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The taxonomic classification of the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) that inhabits the Canary Islands has been under debate for decades, mainly due to the absence of nuclear DNA analyses. In this study we describe the isolation and characterization of ten microsatellite loci (AAAG, AAAT and GT) from a La Palma specimen using an enrichment protocol. Two loci were monomorphic in the populations analysed (La Gomera and La Palma), but the remaining ones presented 2 or more alleles, with an average of 11.63 alleles per locus and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.735 (n = 44). All loci were tested for their utility in other Canarian populations and other finch species.  相似文献   

Global climate is rapidly changing, and the ability for tree species to adapt is dependent on standing genomic variation; however, the distribution and abundance of functional and adaptive variants are poorly understood in natural systems. We test key hypotheses regarding the genetics of adaptive variation in a foundation tree: genomic variation is associated with climate, and genomic variation is more likely to be associated with temperature than precipitation or aridity. To test these hypotheses, we used 9,593 independent, genomic single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 270 individuals sampled from Corymbia calophylla's entire distribution in south‐western Western Australia, spanning orthogonal temperature and precipitation gradients. Environmental association analyses returned 537 unique SNPs putatively adaptive to climate. We identified SNPs associated with climatic variation (i.e., temperature [458], precipitation [75] and aridity [78]) across the landscape. Of these, 78 SNPs were nonsynonymous (NS), while 26 SNPs were found within gene regulatory regions. The NS and regulatory candidate SNPs associated with temperature explained more deviance (27.35%) than precipitation (5.93%) and aridity (4.77%), suggesting that temperature provides stronger adaptive signals than precipitation. Genes associated with adaptive variants include functions important in stress responses to temperature and precipitation. Patterns of allelic turnover of NS and regulatory SNPs show small patterns of change through climate space with the exception of an aldehyde dehydrogenase gene variant with 80% allelic turnover with temperature. Together, these findings provide evidence for the presence of adaptive variation to climate in a foundation species and provide critical information to guide adaptive management practices.  相似文献   

Ecogeographical patterns of morphological variation were studied in the Eurasian pygmy shrew Sorex minutus aiming to understand the species’ morphological diversity in a continental and island setting, and within the context of previous detailed phylogeographical studies. In total, 568 mandibles and 377 skulls of S. minutus from continental and island populations from Europe and Atlantic islands were examined using a geometric morphometrics approach, and the general relationships of mandible and skull size and shape with geographical and environmental variables were studied. Samples were then pooled into predefined geographical groups to evaluate the morphological differences among them using analyses of variance, aiming to contrast the morphological and genetic relationships based on morphological and genetic distances and ancestral state reconstructions, as well as assess the correlations of morphological, genetic, and geographical distances with Mantel tests. We found significant relationships of mandible size with geographical and environmental variables, fitting the converse Bergmann's rule; however, for skull size, this was less evident. Continental groups of S. minutus could not readily be differentiated from each other by shape. Most island groups of S. minutus were easily discriminated from the continental groups by being larger, indicative of an island effect. Moreover, morphological and genetic distances differed substantially and, again, island groups were distinctive morphologically. Morphological and geographical distances were significantly correlated, although this was not the case for morphological and genetic distances, indicating that morphological variation does not reflect genetic subdivision in S. minutus. Our analyses showed that environmental variables and insularity had important effects on the morphological differentiation of S. minutus.  相似文献   

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