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The present contribution is chiefly a review, augmented by some new results on amphioxus and lamprey anatomy, that draws on paleontological and developmental data to suggest a scenario for cranial cartilage evolution in the phylum chordata. Consideration is given to the cartilage-related tissues of invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and some fossil groups like vetulicolians) as well as in the two major divisions of the subphylum Vertebrata (namely, agnathans, and gnathostomes). In the invertebrate chordates, which can be considered plausible proxy ancestors of the vertebrates, only a viscerocranium is present, whereas a neurocranium is absent. For this situation, we examine how cartilage-related tissues of this head region prefigure the cellular cartilage types in the vertebrates. We then focus on the vertebrate neurocranium, where cyclostomes evidently lack neural-crest derived trabecular cartilage (although this point needs to be established more firmly). In the more complex gnathostome, several neural-crest derived cartilage types are present: namely, the trabecular cartilages of the prechordal region and the parachordal cartilage the chordal region. In sum, we present an evolutionary framework for cranial cartilage evolution in chordates and suggest aspects of the subject that should profit from additional study.  相似文献   

Due to the peculiar morphology of its preotic head, lampreys have long been treated as an intermediate animal which links amphioxus and gnathostomes. To reevaluate the segmental theory of classical comparative embryology, mesodermal development was observed in embryos of a lamprey, Lampetra japonica, by scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Signs of segmentation are visible in future postotic somites at an early neurula stage, whereas the rostral mesoderm is unsegmented and rostromedially confluent with the prechordal plate. The premandibular and mandibular mesoderm develop from the prechordal plate in a caudal to rostral direction and can be called the preaxial mesoderm as opposed to the caudally developing gastral mesoderm. With the exception of the premandibular mesoderm, the head mesodermal sheet is secondarily regionalized by the otocyst and pharyngeal pouches into the mandibular mesoderm, hyoid mesoderm, and somite 0. The head mesodermal components never develop into cephalic myotomes, but the latter develop only from postotic somites. These results show that the lamprey embryo shows a typical vertebrate phylotype and that the basic mesodermal configuration of vertebrates already existed prior to the split of agnatha-gnathostomata; lamprey does not represent an intermediate state between amphioxus and gnathostomes. Unlike interpretations of theories of head segmentation that the mesodermal segments are primarily equivalent along the axis, there is no evidence in vertebrate embryos for the presence of preotic myotomes. We conclude that mesomere-based theories of head metamerism are inappropriate and that the formulated vertebrate head should possess the distinction between primarily unsegmented head mesoderm which includes preaxial components at least in part and somites in the trunk which are shared in all the known vertebrate embryos as the vertebrate phylotype.  相似文献   

Neo-darwinian and population genetics theory assumes that the necessary and sufficient set of conditions for all genetic, therefore evolutionary, change has been identified. Punctuationalists have assumed the opposite and cite the fossil record as evidence for change too rapid to be explained in neo-darwinian theory. Data is given here to provide estimates of the rate of evolution in hominid fossils, in living populations, and of that rate which would qualify as punctuational in the hominid fossil record. Evolution in living populations is orders of magnitude greater than that found in the fossil record and far greater than necessary to create apparently instantaneous saltations in the fossil record. It is suggested that such saltations may not represent more rapid rates of evolution but, rather, the persistence of evolutionary change in a given direction for a longer than normal period.  相似文献   

Blocking endogenous FGF-2 activity prevents cranial osteogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Normal growth and morphogenesis of the cranial vault reflect a balance between cell proliferation in the sutures and osteogenesis at the margins of the cranial bones. In the clinical condition craniosynostosis, the sutures fuse prematurely as a result of precocious osteogenic differentiation and craniofacial malformation results. Mutations in several fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) genes have now been identified as being responsible for the major craniosynostotic syndromes. We have used a grafting technique to manipulate the levels of endogenous FGF-2 ligand in embryonic chick cranial vaults and thereby perturb morphogenesis. Implantation of beads loaded with FGF-2 did not affect normal cranial development at physiological concentrations, although they elicited a morphogenetic response in the limb. Implantation of beads loaded with a neutralising antibody to FGF-2 generated a concentration-dependent response. When a single bead was implanted, the grafts grew to a massive size as a result of increased cell division in the tissue. With greater inactivation of FGF-2 protein (two to three beads implanted), all further bone differentiation and cell proliferation was blocked. These data further support the emerging idea that the intensity of FGF-mediated signalling determines the developmental fate of the skeletogenic cells in the cranial vault. High and low levels correlate with differentiation and proliferation, respectively. A balance between the two ensures normal cranial vault morphogenesis. This is consistent with the observation that several FGFR mutations causing craniosynostosis result in constitutive activation of the receptor.  相似文献   

In the past year, studies on protochordates have provided evidence that many features that we take to be indicative of the vertebrates were evident early in chordate evolution. Furthermore, many of the important developmental regulatory genes have also been identified in these invertebrates. Finally, we are also gaining a better insight into how the vertebrate genome itself evolved.  相似文献   

Vertebrate head development is a classical topic lately invigorated by methodological as well as conceptual advances. In contrast to the classical segmentalist views going back to idealistic morphology, the head is now seen not as simply an extension of the trunk, but as a structure patterned by different mechanisms and tissues. Whereas the trunk paraxial mesoderm imposes its segmental pattern on adjacent tissues such as the neural crest derivatives, in the head the neural crest cells carry pattern information needed for proper morphogenesis of mesodermal derivatives, such as the cranial muscles. Neural crest cells make connective tissue components which attach the muscle fiber to the skeletal elements. These crest cells take their origin from the same visceral arch as the muscle cells, even when the skeletal elements to which the muscle attaches are from another arch. The neural crest itself receives important patterning influences from the pharyngeal endoderm. The origin of jaws can be seen as an exaptation in which a heterotopic shift of the expression domains of regulatory genes was a necessary step that enabled this key innovation. The jaws are patterned by Dlx genes expressed in a nested pattern along the proximo-distal axis, analogous to the anterior–posterior specification governed by Hox genes. Knocking out Dlx 5 and 6 transforms the lower jaw homeotically into an upper jaw. New data indicate that both upper and lower jaw cartilages are derived from one, common anlage traditionally labelled the “mandibular” condensation, and that the “maxillary” condensation gives rise to other structures such as the trabecula. We propose that the main contribution from evolutionary developmental biology to solving homology questions lies in deepening our biological understanding of characters and character states.  相似文献   

Summary In the evolution of land-living vertebrates, the transition from spending the entire life cycle in the water to first a biphasic (adult on land, eggs and larvae in water) and later a terrestrial life-history mode was achieved by changes in developmental processes and regulatory mechanisms. Lungfishes, salamanders and frogs are studied as examples of species which span this transition. The migration and fate of the embryonic cells that form the head is studied, using experimental embryology (extirpation and transplantation of cells), molecular markers and novel microscopy techniques — such as confocal microscopy. Knowing the migratory routes and fates of the cells that form head structures is important for an elucidation of the changes that took place e.g. when gill arches transformed into head cartilages, and when the specialised larval mouth structures present in today’s frogs and toads arose as an evolutionary innovation. Results so far indicate that the early migration and pattern formation of neural crest cells in the head region is surprisingly conserved. Both the amphibians investigated and the Australian lungfish have the same number of migrating neural crest streams, and the identity of the streams is preserved. The major difference lies in the timing of migration, where there has been a heterochronic shift such that cell migration starts much later in the Australian lungfish than in the amphibians. The molecular mechanisms regulating the formation of streams of cranial neural crest cells seem, at least in part, to be differential expression of ephrins and ephrin receptors, which mediate cell sorting. Our understanding of the behaviour of migrating cells (primarily the more well characterised neural crest cells) could be enhanced by a modelling approach. I present preliminary ideas on how this could be achieved, inspired by recent work on Dictyostelium development and our own previous work on pigment cells and their pattern formation during salamander embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The neural crest has long been regarded as one of the key novelties in vertebrate evolutionary history. Indeed, the vertebrate characteristic of a finely patterned craniofacial structure is intimately related to the neural crest. It has been thought that protochordates lacked neural crest counterparts. However, recent identification and characterization of protochordate genes such as Pax3/7, Dlx and BMP family members challenge this idea, because their expression patterns suggest remarkable similarity between the vertebrate neural crest and the ascidian dorsal midline epidermis, which gives rise to both epidermal cells and sensory neurons. The present paper proposes that the neural crest is not a novel vertebrate cell population, but may have originated from the protochordate dorsal midline epidermis. Therefore, the evolution of the vertebrate neural crest should be reconsidered in terms of new cell properties such as pluripotency, delamination-migration and the carriage of an anteroposterior positional value, key innovations leading to development of the complex craniofacial structure in vertebrates. Molecular evolutionary events involved in the acquisitions of these new cell properties are also discussed. Genome duplications during early vertebrate evolution may have played an important role in allowing delamination of the neural crest cells. The new regulatory mechanism of Hox genes in the neural crest is postulated to have developed through the acquisition of new roles by coactivators involved in retinoic acid signaling.  相似文献   

Summary The question of vertebrate head segmentation has become one of the central issues in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Beginning as a theory based in comparative anatomy, a segmental theory of the head has been adopted and further developed by comparative embryologists. With the use of molecular and cellular biology, and in particular analyses of the Hox gene complex, the question has been addressed at new levels, but it remains unresolved. In this review, vertebrate head segmentation is reevaluated, by introducing findings from experimental embryology and evolutionary biology. Developmental biology has shown that pattern is generated through hierarchically organized and causally linked series of events. The question of head segmentation can be viewed as a question of generative constraint, that is whether segmentation in the head is imposed by underlying segmental patterns, as it is in the trunk. In this respect, amphioxus appears to be segmented along the entire anteroposterior axis, with myotomes and peripheral nerves repeating with the same rhythm (somitomerism). Similarly, in the vertebrate trunk, the segmental patterns shared by myotomes, peripheral nerves and vertebrae are derived from the somites. However, in the head of vertebrates there is no such mesodermal pattern, although neuromerism and branchiomerism do indicate the presence of constraints derived from rhombomeres and pharyngeal pouches, respectively. These data fit better the concept of dual metamerism of the vertebrate body proposed by Romer (1972), than the traditional head cavity-based segmental model by Goodrich (1930).  相似文献   

Abstract Although pterosaurs are a well‐known lineage of Mesozoic flying reptiles, their fossil record and evolutionary dynamics have never been adequately quantified. On the basis of a comprehensive data set of fossil occurrences correlated with taxon‐specific limb measurements, we show that the geological ages of pterosaur specimens closely approximate hypothesized patterns of phylogenetic divergence. Although the fossil record has expanded greatly in recent years, collectorship still approximates a sigmoid curve over time as many more specimens (and thus taxa) still remain undiscovered, yet our data suggest that the pterosaur fossil record is unbiased by sites of exceptional preservation (lagerstätte). This is because as new species are discovered the number of known formations and sites yielding pterosaur fossils has also increased – this would not be expected if the bulk of the record came from just a few exceptional faunas. Pterosaur morphological diversification is, however, strongly age biased: rarefaction analysis shows that peaks of diversity occur in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous correlated with periods of increased limb disparity. In this respect, pterosaurs appear unique amongst flying vertebrates in that their disparity seems to have peaked relatively late in clade history. Comparative analyses also show that there is little evidence that the evolutionary diversification of pterosaurs was in any way constrained by the appearance and radiation of birds.  相似文献   

Carnivory has evolved independently several times in eutherian (including placental) and metatherian (including marsupial) mammals. We used geometric morphometrics to assess convergences associated with the evolution of carnivory across a broad suite of mammals, including the eutherian clades Carnivora and Creodonta and the metatherian clades Thylacoleonidae, Dasyuromorphia, Didelphidae and Borhyaenoidea. We further quantified cranial disparity across eutherians and metatherians to test the hypothesis that the marsupial mode of reproduction has constrained their morphological evolution. This study, to our knowledge the first to extensively sample pre-Pleistocene taxa, analysed 30 three-dimensional landmarks, focused mainly on the facial region, which were digitized on 130 specimens, including 36 fossil taxa. Data were analysed with principal components (PC) analysis, and three measures of disparity were compared between eutherians and metatherians. PC1 showed a shift from short to long faces and seemed to represent diet and ecology. PC2 was dominated by the unique features of sabre-toothed forms: dramatic expansion of the maxilla at the expense of the frontal bones. PC3, in combination with PC1, distinguished metatherians and eutherians. Metatherians, despite common comparisons with felids, were more similar to caniforms, which was unexpected for taxa such as the sabre-toothed marsupial Thylacosmilus. Contrary to previous studies, metatherian carnivores consistently exhibited disparity which exceeded that of the much more speciose eutherian carnivore radiations, refuting the hypothesis that developmental constraints have limited the morphological evolution of the marsupial cranium.  相似文献   

Marine organisms exhibit a wide range of egg sizes, even among closely related taxa, and egg size is widely considered to be one of the most important components of the life histories of marine species. The nature of the trade-off between egg size and number and the consequences of variation in egg size for offspring growth and survivorship have been extensively modeled. Yet, there is little empirical evidence that supports the relative importance of particular environmental parameters in engendering the tremendous variation in egg size seen in marine organisms. This study compares egg sizes between six geminate species pairs of bivalves in the family Arcidae to determine whether egg size differs in predictable directions between geminate species in the two oceans separated by the Central American isthmus, and whether the direction and timing of egg size evolution among geminates in this family is correlated with both modern and paleoceanographic patterns of oceanic productivity. In all modern members of six geminate pairs, egg size was larger in the species in the western Atlantic than in its sister species the eastern Pacific. This pattern supports the hypothesis that optimal egg size differs in the two oceans due to the low productivity and poor larval feeding environment in the western Atlantic relative to the eastern Pacific. The fossil record of one geminate pair shows that egg size has remained consistently large in the western Atlantic from the Miocene to the Recent, while egg size in the eastern Pacific has decreased to the current small size in less than 2 million years; this suggests that modern-day differences between egg sizes in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific are due to either an increase in productivity in the eastern Pacific and subsequent selection for smaller eggs in that ocean, or differential patterns of extinction that occurred well after the rise of the isthmus. These results agree with ancestral character state reconstruction using linear parsimony, but differ from squared-change parsimony reconstructions.  相似文献   

Species in the fossil record are population pools of genetic and phenetic variation at a place and time, morphologically recognizable and distinguishable from others by empirical standards. Change through time can be substantial, requiring subdivision of lineages that becomes more arbitrary as they become more complete. Evolution is about form, space, and time; it is about variation and change. Interpretation of species in the fossil record touches all of these.  相似文献   

Aim Our goals here are to: (1) assess the generality of one aspect of the island rule – the progressive trend towards decrease in size in larger species – for fossil carnivores on islands; (2) offer causal explanations for this pattern and deviations from it – as far as fossil carnivores are concerned; and (3) estimate the speed of this trend. Location Oceanic and oceanic‐like islands world‐wide. Methods Body size estimates of fossil insular carnivores and of their phylogenetically closest mainland relative were obtained from our own data and the published literature. Our dataset consisted of 18 species from nine islands world‐wide. These data were used to test whether the body size of fossil insular carnivores varies as a function of body size of the mainland species in combination with characteristics of the island ecosystem. Results Dwarfism was observed in two canid species. Moderate decrease in body mass was observed in one hyena species. Gigantism was observed in one otter species. Moderate body mass increase was observed in two otter species, one galictine mustelid and perhaps one canid. Negligible or no change in body mass at all was observed in five otter species, three galictine mustelids and one genet. Size changes in teeth do not lag behind in comparison to skeletal elements in the dwarfed canids. The evolutionary speed of dwarfism in a canid lineage is low. Main conclusions Size change in fossil terrestrial insular carnivores was constrained by certain ecological conditions, especially the availability of prey of appropriate body size. When such alternative prey was not available, the carnivores retained their mainland size. The impact of competitive carnivores seems negligible. The case of (semi‐)aquatic carnivores is much less clear. The species that maintained their ancestral body mass may have changed their diet, as is evidenced by their dentition. Among the otters, one case of significant size increase was observed, perhaps best explained as being due to it entering the niche of an obligate aquatic otter. Dwarfism was not observed in otters. The island rule seems to apply to fossil carnivores, but with exceptions. The dependency of the island rule on resource availability is emphasized by the present study.  相似文献   

The vertebrate peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of two groups of nerves that have a metamerical series of proximal roots along the body axis: the branchial and spinal nerves. Spinal nerve metamerism is brought about by the presence of somites, while that of the branchial nerves is, in part, intrinsic to rhombomeres, the segmental compartments of the hind-brain. As the distribution pattern of neural crest cells prefigures the morphology of the PNS, we constructed tissue-recombinant chick embryos in order to determine factors that might regulate the crest cell distribution pattern. When the segmental plate was transplanted between the hind-brain and the head mesoderm before crest cell emigration, it developed into ectopic somites that inhibited the dorsolateral migration of crest cells such that formation of the cranial nerve trunks was disturbed. Even so, proximal portions of the nerve roots were intact. An ectopic graft of lateral mesoderm did not inhibit the directional migration of the crest cells, but allowed their ectopic distribution, resulting in the fusion of cranial nerve trunks. When spinal neurectoderm was transplanted into the hind-brain, the graft behaved like an even-numbered rhombomere and caused the fusion of cranial nerve roots. The identity of the spinal neurectoderm was preserved in the ectopic site analyzed by the immunolocalization of Hoxb-5 protein, a spinal cord marker. We conclude that the spatial distribution of cephalic crest cells is regulated by successive processes that act on their proximal and distal distribution. The migratory behavior of crest cells is achieved partly by an embryonic environment that is dependent upon the presence of somitomeres, which do not epithelialize as somites, in the trunk.  相似文献   

The development and distribution of the cranial neural crest in the rat embryo   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary The head region of rat embryos was investigated by scanning electron microscopy after removal of the surface ectoderm with adhesive tape. Observations were made in embryos from 6-somite to 11-somite stages of development, in order to determine: (1) the sequence of emigration of neural crest cells from the different regions of the future brain; (2) the appearance of crest cells before, during, and after their conversion from an epithelial to a mesenchymal form; (3) the migration pathways.Emigration occurs first from the midbrain, and next from the rostral hindbrain; crest cells from these two regions migrate into the first visceral arch. Subsequently cells emigrate from the caudal hindbrain, but not in a rostrocaudal sequence. At the time of crest cell emigration, the neural fold morphology varies from a slightly convex, widely open plate (midbrain) to a closed tube (caudal hindbrain). Thus the timing of emigration is related neither to age (as reflected in rostrocaudal levels) nor to morphology of the neural epithelium.  相似文献   

Are protochordates chordates?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper challenges the widely accepted view that protochordates (lancelets and tunicates) should be included together with vertebrates within the monophyletic assemblage of the chordates since they share a few distinguishing characters, such as a dorsally located notochord and central nervous system (CNS). The homology of these axial structures is not supported convincingly by morphology and molecular biology. Besides, for notochord and CNS to be dorsal, the embryos of protochordates, unlike those of vertebrates, should be orientated with the blastopore coincident with the dorsal side. This embryonic orientation is never reported in other bilaterians and is inconsistent with the genetic control of the body axes. Alternatively, protochordates could be orientated just as the vertebrates according to the regulation of axial patterning. In this case, the notochord and CNS appear to be located on the ventral side. As suggested by molecular and structural data, they may correspond to the stomodaeal/ventral midline cells and CNS of gastroneuralians. This conclusion may have far-reaching implications concerning the origin of the vertebrates and the evolution of nervous systems and neural crest/placodes.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 261–284.  相似文献   

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