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Leaving the water to bask (usually in the sun) is a common behavior for many freshwater turtles, with some species also engaging in “nocturnal basking.” Ectoparasite removal is an obvious hypothesis to explain nocturnal basking and has also been proposed as a key driver of diurnal basking. However, the efficacy of basking, day or night, to remove leeches has not been experimentally tested. Therefore, we examined the number of leeches that were removed from Krefft''s river turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii) after experimentally making turtles bask at a range of times of day, durations, and temperatures. Turtles had high initial leech loads, with a mean of 32.1 leeches per turtle. Diurnal basking under a heat lamp for 3 hr at ~28°C significantly reduced numbers of leeches relative to controls. In diurnal trials, 90.9% of turtles lost leeches (mean loss of 7.1 leeches per turtle), whereas basking for 30 min under the same conditions was not effective (no turtles lost leeches, and all turtles were still visibly wet). Similarly, “nocturnal basking” at ~23°C for 3 hr was not effective at removing leeches. Only 18% of turtles lost leeches (one turtle lost one leech and another lost four leeches). Diurnal basking outdoors under direct sunlight for 20 min (mean temp = 34.5°C) resulted in a small reduction in leeches, with 50% of turtles losing leeches and an average loss of 0.7 leeches per turtle. These results indicate basking can remove leeches if temperatures are high or basking durations are long. However, it was only effective at unusually long basking durations in this system. Our data showed even the 20‐min period was longer than 70.1% of natural diurnal basking events, many of which took place at cooler temperatures. Therefore, leech removal does not appear to be the purpose of the majority of basking events.  相似文献   

Many ectotherms bask in the sun as a behavioural mechanism to increase body temperature and facilitate metabolism, digestion or gamete production, among other functions. Such behaviours are common during the day, but some nocturnal species are also known to thermoregulate at night, in the absence of solar radiation, through shifts in body posture or microhabitat selection. Additionally, recent work has documented nocturnal basking in freshwater turtles in tropical Australia, though the purpose of the behaviour remains unknown. Here, we have built upon that work to test: 1. seasonal differences, 2. the influence of environmental factors and 3. the influence of anthropogenic development (e.g. river-front houses) on nocturnal basking behaviour. We visually surveyed transects repeatedly at night on the Ross River, Townsville, QLD, Australia from March to November 2020 and documented nocturnal basking in both freshwater turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii) and freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni). For both taxa, we found significantly more nocturnal basking activity during the hotter months. Likewise, water surface temperature significantly influenced nocturnal basking in both taxa, especially when water temperatures were both high and warmer than air temperatures. We propose that nocturnal basking provides a mechanism for thermoregulatory cooling when water temperatures are high (e.g. 30°C) and above-preferred temperatures. After accounting for availability in basking habitat, both turtles and crocodiles basked more frequently on the undeveloped side of the river, suggesting avoidance of human activity or disturbance. This study is the first to document nocturnal basking activity temporally throughout the year as well as the first to identify the influences of environmental factors. Nocturnal thermoregulation has been documented in many reptiles, however, thermoregulatory cooling in tropical systems is less well-known.  相似文献   

The timing of birth is often correlated with offspring fitness in animals, but experimental studies that disentangle direct effects of parturition date and indirect effects mediated via variation in female traits are rare. In viviparous ectotherms, parturition date is largely driven by female thermal conditions, particularly maternal basking strategies. Our field and laboratory studies of a viviparous lizard (Niveoscincus ocellatus) show that earlier‐born offspring are more likely to survive through their first winter and are larger following that winter, than are later‐born conspecifics. Thus, the association between parturition date and offspring fitness is causal, rather than reflecting an underlying correlation between parturition date and maternal attributes. Survival selection on offspring confers a significant advantage for increased maternal basking in this species, mediated through fitness advantages of earlier parturition. We discuss the roles of environmentally imposed constraints and parent–offspring conflict in the evolution of maternal effects on parturition date.  相似文献   

Sociality has evolved independently many times in a diverse array of animal taxa. While sociality in some invertebrates, birds and mammals is relatively well understood, complex social behaviour in Squamate reptiles is a comparatively recent discovery. The extent to which social behaviour is phylogenetically constrained, or free to respond to environmental conditions is a key question in understanding sociality. We sampled 74 aggregations involving 137 individuals of a social lizard (Egernia stokesii) from 13 sites across a 96 250 km2 area showing a wide range of environmental conditions. Over all locations, 70% of the lizards were found in aggregations, supporting the previous suggestion that aggregation in this species is phylogenetically constrained. However, the size of aggregations was negatively related to spatial variation in aridity and daily variation in maximum temperature, suggesting that social behaviour also varied in response to harsh environmental conditions. Lizards aggregated more in arid areas and on cold days. Our results show that it is overly simplistic to regard social behaviour in E. stokesii as either phylogenetically constrained or environmentally determined. A more nuanced appreciation of the extent to which social behaviour is free to vary in response to environmental conditions improves our understanding of social behaviour in Squamate reptiles.  相似文献   

The relationship between acute thermal tolerance and habitat temperature in ectotherm animals informs about their thermal adaptation and is used to assess thermal safety margins and sensitivity to climate warming. We studied this relationship in an equatorial freshwater snail (Clea nigricans), belonging to a predominantly marine gastropod lineage (Neogastropoda, Buccinidae). We found that tolerance of heating and cooling exceeded average daily maximum and minimum temperatures, by roughly 20 °C in each case. Because habitat temperature is generally assumed to be the main selective factor acting on the fundamental thermal niche, the discordance between thermal tolerance and environmental temperature implies trait conservation following ‘in situ’ environmental change, or following novel colonisation of a thermally less-variable habitat. Whereas heat tolerance could relate to an historical association with the thermally variable and extreme marine intertidal fringe zone, cold tolerance could associate with either an ancestral life at higher latitudes, or represent adaptation to cooler, higher-altitudinal, tropical lotic systems. The broad upper thermal safety margin (difference between heat tolerance and maximum environmental temperature) observed in this snail is grossly incompatible with the very narrow safety margins typically found in most terrestrial tropical ectotherms (insects and lizards), and hence with the emerging prediction that tropical ectotherms, are especially vulnerable to environmental warming. A more comprehensive understanding of climatic vulnerability of animal ectotherms thus requires greater consideration of taxonomic diversity, ecological transition and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

1. Predicted increases in the temperature of freshwaters is likely to affect how prey species respond to predators. We investigated how the predator avoidance behaviour of the freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis is influenced by the temperature at which it was reared and that at which behavioural trials were carried out. 2. Crawl‐out behaviour of juvenile snails from two populations (high predation risk versus low predation risk) reared at either 15 or 20 °C was assessed in response to predation cues (predatory fish kairomones and conspecific alarm cues) in behavioural trials at both 15 and 20 °C. 3. Trial temperature had a significant effect on the time that snails spent in avoidance, regardless of their population of origin. Crawl‐out behaviour was greater during behavioural trials at 15 °C, but there was no effect of trial temperature on the speed with which animals showed avoidance behaviour. 4. There was no interactive effect of rearing temperature (RT) and trial temperature, but the effect of RT on avoidance behaviour did differ between populations. For an RT of 15 °C, snails from the South Drain (high risk) population showed a more rapid and longer avoidance response than those from the Chilton Moor (low risk) population. In contrast, for snails reared at 20 °C, there was no difference between populations for the duration of the avoidance response and snails from Chilton Moor crawled out faster than those from South Drain. 5. Hence, whilst (predictable) differences relative to natural predation threat in crawl‐out behaviour were apparent at 15 °C, raising the developmental temperature to 20 °C eliminated or, in the case of latency, reversed these differences. This suggests that L. stagnalis populations that cohabit with predatory fish and experience high developmental temperatures may have a reduced ability to respond to fish predation risk.  相似文献   

Sexual selection influences the evolution of morphological traits that increase the likelihood of monopolizing scarce resources. When such traits are used during contests, they are termed weapons. Given that resources are typically linked to monopolizing mating partners, theory expects only males to bear weapons. In some species, however, females also bear weapons, although typically smaller than male weapons. Understanding why females bear smaller weapons can thus help us understand the selective pressures behind weapon evolution. However, most of our knowledge comes from studies on weapon size, while the biomechanics of weapons, such as the size of the muscles, efficiency, and shape are seldom studied. Our goal was to test if the theoretical expectations for weapon size sexual dimorphism also occur for weapon biomechanics using two aeglid crab species. Males of both species had larger claws which were also stronger than female claws. Male claws were also more efficient than females' claws (although we used only one species in this analysis). For weapon shape, though, only one species differed in the mean claw shape. Regarding scaling differences, in both species, male claws had higher size scaling than females, while only one species had a higher shape scaling. However, male weapons did not have higher scaling regarding strength and efficiency than females. Thus, males apparently allocate more resources in weapons than females, but once allocated, muscle and efficiency follow a similar developmental pathway in both sexes. Taken together, our results show that sexual dimorphism in weapons involves more than differences in size. Shape differences are especially intriguing because we cannot fully understand its causes. Yet, we highlight that such subtle differences can only be detected by measuring and analysing weapon shape and biomechanical components. Only then we might better understand how weapons are forged.  相似文献   

Stream restoration has become a multibillion dollar industry worldwide, yet there are few clear success stories and the scientific basis for effective stream restoration remains uncertain. We compiled data on completed river restoration projects from four management authorities in Victoria, Australia, to examine how the available data could inform the science of restoration ecology in rivers, and thus improve future restoration efforts. We found that existing data sources are limited and much historical information has been lost through industry restructuring and poor data archiving. Examining records for 2,247 restoration projects, we found that riparian management projects were the most common, followed by bank stabilization and in‐stream habitat improvement. Only 14% of the project records indicated that some form of monitoring was carried out. It is evident that overall there is little scientific guidance and little or no monitoring and evaluation of the projects for which we had information. However, recent advances with mandatory, statewide reporting and an increased emphasis on project design and monitoring strongly suggest that the design, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of stream restoration projects have improved in recent years and will continue to do so.  相似文献   

Abstract The concept of ‘ant mosaics’ has been established to describe the structure of arboreal ant communities in plantations and other relatively simple forest systems. It is essentially built upon the existence of negative and positive associations between ant species plus the concept of dominance hierarchies. Whether this concept can be applied to ant communities in more complex mature tropical rain forests has been questioned by some authors. Here we demonstrate that some previous attempts to prove or disprove the existence of such ant mosaics sampled by knockdown insecticide canopy fogging in near pristine tropical forests may have been thwarted by poor statistical power and too coarse spatial resolution, and the conclusions may be highly dependent on ant species and forest stratum selected for the study. Moreover, the presence or absence of ant mosaics may be driven by the density of suitable resources. We use an intensively studied ant community in the lowland rainforests of North‐East Queensland, Australia to outline processes that may lead to ant mosaic patterns, reasoning that competition for highly predictable resources in space and time such as honeydew and nectar is a fundamental process to maintain the mosaic structure. Honeydew and nectar sources, particularly their amino acids, are of crucial importance for nourishment of arboreal ant species. We use canopy fogging data from the same site in Australia and from two mature rainforests in South‐East Asia to compare spatial avoidance and co‐occurrence patterns implied by ant mosaics. Significant negative and positive associations were found among the three most abundant ant species in each dataset. Several problems with such spatial analyses are discussed, and we suggest that studies of ant mosaics in complex rainforest communities would benefit from a more focused approach on patterns of resource distribution and their differential utilisation by ants.  相似文献   

Levels of specialization of the pollination systems were evaluated in 155 plant species from the Venezuelan Central Plain. In all, 29 pollination systems were found, resulting from various combinations of nine pollen‐vector types or pollinating agent classes. The number of pollen‐vector types composing a pollination system ranged from one to five. Ninety‐one species were pollinated by only a single pollen‐vector type; the frequency of pollination systems fell monotonically with increasing number of constituent pollen‐vector types. Some 30–40 per cent of bee‐, moth‐, beetle‐ and bat‐pollinated species were pollinated by that group of vectors alone. The highest incidence of co‐occurrence between pollen‐vector types was found for the combinations fly–wasp, butterfly–wasp, butterfly–fly, and to a lesser extent bird–butterfly, bat–bird, bat–moth and butterfly–moth. The average number of pollen‐vector types per plant species was significantly higher for trees and shrubs than for lianas and perennial herbs. The distribution of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily was significantly associated with life form and habitat. The relative frequencies of these types varied least through the year in the forest‐savannah ecotone and in the vegetation as a whole, reflecting the combination of life forms. There were significantly fewer night‐pollinated than day‐pollinated species. Day‐pollinated species tended to be polyphilous, and most of the night‐pollinated species were monophilous or oligophilous. Time of pollination activity was related to habitat. The relative importance of night pollination among life forms decreased from trees to perennial herbs. Plant species exclusively pollinated during the night reached a peak during the rainy season (May to November) for trees, lianas and perennial herbs. The data as a whole show that the relative frequency of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily, and the time of pollination activity are influenced by community structure and plant species richness, and may change from season to season. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 145 , 1–16.  相似文献   

For many aquatic organisms, olfactory-mediated behaviour is essential to the maintenance of numerous fitness-enhancing activities, including foraging, reproduction and predator avoidance. Studies in both freshwater and marine ecosystems have demonstrated significant impacts of anthropogenic acidification on olfactory abilities of fish and macroinvertebrates, leading to impaired behavioural responses, with potentially far-reaching consequences to population dynamics and community structure. Whereas the ecological impacts of impaired olfactory-mediated behaviour may be similar between freshwater and marine ecosystems, the underlying mechanisms are quite distinct. In acidified freshwater, molecular change to chemical cues along with reduced olfaction sensitivity appear to be the primary causes of olfactory-mediated behavioural impairment. By contrast, experiments simulating future ocean acidification suggest that interference of high CO2 with brain neurotransmitter function is the primary cause for olfactory-mediated behavioural impairment in fish. Different physico-chemical characteristics between marine and freshwater systems are probably responsible for these distinct mechanisms of impairment, which, under globally rising CO2 levels, may lead to strikingly different consequences to olfaction. While fluctuations in pH may occur in both freshwater and marine ecosystems, marine habitat will remain alkaline despite future ocean acidification caused by globally rising CO2 levels. In this synthesis, we argue that ecosystem-specific mechanisms affecting olfaction need to be considered for effective management and conservation practices.  相似文献   

Abstract The germinable soil seed bank of a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was found to be dominated by grasses and forbs, with seed bank density ranging from 58 to 792 seeds per square metre, from a total of 53 species. Late dry season fires and the fire‐related cues, heat shock and smoke, broke the seed dormancy of a range of tropical savanna species. Heat shock promoted the germination of the species groups natives, exotics, subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and the common species Indigofera hirsuta, Pycnospora lutescens and Triumfetta rhomboidea. Exposure to smoke at ambient temperature promoted germination from the soil seed bank of the species groups combined natives, upright perennial forbs and grasses, as well as the common grasses Digitaria breviglumis and Heteropogon triticeus. The germinable soil seed bank varied seasonally, increasing from the mid wet season (February) and early dry season (May) to a maximum in the late dry season (October). The effect of recent fire history on soil seed bank dynamics was limited to the immediate release of some seed from dormancy; a reduction in seed densities of subshrubs and monocots, other than grasses, in recently burnt savanna; and enhanced seed density of the ephemeral I. hirsuta in the year following fire. The seed banks of most savanna species were replenished in the year following burning.  相似文献   

  1. Water development threatens rivers and their biodiversity. Amphidromous shrimp are particularly vulnerable as they require migration between freshwater and estuaries to complete their life cycle. The Fitzroy River is a large tropical intermittent river undergoing water development that is home to the amphidromous shrimp Macrobrachium spinipes (cherabin), yet little is known about its habitat use and flow-ecology making it difficult to inform sustainable water-take.
  2. We investigated habitat associations, distributional patterns suggestive of amphidromy, and the influence of water availability by sampling main channel and floodplain pools along a 350-km river length during 2 contrasting flow years. Applying a size-specific abundance model, we estimated abundance per size class, site, and year. We then predicted abundance at the landscape scale with remotely sensed water to reveal the impact of water availability on the meta-population.
  3. Our model revealed that juveniles were in greatest abundance in downstream main channel pools, whereas adults were in greatest abundance in upstream floodplain pools. Abundance varied by year with lower numbers predicted in the low-flow year. Longitudinal and habitat patterns remained when our pool-level results were scaled to the landscape, and the positive relationship of abundance to wet-season flow was strengthened. The predominance of smaller cherabin in the lower reaches of the river provides indirect support for an estuarine nursery and amphidromous life history; however, small individuals observed in landlocked pools, during late dry season suggests possible within-river recruitment.
  4. The importance of water development policies that protect wet-season flow and passage along the Fitzroy River is supported by this work. These types of policies are likely to be important for this and other amphidromous shrimp species across Australia, Southeast Asia and further afield. Further research detailing the species life history and describing flow–recruitment relationships will be important contributions to understanding this important taxonomic group and refining policies for current and future water resource development.

Many invasive taxa are hybrids, but how hybridization boosts the invasive process remains poorly known. We address this question in the clonal freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata from Martinique, using three parental and two hybrid lines. We combine an extensive field survey (1990-2003) and a quantitative genetic experiment to show that hybrid lines have outcompeted their parents in natural habitats, and that this increased invasiveness co-occurred with pronounced shifts in life-history traits, such as growth, fecundity and juvenile size. Given the little time between hybrid creation and sampling, and the moderate standing genetic variance for life-history traits in hybrids, we show that some of the observed trait changes between parents and hybrids were unlikely to arise only by continuous selection. We therefore suggest that a large part of hybrid advantage stems from immediate heterosis upon hybridization.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of water restriction on wool and blood cortisol concentrations and water consumption patterns in heat-stressed sheep. Nine Corriedale female sheep (average BW=43±6.5 kg) were individually fed diets based on maintenance requirement in metabolic crates. They were assigned to three treatments according to a Latin square design (3×3) for three periods with a 21-day duration for each period (nine sheep per treatment). Treatments included free access to water (FAW), 2 h water restriction (2hWR) and 3 h water restriction (3hWR) after feeding. Average temperature–humidity index in the experimental room was 27.9 throughout the experiment that defines heat stress conditions. Wool samples were taken at the end of each period on day 21. No differences were found in cortisol concentration in each fragment (dried, washed and residual extract) of wool (P<0.05). Total wool cortisol concentration was higher in the 3hWR group than the other treatments (P<0.05). Blood cortisol was not different among the treatments (P>0.05) and resulted in higher variable data compared with wool cortisol. Blood neutrophils and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio suppressed in FAW and 3hWR groups compared with the 2hWR group (P<0.05). The duration of water consumption recorded after feeding in the 3hWR group was higher than in the 2hWR group when recorded in the afternoon (P<0.01). Water consumption rate was higher in the 3hWR group than in the 2hWR group (P<0.01). However, total water consumed was lower in the 3hWR group compared with other treatments (P>0.05). It can be concluded that wool cortisol provides more precise and accurate data than blood cortisol during heat stress conditions. Water restriction for 3 h after feeding can act as a stressor and is critical for sheep during heat stress as the consumption of water decreases with restriction.  相似文献   

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