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The virology section at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Connecticut, is not a separate laboratory division but is a part of the microbiology division and is supervised by the same personnel who supervise bacteriology, mycology, mycobacteriology, and serology. Current volume is over 1,000 cultures yearly with 12 to 24 percent positive. Isolates are confirmed and typed by the Connecticut State Health Department Laboratory. Specimen distribution, percentage positive specimens, and distribution of viral isolates are similar to those reported from microbiology laboratories with separate virology laboratories directed by a full-time doctoral-level virologist. Our seven years'' experience demonstrates that a microbiology laboratory without a full-time doctoral-level virologist can provide clinically useful virologic information.  相似文献   

Cyanidium caldarium strains RK-1, KS-1 and 001 are probably obligate autotrophs, while Chroococcidiopsis sp. strains M-8 and 002 (formerly named Cyanidium caldarium) are facultative autotrophs. The Cyanidium strains contain floridoside (2-O-glycerol-α-d-galactopyranoside) and a small amount of iso-floridoside (1-O-glycerol-α-d-galactopyranoside), both of which are known to be distributed in Rhodophyta. The Chroococcidiopsis strains also contain floridoside, but no iso-floridoside, under various culture conditions. These results indicate that Cyanidium is clearly distinguishable from Chroococcidiopsis in iso-floridoside content and nutritional properties, and suggest that all strains tested may be closely related to Rhodophyta.  相似文献   

Geographical isolation in hot spring cyanobacteria   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
It has been proposed that free-living microorganisms exhibit ubiquitous dispersal, do not form geographically isolated populations and rarely (if ever) speciate via allopatry. We studied island-like hot spring cyanobacterial communities in which geographical isolation should be prominent and detectable if it influences the evolution of bacteria. The genetic diversity of cyanobacteria indigenous to North American, Japanese, New Zealand and Italian springs was surveyed by (i) amplification and cloning of 16S rRNA and 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer regions; (ii) lineage-specific oligonucleotide probing (used to verify the predominance of cloned sequences); and (iii) lineage-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (used to search for possible rare genotypes). Phylogenetic and distribution patterns were found to be consistent with the occurrence of geographical isolation at both global and local spatial scales, although different cyanobacterial lineages were found to vary in their distribution. A lack of correspondence between biological patterning and the chemical character of springs sampled suggested that the geographical distribution of thermophilic cyanobacteria cannot be explained by the 20 potential niche-determining chemical parameters that we assayed. Thus, geographical isolation (i.e. genetic drift) must in part be responsible for driving the observed evolutionary divergences. Geographical isolation may be an important underestimated aspect of microbial evolution.  相似文献   

The first avian fossil recovered from high-temperature hot spring deposits is a three-dimensional external body mould of an American coot (Fulica americana) from Holocene sinters of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. Silica encrustation of the carcass, feathers and colonizing microbial communities occurred within days of death and before substantial soft tissue degradation, allowing preservation of gross body morphology, which is usually lost under other fossilization regimes. We hypothesize that the increased rate and extent of opal-A deposition, facilitated by either passive or active microbial mediation following carcass colonization, is required for exceptional preservation of relatively large, fleshy carcasses or soft-bodied organisms by mineral precipitate mould formation. We suggest physico-chemical parameters conducive to similar preservation in other vertebrate specimens, plus distinctive sinter macrofabric markers of hot spring subenvironments where these parameters are met.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Bacterial viruses (“phages”) play important roles in the regulation and evolution of microbial communities in most ecosystems. Terrestrial hot springs typically contain...  相似文献   

Summary Life on Earth may have begun about 4×109 years (4 Ga) ago. Plate tectonics probably operated in the early Archaean, with rapid spreading at mid-ocean ridges, a komatiitic (magnesium-rich) oceanic crust, active volcanic arcs and the development of extensional basins on continental crust. Shallow water environments would have been more restricted and probably shorter-lived than in later geological times; however, extensive shallow seas existed in the later phases of the development of extensional basins. Bacterial communities-presumably photosynthetic-have probably existed in such shallow-water settings and probably at shallow depths in the oceans for at least 3.5 Ga. Because the mid-ocean ridges were probably subaqueous, hydrothermal systems would have been very vigorous and would have offered suitable habitats for early chemo-autotrophic bacterial communities. Early life forms probably also occupied vesicles in lavas, pumice and volcanic breccias, and pores in soft sediments, living in the constant flux of fluid flushing through permeable strata. Other, similar habitats would have existed in volcanic island arcs and in extensional basins.  相似文献   

Inferences about the evidence of life recorded in organic compounds within the Earth's ancient rocks have depended on 13C contents low enough to be characteristic of biological debris produced by the well-known CO2 fixation pathway, the Calvin cycle. 'Atypically' high values have been attributed to isotopic alteration of sedimentary organic carbon by thermal metamorphism. We examined the possibility that organic carbon characterized by a relatively high 13C content could have arisen biologically from recently discovered autotrophic pathways. We focused on the green non-sulphur bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus that uses the 3-hydroxypropionate pathway for inorganic carbon fixation and is geologically significant as it forms modern mat communities analogous to stromatolites. Organic matter in mats constructed by Chloroflexus spp. alone had relatively high 13C contents (−14.9‰) and lipids diagnostic of Chloroflexus that were also isotopically heavy (−8.9‰ to −18.5‰). Organic matter in mats constructed by Chloroflexus in conjunction with cyanobacteria had a more typical Calvin cycle signature (−23.5‰). However, lipids diagnostic of Chloroflexus were isotopically enriched (−15.1‰ to −24.1‰) relative to lipids typical of cyanobacteria (−33.9‰ to −36.3‰). This suggests that, in mats formed by both cyanobacteria and Chloroflexus , autotrophy must have a greater effect on Chloroflexus carbon metabolism than the photoheterotrophic consumption of cyanobacterial photosynthate. Chloroflexus cell components were also selectively preserved. Hence, Chloroflexus autotrophy and selective preservation of its products constitute one purely biological mechanism by which isotopically heavy organic carbon could have been introduced into important Precambrian geological features.  相似文献   

The beginning of modern microbiology can be traced back to the 1870s, and it was based on the development of new concepts that originated during the two preceding centuries on the role of microorganisms, new experimental methods, and discoveries in chemistry, physics, and evolutionary cell biology. The crucial progress was the isolation and growth on solid media of clone cultures arising from single cells and the demonstration that these pure cultures have specific, inheritable characteristics and metabolic capacities. The doctrine of the spontaneous generation of microorganisms, which stimulated research for a century, lost its role as an important concept. Microorganisms were discovered to be causative agents of infectious diseases and of specific metabolic processes. Microscopy techniques advanced studies on microorganisms. The discovery of sexuality and development in microorganisms and Darwin's theory of evolution contributed to the founding of microbiology as a science. Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1898), a pioneer in the developmental biology of lower plants, considerably promoted the taxonomy and physiology of bacteria, discovered the heat-resistant endospores of bacilli, and was active in applied microbiology.  相似文献   

A new gene encoding a thermostable Fe-superoxide dismutase (tcSOD) was identified from a metagenomic library prepared from a hot spring sample. The open reading frame of tcSOD encoded a 211 amino acid protein. The recombinant protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and confirmed to be a Fe–SOD with a specific activity of 1,890 U/mg using the pyrogallol method. The enzyme was highly stable at 80°C and retained 50% activity after heat treatment at 95°C for 2 h. It showed striking stability across a wide pH span from 4 to 11. The native form of the enzyme was determined as a homotetramer by analytical ultracentrifugation and gradient native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fe2+ was found to be important to SOD activity and to the stability of tcSOD dimer. Comparative modeling analyses of tcSOD tetramer indicate that its high thermostability is mainly due to the presence of a large number of intersubunit ion pairs and hydrogen bonds and to a decrease in solvent accessible hydrophobic surfaces.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis was measured by the 14C method on natural as well as low light adapted populations of Chloroflexus (a photosynthetic bacterium) and Synechococcus (a blue-green alga) from hot springs in Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming U.S.A.), to test the ability of these phototrophs to photosynthesize at a variety of light intensities. The herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU) was used to distinguish uptake of the blue-green alga from that of the photosynthetic bacterium, while measurements of chlorophyll a and bacterio-chlorophyll c served to quantitate the standing crops of these organisms.Natural populations of Synechococcus were found to be slightly inhibited by full sunlight intensities (summer values can surpass 90000 Lux), whereas the Chloroflexus populations were not. Populations of both phototrophs subjected to reduced light intensities through the use of neutral density filters were found to adapt to low light, and then become severely inhibited by high light intensities. Adaptation to various light regimes may be an important ecological phenomenon to the survival of these hot spring phototrophs.  相似文献   

Hot springs integrate hydrologic and geologic processes that vary over short- and long-term time scales. However, the influence of temporal hydrologic and geologic change on hot spring biodiversity is unknown. Here, we coordinated near-weekly, cross-seasonal (~140 days) geochemical and microbial community analyses of three widely studied hot springs with local precipitation data in Yellowstone National Park. One spring (‘HFS’) exhibited statistically significant, coupled microbial and geochemical variation across seasons that was associated with recent precipitation patterns. Two other spring communities, ‘CP’ and ‘DS’, exhibited minimal to no variation across seasons. Variability in the seasonal response of springs is attributed to differences in the timing and extent of aquifer recharge with oxidized near-surface water from precipitation. This influx of oxidized water is associated with changes in community composition, and in particular, the abundances of aerobic sulfide-/sulfur-oxidizers that can acidify waters. During sampling, a new spring formed after a period of heavy precipitation and its successional dynamics were also influenced by surface water recharge. Collectively, these results indicate that changes in short-term hydrology associated with precipitation can impact hot spring geochemistry and microbial biodiversity. These results point to potential susceptibility of certain hot springs and their biodiversity to sustained, longer-term hydrologic changes.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses can be introduced into the water environment as a result of human activity. Contaminations within hot tubs, spas and public baths are also possible. We investigated the distribution of enteroviruses at six hot spring recreation areas throughout Taiwan. Spring water was collected from 34 sites and enteroviruses were detected in 13 (38.2%). The most frequently detected was coxsackievirus A2, followed by echovirus 11. Enterovirus 71 (EV 71) and porcine enterovirus 9 were detected once. Water quality indicators were not statistically associated with the occurrence of enteroviruses, although the enterovirus-positive samples were positive for a greater number of microbiological indicators and showed a link to pH and water temperature. The results confirm the ubiquity of enteroviruses in Taiwan spring recreation areas. Coxsackievirus A2, echovirus 11 and EV 71, the enteroviruses responsible for disease outbreaks identified at these sites, should be considered a potential public health threat in spring recreation areas of Taiwan.  相似文献   

The steroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is associated with longevity and adaptation against external stress in humans. The aim of the study was to investigate the acute effect of a 30-min hot spring immersion at 41 °C on insulin resistance measures of 16 male subjects, in relation to DHEA-S level. To elucidate the role of DHEA-S in the coping against the heat stress, all subjects were evenly divided into lower and upper halves according to their baseline DHEA-S concentrations. The levels of glucose, insulin, blood pressure, and stress hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, and cortisol) in both groups were compared before and after hot spring immersion. The result shows that hot spring immersion significantly increased heart rate and reduced diastolic blood pressure, both of which were paralleled with a drop of DHEA-S concentration. Homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and area under curve of glucose (GAUC) of oral glucose tolerance test were significantly increased by the hot spring immersion only in the Low DHEA-S group. Likewise, hot spring immersion caused an opposing effect on cortisol changes for the Low and High DHEA-S groups (+95% vs. −33%, p < 0.05), respectively. In conclusion, hot spring bathing induced insulin resistance confined only to those Low DHEA-S individuals. This response may be associated with a stress response such as increased cortisol levels.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate fraction of a hot spring sulfur-turf bacterial mat was shown to contain cellulose by the examination of neutral sugar composition, methylation analysis, and the identification of free oligosacchrides obtained from an acetolyzate of the desulfurized sulfur-turf mat. This suggested that the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria composing the sulfur-turf were producers of cellulose.  相似文献   



Microbial mats are a good model system for ecological and evolutionary analysis of microbial communities. There are more than 20 alkaline hot springs on the banks of the Barguzin river inflows. Water temperature reaches 75 °C and pH is usually 8.0–9.0. The formation of microbial mats is observed in all hot springs. Microbial communities of hot springs of the Baikal rift zone are poorly studied. Garga is the biggest hot spring in this area.


In this study, we investigated bacterial and archaeal diversity of the Garga hot spring (Baikal rift zone, Russia) using 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing. We studied two types of microbial communities: (i) small white biofilms on rocks in the points with the highest temperature (75 °C) and (ii) continuous thick phototrophic microbial mats observed at temperatures below 70 °C. Archaea (mainly Crenarchaeota; 19.8% of the total sequences) were detected only in the small biofilms. The high abundance of Archaea in the sample from hot springs of the Baikal rift zone supplemented our knowledge of the distribution of Archaea. Most archaeal sequences had low similarity to known Archaea. In the microbial mats, primary products were formed by cyanobacteria of the genus Leptolyngbya. Heterotrophic microorganisms were mostly represented by Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria in all studied samples of the microbial mats. Planctomycetes, Chloroflexi, and Chlorobi were abundant in the middle layer of the microbial mats, while heterotrophic microorganisms represented mostly by Firmicutes (Clostridia, strict anaerobes) dominated in the bottom part. Besides prokaryotes, we detect some species of Algae with help of detection their chloroplasts 16 s rRNA.


High abundance of Archaea in samples from hot springs of the Baikal rift zone supplemented our knowledge of the distribution of Archaea. Most archaeal sequences had low similarity to known Archaea. Metagenomic analysis of microbial communities of the microbial mat of Garga hot spring showed that the three studied points sampled at 70 °C, 55 °C, and 45 °C had similar species composition. Cyanobacteria of the genus Leptolyngbya dominated in the upper layer of the microbial mat. Chloroflexi and Chlorobi were less abundant and were mostly observed in the middle part of the microbial mat. We detected domains of heterotrophic organisms in high abundance (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomicetes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Thermi), according to metabolic properties of known relatives, which can form complete cycles of carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen in the microbial mat. The studied microbial mats evolved in early stages of biosphere formation. They can live autonomously, providing full cycles of substances and preventing live activity products poisoning.

The microbial communities of freshwater hot spring mats from Boekleung (Western Thailand) were studied. Temperatures ranged from over 50 up to 57°C. Green-, red-, and yellow colored mat layers were analyzed. In order to detect the major components of the microbial communities constituting the mat as well as the microorganisms showing significant metabolic activity, samples were analyzed using DNA- and RNA-based molecular techniques, respectively. Microbial community fingerprints, performed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), revealed clear differences among mat layers. Thermophilic phototrophic microorganisms, Cyanobacteria and Chloroflexi, constituted the major groups in these communities (on average 65 and 51% from DNA and RNA analyses, respectively). Other bacteria detected in the mat were Bacteroidetes, members of the Candidate Division OP10, Actinobacteria, and Planctomycetes. Differently colored mat layers showed characteristic bacterial communities and the major components of the metabolically active fraction of these communities have been identified.  相似文献   

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