although males with enlarged badges spent less time fighting than control males. Taken together, our results suggest that female Kentish plovers do not use either badge size or the length of flank feathers as cues in their mate choice decisions. However, badge size may influence male-male competition.  相似文献   

Understanding why males of many species exhibit two or more sexual ornaments depends upon identifying both the information conveyed and the intended receiver(s) for each signal. Here we focus on identifying the intended receivers for two sexual signals exhibited by male red-backed fairy-wrens Malurus melanocephalus , extent of nuptial plumage and tail length. In doing so we test the multiple receiver hypothesis, which predicts that each trait is directed toward a different type of receiver (e.g., males vs females). Male red-backed fairy-wrens in nuptial plumage exhibit reversed sexual dimorphism for tail length in the breeding season, when their tails are significantly shorter than those of females or males in eclipse plumage. Using both aviary-based experiments and indices of mate choice and social dominance from a natural population, we found that extent of nuptial plumage and age primarily affected female mate choice and that shorter tails were primarily associated with male:male dominance signaling. The field and aviary studies combined are consistent with the multiple receiver hypothesis, in that each trait appears to be directed primarily to a different set of receivers (plumage for females and tail length for males), though each trait may also signal information to the other set of receivers as well. We propose that sexual selection may favor shorter tail lengths in male red-backed fairy-wrens through social competition mechanisms.  相似文献   

Theoretically, sexual signals should provide honest information about mating benefits and many sexually reproducing species use honest signals when signalling to potential mates. Male crickets produce two types of acoustic mating signals: a long-distance mate attraction call and a short-range courtship call. We tested whether wild-caught fall field cricket (Gryllus pennsylvanicus) males in high condition (high residual mass or large body size) produce higher effort calls (in support of the honest signalling hypothesis). We also tested an alternative hypothesis, whether low condition males produce higher effort calls (in support of the terminal investment hypothesis). Several components of long-distance mate attraction calls honestly reflected male body size, with larger males producing louder mate attraction calls at lower carrier frequencies. Long-distance mate attraction chirp rate dishonestly signalled body size, with small males producing faster chirp rates. Short-range courtship calls dishonestly reflected male residual mass, as chirp rate and pulse rate were best explained by a curvilinear function of residual mass. By producing long-distance mate attraction calls and courtship calls with similar or higher effort compared to high condition males, low condition males (low residual mass or small body size) may increase their effort in current reproductive success at the expense of their future reproductive success, suggesting that not all sexual signals are honest.  相似文献   

Formal models have shown that diel variation in female mate searching is likely to have profound influence on daily signalling routines of males. In studies on acoustic communication, the temporal patterns of the receivers'' signal evaluation should thus be taken into account when investigating the functions of signalling. In bird species in which diel patterns of signalling differ between males singing to defend a territory or to attract a mate, the diel patterns of mate and territory prospecting are suggested to depend on the sex of the prospector. We simulated newly arriving female nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) by translocating radio-tagged females to our study site. The mate-searching females prospected the area mostly at night, visiting several singing males. The timing of female prospecting corresponded to the period of the night when the singing activity of unpaired males was higher than that of paired males. In contrast to females, territory searching males have been shown to prospect territories almost exclusively during the dawn chorus. At dawn, both paired and unpaired males sang at high rates, suggesting that in contrast to nocturnal singing, dawn singing is important to announce territory occupancy to prospecting males. In the nightingale, the sex-specific timing of prospecting corresponded to the differential signalling routines of paired and unpaired males. The temporal patterns in the behaviour of signallers and receivers thus appear to be mutually adapted.  相似文献   

Insects including parasitoid wasps use acoustic and vibratory signals in the context of sexual communication, mate recognition, courtship and mating. Males of the parasitoid wasp Pimpla disparis Viereck (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) detect insect host pupae parasitized by a conspecific female, learn their location, visit them repeatedly and remain on or near them when the prospective mate nears emergence. In the present study, the acoustic and vibratory cues that males exploit to detect the presence and track the developmental progress of a future mate inside a host pupal case are investigated. Responses are acquired from developing parasitoids (DePa) by airborne sound and laser Doppler vibrometer recordings, after gently stimulating each of 20 wax moth host pupae with a paintbrush on days 1–23 post parasitism. Sound and vibratory cues produced by DePa are detectable from day 7 onward and relate mostly to spinning movements. Parameters of sound and vibratory cues (amplitude, dominant frequency, upper limit of frequency band) change significantly over time and thus could ‘inform’ a visiting adult male about the stage of development of DePa. Adult males antennating a parasitized pupa and flying around it also induce vibrations, which in turn may inform DePa about the presence of a male. There is no experimental evidence for true signalling and rapid information exchange between DePa and adult males. Delaying reply signals may help DePa avoid attacks by illicit receivers of such signals, including female (hyper)parasitoids and invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory suggests males in good condition should be more successful than males in poor condition when competing with rivals for territories and mates. Understanding how condition influences the interplay between aggression, mate attraction, and courtship displays could help explain why variation is maintained in traits that confer fitness. Using laboratory‐reared Jamaican field crickets, Gryllus assimilis, we found that fine‐scale temporal components of mate attraction signals were positively correlated with body condition (residual body mass) and body size; signaling effort was positively correlated with both body condition and fine‐scale temporal signaling components; aggression was positively correlated with signaling effort; number of eggs laid was positively correlated with female body size, male body condition and aggression. Together our correlative study suggests that variation in body condition and size may drive some of the variation in cricket mate attraction signaling and aggression. Given condition and body size are influenced by foraging ability, nutrient availability and the organism’s ability to uptake and retain these essential nutrients could explain some of the persistent variation in fitness conferring traits.  相似文献   

Female Size Influences Mate Preferences of Male Guppies   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have a promiscuous mating system in which female choice for brightly coloured males plays an important role. Consequently, much research on guppies has examined how mate choice by females has lead to the evolution of male colour patterns. Much less attention has been devoted to mate choice by males in this species. In this study, we show that male guppies are choosy when selecting a female to associate with, significantly preferring the larger female when presented with two females that differed by ≥2 mm in standard length (SL). The strength of their preference for each female increased with absolute female size. The relative sizes of the females, however, also influenced male mating preferences: males showed stronger preferences for the larger female as the difference in SL between the two females increased. Such a preference for larger females is not unexpected as fecundity generally increases with body size in female fish. Thus, males choosing to mate with the larger female should have higher reproductive success. An apparent, but non‐significant anomaly, whereby males appear to prefer the smaller of the two females when the difference between female SL was <4 mm, deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Mate Choice of Photinus ignitus Fireflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Mate choice by either sex may vary with changes in the associated costs and benefits, determined by factors such as the availability of potential mates and variation in mate quality. We examined seasonal variation in operational sex ratio, courtship behavior, spermatophore mass, egg count, and the relationship between morphological traits and mating success in Photinus ignitus fireflies to determine if mate choice in either sex varied with the availability and relative reproductive investment of fertilizable females and sexually active males. Successfully mating males had larger lanterns than unsuccessful males when the operational sex ratio was male‐biased. In addition, female responsiveness to male signals increased as the number of courting males decreased, and male spermatophore mass decreased with body size across the mating season. Successfully mating females had larger body mass than unsuccessful females. Female body mass predicted egg count and female rejection by males increased as the season progressed and female size decreased. These results suggest that both male and female P. ignitus exhibit mate choice, and that such choice is influenced by seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of potential mates.  相似文献   

Extended phenotypes with signalling function are mostly restricted to animal taxa that use construction behaviour during courtship displays. However, they can be used also as post‐mating signals of mate quality, allowing individuals to obtain reliable information about their partners. Nest size may have such a signalling function and a lot of indirect evidence supports this view. However, direct evidence based on an experimental approach is still widely missing. Here we test the role of nest size in post‐mating signalling of mate quality in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, a passerine with female‐restricted nest‐building behaviour. Based on observational data, clutch size, nestling weight, brood size and fledglings’ propensity to return to their natal site positively correlated with nest size. Moreover, we experimentally enlarged great reed warbler nests to investigate whether this manipulation affects male investment in feeding. We found that males fed their nestlings significantly more intensively on enlarged nests than those on control nests. This suggests that nest size in this species serves as a signal of female quality or willingness to invest in reproduction and that it pays males to enhance their feeding effort according to this signal. Thus, we provide convincing evidence that animal communication takes place through the extended phenotypes and that post‐mating signalling of quality is not restricted only to males, but may function equally well in females.  相似文献   

In many birds, females prefer males with the biggest or brightest sexual ornaments, which might reflect a higher phenotypic quality, such as fewer parasites. Unlike humans, most birds detect near-ultraviolet (UV) light, and UV signals can play an important role in sexual signalling and mate choice. Using a spectrophotometer, we analysed the colour of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus sexual ornaments (their combs). We first show that combs reflect both in the red (600–700 nm) and UV (300–400 nm) part of the spectrum. Second, we investigated whether comb size and colour, and UV reflectance in particular, reflected an aspect of individual quality: the intensity of infection by a main nematode parasite, the caecal threadworm Trichostrongylus tenuis . We first analysed comb size and colour variation, and parasite intensity variation, in relation to sex and age. Males had bigger and redder combs than females, but UV brightness was greater for female than for male combs. Comb colour also differed between age groups, with young birds of both sexes showing brighter UV than old birds. Young grouse also had fewer T. tenuis worms than old grouse. We further tested whether intensity of infection could be predicted from comb characteristics (size and colour) in male and female red grouse. We found that parasite intensity was not significantly related to comb size or red brightness, but fewer worms were predicted from brighter UV in combs, in both males and females. The results indicate that UV reflectance of combs have a quality revealing function and might play an important role in grouse mate choice: UV brightness of combs could enable both male and female red grouse to assess the parasite loads of a potential mate.  相似文献   

At present, the most general evolutionary theory of honest communication is Grafen''s model of Zahavi''s ''handicap'' signalling system, in which honesty of signals about the signaller''s quality (e.g. mate suitability or fighting ability) is maintained by the differentially high cost of signals to signallers having lower quality. The latter model is here further generalized to include any communication between signallers and receivers that are genetically related (e.g. parents and begging offspring, cooperative or competing siblings). Signalling systems involving relatives are shown to be evolutionarily stable, despite a potential pay-off for false signalling, if the Zahavian assumption of differential signal costs holds and there are diminishing reproductive returns to the signaller as the receiver''s assessed value of its attribute increases, or if, regardless of whether the Zahavian assumption holds, signallers with high values of the attribute benefit more from a given receiver assessment than signallers with low values (e.g. begging chicks that are hungrier benefit more from being fed). In stable systems of signalling among kin, it is also shown to be generally true that (i) levels of signalling and thus observed signal costs will decline as relatedness increases or as the receiver''s reproductive penalty for erroneous assessment increases, and (ii) receivers will consistently, altruistically overestimate the true value of the signalled attribute.  相似文献   

Honey bee queens (Apis mellifera) who mate with multiple males produce colonies that are filled with numerous genetically distinct patrilines of workers. A genetically diverse colony benefits from an enhanced foraging effort, fuelled in part by an increase in the number of recruitment signals that are produced by foragers. However, the influence of patriline diversity on the attention paid to these signals by audiences of potentially receptive workers remains unexplored. To determine whether recruitment dances performed by foragers in multiple-patriline colonies attract a greater number of dance followers than dances in colonies that lack patriline diversity, we trained workers from multiple- and single-patriline colonies to forage in a greenhouse and monitored their dance-following activity back in the hives. On average, more workers followed a dance if it was performed in a multiple-patriline colony rather than a single-patriline colony (33% increase), and for a greater number of dance circuits per follower. Furthermore, dance-following workers in multiple-patriline colonies were more likely to exit their hive after following a dance, although this did not translate to a difference in colony-level exit rates between treatment types. Recruiting nest mates to profitable food sources through dance communication is critical to a colony’s foraging success and long-term fitness; polyandrous queens produce colonies that benefit not only from increased recruitment signalling, but also from the generation of larger and more attentive audiences of signal receivers. This study highlights the importance of integrating responses of both signal senders and receivers to understand more fully the success of animal-communication systems.  相似文献   

A hallmark of sexual selection by mate choice is the evolution of exaggerated traits, such as longer tails in birds and more acoustic components in the calls of birds and frogs. Trait elaboration can be opposed by costs such as increased metabolism and greater predation risk, but cognitive processes of the receiver can also put a brake on trait elaboration. For example, according to Weber's Law traits of a fixed absolute difference will be more difficult to discriminate as the absolute magnitude increases. Here, we show that in the Emei music frog (Babina daunchina) increases in the fundamental frequency between successive notes in the male advertisement call, which increases the spectral complexity of the call, facilitates the female's ability to compare the number of notes between calls. These results suggest that female's discriminability provides the impetus to switch from enhancement of signaling magnitude (i.e., adding more notes into calls) to employing a new signal feature (i.e., increasing frequency among notes) to increase complexity. We suggest that increasing the spectral complexity of notes ameliorates some of the effects of Weber's Law, and highlights how perceptual and cognitive biases of choosers can have important influences on the evolution of courtship signals.  相似文献   

Sexual ornamentation often consists of multiple components. Different sexual signals may indicate different aspects of mate quality or reflect quality in different time scales. On the other hand, same signals can have a dual function and are used both in male–male competition and courtship. Many fish species are capable of rapidly altering their colouration (ephemeral colour changes), but this capability is usually ignored in sexual selection studies. Here, we used experimentally manipulated social environments to study the ephemeral colour changes in multicomponent sexual signals of male minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) during male–male competition and female choice. We found that the dominant males courted the females more actively and had redder and/or darker skin colouration than the subordinate males. Furthermore, darkness difference between subordinate and dominant males increased in the presence of female, which suggests that the male–male competition may increase the honesty of signalling and thus facilitate female choice. In support of this hypothesis, females had a strong behavioural preference towards the more colourful males, which may indicate female choice. As colourful males often had a higher social status than paler individuals, it is possible that females base their preference on male status, not only the colouration per se. In any case, our results suggest that sexual ornamentation of male minnows may signal status, courting activity and superior quality of the males and that these signals may have a dual function in both male–male competition and female choice. Females preferred different ornamental traits (dark and red colour patterns) relatively equally, indicating that mate choice is based on multiple cues.  相似文献   

Colorful visual signals are used across taxa to convey information during agonistic male‐male encounters, which are important for sexual selection. Although much is known about the information content of color signals, less is known about how receivers interpret this information. Here, using territorial Sceloporus undulatus lizards in a natural setting, we examined receiver response to intruders with different color patch sizes to determine (a) if patch size conveys information assessed during male‐male interactions and (b) if/how receivers modulate their behavioral responses to different types of behavioral signals. We found that larger lizards had longer and wider patches, indicating that the size of the patches may be one of the many characteristics of these patches that is used by males to convey information. Free‐ranging subject males also produced more headbob displays in response to intruders with small patches and took marginally longer to react to intruders with large patches. However, we found no differences in the aggressiveness of the response (i.e., fullshows). This indicates that patch size conveys information that is employed during territorial disputes, but that the response is primarily in terms of timing, allowing lizards to gather more information about intruders, instead of aggressive behavior (i.e., fullshows).  相似文献   

Empis borealisfemales form swarms, and males carrying a nuptial gift come to swarms to mate. Males either mated with one of the females (accepted swarms) or left swarms without mating (refused swarms). Males mated with the younger (low wing-wear) and relatively larger females in accepted swarms. They seemed to be able to judge the relative size of the females but to ignore their absolute size. Visiting males stayed shorter in accepted swarms as female size variation increased. This probably reflects their greater ease in choosing a mate among females of relatively different sizes. Females in accepted swarms tended to be larger and to have less worn wings than females in rejected swarms.  相似文献   

For mate-searching species, the learned mate recognition (LMR) hypothesis assumes that sexual harassment favours signal variation among females, which exploits the receiver ability of males. The model predicts that coevolving males have responded to the female sexual foil by learning to recognize female variants as potential mates. I translate the LMR hypothesis into the language of signal detection theory to explain its novelty as a dynamic, coevolutionary, negative frequency-dependent selection model. Due to gene-environment interactions, males cueing to the morph detected most often should generate positive but often asymmetrical, detection-dependent harassment towards females. Females are expected to sort to an ideal free distribution where harassment costs are equal. At equilibrium, morph fitness, but not necessarily morph frequency, is predicted to be equal. The LMR hypothesis is consistent with recent experimental data and the distribution of colour polymorphisms in the Odonata, predicts general conditions favouring variation in sexual signals, and provides a novel mechanism for speciation via sexual signalling.  相似文献   

Animals employ an array of signals (i.e. visual, acoustic, olfactory) for communication. Natural selection favours signals, receptors, and signalling behaviour that optimise the received signal relative to background noise. When the signal is used for more than one function, antagonisms amongst the different signalling functions may constrain the optimisation of the signal for any one function. Sexual selection through mate choice can strongly modify the effects of natural selection on signalling systems ultimately causing maladaptive signals to evolve. Echolocating bats represent a fascinating group in which to study the evolution of signalling systems as unlike bird songs or frog calls, echolocation has a dual role in foraging and communication. The function of bat echolocation is to generate echoes that the calling bat uses for orientation and food detection with call characteristics being directly related to the exploitation of particular ecological niches. Therefore, it is commonly assumed that echolocation has been shaped by ecology via natural selection. Here we demonstrate for the first time using a novel combined behavioural, ecological and genetic approach that in a bat species, Rhinolophus mehelyi: (1) echolocation peak frequency is an honest signal of body size; (2) females preferentially select males with high frequency calls during the mating season; (3) high frequency males sire more off-spring, providing evidence that echolocation calls may play a role in female mate choice. Our data refute the sole role of ecology in the evolution of echolocation and highlight the antagonistic interplay between natural and sexual selection in shaping acoustic signals.  相似文献   

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