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A few spatiotemporal models of population dynamics are considered in relation to biological invasion and biological control. The patterns of spread in one and two spatial dimensions are studied by means of extensive numerical simulations. We show that, in the case that population multiplication is damped by the strong Allee effect (when the population growth rate becomes negative for small population density), in a certain parameter range the spread can take place not via the intuitively expected circular expanding population front but via motion and interaction of separate patches. Alternatively, the patchy spread can take place in a system without Allee effect as a result of strong environmental noise. We then show that the phenomenon of deterministic patchy invasion takes place ‘at the edge of extinction’ so that a small change of controlling parameters either brings the species to extinction or restores the travelling population fronts. Moreover, we show that the regime of patchy invasion in two spatial dimensions actually takes place when the species go extinct in the corresponding 1-D system.  相似文献   

Many populations introduced into a novel environment fail to establish. One underlying process is the Allee effect, i.e., the difficulty of individuals to survive and reproduce when rare, and the consequently low or negative population growth. Although observations showing a positive relation between initial population size and establishment probability suggest that the Allee effect could be widespread in biological invasions, experimental tests are scarce. Here, we used a biological control program against Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States to manipulate initial population size of the introduced parasitoid Aphelinus asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) originating from France. For eight populations and three generations after introduction, we studied spatial distribution and spread, density, mate-finding, and population growth. Dispersal was lower in small populations during the first generation. Smaller initial population size nonetheless resulted in lower density during the three generations studied. The proportion of mated females and the population sex ratio were not affected by initial population size or population density. Net reproductive rate decreased with density within each generation, suggesting negative density-dependence. But for a given density, net reproductive rate was smaller in populations initiated with few individuals than in populations initiated with many individuals. Hence, our results demonstrate a demographic Allee effect. Mate-finding is excluded as an underlying mechanism, and other component Allee effects may have been overwhelmed by negative density-dependence in reproduction. Impact of generalist predators could provide one potential explanation for the relationship between initial population size and net reproductive rate. However, the continuing effect of initial population size on population growth suggests genetic processes may have been involved in the observed demographic Allee effect.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) has substantial negative effects on grassland biodiversity, productivity, and economic benefit in North America. To predict these negative impacts, we need an appropriate plant-spread model which can simulate the response of an invading population to different control strategies. In this study, using a stochastic map lattice approach we generated a spatially explicitly stochastic process-based model to simulate dispersal trajectories of leafy spurge under various control scenarios. The model integrated dispersal curve, propagule pressure, and population growth of leafy spurge at local and short-temporal scales to capture spread features of leafy spurge at large spatial and long-temporal scales. Our results suggested that narrow-, medium-, and fat-tailed kernels did not differ in their ability to predict spread, in contrast to previous works. For all kernels, Allee effects were significantly present and could explain the lag phase (three decades) before leafy spurge spread accelerated. When simulating from the initial stage of introduction, Allee effects were critical in predicting spread rate of leafy spurge, because the prediction could be seriously affected by the low density period of leafy spurge community. No Allee effects models were not able to simulate spread rate well in this circumstance. When applying control strategies to the current distribution, Allee effects could stop the spread of leafy spurge; no Allee effects models, however, were able to slow but not stop the spread. The presence of Allee effects had significant ramifications on the efficiencies of control strategies. For both Allee and no Allee effects models, the later that control strategies were implemented, the more effort had to be input to achieve similar control results.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence successful colonization can help inform ecological theory and aid in the management of invasive species. When founder populations are small, individual fitness may be negatively impacted by component Allee effects through positive density dependence (e.g., mate limitation). Reproductive and survival mechanisms that suffer due to a shortage of conspecifics may scale up to be manifest in a decreased per-capita population growth rate (i.e., a demographic Allee effect). Mean-field population level models are limited in representing how component Allee effects scale up to demographic Allee effects when heterogeneous spatial structure influences conspecific availability. Thus, such models may not adequately characterize the probability of establishment. In order to better assess how individual level processes influence population establishment and spread, we developed a spatially explicit individual-based stochastic simulation of a small founder population. We found that increased aggregation can affect individual fitness and subsequently impact population growth; however, relatively slow dispersal—in addition to initial spatial structure—is required for establishment, ultimately creating a tradeoff between probability of initial establishment and rate of subsequent spread. Since this result is sensitive to the scaling up of component Allee effects, details of individual dispersal and interaction kernels are key factors influencing population level processes. Overall, we demonstrate the importance of considering both spatial structure and individual level traits in assessing the consequences of Allee effects in biological invasions.  相似文献   

Wang W  Liu H  Li Z  Guo Z  Yang Y 《Bio Systems》2011,105(1):25-33
Investigating the likely success of epidemic invasion is important in the epidemic management and control. In the present study, the invasion of epidemic is initially introduced to a predator-prey system, both species of which are considered to be subject to the Allee effect. Mathematically, the invasion dynamics is described by three nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations and the spatial implicit and explicit models are designed. By means of extensive numerical simulations, the results of spatial implicit model show that the Allee effect has an opposite impact on the invasion criteria and local dynamics when that on the different species. As the intensity of the Allee effect increases, the domain of epidemic invasion reduces and the system dynamics is changed from the stable state to the limit cycle and finally becomes the chaotic state when the susceptible prey with the Allee effect, but the domain expands and the system dynamics is changed from limit cycle to a table point when the predator is subject to the Allee effect. Results from the spatial explicit model show that the strong intensity of the Allee effect can lead to the catastrophic global extinction of all species in the case of that on the susceptible prey. While the predator with the Allee effect, the increased intensity of which makes spatial species reach a stable state. Furthermore, numerical simulations reveal a certain relationship between the invasion speed and spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies indicate that a single population under an Allee effect will decline to extinction if reduced below a particular threshold, but the existence of multiple local populations connected by random dispersal improves persistence of the global population. An additional process that can facilitate persistence is the existence of habitat selection by dispersers. Using analytic and simulation models of population change, I found that when habitat patches exhibiting Allee effects are connected by dispersing individuals, habitat selection by these dispersers increases the likelihood that patches persist at high densities, relative to results expected by random settlement. Populations exhibiting habitat selection also attain equilibrium more quickly than randomly dispersing populations. These effects are particularly important when Allee effects are large and more than two patches exist. Integrating habitat selection into population dynamics may help address why some studies have failed to find extinction thresholds in populations, despite well-known Allee effects in many species.  相似文献   

Allee effects can play a critical role in slowing or preventing the establishment of low density founder populations of non-indigenous species. Similarly, the spread of established invaders into new habitats can be influenced by the degree to which small founder populations ahead of the invasion front are suppressed through Allee effects. We develop an approach to use empirical data on the gypsy moth, a non-indigenous invader in North America, to quantify the Allee threshold across geographical regions, and we report that the strength of the Allee effect is subject to spatial and temporal variability. Moreover, we present what is to our knowledge the first empirical evidence that geographical regions with higher Allee thresholds are associated with slower speeds of invasion.  相似文献   

Unlike unconditionally advantageous "Fisherian" variants that tend to spread throughout a species range once introduced anywhere, "bistable" variants, such as chromosome translocations, have two alternative stable frequencies, absence and (near) fixation. Analogous to populations with Allee effects, bistable variants tend to increase locally only once they become sufficiently common, and their spread depends on their rate of increase averaged over all frequencies. Several proposed manipulations of insect populations, such as using Wolbachia or "engineered underdominance" to suppress vector-borne diseases, produce bistable rather than Fisherian dynamics. We synthesize and extend theoretical analyses concerning three features of their spatial behavior: rate of spread, conditions to initiate spread from a localized introduction, and wave stopping caused by variation in population densities or dispersal rates. Unlike Fisherian variants, bistable variants tend to spread spatially only for particular parameter combinations and initial conditions. Wave initiation requires introduction over an extended region, while subsequent spatial spread is slower than for Fisherian waves and can easily be halted by local spatial inhomogeneities. We present several new results, including robust sufficient conditions to initiate (and stop) spread, using a one-parameter cubic approximation applicable to several models. The results have both basic and applied implications.  相似文献   

Many species of invasive insects establish and spread in regions around the world, causing enormous economical and environmental damage, in particular in forests. Some of these insects are subject to an Allee effect whereby the population must surpass a certain threshold in order to establish. Recent studies have examined the possibility of exploiting an Allee effect to improve existing control strategies. Forests and most other ecosystems show natural spatial variation, and human activities frequently increase the degree of spatial heterogeneity. It is therefore imperative to understand how the interplay between this spatial variation and individual movement behavior affects the overall speed of spread of an invasion. To this end, we study an integrodifference equation model in a patchy landscape and with Allee growth dynamics. Movement behavior of individuals varies according to landscape quality. Our study focuses on how the speed of the resulting traveling periodic wave depends on the interaction between landscape fragmentation, patch-dependent dispersal, and Allee population dynamics.  相似文献   

Invasion of an exotic species initiated by its local introduction is considered subject to predator-prey interactions and the Allee effect when the prey growth becomes negative for small values of the prey density. Mathematically, the system dynamics is described by two nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations in two spatial dimensions. Regimes of invasion are studied by means of extensive numerical simulations. We show that, in this system, along with well-known scenarios of species spread via propagation of continuous population fronts, there exists an essentially different invasion regime which we call a patchy invasion. In this regime, the species spreads over space via irregular motion and interaction of separate population patches without formation of any continuous front, the population density between the patches being nearly zero. We show that this type of the system dynamics corresponds to spatiotemporal chaos and calculate the dominant Lyapunov exponent. We then show that, surprisingly, in the regime of patchy invasion the spatially average prey density appears to be below the survival threshold. We also show that a variation of parameters can destroy this regime and either restore the usual invasion scenario via propagation of continuous fronts or brings the species to extinction; thus, the patchy spread can be qualified as the invasion at the edge of extinction. Finally, we discuss the implications of this phenomenon for invasive species management and control.  相似文献   

Many demographic and other factors are sex-specific. To assess their impacts on population dynamics, we need sex-structured models. Such models have been shown to produce results different from those predicted by asexual models, yet need to explicitly consider mating dynamics. Modeling mating is challenging and no generally accepted formulation exists. Mating is often impaired at low densities due to difficulties of individuals in locating mates, a phenomenon termed a mate-finding Allee effect. Widely applied models of this Allee effect assume either that only male density determines the rate at which females mate or that male and female densities are equal. Contrarily, when detailed models of mating dynamics are sometimes developed, the female mating rate is rarely reported, making quantification of the mate-finding Allee effect difficult. Here, we develop an individual-based model of mating dynamics that accounts for spatial search of one sex for another, and quantify the rate at which females mate, depending on male and female densities and under a number of reasonable mating scenarios. We find that this rate increases with male and female densities (hence observing a mate-finding Allee effect), in a decelerating or sigmoid way, that mating can be most efficient at either low or high female densities, and that the mate search rate may undergo density-dependent selection. We also show that mate search trajectories evolve to be as straight as possible when targets are sedentary, yet that when targets move the search can be less straight without seriously affecting the female mating rate. Some recommendations for modeling two-sex population dynamics are also provided.  相似文献   

Top predators that forage in a purely exploitative manner on smaller stages of a size-structured prey population have been shown to exhibit an Allee effect. This Allee effect emerges from the changes that predators induce in the prey-population size distribution and represents a feedback of predator density on its own performance, in which the feedback operates through and is modified by the life history of the prey. We demonstrate that these emergent Allee effects will occur only if the prey, in the absence of predators, is regulated by density dependence in development through one of its juvenile stages, as opposed to regulation through adult fecundity. In particular, for an emergent Allee effect to occur, over-compensation is required in the maturation rate out of the regulating juvenile stage, such that a decrease in juvenile density will increase the total maturation rate to larger/older stages. If this condition is satisfied, predators with negative size selection, which forage on small prey, exhibit an emergent Allee effect, as do predators with positive size selection, which forage on large adult prey. By contrast, predators that forage on juveniles in the regulating stage never exhibit emergent Allee effects. We conclude that the basic life-history characteristics of many species make them prone to exhibiting emergent Allee effects, resulting in an increased likelihood that communities possess alternative stable states or exhibit catastrophic shifts in structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite the amplified threats of extinction facing small founder populations, successful colonization sometimes occurs, bringing devastating ecological and economic consequences. One explanation may be rapid evolution, which can increase mean fitness in populations declining towards extinction, permitting persistence and subsequent expansion. Such evolutionary rescue may be particularly important, given Allee effects. When a population is introduced at low density, individuals often experience a reduction in one or more components of fitness due to novel selection pressures that arise from diminished intraspecific interactions and positive density dependence (i.e. component Allee effects). A population can avoid extinction if it can adapt and recover on its own (i.e. evolutionary rescue), or if additional immigration sustains the population (i.e. demographic rescue) or boosts its genetic variation that facilitates adaptation (i.e. genetic rescue). These various forms of rescue have often been invoked as possible mechanisms for specific invasions, but their relative importance to invasion is not generally understood. Within a spatially explicit modelling framework, we consider the relative impact of each type of rescue on the probability of successful colonization, when there is evolution of a multi-locus quantitative trait that influences the strength of component Allee effects. We demonstrate that when Allee effects are important, the effect of demographic rescue via recurrent immigration overall provides the greatest opportunity for success. While highlighting the role of evolution in the invasion process, we underscore the importance of the ecological context influencing the persistence of small founder populations.  相似文献   

Allee效应与种群的灭绝密切相关,其研究对生态保护和管理至关重要。Allee效应对物种续存是潜在的干扰因素,濒危物种更容易受其影响,可能会增加生存于生境破碎化斑块的濒危物种的死亡风险,因此研究Allee效应对种群的动态和续存的影响是必要的。从包含由生物有机体对环境的修复产生的Allee效应的集合种群模型出发,引入由其他机制形成的Allee效应,建立了常微分动力系统模型和基于网格模型的元胞自动机模型。通过理论分析和计算机模拟表明:(1)强Allee效应不利于具有生境恢复的集合种群的续存;(2)生境恢复有利于种群续存;(3)局部扩散影响了集合种群的空间结构、动态行为和稳定性,生境斑块之间的局部作用将会减缓或消除集合种群的Allee效应,有利于集合种群的续存。  相似文献   

We critically review and classify models of single-species population dynamics subject to the demographic Allee effect with emphasis on non-spatial, deterministic approach. Inclusion of spatial movement and stochastic phenomena does not substantially change the behaviour; stochasticity only "blurs" step-like character of the Allee effect into a sigmoidal form. The outcome of all non-spatial, deterministic models is either unconditional extinction, extinction-survival scenario (ES), or unconditional survival. Three major model classes are recognized: (1) one-dimensional heuristic models, (2) one-dimensional models with mating probability and fixed sex ratio, and (3) two-sex models with variable adult sex ratio. Each class is characterized by the shape of extinction boundary which separates extinction from survival in the ES scenario. The latter two classes may give better predictions of extinction thresholds than heuristic models but require specific information and are data intensive. In one-dimensional models with fixed sex ratio, population cannot survive if density/number of males decreases below some threshold while there is no such restriction on females. Individual-based models seem to be most capable of explaining mechanisms leading to the Allee effect.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible-infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

During the early stages of invasion, the interaction between the features of the invaded landscape, notably its spatial structure, and the internal dynamics of an introduced population has a crucial impact on establishment and spread. By approximating introduction areas as networks of patches linked by dispersal, we characterised their spatial structure with specific metrics and tested their impact on two essential steps of the invasion process: establishment and spread. By combining simulations with experimental introductions of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in artificial laboratory microcosms, we demonstrated that spread was hindered by clusters and accelerated by hubs but was also affected by small‐population mechanisms prevalent for invasions, such as Allee effects. Establishment was also affected by demographic mechanisms, in interaction with network metrics. These results highlight the importance of considering the demography of invaders as well as the structure of the invaded area to predict the outcome of invasions.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible–infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

A common characteristic observed in many biological invasions is the existence of a lag between the time of arrival by the alien population and the time when established populations are noticed. Considerable advances have been made in modeling the expansion of invading species, and there is often remarkable congruence between the behavior of these models with spread of actual populations. While these models have been used to characterize expansion of very newly founded colonies, there have been few attempts to compare the behavior predicted from theory with spread in actual newly founded populations, largely due to the difficulty of sampling sparse populations. Models predict that time lags in the radial expansion of newly invaded populations may be due to time requirements for the population to grow from founding to detectable levels. Models also indicate that these time lags can be predicted based upon population parameters such as the intrinsic rate of population growth and diffusion coefficient. In this paper, we compared the behavior of these models with historical data on gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, establishment and spread to show similarities between model predictions and observed population spread, both of which exhibited temporal lags of expansion. However, actual populations exhibited certain behaviors that were not predicted, and this could be due, in part, to the existence of Allee effects and stochasticity. Further work that incorporates these effects is needed to more fully understand the growth of incipient colonies of invading species. Ultimately, this information can be of critical importance in the selection of effective strategies for their detection and eradication.  相似文献   

Allee效应对物种的续存是潜在的干扰因素,在很大程度上将增加种群局部甚至全局灭绝的可能性。对许多物种,尤其是濒临物种更容易受其影响。将Allee效应引入囚徒困境博弈模型,通过理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法分析讨论了Allee效应对合作进化的影响。研究结果表明:在恶劣的环境条件下,Allee效应极易使物种灭绝,不利于合作进化;在相对优越的环境条件下(死亡率较低),Allee效应促进合作进化,且Allee效应强度越强,更有利于合作进化,不过种群的空间斑块占有率也会随着Allee效应强度的增强而降低,使物种最终灭绝。  相似文献   

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