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Why do older workers seem to have problems with technology? In this paper, I will review several possible reasons and illustrate them with evidence, often anecdotal, from our work as ergonomics practitioners. We find that older workers have more to "unlearn" from their accumulated experience. They may suffer from gradual or not so gradual ailing faculties of sight, hearing, dexterity, stamina, memory, and reaction time. They may exhibit a fear of making mistakes, and they may have strongly established preferences and pessimism about technological gimmicks. But the real problem is often that the designers have failed to anticipate the requirements of their users; they have failed to design for a range of abilities broader than their own; they have failed to test their designs with real people; and they have failed to learn from the experience of the market. Getting design right for older users is really only a continuation of getting design right for all.  相似文献   

Male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, cooperate to defend a community range within which resident females range in smaller core areas. There has been debate over exactly what males are defending, whether mates, territory or both. One hypothesis holds that males are defending mates, and that an increase in community range size will lead directly to the acquisition of more females. However, males frequently attack females as well as males at the edge of the community range. We examined 18 years of observational data on the Gombe chimpanzees to determine the behaviour of males during extragroup encounters, and the consequences of changes in community range size on the number of adult females and indirect measures of food availability. Males were always aggressive to males from other communities, and often attacked adult females, especially those that were not sexually receptive, were older, and/or had more than one offspring. The number of females did not increase with range size, but several measures suggested an increase in food availability with range size. These measures include more time spent in large foraging parties, higher encounter rates with resident females, more encounters with sexually receptive females and higher female reproductive rates. These findings suggest that males defend a feeding territory for their resident females and protect them from sexual harassment. Although a large range may eventually attract more females, this is not an immediate consequence of range expansion. Male number was not correlated with community range size.  相似文献   

Empis borealisfemales form swarms, and males carrying a nuptial gift come to swarms to mate. Males either mated with one of the females (accepted swarms) or left swarms without mating (refused swarms). Males mated with the younger (low wing-wear) and relatively larger females in accepted swarms. They seemed to be able to judge the relative size of the females but to ignore their absolute size. Visiting males stayed shorter in accepted swarms as female size variation increased. This probably reflects their greater ease in choosing a mate among females of relatively different sizes. Females in accepted swarms tended to be larger and to have less worn wings than females in rejected swarms.  相似文献   

We used a reproductive skew framework to consider the evolutionof parental and alloparental effort in cooperatively breedinggroups. The model provides the first theoretical treatmentof rent payment (the "pay-to-stay" hypothesis) for the evolutionof helping behavior of subordinates. According to this hypothesis,not all helping behavior is kin selected, but group membershelp in order to be allowed to stay in the group and potentiallygain breeding positions later in life. We show that reproductiveconcessions may be replaced by complete skew and voluntary,costly alloparental effort by subordinates once future prospectsare included in fitness calculations. This suggests that incompleteskew observed in long-lived species is not due to dominantcontrol over reproduction. Rent payment is predicted to occurwhen relatedness between subordinate and dominant is low, survivalis high, ecological constraints are at least moderately tight,and retaining nonhelping subordinates harms the dominant'sfitness. Rent may also be required from related subordinatesif helping is very costly (leading to low voluntary helpingeffort) and ecological constraints are moderately tight. However, related subordinates do not need to have a positive net effecton the dominant's direct fitness to be accepted as group members.We also consider compensatory responses of dominant group membersas a potential threat to the stability of renting behavior.If dominants trade off parental effort against their own survival,they may selfishly reduce their own parental effort as a responseto increased help. As this improves their own survival, theprospects of territorial inheritance diminish for the subordinate,and subordinates should hence be less willing to accept therent agreement. However, we show that compensatory responsesby "lazy" parents prevent group formation only in borderlinecases.  相似文献   



Obesity is a public health problem, which increases the risk of chronic diseases and mortality. Weight loss can reduce mortality and improve most of the detrimental health consequences of obesity.

Design and Methods:

This paper was developed from two presentations to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has responsibility for reviewing and approving drugs to treat obesity.


A weight loss of 5% or more is sufficient to significantly reduce health risks in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Slightly more weight loss (16% on average, achieved by surgery) reduces mortality. The goal of medicating for obesity is to help more patients achieve more weight loss. A barrier to drug approval has been the concern that weight loss medications might be used by individuals with little or no health risks, thus mandating a low side effect profile for approval of any drug. This limits the options for patients who have obesity‐related health problems that could improve with weight loss. Recently the FDA signaled interest in identifying health benefits in higher risk patients that might justify medications with higher risk; however, the potential impact on a large segment of the population has led the FDA to consider requiring a cardiovascular outcome trial for all obesity medications, either prior to or after approval.


This review argues that drugs are needed for obesity because they enhance behaviorally induced weight loss and that new medications for obesity are needed in the approval process.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in personality and immediate behavioural plasticity. While developmental environment may explain this group diversity, the effect of parental environment is still unexplored—a surprising observation since parental environment influences mean behaviour. We tested whether developmental and parental environments impacted personality and immediate plasticity. We raised two generations of Physa acuta snails in the laboratory with or without developmental exposure to predator cues. Escape behaviour was repeatedly assessed on adult snails with or without predator cues in the immediate environment. On average, snails were slower to escape if they or their parents had been exposed to predator cues during development. Snails were also less plastic in response to immediate predation risk on average if they or their parents had been exposed to predator cues. Group diversity in personality was greater in predator-exposed snails than unexposed snails, while parental environment did not influence it. Group diversity in immediate plasticity was not significant. Our results suggest that only developmental environment plays a key role in the emergence of group diversity in personality, but that parental environment influences mean behavioural responses to the environmental change. Consequently, although different, both developmental and parental cues may have evolutionary implications on behavioural responses.  相似文献   

In many human societies, high male social status associates with higher fertility, but the means by which status increases lifetime fitness have not been systematically investigated. We analyse the pathways by which male status begets reproductive success in a small-scale, Amerindian society. Men who are more likely to win a dyadic physical confrontation, i.e. dominant men, have higher intra-marital fertility for their age, and men with more community-wide influence, i.e. prestigious men, exhibit both higher intra-marital fertility and lower offspring mortality. Both forms of status elicit support from allies and deference from competitors, but high status men are not provisioned more than their peers. Prestigious but not dominant men marry wives who first give birth at earlier ages, which multivariate analysis suggests is the strongest pathway between status and fitness in this population. Furthermore, men are motivated to pursue status because of fitness gains both within and outside of marital unions: dominant and prestigious men have more in-pair surviving offspring as well as more extra-marital affairs.  相似文献   

In complex life cycles, larval helminths typically migrate from the gut to exploit the tissues of their intermediate hosts. Yet the definitive host's gut is overwhelmingly the most favoured site for adult helminths to release eggs. Vertebrate nematodes with one-host cycles commonly migrate to a site in the host away from the gut before returning to the gut for reproduction; those with complex cycles occupy sites exclusively in the intermediate host's tissues or body spaces, and may or may not show tissue migration before (typically) returning to the gut in the definitive host. We develop models to explain the patterns of exploitation of different host sites, and in particular why larval helminths avoid the intermediate host's gut, and adult helminths favour it. Our models include the survival costs of migration between sites, and maximise fitness (=expected lifetime number of eggs produced by a given helminth propagule) in seeking the optimal strategy (host gut versus host tissue exploitation) under different growth, mortality, transmission and reproductive rates in the gut and tissues (i.e. sites away from the gut). We consider the relative merits of the gut and tissues, and conclude that (i) growth rates are likely to be higher in the tissues, (ii) mortality rates possibly higher in the gut (despite the immunological inertness of the gut lumen), and (iii) that there are very high benefits to egg release in the gut. The models show that these growth and mortality relativities would account for the common life history pattern of avoidance of the intermediate host's gut because the tissues offer a higher growth rate/mortality rate ratio (discounted by the costs of migration), and make a number of testable predictions. Though nematode larvae in paratenic hosts usually migrate to the tissues, unlike larvae in intermediates, they sometimes remain in the gut, which is predicted since in paratenics mortality rate and migration costs alone determine the site to be exploited.  相似文献   

Our closest nonhuman primate relatives, chimpanzees, engage in potentially lethal between‐group conflict; this collective aggressive behavior shows parallels with human warfare. In some communities, chimpanzee males also severely attack and even kill females of the neighboring groups. This is surprising given their system of resource defense polygyny, where males are expected to acquire potential mates. We develop a simple mathematical model based on reproductive skew among primate males to solve this puzzle. The model predicts that it is advantageous for high‐ranking males but not for low‐ranking males to attack females. It also predicts that more males gain a benefit from attacking females as the community's reproductive skew decreases, i.e., as mating success is more evenly distributed. Thus, fatal attacks on females should be concentrated in communities with low reproductive skew. These attacks should also concur with between‐community infanticide. A review of the chimpanzee literature provides enough preliminary support for this prediction to warrant more detailed testing. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:430–435, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Nature Conservancy’s wetland restoration at the Emiquon Preserve has been a success to date, but there are warning signs of undesirable change if left unmanaged. A water control structure built in 2016 will increase management capabilities, but periodic connection to the river, which has experienced human alterations typical of rivers in eastern North America and Europe, also introduces risks. The Conservancy’s planning process has identified (1) management targets (e.g., diverse native fish populations); (2) Key Ecological Attributes (KEAs) that maintain the targets (e.g., relatively deep over-wintering habitats for fishes); (3) measurable indicators for the KEAs (e.g., depth in winter); and (4) desirable ranges for the indicators (e.g., 10% of the aquatic area has depths of 2–3 m and dissolved oxygen levels of 4–6 mg/l). Assessments and experiments completed to date have focused on documenting the restoration, evaluating effects of the record flood of 2013, and predicting outcomes of management actions. Simulation models of hydrology, hydraulics, and vegetation response developed during the planning process allayed some concerns of stakeholders, but not all outcomes are predictable from either current theory or management experience. Therefore, each action can be considered not only as an adaptive management experiment focused on sustaining targets, but also contributing to ecological theory and restoration practice on a broader scale.  相似文献   

Mound-building mice (Mus spicilegus) construct large and often enormous mounds, which may have several functions, including food storage, thermoregulation, and protection from predators. We examined variation in mound size and composition to help determine their adaptive significance. Like previous studies, we found much variation in mound size within and between geographic populations, and the main differences were between habitats: we found up to a 700-fold variation in mound size between corn fields and harvested grain fields. Mice mainly utilized three plants (Amaranthus spp., Chenopdium spp. and Setaria spp.) as building materials, and the availability of these may affect mound size. We found a positive correlation between the availability of plant material in the surrounding of the mound and mound size. Surprisingly, mound size was independent of the number of inhabitants within the mounds, which indicates that larger mounds are not constructed to shelter more individuals. Future studies need to examine how variation in mound size and composition affects overwinter survival, and also which individuals contribute to mound construction.  相似文献   

Long-lived birds often face a dilemma between self-maintenance and reproduction. In order to maximize fitness, some seabird parents alternate short trips to collect food for offspring with long trips for self-feeding (bimodal foraging strategy). In this study, we examined whether temporal and spatial variation in the quality of foraging grounds affect provisioning and fledging success of a long-lived, bimodal forager, the little auk (Alle alle), the most abundant seabird species in the Arctic ecosystem. We predicted that an increase in sea surface temperature (SST), with an associated decrease in the preferred Arctic zooplankton prey, would increase foraging trip durations, decrease chick provisioning rates and decrease chick fledging success. Chick provisioning and survival were observed during three consecutive years (2008–2010) at two colonies with variable foraging conditions in Spitsbergen: Isfjorden and Magdalenefjorden. We found that a change in SST (range 1.6–5.4 °C) did not influence trip durations or provisioning rates. SST was, however, negatively correlated with the number of prey items delivered to a chick. Furthermore, provisioning rates did not influence chick’s probability to fledge; instead, SST was also negatively correlated with fledging probability. This was likely related to the prey availability and quality in the little auk’s foraging grounds. Our findings suggest that predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively influence the ability of parents to provide their chicks, and consequently, the fledging prospects of little auk chicks.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that postmitotic, terminally differentiated neurons activate the cell cycle before death. The purpose of this cell cycle activation, however, remains elusive. In proliferating cells, cell cycle machinery is a major contributor to the DNA damage response, which is comprised of growth arrest. In quiescent cells such as terminally differentiated neurons, cell cycle-associated events may also be part of the DNA damage response. A link between DNA damage and repair, cell cycle regulation and cell death is becoming increasingly recognized for cycling cells but remains elusive for quiescent cells. Neurons are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress due to the high rate of oxidative metabolism in the brain and the low level of antioxidant enzymes compared to other somatic tissues. This is supported by fact that the intracellular end point of many neurotoxic stimuli is oxidative stress, which also represents a major cause of the neuropathology underlying a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. DNA is perhaps the major target of oxyradicals. Thus, oxidative stress may cause DNA damage, which is countered by a complex defense mechanism, the DNA damage response, which involves not only the elimination of DNA damage, but its coordination with other cellular processes such as cell-cycle progression, together directing to preserve genomic integrity. The function of such response is the removal of DNA damage by DNA repair pathways, or the elimination of damaged cells via apoptosis. The present review discusses the idea that the cell cycle machinery is a critical element of the DNA damage response not only in cycling, but also quiescent cells, and may bear the same function: to repair the damage or initiate apoptosis if the damage is too extensive to be repaired.  相似文献   

Queens in primitively eusocial insect societies are morphologically indistinguishable from their workers, and occupy the highest position in the dominance hierarchy. Such queens are believed to use aggression to maintain worker activity and reproductive monopoly in the colony. However, in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, the queen is a strikingly docile individual, who interacts rarely with her workers. If the queen is experimentally removed, one of the workers becomes extremely aggressive within minutes, and eventually becomes the new queen of the colony. We designate her as the potential queen. Experimental evidence suggests that the queen probably uses a non-volatile pheromone to signal her presence to her workers. Here we attempt to identify the mechanism by which the queen transmits information about her presence to the workers. We designate the time taken for the potential queen to realize the absence of the queen as the realization time and model the realization time as a function of the decay time of the queen's signal and the average signal age. We find that the realization time obtained from the model, considering only direct interactions (193.5 min) is too large compared to the experimentally observed value of 30 min. Hence we consider the possibility of signal transfer through relay. Using the Dijkstra's algorithm, we first establish the effectiveness of relay in such a system and then use experimental data to fit the model. We find that the realization time obtained from the model, considering relay (237.1 min) is also too large compared to the experimentally observed value of 30 min. We thus conclude that physical interactions, both direct and indirect (relay), are not sufficient to transfer the queen's signal in R. marginata. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the queen applies her pheromone on the nest material from where the workers can perceive it without having to physically interact with the queen.  相似文献   

Why do bees turn back and look?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The timing of learning of colour and shape of the food source, as well as of near-by landmarks, was examined exploiting a behaviour described recently, the Turn Back and Look behaviour (TBL): Bees departing from a novel food source after feeding turn around to view it at a short distance (Figs. 2, 3) before departing for the hive. They repeat this behaviour on several successive visits, termed the TBL phase (Fig. 5). To examine the function of the TBL, I trained individual bees in 4 different modes. In the first 3 they could view a food source or a landmark of a particular colour or shape during (i) arrival as well as departure, (ii) only arrival, and (iii) only departure; in the final mode (iv) the bees viewed one colour (or shape) on arrival, and another on departure. At the end of the TBL phase, the bees were tested by offering them a choice between the visual stimulus to which they were trained (modes i–iii) and a different (novel) one, or between the stimulus viewed on arrival and that viewed on departure (mode iv). The test results show that learning after feeding (while performing the TBL), i.e. backward conditioning, occurs regardless of whether the colour (Fig. 6, Fig. 10a) or shape (Fig. 7) of the food source, or the colour (Fig. 10b), shape (Fig. 11), and position (Fig. 12) of a near-by landmark is considered. Bees trained in mode (iv) preferred the stimulus learned on arrival over that learned on departure in almost all cases. However, a stimulus viewed exclusively on departure (mode iii) was often learned as well as when it was viewed exclusively on arrival (mode ii) (Figs. 10a, 11, 12), or both on arrival and departure (mode i) (Fig. 6). The finding that the timing of learning can be manipulated suggests that it is not based on hard wired predispositions to learn particular visual cues on arrival, and others on departure.  相似文献   

Why do cladocerans fail to control algal blooms?   总被引:7,自引:19,他引:7  
Field studies show that even at high nutrient loads phytoplankton may be kept at low levels by filter-feeding zooplankton for a period of weeks (spring clear water phase in lakes) or months (low-stocked fish-ponds). In the absence of planktivorous fish, large-bodied cladocerans effectively control the abundance of algae of a broad size spectrum. Laboratory experiments show that, although difficult to handle and of poor nutritional value, filamentous algae can also be utilized by large-bodiedDaphnia and prevented from population increase, exactly as the principles of the biomanipulation approach would predict. This is not always the case, however. Even when released from predation, large cladocerans often cannot grow and reproduce fast enough to prevent bloom formation. Sometimes, they disappear when the bloom becomes dense, and the biomanipulation approach is not applicable any more. Recent experimental data on four differently-sizedDaphnia species are used in an attempt to (1) explain why cladocerans fail to control filamentous cyanobacteria when filament density is high, and (2) determine the critical filament density at whichDaphnia becomes ineffective. At this critical concentration,Daphnia growth and reproduction is halted, and no positive numerical response to growing phytoplankton standing crop should be expected fromDaphnia population. Bloom formation thus becomes irreversible. The question of what can be done to overcome this bottleneck of the biomanipulation approach may become one of the most challenging questions in plankton ecology in the nearest future.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, early arrival on breeding sites is typically associated with greater breeding success, but the mechanisms driving these benefits are rarely known. One mechanism through which greater breeding success among early arrivers can potentially be achieved is the increased time available for replacement clutches following nest loss. However, the contribution of replacement clutches to breeding success will depend on seasonal variation in nest survival rates, and the consequences for juvenile recruitment of hatching at different times in the season. In particular, lower recruitment rates of late‐hatched chicks could offset the benefits to early arrivers of being able to lay replacement clutches, which would reduce the likelihood of replacement clutch opportunities influencing selection on migratory timings. Using a simulation model of time‐constrained capacity for replacement clutches, paramaterized with empirically‐derived estimates from avian migratory systems, we show that greater reproductive success among early‐arriving individuals can arise solely through the greater time capacity for replacement clutches among early arrivers, even when later renesting attempts contribute fewer recruits to the population. However, these relationships vary depending on the seasonal pattern of nest survival. The benefits of early arrival are greatest when nest survival rates are constant or decline seasonally, and early arrival is least beneficial when nest success rates increase over the breeding season, although replacement clutches can mitigate this effect. The time benefits of early arrival facilitating replacement clutches following nest loss may therefore be an important but overlooked source of selection on migratory timings. Empirical measures of seasonal variation in nest survival, renesting, and juvenile recruitment rates are therefore needed in order to identify the costs and benefits associated with individual migration phenology, the selection pressures influencing migratory timings, and the implications for ongoing shifts in migration and breeding phenology.  相似文献   

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